#or “man wouldn't it be kinda subtly hot if [X] lost his cool about [certain plot point] and knocked something aside angrily” :3
thecodeveronica · 5 months
As an update on my attempts at writing fanfics again, it's... slow progress? ...okay, it's SUPER slow, but progress nonetheless?
My previous idea to combine two separate fic ideas has definitely helped, as did consequently swapping one of the two lead protagonists of the original idea out for the lead of the other and then turning the other one into a "goal" of sorts who would become a kind of tritagonist later on.
I also actually have 15-20 pages of notes on scenes and dialogue in my Notes app on my tablet! Now, don't be fooled; those are in my slightly large handwriting and they are choppy, bulletpoint-style notes, but regardless, they exist.
Sort of have a setting? Kind of? I'm one of those people who kind of visualizes things while reading as just taking place in a void lmao, but I've got a little set here.
My new problem, though, is... an antagonist. Since this isn't a fluff or smut or romance fic, there needs to be an antagonist. Someone who is setting up the stuff happening. But while I have a goal in mind and a general idea of events, I... have no clue what to do with an actual antagonist. Like... the events are still only loosely linked so far in my mind and notes, and I think if I nailed down an antagonist and motive for them, that would really solidify things.
But should that be an existing antagonist? An OC? I've never really done an OC with canon characters before, I feel kind of weird about that? I'm not really a fan of OCs for anything that isn't just my own little self-contained worlds and ideas, you know what I mean? But canon leaves me few options here for the timeframe that this fic would be set, without some major asspulls (more than the ones I'm already doing to have two characters be present there at all lmfao). SOOOOO I dunno, might have to be an OC :x
annnnnywaaaaaay that's what's going on, so I'm actually not totally bullshitting when I act like I'm writing, because I SORT OF am (notes), but the actual non-planning stage hasn't really taken form yet
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