#or make a corp blog want to tear out my guts
littledata · 5 years
Kara first becomes aware that Lena has a legion of seven evil exes hellbent on destroying her life when she gets home to find “Stay away from Lena Luthor” spray-painted on her apartment door. Her first thought is the culprit must be Lex Luthor, but spray paint seems a little inelegant for him, and besides, it’s just a bit too coincidental that the crime occurs the day after she shared dinner, drinks and a foot-pop inducing first kiss with the CEO of L-Corp. She rather doubts Lex found out about that from inside his supermax prison cell.
“I might have an idea who’s behind it.” Lena says sheepishly when she arrives to survey the damage. “I do have these seven evil exes who try to kill anyone I date.” When Kara suggests that this was perhaps something she should have mentioned after the aforementioned dinner, drinks, and earth-shattering kiss, Lena holds up her hands defensively. “I assumed it wouldn’t be a problem. I mean, you are a superhero.”
There’s just one issue with that superhero plan though, as Alex points out when she shows up to take a look at Kara’s vandalised door. The legion of seven evil exes who are now hellbent on destroying Kara’s life only think Lena is dating Kara Danvers, not Supergirl. So when they show up to fight her she can’t actually punch them into space without revealing her secret identity. She either deals with this problem as Kara Danvers or outs herself to a group of heartbroken supervillains.
So what does Kara Danvers do when she’s confronted with a legion of seven evil exes hellbent on destroying her life? She makes friends with them. Obviously.
1. Michael. Lena dated Michael for three weeks when she was fifteen because he had an earring and rode a motorbike. She was in the midst of a rebellious phase where she was trying her damndest to piss off her mother, and it worked until Michael suggested she drop out of high school to tour the country with his band. Even aged fifteen, Lena Luthor was nobody’s groupie. In the intervening years, he had racked up a couple of minor felonies (he was responsible for the spray paint) and was now playing bass in a Nickelback cover band. Kara agrees to hand out flyers for their next gig, and he tells her that she’s “totally kick-ass” like he’s from a 90s teen movie, then agrees he won’t try to murder her. She has to stand on a street corner in the cold for three hours, but it’s worth it when Lena shows up with hot cocoa, plants a warm kiss on her freezing nose, and tells her she looks cute in her scarf.
2. Madison. Kara first becomes aware of Madison when she is pelted with soccer balls by a small herd of children out of the windows of a mini-van. After she makes her escape, she forces an embarrassed Lena to explain that Madison was part of her first experimental steps into sleeping with women. They had hooked up once in their freshman year of college before Madison met a man, settled down and had four kids in quick succession. Kara has to find out for herself, buried somewhere in the depths of Madison’s mommy blog, that Lena had ruined her sex life with her future husband forever by giving her the only orgasm she would ever have.  Kara ignores her friends’ rather lewd suggestions of how she could get in her good books, and instead stays up all night baking cookies and brings them to Madison’s PTA fundraiser. She arrives home that night to Lena brandishing three large pizzas and a lewd suggestion of her own.
3. Prisha. Kara knows all about Prisha. She’s beautiful and intelligent and perfect, she’s a hot-shot prosecutor and she has a blackbelt in Judo and Kara hates her guts. Lena only ever references her vaguely, but Kara does manage to get out of her that Lena was eyeing up engagement rings before she found out Prisha was cheating on her, and after that Kara just hates her even more. She’s actually determined not to befriend this particular ex until she receives a court summons for an unpaid parking ticket. Kara Danvers has never parked illegally in her life. She offers Prisha Supergirl’s number so that she can get in a few sparring sessions to train against someone really tough (under the influence of kryptonite, of course), and that means she gets to make friends with her and punch her in the face. “You do know you’re the only person I care about dating right now, don’t you?” Lena asks her later with a teasing smile, and Kara feels a little bit guilty about the whole punching thing.
4. Simon. Lena broke up with Simon after he stole some of her PHD research, published it under his own name and used the resulting exposure to start a multi-billion dollar tech company. He still frequently appears in the news for the human rights violations in his company warehouses. He sends a delivery driver to do his dirty work for him, who hands Kara an exploding pen when he asks her to sign for her package. Admittedly, this might have actually worked if she wasn’t an alien, and Kara isn’t exactly thrilled by the thought of attempting to make nice with Simon. She is excellent at gift-giving though and finally hits on what every Silicon Valley tech bro really wants: she talks Winn into hacking his social media pages and making his twitter advertising campaign go viral. She tells Lena she’s starting to worry about just how bad she is at picking her relationships, and Lena points out that her current girlfriend is pretty great. It’s the first time she’s said it, and Kara melts.
5. Jensen. Jensen was Lena’s final attempt at pleasing her parents and dating men, back around the time of the whole Lex-Luthor-tries-to-kill-Superman fiasco. It seemed like it would make Thanksgiving a little less awkward, Lena explains, and Kara supposes she can’t argue with that logic. Their relationship might have even worked out if both of them hadn’t been very, very gay, and although they parted on amicable enough terms, that doesn’t stop Jensen from trying to poison Kara with tainted cupcakes from the bakery he owns. The cupcakes are really good though, if you ignore the arsenic, so once Kara finds out he owns a bakery she becomes one of his best customers, and inside of a month she and Jensen are regularly meeting up for coffee. He’s not really evil, just kind of dramatic, and Lena pouts adorably when Kara teases that she could say the same thing about her.
6. Rosa. Kara finds out about Rosa when she receives a call from the National City jail warning her away from Lena. Lena looks faintly embarrassed when she admits that she dated Rosa for a couple of months until she realised the other woman was stealing from her apartment and attempting to milk every penny she could out of her. Which, yeah, Kara supposes you’re at risk of that when you’re an incredibly attractive, single billionaire, but Lena seems to think she should have known something was amiss in advance. Apparently, Rosa is very well connected in the organised crime world though, because she definitely recognises the goons who jump her and Alex outside of her apartment building as being from a local mob family. Said goons didn’t exactly expect to be contending with an over-protective Danvers sister though, and they’re seen off very quickly. Alex is less than impressed when Kara starts up a penpal friendship with Rosa, despite her little sister’s insistence that Rosa was mostly blackmailed into most of her crimes by her underworld family members. Lena, who perhaps understands a problematic family more than many people, sighs and says, “Well, you forgive people. That’s what makes you Kara.”
7. Clara. Kara has absolutely no idea what Lena saw in Clara. She’s nothing like any of Lena’s other exes, doesn’t even have much in common with her, and it isn’t until Alex has tears of laughter running down her face that she kind of sees it. Clara has long blonde hair, blues eyes, glasses, favours button-ups and - oh okay fine, she’s a dead ringer for Kara. She does an excellent imitation of Kara on the phone and attempts to break up with Lena, but gives herself away when she mentions eating a salad for lunch. Kara gets in touch with a talent agency she knows through CatCo and helps Clara get a steady gig as a Supergirl lookalike. When she asks Lena what she was thinking when she slept with her, Lena gives a small shrug. “I was head over heels in love with my best friend but not quite ready to admit it yet.” 
“Am I in danger of becoming evil if you ever break up with me?” Kara asks once the legion of seven evil exes hellbent on destroying her life have all been successfully befriended and neutralised. She expects Lena to make a joke about Supergirl never turning evil, but Lena just gives her a curious look instead.
“What makes you think I’m ever going to break up with you?”
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shazyloren · 7 years
The Dragon Club: Chapter 26 - Rhaella and Aerys
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12018519/chapters/27849705
Daenerys was on cloud nine the next few weeks; she was so happy that even her work colleagues were noticing something different about her. She kept replaying her kiss with Jon over and over in her head, worried that she was going to have to lock her office door and have a moment touching herself thinking of it. They way he pinned her against his car, the way his kisses caressed her neck. It was too much.
And now as she sat on her sofa with Jon as they watched hilariously bad reality TV, she couldn't stop thinking about how amazing her life had become because of that evening. Daenerys was tired on this Wednesday evening; but she didn't want their night to be over. She relished the time she shared with him but he would be leaving soon, yet she wanted him to stay.
Their programme finished and so he switched the TV off. "I think she should've apologised to her roommate for sleeping with her brother, that's just a no-go!"
"Jon, it's scripted for television I doubt it actually happened!"
"That's silly, no self respecting writer would create this junk!"
"Why are you so worked up about it?"
"As a good writer it pains me!" Jon moaned.
"I think you secretly like it" Dany cheekily prodded him.
Jon just rolled his eyes and Daenerys sleepily cuddled up next to him. He was strong and smelt of the woods; a true wolf. They'd not said outright they were dating to the Dragon Club or to her family yet; but she knew that Tyrion at least was smart enough to figure it out. And her mother had phoned her asking questions after Jon and herself were photographed leaving a nightclub together a few days previous. They will officially have been dating for four weeks in two days time and they'd gotten on like a house on fire.
They'd done at least one date night a week, dancing at their local centre one time (they'd been the only young couple there but it had been a laugh), clubbing the last week, three nightclubs in three hours and they'd been to the Draguna Amphitheatre with a picnic. It had been the highlights of her week, something that made her get through the work days, the long 14 hour days.
Just as Daenerys thought of this, her phone rang loudly through the room. She usually put it on silent when Jon was over, she didn't like to be distracted from him.
Who is calling me at this ungodly hour? Daenerys thought annoyed, they were interrupting her time with Jon. Sighing in defeat she grabbed her phone off of the table. It was her mother. That's odd, she's usually baby-sitting Aggy and Rani on Wednesday nights. She answered it anyways, not thinking much of it.
"Hello?" Daenerys said.
"Daenerys, it's your father!" Rhaella's accent purred over the phone. Daenerys mind swarmed. What had he done, what had happened? Was he okay? She felt her body shuddered as she wondered all the possibilities. "He's collapsed in a fit, we're currently in an ambulance, he's going to go to hospital!"
"Oh my god, mother it's gonna be okay. Which hospital are you going to?" Her mind began to swirl. She never got on with her father, but she loved him all the same. He was getting on in his years, but she never expected this, he was a stubborn man. He wasn't going to... No, Daenerys couldn't even think of it. She saw Jon's concerned face in the corner of her eye. She leapt up from the Sofa as she heard her mother shouting at the paramedics in the ambulance with her asking where they were going. She rushed to her room to grab some decent trousers, her jogging bottoms were going to do. She put her mother on speaker phone.
"We're going to the one on eighth street, St-"
"St. Oberyn's?" She asked. No father, you will be okay, you're not going to die, you're going to live and be fine. She kept repeating this mantra in her head, her mind rushing through everything. Her mother, she'd been with him for 37 years, she'd lose her best friend if... No Daenerys, he will not die!
"Yes, ring your brothers please! I can't get through!" Rhaella commanded. "And come quickly, your father needs you here!"
This was the one time she wasn't going to disobey her mother. "Yes Mama" She answered before hanging up the phone. "Oh my god, Oh my god"
Jon appeared before her, concerned as ever. "Okay breathe, what's happened?"
"Father has collapsed, some kind of seizure of something" She was full on panicking. She was fumbling with her phone as she tried to find Rhaegar's number. Jon sat her down on the edge of her bed while she did, he rubbed in circular motions on her back with his hand as he tries to calm her down. "Come on Rhaegar answer the damn phone!"
He did. "Hello?"
She explained everything to him in her quick panicked breaths, Jon trying to soothe her all the while. Daenerys head felt like it was going to explode from the sudden emotion. She didn't want him to die, it was selfish her reasoning but it was a reason all the same. She'd always wanted him to be proud of what she'd achieved, that her business had flourished. He'd never said he was and it drove her, if he died she'd never get to know if he was or not.
He did throw her out, but she loved him all the same. When she was young he'd listened to her tears and had pressed charges against Drogo when he'd discovered what he'd done to his sixteen year old daughter.
"Rhaegar I need him to survive" She cried after he said Viserys was at his house currently so she did not need to ring him.
"Sweet sister he will, Viz and I will be there as soon as we can, speak in a bit" He hung up then and left Daenerys crying on her bed edge with Jon trying to support her. She needed to be with her family, but all she felt like doing was crying on her brother's shoulder. Jon picked her up off of the bed and got her to come with him to the front door. She grabbed her keys and as she leaned on him crying, he locked the door and was met with Daario who was stood outside her door doing his night shift.
Jon didn't have time for Daario, but he explain that Daenerys' father was in the hospital after a collapse and that they both wanted Daario to drive them there. Daenerys thought Jon may have driven her, but in truth she didn't want to let go of him so Daario driving was a good idea. they got to the Rolls royce and Jon put Daenerys in the back. He climbed in the other side next to her and she heard him tell Daario it was St. Oberyn's hospital.
Daenerys didn't remember much after that. She just thought on the memory that broke her relationship with her father down...
"I don't give a shit what you want me to do! It's my life and I'll choose how to live it!" Daenerys seethed as her father started bunging her clothes in a bag.
"Then you will do so not in this household. You want a fashion magazine, you earn it!" He said unreasonably. "It takes effort, guts, persistence to run a business, it doesn't just happen overnight!"He threw the bag once it was full down the large grand staircase in their house, it fell at her brother Visery's feet who was too shocked to even say anything. "Maybe being homeless and appreciating what you have will remind you that working for me at my company will be the best thing you could've hoped for!"
"I've heard stories about you workplace father, you think I want to work with someone so volatile as you?" I'd be happy to start fresh, happy to work for my vision, for my dream! Especially if it's away from an unappreciative shitbag such as yourself!"
"DAENERYS TARGARYEN!" Her mother squealed as she tried to get some sort of control over the situation. "Watch your tongue!"
"No, I've had enough!" She screams. "All I asked for was a $2000 loan so I could start a fashion blog online, that's it! And now 'I'm being kicked out to live in my car!"
"You are been taught the meaning of money, young lady! It doesn't grow on trees!" Her father scathed.
"You made a $75 million profit last year, I asked for $2000, 2000 only!" She grunted. "Yet you're so fucking willing to fund Viserys travels across Europe or his fucking coke addiction!"
"Viserys has no goals in his life, if he wants to drown himself in decadence and women then yes, I will fund it in a controlled manner. But you, Daenerys, I expect much more from you! I had nothing when I started Targ Corp and I worked hard, you, need to know how to work hard too!"
And that was the end of the conversation, no matter how much she protested. Her bags were out the front and her key had disappeared. She was on her own. From then on she swore that her father will be shown how to properly run a business.
This sudden drop in her father's illness showed her that she wanted to make up with him, and she may not get a chance to now... She might not even get to introduce Jon to him, and this was the way her family was going to meet him. Her mother's watchful eyes were going to be surveying him, her brother's were going to be over protective. Especially since Drogo was steeped in all their history.
But she couldn't worry about that now, he father was dying, or possibly dying. The unknown was so scarey. "We're here" Daario spoke. Daenerys whimpered. "I'll run the car around, I have some errands to do, give us a call when you're ready to leave"
Jon must've nodded because Daenerys was getting out the car already, shaking in her legs. Daario drove off leaving Daenerys feeling like her whole world was turning upside down. They didn't know where he was, what was happening, all they knew he was here. "Come on, Dany" Jon took her hand and led her through the front door. "We need to find out where he is"
It was as they walked through the front doors that they were overwhelmed by the sign above the front reception which showed an infinite number of places he could be. "I.. I don't even know what's happened to him, all I know is he's been brought here!"
As if Daenerys struggle had been answered, in the corner of her eye she saw two silver-blond men walking in the front door after her. "Rae, Viz!" She hugged them to within a inch of her life. Never had she felt like such a let down as a sister. If something had happened to any of them they'd not have parted on terms she wanted. Even Viz, who she rarely spoke to she hugged for comfort. "I don't know what's happened, I don't know where he is or where Mama is!"
"Calm down, we'll find out!" Rae glanced over Daenery's shoulder. "I don't believe we've met before, Jon isn't it?"
"Oh Rae I'm sorry, where are my manners" Daenerys was in a state, she sighed apologetically at Jon who just smiled kindly. Daenerys couldn't help but wonder if he felt awkward at this family reunion in the middle of the hospital. Daenerys held onto Jon's hand. "This is Jon, the err... Journalist you know, that got a teensy bit carried away when writing about me"
"Dany" Jon rolled his eyes. Daenerys blushed as her anguish and pain from her father mixed with the embarrassment of introducing Jon in this way to her family. "I'm sure they know, everyone knows" Jon just sighed. "Nice to meet you both, sorry I'm here but she was in no state to come here by herself so I thought best to make sure she was as okay as she could be"
Daenerys just clung him for support. She was exhausted and she didn't know what was happening. Rhaegar and Viserys shook his hand with a small nod."Thanks for looking out for our little sister" Viserys was always going to be the one to trust Jon more than Rhaegar would. Especially after what happened with Drogo. But even she was surprised at Viserys laidback attitude. "Let's find out what's happening"
Rhaegar walked over to the desk first and the rest followed. "We're here to see our father, Aerys Targaryen. We got a worried phone call from our mother saying he'd been brought here after a seizure, we don't know where he's staying or what has happened but we need information"
"I'm afraid I have no proof of you being who you say you are and without more information from you patient files are confidential" The grumpy witch on the front desk spoke.
"Excuse me?" Rhaegar said in disbelief. Viserys tried calling his mother's number but the woman snapped at him for having a phone on in the hospital. "We can't give you any information we don't know what happened, all we know is he's collapsed"
"Tough luck then" The woman went back to her stapling. Daenerys was surprised when Jon spoke up.
"I don't like your attitude, lady. These three people have a father somewhere in your hospital possibly dying and you're refusing information on his whereabouts?" Jon scathed. "Aerys Targaryen is the second richest person in King's Landing behind his daughter here Daenerys Targaryen, the owner of Valyrian magazine. His son Rhaegar her is a war hero decorated with the Medal of Honor and his other son is the heir to his company. These people are distraught, their father has collapsed with some kind of seizure or heart attack and he was brought to this hospital to be cared for. Now, I suggest you tell us where he's being held or at least take us to the correct waiting room or I, Jon Snow the journalist from The Wolf Online, am gonna have a really wonderful article on Hospital competencies to write about when I go home in the morning"
Daenerys stared in disbelief as the grumpy bitch behind the desk looked as if she'd been slapped in the face. Jon never, ever used his credentials as leverage, he found it to be foolhardy and dishonourable. But here he was, helping her family. The woman sighed and started typing in things on her computer.
"He's been brought into ICU for suspected heart attack, Follow the left hall and turn right at the bottom, there's a waiting room there where you can wait for more information" She snapped.
"Thank you" Jon nodded and led Dany away from the desk. Daenerys was in shock. Rhaegar nodded impressed and Viserys smirked a little. They followed the hall like the woman said, not saying anything. When they reached the waiting room they were approached by a wailing Rhaella. She smothered all three into an embrace.
"Oh my babies" She splurted.
"Mama" Daenerys cried. "What news?"
"They think it's a Heart Attack; but they're running tests" She sadly spoke. Her eyes caught Jon's, Daenerys noticed. But she did not say anything as a doctor entered the waiting room. His eyes found Rhaella's and he came over. Daenerys felt dread in the pit of her stomach... please don't be dead, please don't have left us.
"Rhaella Targaryen?" The Doctor asked. she nodded. "Your husband is Critical but stable for now" Daenerys felt a weight fall off of her. She breathed better. "He's suffered from both a seizure which triggered a heart attack. We're gonna be monitoring closely and running tests to get more conclusive results. But you can all breath easy now. He's a stubborn man"
That my father is, that he is.
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succorcreek · 5 years
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Do you want to get your message out, but didn't know Facebook is removing it? http://bit.ly/2W73l26 When are you being Gaslighted by Social Media? You are being Gaslighted when you posted something important, cute, new, helpful, and then, the Social Media has fooled 8 Billlion people. You posted, and your important item is then removed from Facebook. Most don't know this, a few who do, then had paid $5 to keep or promote a post. So, I see some many people pouring out their guts online about critical humanity and environmental issues (global warming), and they don't know that the blood, sweat, and tears of it, will fade into the ether in 14 days or less. Or, you give somebody a heart felt encouragement with a LIKE, and did you know that like disappears completely in just 5 hours. This is a con, and more will begin to understand this in 2019. But, don't wait to FACEBOOK to fess up to it: it's to their advantage that we're all fools, and posting furiously, not knowing it all disappears in space in even MINUTES (posts you send from Instagram are removed in "just a while"). So, why would Facebook allow or do this? It is a Gaslight, it is a con, and it serves their $. Don't think for a minute they, Whatsapp, Instagram, or any other online entity is your altruistic friend helper. So, this is a "subtle" con to millions or billions of persons. The theft is a small fee, paying $5 to promote a post. Then, you get into, as I'm told, the Slot Machine Gambling fever of it..... If $5 really did help you reach 10,000 persons and keep your posts flowing And, then you found $30 reached 100,000, and your idea or new stocking cap really got out there. Then, when does it stop? Soon, this will be the sole marketing medium going, replacing ads and even Costco store samples for all. It's a reality, and now a con, to be dealt with. We'll have to both know the con, how to work with social media control, but know when to stop it..... Perhaps you find a way to work with it, and your business or philosophy moved ahead. Perhaps you find your social group must join forces, pool a bit of money, to present your environmental idea or candidate, and COUNTER monsters of giant Chemical Corps, Oil Companies, and more..... It becomes a social media defense, mote, castle building we never planned. But, for now, we can be CONSCIOUS of the Gaslighting Next: Find 5 like-minded persons in your area making similar postings, whether that's an Anti-Ice Raids group, or selling 56 Chevy's, and band together. Yep, just like Robin Hood and his Merry Band. Discuss the gaslighting, discuss your strategies: and, then, save each other the blood, sweat and tears of the disappearing FB posts.....make them count. Tip: as a group, you can share the cost of Hootsuite Pro, a poster to FB and 5 other social medias. It schedules your posts throughout the day so they count. You REPOST old content....your old and new articles from all your blogs. And, with one account for ($15 may share to 2 Facebooks and 6 Twitter accounts, and, Pinterest, blogs, and 20 other sources....to get all your posts of say 6 persons, you may want to get creative in having some shared FB and Twitter Accounts, or you can pay for Hootsuite to have ALL accounts of all persons. , you post all your blogs. Tip: many persons may have family or second FB accounts, consider these for a group account. Most have many Twitter accounts, but see rules and current complaints about that before getting to in deep. Tip: school each other in how to use Hootsuite poster, than trade off a week of rescheduling posts, one person per week, about 2 hours a week. And, to save time, put all the link url's from all person's blog just on a big list, and that week's person just copies them forward. Tip: when you look at info and Youtube vids on Hootsuite or any question, set your Google our Youtube search filter to give you only 2019 articles or videos: all other years are no longer valid. Hootsuite will take your post and then sent it to multiple accounts. Tip: if you have a political blog, find an Angle for it. Particularly, FB does not allow much negative about a sitting official, President or otherwise. You may post all you want, but then FB stops you from sharing that post of Promoting it with your $5. I am one such banned from that.... Find the angles that others work with on this: Call it something positive, or names from a social angle, like Progressive Politics. Now, me, I like to not beat around the bush, and am then stopped. I am blocked from promoting articles on FB about the pres. What to do? Take this matter, if you post political matters, and let the "team" brainstorm on ideas. Likely, you're entrenched with your concepts, but it will help prompt you at minimum to soften titles, while leaving pix and comments as you want. Wow, is Facebook every "monitizing" itself. That is, at every corner they've figured out a way to get $5 from you for this and that..... So, it's $5 to promote a video of your church or to promote that car you're selling. Likely, your $5 will be a super and effective investment: in this day and age, do that. But, "there's no free lunch", and FB has come into it's own. If 100,000 million persons in the world pay just $5 to promote your post, how much is that a day? That $ is the magic that is making FB one of the top 5 businesses in the World. So, they can promote your video, and show it instantly to a mass of people or your friends, or even target your post to like minded or opposite minded persons. One of the most challenging things now is that they REMOVE your posts. Yep, remove them. I bet you didn't know that. They want your $ to keep them on the site. So, you've posted a short article on Gaslight Attackers, your personal experience, or a warning of a scam....and you'd like it to stay "up", there. Now, I was just posting this same info, just as a post to Facebook. Ok, so it took me 10 minutes. But, and Facebook keeps it a mystery. But this appears to me to happen: 1. If just the link is shared, where you insert the link and it adds a paragraph of info, a clickable link, and a photo from the article, that is shown only a week maybe 2, then just disappears forever!!! So, what if you wanted that link to be there longer: for your friends for your own record to build up a story or theme or any reason..... It's gone. 2. It "seems" to me, that if you post some personal text first, as if "from a real person" then it I notice those stay there perhaps a month. Then, gone. Now, I really need your info on this, so post below, if you have 2019 updated info on this. Will this post last 2 weeks, or did it come from a blog or was it promoted with $5 to stay online? 3. it seems, if you share that post with others, or pages or groups, that the post still disappears. But, I've had some posts that were separate, made to groups, that were not my original posts, last a couple of months. This happened: I posted an item to sell on a page and my main FB, and those disappeared in under a month. But, when info was changed around some, and remained a different looking post, it lasted on a FB Group and Page, not mine, for 3 months. A person contacted me about an old ad for something being sold. See this full article, and be shocked. http://bit.ly/2ULo5eg So, then, what do you do. Catch yourself posting quickly, and take the tedious time: if it's an important social, environment, political, or or other note: make your post to a blog. Blog posts: a. make your post to a free blog, like this one, and get hundreds of them if you want, at Blogger.com Blogspot.com . And, do this soon, set up all the possible names and blogs you can in case owner Google stops supporting this, but still allows old users to run their blogs in the future. I expect that to happen in 2020. Set up 20-40 even if by odd titles, and you can change the subject later. b. blog posts stay on your FB, if you post them, for 2 full years. That means, if you write up a short article and put a pix in it, then, just put that link in your FB posts. Fb will auto get your article, titles, and photo, and keep it on FB for 2 years. . Other affirmations I liked on moving forward, not wasting time, etc. fakes and scammers on Facebook profiles, hootsuite and social media posters, social media and advertising hijacks http://bit.ly/2PCb1qH
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