#or Eric will realise someone's actually going to get maimed or killed and react with Utter Horror
I've got a half-formed idea I can't quite squish into shape where Corroded Coffin finally has an opportunity to play where someone with useful influence - a talent scout, a music journalist - will hear them. Maybe it's a Battle of the Bands or something like that. They're keen as mustard but very, very nervous. Steve has come along to help them move their equipment and set up on stage and Eddie takes him to one side.
"Stevie," he says, pressing his hands together prayer-like, "I'm going to ask you to do something a little bit unethical."
"What, like sabotage the other bands' equipment?"
"God no. I said a little bit. You see that chick with the red hair in the white leather jacket talking to the organiser? Her opinion matters. Like, a lot. So what I want you to do is, when we're playing, you get close to her and turn on the charm."
"Am I trying to distract her?" Steve asks, looking puzzled.
"No! No, you're just going to be this big cute guy who gives her some flattering attention. That way, she remembers while Coffin was playing, she was having a good time. It's subtle, see? Psychological. You get it, right?"
"Obviously I get it," Steve says, "but what if she really wants to hear you and I'm just annoying?"
"Why would she think you're annoying?" Eddie asks, honestly baffled. "What girl would not be excited to have you paying attention to her?"
"A lesbian," Steve says immediately.
"Okay, but -"
"A happily taken one."
"Sure, but -"
"A professional who wants to concentrate on the performance and form an unbiased opinion."
"You're killing me, Stevie."
"Not to mention, you're asking me to focus on someone else when you're playing? Be realistic. I have my work cut out not to throw my underwear on the stage," Steve says, smiling.
(Here my idea kind of fizzles out. I don't know whether Eddie's encouraged by this or just exasperated that his boyfriend is no good as a henchman.)
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