#or if you wan to send in a ๐Ÿ‘€ i'll release the kraken that is my unposted art
thenegoteator ยท 3 years
End of Year Artist Asks
I'm staring down the..... nearly 500..... files I'm itching to sort away into their new folder as the year finishes up. It can be fun and encouraging to look back at a whole year of art and see what you can learn from it, so here are a few questions in case fellow artists want to play along!
1. Compare your first and last pieces from this year! Where do you think you improved?
2. What's one new skill you learned this year?
3. Which piece were you most proud of?
4. Which piece took the longest?
5. Which piece were you most nervous to share?
6. Did you have a favourite subject to draw this year?
7. Are there any unfinished pieces you want to tease?
8. Which piece would you want to redraw and why?
9. Explain the process behind one of your pieces, if you remember!
10. Do you have any art goals for next year?
11. What was the most experimental thing you tried this year? Did it work?
12. Do you have any cute sketches or doodles you especially like?
13. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what kind of thing did you listen to the most?
14. What's one lovely tag or comment you got this year?
15. Did you discover new resources or tutorials this year?
16. Which of your works makes you laugh the most?
17. Are there any pieces that didn't work out? Do you think you'll ever return to them?
18. Did you rework or redraw any ideas from the year before?
19. What new sources of inspiration did you find this year (a friend, an artist you look up to, an aesthetic, a fandom, a fic, etc.)? How did you find them and what did they inspire?
20. Do you share everything that you make? How do you decide what to share?
21. Did you return to any old fandoms or inspirations this year?
22. What was your biggest art project this year?
23. Did you join any challenges or exchanges this year? Do you think you want to do that next year?
24. How do you think your style developed this year? Is it something you're conscious of as you work?
25. Did you have any art goals coming into the year? How far did you achieve them?
26. How many mediums did you work in this year? Did you try out any new ones?
27. Did you become familiar drawing something that was unfamiliar at the beginning of the year? How did you learn?
28. Did you make any new OC designs this year?
29. Which of your OC designs from this year is your favourite?
30. Do you have any concept ideas you haven't started yet?
31. Which aspect of your art did you most want to improve this year? How much improvement do you see?
32. How different is your art now to when you first started out?
33. Which part of your regular workflow is most difficult for you?
34. Which part of your regular workflow do you enjoy the most?
35. Did you do technical studies this year?
36. Did you draw anything cursed or disturbing this year?
37. Did you give your art as a gift to someone? Who was it and how did they react?
38. Share a previously unseen sketch without context.
39. How has your eye for art developed this year? When you look at art (someone else's or your own), do you notice certain aspects first?
40. Which of your pieces do you think was best received this year? How far did you expect that?
41. Are there any pieces that are especially personal to you? Why?
42. Which piece did you have a lot of fun making?
43. Which reference search messed up your Google search history the most?
44. Do people in your in person life know about/see the art that you make? Do you want them to?
45. Do you often find yourself looking at your art? Do you feel any specific way about it?
46. If you make fanart, do you prefer creating alternate universes or sticking close to canon? How come?
47. Is the art you make similar to the art you like to look at? In what way?
48. Did you have a similar workflow for most pieces or did you experiment with the process?
49. What was your biggest motivation for making art this year?
50. How important was your art to you this year? Which part was the most important?
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