I sometimes wake up and wonder why depressed people are depressed, specially when you have the gift of life and everything to live for. Do you really go through your days with sadness? But why? Because you've had so many problems and you've hurt so many times? Why don't you do me a favor, wake up in the morning and tell yourself it's going to be alright, that you're going to have a fabulous day, believe it, breathe it, feel it, feel the love that is truly within you, don't let your terrible thoughts get to you, because your aren't your negative thoughts, you are only LOVE. I promise, start to believe in miracles, think positively and positive things happen to you. And how would I know this right? because I use to be depressed, because I did try to kill myself a few times, and God wanted better things for me. He wanted me to become "ME" which is ONLY love!! I promise you, that within you, isn't a sad person, because that's only what you're thinking. Start to love more and love yourself, because in the end, the person you truly need to impress, is yourself. I love everyone, be yourself, and be HAPPY. Just TRY. <3 Lots of love  -brooke <3 
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