#or bucky and sarah (bucky said I'm marrying into the family one way or another and i love that)
duquesah · 1 year
Found out my crush's favorite mcu series is tfatws, let's fucking gooo
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eat-limes-bitches · 6 months
Nowhere else I'd Rather Be
PAIRING: Female Reader x Bucky Barnes
SUMMARY: Soft blues and sunsets make for the perfect wedding.
SONGS: Entrance (0:42 if you want the specific time), Y/n's vows, Bucky's vows
Word Count:
A/N: So here it is! The last installment of this, mini-series I guess! I had such a blast writing this and between you and me, I had fully intended on waiting to post this until I was back from my horse show next week, but I couldn't wait. No way in hell, so I hope you enjoy it! If you have any ideas for future writings, my ask box is looking a little empty and sad! Send some ideas my way!
Italics are memories, bold italics are song lyrics
Part 1 | Part 2
Enjoy! <3
Divider by Rookthorne
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To say he was nervous would be an understatement. Bucky frantically fiddled with his tie, looking at the color, which caused him to smile for a moment. It was blue, but not bright, soft. Like worn denim. The same blue that matched the upholstery on the deep oak chairs that lined the dried flower petal pathway to where he was standing. The soft fall breeze caused a few of the petals to swirl around at his feet, reminding him of why he was here in the first place.
Bucky heard her humming from the other room when he got home from his morning run. Kicking off his shoes, he followed the sound of the humming to find Y/n plucking the drying petals off of the most recent bouquet, carefully depositing each petal into a glass jar.
“What’cha doing doll?” He called out, startling Y/n causing her to drop the flower she was currently working on.
“Jesus Buck! You scared me!” The pout that appeared on her face caused a chuckle to rumble in his chest. He swept her up in his arms, placing a kiss on her temple.
“Sorry darlin’. Didn’t mean to scare ya.” Y/n hummed in delight as Bucky tightened his embrace.
“Well, if you must know-” She teased, spinning in his arms to face him, “I'm saving the flower petals from the bouquets you give me.”  
Bucky raised an eyebrow. “Can I ask why?”
Y/n just smiled.  “Someday, when we get married, I want to use the flower petals from all of the flowers you have given me to decorate the aisle I walk down towards you.”
A hand on his shoulder snapped Bucky back to the present. 
“Hey man, you good? You looked a little lost there for a moment.” Sam said, brushing off Bucky’s suit. Bucky let out a shaky breath and smiled. 
“Yeah, jus’ thinkin’ bout how we got here.”  
Sam nodded his head and gave Bucky another pat on the shoulder before resuming his spot as best man. As he stood there, Bucky looked around at everyone who was there. Y/n’s immediate family was there of course, along with a couple of dear friends in her bridal party. On Bucky’s side, he had Sam and Torres as his groomsmen, and sitting in the crowd, he saw Suri sitting up front with both of Sam’s nephews, to help with the rings, Sarah was sitting nearby with a gentle smile on her face as she visited with the other folks. The kid who worked the counter at Joe’s on Saturdays, Howie, was there too smiling up at Bucky. Most of Sam’s family, who had accepted Bucky as one of their own were in the crow as well, mingling with Y/n’s family. Sam was gracious enough to let the couple use the backyard of the house for the small wedding.
The pair were a few weeks into wedding planning when the talk of location and size came up. 
“How big is this whole thing gonna be, doll?” Bucky asked as he looked at the different swatches of blue fabric sitting on their coffee table.  
Y/n sighed, “Would it be bad if I said I didn’t want a lot of people there? 50 at most?” Bucky looked up from the fabrics to meet Y/n’s gaze.
“Not at all.” He said with a smile, reaching for her hand across the table. “I think a small wedding is just our style if we are being completely honest.” Y/n smiled sweetly at him before resuming her mission to find the flowers she wanted.
“I think you are right. Do you think Sam would let us use the backyard of the house in Louisiana? It's so quiet, and in the fall when those big trees in the backyard are changing color? Underneath that willow tree? Oh, Bucky I think it’d be perfect!” 
Y/n was gushing at the idea, and with the way her eyes sparkled as she described the scene, Bucky was willing to do just about anything to make that dream a reality for her, and of course, as soon as he asked Sam, he said yes.
Bucky blinked back into the present. The fairy lights were starting to show their glow hanging from the branches of the willow tree, swaying gently in the breeze. The sun was just starting to set, the inky purples and blues of the evening starting to slip into the sky, just letting the stars peak out through all of the colors dancing above them. The colors of the leaves danced in the golden light, reflecting off the water nearby, creating a beautiful mosaic of color all around the crowd of people.  Suddenly the music changed. The filler music that had been playing for how long now, Bucky didn’t know, but he did know the song that was playing, it was the song that they danced to that night in the living room when Bucky decided that she was the one for him.
The pair had been cooking dinner, but when the next song on Y/n’s playlist came on, her eyes lit up, matching the smile that found its way onto her face.
“Oh Bucky I love this song! I know it’s not really slow dancing music but will you dance with me?” 
Bucky chuckled as he swept her into the middle of their kitchen. He spun her just as the chorus started and what happened next sealed his fate forever. As she spun, she laughed, one of the most beautiful sounds Bucky had ever heard. The golden rays of the sun danced off of her hair casting a golden glow in the room around them. When she was back in his arms, he pulled her close and pressed his forehead to hers.
“Marry me?” He asked softly. Y/n’s breath froze, perpetually stuck in her lungs.
“What?” She whispered, staring up at him wide-eyed. 
Bucky looked at her. “Y/F/N Y/L/N, will you marry me? I swear I’ll do this again, proper with a ring and everythin’ but I gotta know darling, will you marry me?”
Right as the same chorus started, Y/n appeared at the end of the aisle from Bucky. Sometime during his reminiscing, everyone had stood up and watched her appear, and now were now watching him as he took in the love of his life, standing there in white, bouquet of sunflowers, spray roses, and chamomile in her hands as she started walking towards him. Bucky couldn’t think of a single thing he had done right in his incredibly long life to deserve to be standing where he was right now, but he was forever grateful. 
Time flew by and before he knew it it was time for their vows. Y/n went first. 
“Bucky, ever since I’ve met you we’ve had a lot of learning and growing we have done over our three years together, one of the most noticeable things I have learned is when you go quiet, and won't let your guard down, I hear through the silence that you're trying to figure it out. You're trying to make me proud, believe me now, Baby, to the Moon and back
I still love you more than that. When your skies are grey, and your whole world is shaking
To the Moon and back, I love you more than that.”  
Bucky’s Adam's apple bobbed furiously up and down as the tears streamed down his face. He pulled the pocket square out of his suit pocket and tried to stop the tears flowing down his cheeks but to no avail, they had started flowing the moment Y/n had appeared at the end of the aisle. Steadying himself with a breath, Bucky began his vows.
I remember when I saw you at the movies, and to me, you were a stranger in the room.
But to my surprise, I met your eyes and that was when I knew. Yeah without a doubt, I took you out for coffee. We sat for hours at a table made for two. I love the flowers in your footprints and the sparkle in your eyes. It doesn't matter if it rains or shines cuz I'll be by your side. For the record, you're my treasure, I love you more and more, and after all that we've been through, I can say it, you're my favorite and you'll always be my muse and I hope that in your heart you know it's true.” 
Sam’s nephews brought up the rings, and with a little help from Suri, Bucky had a ring on his finger, identical to the one decorating Y/n’s hand. After the preacher said ‘You may now kiss the bride’ The rest of the evening was a blur for the couple. But once the party was in full swing and they took a rest from dancing, Bucky pulled Y/n into his arms, pressed a kiss to her temple, and whispered in her ear, “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be, than here with you.”
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sebsgirl71479 · 1 year
Wedding Hijinx
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Bucky Barnes x Curvy Female Avenger
Warnings: maybe some cursing, fluff, tiny bit of angst, mention of stippers.
Word count: 3,142
A/N: I started this at 10pm all  because of an episode of Designing Women. I know some of you may not have watched this show but you should lol. I hope you enjoy this thing that wouldn’t leave my brain.
This story begins 2 days before the wedding of 2 well known Avengers. James ‘Bucky’ Barnes & Y/N  Y/L/N. 2 years ago Bucky and y/n started dating. After a mission that caused Bucky to be hospitalized, he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with y/n. Have children, buy a home, maybe get a cat. So 3 days after he was released from the med-bay, went to his closet and rummaged through a box he had of things that were recovered for him from his family. When he found his ma’s wedding ring and in the most unromantic way (both of you weren’t very traditional.) He found you in the kitchen while you were making him lunch. He stood beside you, went down on one knee and proposed to you right there in the kitchen. 
“Y/N the past 18 months have been amazing and this last mission had me thinking that, I can't live another day not having you as my wife. Angel, will you marry me?” You immediately tackled him and started kissing his face. “Bucky Barnes you adorable man, yes I will marry you!”
So here you are 2 days before you and Bucky’s wedding and you’re having the rehearsal dinner at the compound. Nothing elaborate, just a simple potluck dinner like you, Bucky and Sam used to have when you would visit Sam's sister Sarah in louisiana. In fact Sarah was your maid of honor and Wanda was one of your bridesmaids. 
“Sweetheart, I don't want you to get too rowdy or crazy at your bachelor party tomorrow. I don't want to have to bail you out of jail.” You laugh a little at your joke.
“Don’t you worry angel. I told Sam I didn't want anything too wild. Just the guys playing poker and he said he got someone to serve us some very rare whiskey and cigars. I promise I’ll make sure nothing bad happens. Now should I be worried about what Sarah has planned for you tomorrow?”
“Not at all baby, we are just having a good old fashioned sleepover with the girls. You know I just like staying in.” 
You give Bucky a kiss on the lips and continue to dance with each other. 
The next day, the girls were getting the living room ready for the bachelorette sleepover. They told you not to enter until everyone arrived and you were in your pj’s and robe. While that was happening you were watching Bucky get dressed for his party. He looked so handsome in his black button down dress shirt, top two buttons undone. Black slacks and dress shoes. You’re trying to figure out a way to keep him home and cancel your party just so you can stay in bed and have sex all night. 
“Are you sure you have to go tonight? You’re looking pretty sexy in that outfit, I just want to take it off and have my way with you.” 
You tell him, sitting on the bed squeezing your thighs together and biting your lip. Bucky walks up to her and leans down and gives her a kiss that would make her knees weak if she were standing. 
“Yes baby, I have to go. Otherwise Sam will have my neck and I don't want to hear it for the rest of my life that I missed my bachelor party.”
He stands back up and walks back over to the dresser to put on his watch. But before he can get away too far you smack his ass just for good measure. He looks back over at you like you just lost your mind. 
“You know if you keep that up, you’re not going to like my punishment.” 
“Well Sargent, I will be looking forward to this punishment.”
Bucky finished putting on his watch and walked back over to you and gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“Alright angel, I’m going to head out. I’ll call you when I'm going to leave Sam’s apartment and head home. I Love You.”
As soon as Bucky leaves, you head into the compound's living room. The place is all decked out in your favorite color, and layed out on the coffee table is 4 bottles of sparkling wine, beer, and everything you need to make fondue. While you and the girls were having fun, drinking and painting each other’s nails, Bucky was at Sam’s apartment playing poker and enjoying the cigars and drinks Sam had brought in special for Bucky.  
“I Love You too. Have fun.”
After about 2 hours of all the guys playing poker there was a knock on the door. “Sam, who is that? I thought everyone was here already?”
Bucky had asked Sam. Sam got up with a smile and walked over to the door and opened it without even checking the peephole. When the door opened there was a very pretty woman in a short trench coat and high heels. Bucky knew what was happening and he knew y/n was going to be pissed when she finds out. 
“Sam, I said no strippers, I promised y/n man.” Soon after music started playing and the stipper started walking over to Bucky giving him a lapdance. He was a bit uncomfortable while she was doing her thing, because all he could think about was his beautiful fiance at home having a sweet sleepover with her friends. All of a sudden he heard something clicking on his left wrist and it snapped him out of his thoughts and he looked down. 
“What the hell is going on?”
The stripper has put one part of her minaj a tua cuffs on him and put one on her. She then grabbed his collar and brought him up from his chair to have her start dancing on the table. Bucky was fracking out, but all the guys were really enjoying this. Sam and Clint were egging everyone on.
“Come on cyborg, have some fun stop being so stiff.” Sam had yelled at Bucky over the music. Bucky looked up at the stipper finally finding his voice and he talked to her.
“Um I hate to ruin the mood but you do have the keys for these right?” 
The stipper then got all wide eyed and then fell to her butt with the realization that she didn't have the key.
“Oh my god, i dont have the keys. These were an afterthought and my keys are…oh no. They are in my husband's car and he is on his way to Baltimore for a job.”
Bucky snapped his head over to Sam, who had a sheepish look on his face. He was pissed, how was he supposed to explain this to y/n. He has her favorite cousin here with him and he didn't want him to get into trouble either.
“Okay, this is what we have to do. Clint, see if you can get a hold of the state toppers and try to find her husband on the highways from here to Maryland. Sam, in the meantime, we have to find something to get through these cuffs. Oh god, if I'm not back by midnight, y/n is going to have my head.”
Bucky is trying to not look too stressed out but it's getting harder by the minute. Sam is trying to discreetly call someone at the compound to see if there is anything that will cut through the cuffs. Clint, got through to the troopers and they are patrolling the highways for the stippers husband. Which by the way, her name was Rosa. He thought to himself, ‘of course Sam would get me a latin stipper, y/n is latina and that's one of the reasons he fell for her. Not to mention her fantastic, voluptuous curves. Okay he's getting off track here, he has to think of how to get these cuffs off. 
Meanwhile, you are having the time of your life with your girls and you have no clue what's happening at Bucky’s party. Now back to Sam’s apartment where most of the men have left except for Sam, Clint, Scott, y/n cousin Frank and of course Bucky and Rosa the Stripper. So far they have had 2 locksmiths and none of them could get them open, then one of the locksmiths called a friend of his that was a welder and had him come over to see if he could help out. After a few hours they couldn’t melt the metal or nothing. Sam’s efforts in trying to get someone from the compound to bring something to unlock the cuff was futile. Nothing was getting through these cuffs.
All of a sudden Bucky’s phone pinged and his blood ran cold, knowing it had to be y/n. He took out his phone and sure enough she texted him.
Babydoll: Baby, it’s after 1am. Where are you?
“Guys its y/n, she wants to know where i am? I was supposed to be back around midnight, it's already almost 1:30!”  He tries to text you back as casually as he can. 
BuckyBear: Oh, shoot! We got caught up in a really wild game of poker honey. Don't worry I’ll be home soon. I love you.
Babydoll: Okay come home soon, don’t forget we are getting married in 13 hours lol. I miss you.
BuckyBear: Okay sweetheart, I will. 
“Okay, hopefully I bought us some time. Clint any word from the state troopers?” Clint was just getting off his phone then.
“Yeah, they caught him just outside of Baltimore and they are having him look for the handcuff keys right now. If karma is on our side, we should be able to have them back here in the next two hours or so.” 
Well that never happened, halfway into the drive back to New York there was an unexpected 18 wheeler collision blocking both directions of the highway back to New York. Bucky was ready to have a panic attack, he has no clue how to explain this to you. It's already 5 in the morning and everyone is out of ideas. All of a sudden the front door opens and in walks Sarah and you following her. Okay, Bucky definitely was going to have a heart attack.
“Sarah, y/n what's happening? What are you doing here?” You can hear the nervousness in his voice. Something is up.
“Bucky, baby what's going on? I’ve been worried sick. You never called, you never came home. Look at my poor cousin, he's passed out. Why didn’t you send him home at least?” Just then y/n see’s Bucky sitting on the couch with a half naked woman and he’s handcuffed to her.
“What the hell?! Bucky, why are you handcuffed to a stripper? Sam, I knew you would do something like this. I’ll leave you to your sister for punishment!”
Y/N was fuming, Bucky was trying to calm her down, so was Rosa the stripper. Then the unthinkable happened. The stripper took the other cuff and put it around y/n’s wrist. 
“Oh my god she cuffed me! What were you thinking, we’re getting married in a few hours!” Now Bucky is looking at y/n in shock and can't understand what is happening.
“Okay, let's all try and calm down. I know the situation just got worse but we can try and figure this out.” Y/N is now crying, trying to get the cuffs off her but it won’t do any good. So Bucky walks up to her and tries to comfort her.
A few hours later, and you have calmed down enough to try and start getting ready for the wedding. You, Bucky and Rosa the stripper are all running on fumes at this point. You had to take a shower so all 3 of you were able to make it back to the compound so you could take a shower the best you could. 
“Honey. I’m so sorry this is happening. I’m so, so sorry. Damn you Sam you got us into this.” You hug Bucky as tightly as you can and just cry into his chest. Bucky feels like shit because of what is happening. 
Now it was 2 hours until the wedding was supposed to start and you were sitting in yours and Bucky’s shared room in a towel waiting for Wanda to come in and do your hair and makeup. She finally walks in and she brings a surprise guest, Yelena. 
“Oh my god what happened here? Must have been one heck of a party last night? Y/N I didn’t know you were this kinky?”
“Yelena, I'm really glad you're here but I don't have the patience. Rosa here, she's the stipper that Sam surprised Bucky with last night and she handcuffed him to her then she cuffed me later and now we are stuck.”
“Yeah I know what kind of cuffs these are, I have a pair myself.”
“Don’t joke with me Yelena, do you have the key on you?”
“I think I still have them in my purse, let me check.”
It’s practically chaos in the room. Once Yelena finds her key she tires them on the handcuffs and starts with y/n first. They work and she starts uncuffing Bucky then Rosa. Poor Bucky is a walking zombie at this point.You start to slap his cheeks a little bit to wake him up.
“Bucky, baby, wake up. Come on, you have to get ready for our wedding baby. Wanda, go get Bucky a big cup of coffee and some of the sandwiches from last night please?”
“Sure thing sweetie, Come on groom, let's get something in you and off to Scotts room to get you dressed. Y/N I’ll be right back.” Before Bucky can leave the room you give him a kiss on the lips.
“Hey, I’ll see you a little bit. I’ll be the one in white.” Bucky looks at her like she hung the moon.
“And I'll be the fella up front in blue.” They give each other one last hug and he is out of the room. You turn back to your vanity and see Rosa getting ready to leave. You stop her before she has a chance to sneak out. 
“Hey, I know this is a weird request but if you don’t have anywhere to be, how about you join us at our wedding? I’m a little on the curvy side but I'm sure Wanda has something she can loan you. What do you say?”
Rosa Seems to contemplate her answer.
“Well I am free for the rest of the day, I’d be honored to be at your wedding. It's not everyday you are handcuffed to two avengers and then get to be at their wedding.” She says with a little laugh at the end. Wanda comes back into the room and as she starts doing your hair you ask her if she has anything that will fit Rosa and she tells you she does and Yelena walks her over to her room so she can look through her closet. 
It's almost 15 mins until the wedding is supposed to start and it starts to lightly snow. You see it as a good omen, and just go with it. You are finally ready to head downstairs and out to the outside grounds of the compound where the ceremony is taking place. Sarah is holding your train while Wanda puts the finishing touches on your makeup all while walking through the main area of the compound. 
Everyone that's still working around has stopped to watch you walk through, telling you, you look beautiful. You tell them thank you and now you are at the doors that lead you to the aisle. You take a deep breath, and you tell Sarah to let the musicians go ahead and start playing. You have a small group of string musicians playing an instrumental version of John Legends All of Me playing. 
As soon as it starts playing, Bucky turns around and sees Sarah and Wanda walking together. Once they are down the aisle, you start walking towards Bucky, the love of your life. As soon as Bucky sees you, his heart skips a beat and he almost forgets to breathe. You look like an angel walking towards him, with the snow falling and the way your dress flows, he feels like he is in heaven. He is crying a little but when you see this you walk a little faster to him just so you can wipe his tears. 
“Oh baby, you're crying.” You bring your hand up and wipe the few tears that are coming down his face. He lightly grabs your wrist and kisses it, then he places his hand in yours and you both look towards the minister so he can begin the ceremony. While the minister is talking, you and Bucky look over at one another and mouth ‘i love you’s’ to the other. You finally get to the i do’s and then the minister announces you as man and wife. Bucky grabs you by the waist and dips you as he kisses you in front of a cheering crowd. You both smile into the kiss and he brings you back up and you both walk back down the aisle to get warmed up inside. 
“So, how does it feel to have a wife, Mr.Barnes?”
“It's the best feeling in the world, Mrs. Barnes.” 
“Do you think we have enough time to catch a nap? I'm so exhausted, I don't know if I can stay standing anymore.” Bucky looks at her with so much love in his eyes.
“I hope they don’t get too mad at us. We can push the pictures back 30 mins for a quick nap.” At that moment, Bucky picks you up bridal style and heads towards the elevators and presses the button to your floor. Once you get into your shared room, Bucky places you on the bed and he takes off your shoes, then he takes off his jacket and shoes and slips in behind you. 
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. Could you set an alarm to wake us up in 30 mins please?” 
“No problem Sargent Banes. Oh and Congratulations to you and Mrs. Barnes.” You smile at what the AI said,
“Thank you very much F.R.I.D.A.Y. 
What you didn't know was that she gave you both an extra 15 mins to sleep and told anyone trying to get into your room to leave you alone for a bit because you both were sleeping. You never thought the beginning of your marriage would start with you and Bucky being handcuffed to a stripper all night but, worse things could have happened.
Tags: @christycurlswrites @povlvr @altagraye @peaches1958 @buckyalpine
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kilikina34512 · 2 years
Like Father, Like Son
I have discovered that a fun way to waste some time while stuck with a cold is to write a drabble. I remembered the scene from TFATWS where Sam and Bucky are having the staring contest at the police station and it spurred this idea. I hope you enjoy it!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader, Sam Wilson x OFC (Jessa) Summary: One argument between Sam and Bucky's sons show just how much like their fathers they really are. Warnings: One swear word Word Count: 877
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The hot Louisiana sun shone through the shade of the trees that surrounded Sarah's house.  While it hadn't been long since you had been there for the fourth of July celebration they had every year, the Wilsons were basically family and you often got together on the weekends to cook out, especially during the summer.  
You loved these days.  Sam and your husband, Bucky, had slowed down on the "saving the world" gig and were more consultants and trainers to the newer generation of heroes.  Not that you or Bucky minded.  He had been overly ready to step back from fighting and you were relieved to not have to worry that you'd get an unwanted visit from Sam at the end of a mission.  
The two men had become best friends, although they'd still never admit it.  They were as close as each had been with Steve, but their friendship was vastly different than the one they'd had with the original Captain America.  Despite always having each other's backs, seeking the other's advice, and doing things together, the pair still had moments of strong disagreements, poking and prodding at one another, and even the famous "staring contest" whenever neither wanted to back down or admit they were wrong.  And thanks to your husband's natural broodiness, his staring game was always on point.
As you were witnessing currently from the picnic table you were sat at with Sam's sister.  
"They at it again?" Jessa, Sam's wife, asked as she came to sit down beside Sarah.
"Sure are," you confirmed.  "I keep waiting for the day one of them actually shoots lasers out of their eyes or kills the other with the strength of their glare."
Sarah chuckled, "If that ever happened, they'd be broken hearted, but they'd never show it."  All three of you knew how they worked and you'd all grown used to it. Sarah was Sam's brother after all, Jessa had been married to him for eighteen years, and you and Bucky had been married for twenty years.  "What's it about this time?"
"The proper way to cook a steak."
"God, I'm so tired of hearing that one," Jessa complained.  "It's all he'll talk about on the way home."
"I'll give you that," you said, "but Bucky's broodiness is like an aura of its own and it makes the ride annoying because he's not going to complain until we're in bed.  I'd rather hear the argument and be done with it personally."
"Good point," she conceded.
"I don't envy either of you.  I enjoy not having to hear it now that Sam doesn't live here," Sarah smiled as you both glowered good naturedly in her direction.
Voices rising from near the water drew your attention away from the pair of grilling Avengers and to the two sixteen-year-old boys who looked to be in their own heated argument.  Your eyebrows furrowed as you redirected Jessa's gaze in the same direction before rising and making your way over to see what was happening.  As you got closer, you heard bits and pieces of what was being said before you finally just called out over them, "Boys, what's going on?"
"He asked Tara if she'd go out for a ride on their family boat with him when he knows I've been trying to get with her!"
"Dude, she asked me to go out with her!  It's not my fault you can't keep a girl!"
"Fuck you!"
"Grant," you chided sternly, "don't you dare use that kind of language, especially not to your family!"
The other teenager opened his mouth, but before a word could escape his lips, Jessa walked up beside you.  "I know you're not about to respond to that Steven," she warned.  You and Jessa had gotten pregnant around the same time and much to both of yours's dismay, both men had wanted to name their sons after their first best friend.  Many arguments had been had until it had been agreed that whoever was born first would be named Steven and the latter would be Grant.  Sam and Jessa had Steven six weeks before your son Grant had been born.  The two grew up together to the point of calling each other cousins, so to see a girl coming between them surprised you, even if it wasn't uncommon for boys to fight over them.
"Mom," Steven whined, "Grant is being a baby about this as if he can't handle a little competition."
"I can handle the competition," your son responded quickly, his face red with indignation, "I'll have her with me at the summer party next weekend."
Steven chuckled, sounding exactly like his own father, despite the serious expression on his face.  "You won't even get a chance to ask her 'cause she'll already be going with me."
"Bring it on, Steve."  Your son began to glare at Steven.  The boy was a carbon copy of his father from head to toe, and the brooding glare he adopted as he crossed his arms was just like his father's.  Steven had picked up his own glare with crossed arms pose, his feet spread as his cockiness rose.
You looked back at the grill to see their fathers in the exact same pose as their sons before sighing in exasperation.  You shared a look with Jessa before admitting, "Maybe they're more like their fathers than we thought."
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