#or as in the case of these fics rec'd above. if he's being a little shit
arielmagicesi · 2 years
hey thanks for your fic recs!! ik those are a lot of work and you always include a lot of description too! if you haven’t read it, i also wanna rec “relent(less)” and “body guarding” by ourlittlesecretokay on ao3 — they’re mostly smut, but also extremely well characterized (they alternate guillermo/nandor pov between chapters) and imo have some of the best mutual pining/slow burn in the fandom rn—esp in body guarding. also features some bonus laszlo/nadja pov from time to time!
I like half-remembered reading these fics while half-asleep a while back and all I remember is thinking "why is Guillermo so un-repressed" so I went ahead and did a reread of Relent(less) and it's pretty good! (Guillermo's lack of repression aside aaahhh sorry I love my repression murder man) So for anyone who's looking for a fun PWP, there's that as well. I don't think I've read Body Guarding so don't take my word on that but yeah
Anyway thank you and you're welcome omg yeah it was a ridiculous amount of work to put into a fucking fic recs post but I was like hey, I've read so many (and at this point written so many) of these goddamn fanfics, why not do something fun with that. Thanks again and happy holidays or whatnot
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