#op this is the best song ever you have failed at your mission im sorry
akasugaro · 5 years
that one through fifty thing bc i write books and this seems like a cool thing to do
Delilah Fae/Violette Monroe -  my self insert bc im a narcissist 
1. A little-known talent of your OC?
She can sing pretty well.
2. What trait does your OC like best about themself? (Eyes, guitar skills, random bird facts, etc)
Her 87% survival rate.  There were a few times where she died, but she always came back.
3. How many pillows does your OC sleep with?
Two.  Always two.  Unless they’re especially flat, then it’s three.
4. Is your OC good at keeping secrets?
Well, no one knows she’s basically a God.
5. Your OC’s worst habit?
She flirts with everyone.  Literally everyone.  It gets her into trouble more often than she’d like to admit.
6. Does your OC prefer tennis shoes/sneakers or flip flops?
Flip flops.  She feels trapped in sneakers.  She likes to be able to take them off and put them back on without any special effort.
7. What is your OC’s opinion on body modifications?
She loves them.  She’s gotten many, taken them out, gotten them again, so on.  She’s just very indecisive.
8. Your OC is given a full-ride scholarship to any college they could want to go to. Where do they go and what do they major in?
Anywhere she can get an arts degree.
9. What chore does your OC hate the most?
Dishes.  She tends to gag any time she has to load the dishwasher.  Emptying it isn’t as bad though.
10. Would your OC prefer to live in the city, the suburbs, or the country?
She literally couldn’t care less where she lives as long as there’s cute girls or guys.
11. Is your OC a blanket hog?
Yes.  She will take the blankets from every section of the house and wrap herself up in them.  She tends to get really cold at night.
12. Would your OC play by the rules in a fight or take cheap shots?
She doesn’t believe in rules for fighting.
13. Does your OC have a widow ’s peak?
Yes.  It’s usually hidden though.
14. Happy birthday! What kind of present would your OC want?
Video games, a cat, any form of positive attention, stuffed animals.
15. Something that grosses your OC out?
She thinks most bodily functions are absolutely disgusting and is grateful that she doesn’t need to do any of those things.
16. Your OC is suddenly on an adventure! Where do they go and what do they do?
Depends on what dimension she’s in.  Usually she just tags along with the people who belong in the dimension.
17. Is there a real person that looks like your OC?
Me.  She’s basically an OP self insert because I was lonely and had no friends and decided to write myself some.
18. Something that makes your OC laugh without fail?
Vines.  She loves vines.  Also memes.  And stupid jokes.  She’s very easy to make laugh, actually.
19. Something that makes your OC cry without fail?
Movies.  She always cries at movies.  The ending to a series, any series, also gets her a lot.  Same with characters dying.
20. A obscure/ridiculous fear your OC has?
She’s scared of moths and lady bugs.  Spiders?  She thinks they’re cool.  Snakes?  She has one as a pet.  A ladybug lands on her shoulder?  She will start crying and screaming and somebody will have to get rid of it for her.
21. Does your OC have any type of disability, whether it be mental, physical, etc?
She has severe depression and anxiety, as well as ADHD and Dyslexia.
22. Does your OC get frustrated when people forget to close the door behind themselves?
Sometimes.  Depends on her mood. 
23. What is your OC’s first memory?
Her mother telling her she loved her before sacrificing herself.
24. Something you like that your OC would hate?
We like the same things lol
25. Your OC is going into battle/on a mission! What song is their anthem?
Victims or Do your Worst, both by New Years Day.
26. Does your OC have good or bad posture?
She has pretty good posture.  But it also really depends on her mood.
27. Most despicable thing your OC has ever done?
She kills people and fucks with people’s lives if she doesn’t like how the story ends.
28. Is your OC a conspiracy theorist?
Not really.  
29. Someone does something awful in front of your OC. How do they handle it?
Depends on what it is.  Someone steals something?  Eh, not her problem.  Some murders a person?  She’ll do her best to stop them.  Someone rapes a person?  They will be going down to the deepest depths of hell.
30. What is your OC’s favorite drink?
Apple cider.  Sparkling, warm, cold.  Doesn’t matter.  She’s a slut for apple cider.
31. Does your OC prefer to sleep in a warm or cool area?
She doesn’t care as long as she has a blanket (or a hundred).
32. Would your OC like you if they met you?
I don’t know.  I hope she would, as she’s just inter-dimensional me.
33. A song that reminds you of your OC?
Hey There Delilah by the Plain Whit Ts, Primadonna by Marina, Teen Idle also by Marina, Human by Christina Perri, Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko, I’m No Good by New Years Day.
34. Is your OC a nail biter?
Definitely.  It’s a nasty habit she can’t seem to kick.
35. What is your OC’s favorite quote?
“You’re just jealous ‘cause my tits are better than yours.”  “I’m sorry; I’m a terrible person.”  “I am LITERALLY going to KILL MYSELF if _______ HAPPENS/DOESN’T HAPPEN.”  “Badass!”
36. Your OC’s favorite fashion era? (20’s, 70’s, etc)
She’s interested in the Victorian and 1920 eras, but she wouldn’t be able to live without her leggings.
37. Does your OC get excited when they get mail?
Yes.  She always hopes for a confession of love, but then is disappointed by only getting the thing she forgot she ordered.
38. Random thunderstorm! How does your OC react?
She will literally drag her S/O out into the rain so they can have that romantic RomCom moment.
39. A strange talent of your OC?
She always comes back.
40. Assuming your OC doesn’t have them already, what superpower would they want? If they do already, would they change it, keep it, or get rid of it?
Depending on what dimension she’s in, she has certain abilities, most commoly: telekineses, the inability to feel pain, the ability to fly, and not needing to eat sleep etc.  She’s able to remember the lives of all the parallel universe Delilahs.
41. Does your OC like/make puns?
Yes.  Most of her humour is shitty puns.  All of her friends hate her.
42. What kind of shampoo does your OC use?
She usually uses Suave professionals in anything rose scented.
43. Your OC wakes up with a coin super glued to their forehead. How do they react?
She probably wouldn’t care at all.  She’s beyond the point of caring.
44. Can your OC sleep if there’s any kind of light?
No.  She uses a sleep mask because even the smallest amount of light that comes through the curtains at night annoys her.
45. What kind of self-esteem does your OC have?
It depends.  She either has really high self esteem, or she’ll feel like she’s an awful, horrible person who doesn’t deserve anything.
46. A word that your OC can’t stand?
The N-word.  She hates it more than anything.  Words like that disgust her so much.
47. Does your OC fold their clothes, hang them up, or just leave them in the basket/dryer?
She has a basket for clean clothes that she just throws them all in.  Unless they’re Victorian era clothing, then she hangs them up.
48. Would society call your OC a good guy or a bad guy? What would they say they are?
Again, depends on the dimension, but soceity usually says she’s a good guy.  She, however, thinks she’s the worst of the worst, undeserving of love and affection and anything nice.
49. Your OC’s most prized possession?
A necklace with a bear paw opal pendant.  She’s had it since before she became an all-knowing, inter-dimensional God.
50. What is your OC’s happy place?
Anywhere that has all of her friends.
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