#or refer me to a CBT service that doesn't work for me and has 6 month wait or is done an app where a therapist replies once every two weeks
the-ace-with-spades · 6 months
I'm so tired lately, I don't know what's happening, I just sleep and sleep and I'm still tired and just have no energy and can't focus on anything, even though my mood is good or even better than before??
Even when I finally had 8 days off work and took my ADHD meds, I just can't focus or make myself do stuff, no matter whether this is chores or something I like
I literally just sleep, read, and eat and clean the bare minimum. I have maybe 30 min where I actually do anything I want and then it all flats out
I dunno, I just feel like this isn't my usual depression/anxiety slump
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