#orrin after climbing to the top: If anyone fucking looks at me wrong I'm starting a second war.
ANYWAY what I was gonna say was how the fuck does Orrin get up the super tall tower in Uru'baen when they meet to chose the next ruler? It took forever for Eragon to climb all the stairs and it taxed even his strength. And Orrin had just been shot in the chest with a crossbow bolt only hours earlier and very nearly died. He's not fully healed btw, he was still bandaged and had to sit through the meeting. I'm fascinated by the possibility that Saphira could have brought him up, but I think it's incredibly unlikely. Maybe someone used magic for it, but idk if he'd put himself at the elves mercy like that and if his own magicians would be able. So maybe he just had someone help him physically climb all the way to the top, which could definitely explain why he's so pissed off the whole time! If anything, I'd say he's remarkably forgiving if that's the case bc if I'd been shot in the chest that morning and then my colleagues decided to do our crucial meeting at the top of the empire state building accessible only via spiral staircase, I would've gone straight to biting people to death
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