#out of all the captains kidd is the last one you'd expect to have a symbiotic relationship with his first mate
franeridan · 10 months
kidd and killer are such interesting creechers to me... isn't kidd the only captain we know that refers to his first mate with a term that puts him on his same level? they both call each other partner that's such a specific dynamic they have. and then there's that sbs where oda was like they've been partners since they were kids and have always done everything together so of course when they liked the same girl they both went on a date with her at the same time, like. hell yeah but also does oda understand what kind of relationship he's given them
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hatsue-exe · 2 years
Can I get a request for Kidd and Law (separate) after a bad argument (hurtful words thrown both way) with their s/o? Who apologises first and how? How quick are they to forgive? What was said that hurt each other? Sorry if it's too long and detailed 😅
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How they act after a fight:
warnings: some angst, fem!reader for kid (dunno why, just felt like it), gn!reader for law, reader is part of their crews.
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Eustass is the king of bickering with everyone in the ship, so it's not uncommon that you have disagreements. Fights, however, are a whole other situation.
When you actually fight, it escalates to the point where no one in the crew is able to ignore it. And Kid never masures his words, shouting whatever comes to his mind, so it gets hurtful pretty quickly.
Because of that, he's usually the one to apologise first, even if he's terrible at it.
"Why do you always get in the way? I can handle my own fucking fights!" you screamed as you boarded the Victoria Punk, your captain right behind you.
"Sure you could, just like last time, when you got yourself hurt and Killer almost got shot!"
"I was fine…" Killer mumbled, loud enough for you two to hear.
"See? He was fine! I was fine!"
"Of course he was fine, he's my fucking first mate! He's the one that got you out of that fucking mess! If he hadn't been fine, you'd be dead now!"
"As if you gave a shit about my well being!"
Heat passed the both of you, half the crew following him into the kitchen to try and ignore the fight. Killer, however, stuck around. He knew what was coming and that he'd have to interfere if it went any further.
"No, I don't give a shit about you at all, that's why I waste my fucking time protecting your useless ass from every enemy we cross!"
There it was.
You stopped in your tracks, eyes getting tearful at his words, but you held it, walking past Kid and out of the ship again. "Fine. Since I'm such a nuance, I'll get out of your sight. I'm no longer a Kid's Pirate."
That Killer was not expecting.
"Good fucking ridance."
Oh, no.
The entire crew got to the deck just in time to see you disappear back into the town you ported in. Killer went to his captain, pulling Eustass to the side. "Go after her.", he said, voice muffled by the mask.
"No. She left all her shit on the ship. She'll be back by dinner, when she's done trowing this fucking tantrum."
Problem was, you did not come back by dinner that day, nor the next, nor the following week. And Kid grew concerned. What if you crossed some marine's path? Or a stronger set of pirates?
What if you just didn't want to come back?
Those thoughts plagued his mind until he'd had enough. "Everyone! Get out there and find our fucking crewmate!"
Obviously, Killer was the one to find you. You were at a bar a bit far from the city, the owner being kind enough to land you a room in exchange for some help. "Captain wants you back."
"Your captain, Killer. I'll wait for some other crew to take me in."
"We're your crew." He sounded almost hurt, and you signed, putting away the broom and looking at him. "Come back to us, if not for him."
"So I can stand in your way? Killer, I have the lowest bounty of all of you. You have so much to conquer. I don't wanna bother."
"And I don't wanna conquer shit without you." Both of you turned to see Kid at the bar's door. "Can we talk in private?"
You took Kid to the back, while Killer went to find the rest of the crew. "We'll wait for you on the ship", he said, and you had no idea who he meant.
"Talk, Eustass."
"Look, I'm an idiot, a'right? I shouldn't have said that shit to you. When you got hurt and I didn't manage to stop it, when Killer was the one to go save you, I got mad at myself. I'm supposed to be your fucking partner, what use is that if I can't keep you safe? I was just trying to… Ugh, I don't even fucking know anymore."
"I get what you mean, Kid." You took a step towards him, barely believing your punk-ass captain was being so communicative. "But you can't spend your time babying me. I may not be the strongest, but…"
"You're strong. I wouldn't allow some weak thing on my ship. I wouldn't be in love with anyone weak. I'm sorry. Please come back to us. To me."
That last part was mumbled, but you knew it was sincere. Closing the space between you, you hugged Kid by the waist. "Second and last chance, Eustass. Pull this shit again and I'll rip your other arm."
"HA! Now there's my girl."
Fights with Law are much different. They almost never happen, simply because he'll room himself out of the situation, which makes it worse sometimes if you actually need to discuss something with him.
Both of you usually end up apologising, and pretty quickly. Holding grudges is a bit though in a submarine.
"I just want to talk, Law. Can you please hear me out this time?"
"We don't need to talk. The problem was solved. End of it."
You grew more and more frustrated. All you wanted was for Law to include you a bit more in his plan-making. You were a great strategist and he knew it. But his plans worked, and that's all that mattered to him apparently. "I just want to help. Aren't we supposed to be partners in this whole thing?!"
Trafalgar got away from the desk and turned his chair to you. "We're partners, but ultimately this is my ship and we will do things my way."
"Ugh, why do you have to be so stubborn? At least give me a chance to…"
"No. If something goes wrong, I'm responsible for it, so we do as I say and that's final. We've had this discussion before. Don't make me have it again." He went to turn to his work, but you got in the way, covering his books with your hand.
"Law I've had enough of this! Let me help! You don't have to do everything by yourself, we're a team! Just goddamn it, let me in."
Seeing your eyes water made Law sign, his hands reaching out to you and pulling you to his lap. "You're right. I'm sorry. It's just hard for me to listen, but I'll try next time, ok?"
"Thank you. I'm sorry for being pushy as well, but I just get frustrated, you know?"
He took your hand in his tattooed one and kissed your knuckles. "I do, dear. Please, say your piece. I'm all ears."
You knew that it wasn't much yet, and you'd definitely have to go over this same topic again after a while, but it was a good start.
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a/n: your request was great, don't worry! also sorry for law's being shorter, i just don't know how to write his personality properly :") and i also love kid's little punk, bitch-ass so
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wimble-warcrime · 7 months
Ooh can I request how you think kid and killer would show their interest in you? Basically their way of courting you/beginning of a relationship. Together or separate, whatever you feel like 🖤🖤
hi anon, thanks for the ask! i'd be happy to do both :)
im a big fan of the concept of courting in general (to many period drama influences) so some of these may seem weird or ooc
different from killer, who would take a more traditional approach to courting/wooing a potential partner, kidd's approach is more... chaotic... we'll say
we all know that this tulip head has the emotional range of a teaspoon, and therefore struggles with expressing any emotion other than rage and pride, so be prepared for a whirlwind of whiplash
he doesn't know what he wants, you don't know what he wants
killer knows what he wants, but won't be at all helpful in this case
while he will staunchly deny this until the day he dies, kidd's love language is acts of service (beating the shit out of people for you), gift giving (making you things to beat the shit out of people) and quality time (discussing in depth on how to beat the shit out of people)
expect a lot of shiny things, handmade metal contraptions, and requests for you to just sit with him (he tells you he needs someone to hold something for him, or shine the light at a particular angle, but we all know he just wants to be around you)
he fails miserably at any attempts of flirtation
the first time you cackle at him for his terrible pick-up lines, he shuts himself away for a few days. the second time, (with killer's guidance) he realizes that making you laugh would be great way to warm up to each other.
it becomes a witty back-and-forth of banter and cheesy pick-up lines, and a solid friendship is formed. you talk about whatever, he gives his (sadistic) input, he rambles on about his latest invention (probably a weapon) and you give your feedback
you don't know that each of these conversations are pertaining to the same creation, he's (very secretly, and quite skillfully (to killer's surprise)) getting your input, because he's making it for you.
it's months in the making, he probably started right after your first lengthy discussion about preferred weapon types or something like that.
i'd like to think that for kidd, it's obsession at first insult with him, so you'd probably be relatively new to the crew. he wouldn't last long enough to have known (and liked you) for years, no patience with dis man
he gets talkative when he drinks, so i guarantee you the first time he gets like black out drunk around you, he spills his guts. its an unspoked rule amongst the crew, that any 'gushy' feelings that come from that captain while he is inebriated, are not to ever EVER be brought up afterwards.
so you kind of just. sit there. thinking abt the fact that this angry tulip man like you. and wont admit it to your face.
after the first emotional moment TM you guys share, things start to pick up. you are witness to a softer side of the one-dimensional captain, and quite like it.
start seeking those out more. he won't, but the best progress is one made in emotional vulnerability. (dr. wimble advice corner approved)
he cant take a hint, so dont bother dropping any. if you wanna go forward, say something. kidd cannot read (alegedly), let alone between the lines. your best bet is to whip out your tits (gn) in front of him.
i will die on this hill, kidd is firmly a boob guy, dont try to change my mind. he lov em
there is no "so, should we date now?" phase with this guy, he just skips right to the "fucking them with the lights on" phase. a hot and heavy encounter later, and he has firmly planted himself at your side, no takes-backsies~~
you wake up the morning after hovered in hickeys and bite marks, and EVERYONE know your his now. he wont say it, but you are.
killer on the other hand, is a traditionalist, an 'el hopaness romtic' if ya know what im sayin
he will woo the pants right off you, season two anthony bridgerton wet shirt scene style (iykyk)
you probably aren't new to the crew, kil strikes me as the kinda guy who doesn't know he likes someone until it's too late. like man's good at self reflection and all, but it takes TIME to get to him, so there is no 'love at first fisticuffs' with him.
it starts with friendship (demi killer till the day i die), you two are like each others bestfriends. no one tops kidd (ehehe) for this guy, but you can tie
it's the little things at first, and more one-sided at the beginning (on your end), like complimenting his cooking, offering to help with dishes
maybe you buy him some hair stuff, he did mention that he was running out, off handedly. or, you sharpen up his knives for him while he's away
Killer's love language is also acts of service, more so on the receiving end tho, but he likes to give gifts. he'll cook for you, personally
like one meal just for you type thing. he says he wants you to try out a new recipe of his, but really, he just made you a nice meal, and cant say it to your face.
you two act like a couple already, but both deny it, saying youre just 'really good friends'
he first really realises that he likes you, seriously likes (maybe love) you when you get injured. and not like, oh little scratch, but like, almost died injured.
a foe has never been downed faster, than when killer heard your scream of pain and terror from across the battle field, and fucking flew across to get to you.
it's obvious to anyone that mans got it badd. he doesnt leave your side until youre concious again and the promptly blows up you for being dumb and reckless and almost getting killed. its a nasty fight, one that shatters your friendship. no one expected anything like that from him. probably the most anyone has ever heard from him in one go
he is just worried, but cant tell you that he loves you, without fully knowing how you feel back. not a guy who readily takes risks like that.
it's a few weeks before he's talking to you again, afraid that he astronomically fudged it by his little outburst. the exchanges are clipped, (you, who had been pining hard for him for like ever) and you're positively sure he hates your guts (he doesnt he just scared)
he avoids you, trying to put as much distance between you two as physically possible, trying to get rid of his feelings for you. but the you go and get yourself hurt. again
it was an accident this time, he saw it happen. like slow motion, the knife you were holding was bumped out of your hand by someone backing into you, it fell, cutting your hand open, before notching itself into the flood
he blows up at the person responsible, before dragging you to the medbay to patch you up. all the while, muttering about how clumsy you are, how much of a danger magnet you seem to be.
its at that moment you know how he feels. it's not said outright, but the care he takes with you, treating you like you're glass
you lean down to kiss his mask. just a small pec, an utterance of a 'thank you' whispered after
his heart is beating like a wild mustang, and he freezes. he makes sure your affection wasn't just because you were grateful (after he starts working again)
your reassurance is like cupids arrow for his heart. you like him, have liked him for a while
nothing really changes between your dynamic after that, at least from the outside. really, you've started to be more physically affectionate behind closed doors.
it's a huge step when he takes his mask of around you. the lights are off, and you can't see his face, but he lets you touch it. huge step in your relationship
he's still a baddie, violent and unhinged, (to keep up appearances), but when no ones looking, he'll love on you
this feels kinda rushed ngl, but alas, when is it not? anywayz anon, hope you like it! iv'e already done poly! kidkiller here, i hope you enjoy :)
btw my requests are open, but im still in college, so be mindful if it takes me a hot minute to reply to them
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