#or Beat got flung across universes x)  you can pick whichever's more convenient !!]]
tomahawk-swing · 4 years
@fluttterbeat  ||   [x]
Was that a stubborn move?  Yes.  Was it also a stupid one?  Yes.  But was that something that they needed to do?  Absolutely.  However, there was only so much a tiny orb with wings could do in such a situation.  It only took a few moments for Beat to be knocked back into the hard cold ground below, sending them into temporary darkness.  
It took a short while until they were lulled from their sudden shutdown from gentle, swaying movements. Trying to take a moment to figure the situation they were in, they tried to flap their wings out; only to realize they were in somebody’s arms.  Was it Rock?  No, no. It it were him they’d be able to tell in a heartbeat.  Regardless it was warm and comforting, almost just like home.
They softly moved their metal wings and a weak caw followed.  Then a few more came after, in a mixed tone of annoyance and gratitude.
Were those words of a tiny bird pretending to still tough out the pain, annoyed at being carried, or simply just thanks?  Only Beat themself would know, but one thing was for certain-  they were at least thankful for his intervention to calmly be held in his arms.
Dingo’s curry deliveries always took him on interesting paths. Granted, the fact that he absolutely refused to look at a map didn’t help the restaurant’s business, but it gave his repetitive job an adventurous flavor. 
This time, it made no doubt that he was lost. Unless his customer lived in the middle of the forest, he couldn’t possibly be on the “right” path. True to his own words, Dingo kept on making his own path, until a shiny object caught his attention.
“A bird ...?” Dingo mused to himself. It seemed too elaborate to be a toy, but it was definitely made of metal. Was it some kind of prototype that had escaped from its laboratory ? It looked pretty beat up, almost as if it had been in some kind of fight.
In any case, Dingo couldn’t leave it to rust. He cradled the robotic bird in his arms, before he reached for his delivery box again. The customer would have to wait.
He had only been walking for a few minutes when the bird stirred awake. Dingo stopped so he could drop the box, and glance down at the little robot.
“You okay there, buddy ?” There was genuine concern in his voice. “How d’you end up here ? Can you still fly ?”
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