darkmaga-retard · 1 month
International Man: Gold has recently reached a new all-time high.
What are the underlying factors pushing the gold price higher?
Doug Casey: Three emotions typically move the gold price: prudence, fear, and greed. At the moment, only prudence is dominant, and certainly not greed. Or even fear, even though there’s plenty to be afraid about. The public seems quite unaware that gold is pushing all-time nominal highs. The gold bull market will likely remain intact, at least until the public is clamoring to get in. We’re no where near that stage.
Public ownership of gold is trivial. They’re just not interested in it. I suspect that’s because they’re concentrating on the stock market, where greed kicked in years ago. Stocks have treated them well for over 40 years; they figure the bull market is perpetual, with just minor retrenchments. Everybody has a Robinhood account, where they’re trading options and meme stocks. They see gold as an asset for fuddy-duddies and gloom-and-doomers. I think their sentiments will soon reverse, and fear will take over. Fear will draw their attention to gold.
Currencies, including the US dollar, are just the unbacked liabilities of bankrupt governments. The US, in particular, is overindebted. The country has borrowed capital accumulated in the past and is mortgaging future earnings to finance an artificially high current standard of living.
We’ve gone from a time when, as late as the ’60s—before the devaluation in 1971—you generally saved up and bought a car for cash. Believe it or not, people actually saved up to buy a house for cash.
After 1971, we had, at first, two-year financing for cars. Then it went to three, five, then seven years. Now, many people lease their car. A car has gone from being a minor asset on your balance sheet to a big liability. People rarely have equity in a car, even though it can easily cost twice what the average house did pre-1971.
Before the 1971 devaluation, there was almost no credit card debt; now, it’s over $1.1 trillion. There was almost no student loan debt; now, it’s a trillion and a half dollars.
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newsfact · 2 years
Underlying Issues – The Diplomat
Underlying Issues – The Diplomat
Advertisement China’s real estate market is in a slump, kicked off last year by Evergrande’s debt default. Overindebted developers have been reined in through the Three Red Lines policy, which has tightened leverage requirements. Other property developers, including Shimao and Sunac China Holdings, have also missed debt repayment deadlines. This sudden decline in the real estate sector lies in…
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agreenroad · 3 years
The Solution to Inflation | Economic Prism
The Solution to Inflation | Economic Prism
The problem for the Fed, however, is that it despises deflation.  Deflation destroys over indebted economies, producing mass personal bankruptcies and corporate defaults.  Deflation also destroys overindebted governments, which depend on printing press money to pay their bills.The task at hand for the Fed is to somehow control inflation without triggering a depression.  But after two decades of…
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reportwire · 3 years
Opinion | Angela Merkel Is Leaving. It’s Time.
Opinion | Angela Merkel Is Leaving. It’s Time.
In other locations, also, Ms. Merkel’s solution fell quick. Her managing of the euro personal debt crisis aided protected the long term of the bloc, but at the price tag of leaving the underlying dynamics — overindebted southern international locations and an unbalanced monetary union — untouched. Her conciliatory approach to Russia, not the very least above the controversial Nord Stream 2…
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elladastinkardiamou · 6 years
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Members of the far-left, anti-bailout Popular Unity party, led by former SYRIZA minister Panagiotis Lafazanis, gathered outside a notary’s office in central Athens on Wednesday to protest against foreclosures on the properties of overindebted Greeks. During the protest, Lafazanis and other protesters put up a ladder and climbed onto a riot police bus that was parked outside the notary’s office on Panepistimiou Street. Protesters claimed that the property under the hammer on Wednesday was a store in Larissa, central Greece, with a mortgage of 138,000 euros. Photo by Tatiana Bolari/Eurokinissi.
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lifegardenheaven · 5 years
Learn About Common Diseases Of Catnip Plants
Learn About Common Diseases Of Catnip Plants
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Like most mint family plants, catnip is strong, strong and aggressive. There are few problems with pests or catnip that seriously affect the health of the plant. This means that it can be difficult to determine the causes when catnip plants die. They are taking a lot of abuse in the form of overindebted neighborhood children. However, if your plant looks ill, fungal infections are…
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georgecmatthews · 4 years
What can the Mississippi Bubble teach us about today’s uncertain market?
300 years ago in 1720, one of the largest stock market bubbles in history came to an end. What historians now refer to as the Mississippi Bubble was the result of an economic experiment designed to revive the French economy following the death of King Louis IV. The project was the vision of John Law, a Scottish expatriate living in France. Law believed the French economy could grow if the country increased trade and adopted a new monetary policy. In 1716, the regent of France, Duc d’Orleans, granted Law the power to implement his vision.
Law created the Banque Royale, France’s first central bank, and the first financial institution to issue paper money.He also created the Mississippi Trading Company, which incorporated all of France’s foreign trading operations in America. Law was granted extraordinary power, gaining control over coinage, interest rates, tobacco, taxation, and half of the land mass that is now the United States. Law also issued shares in the Mississippi Trading Company to the public and used the proceeds to pay down the nation’s debt. The shares were wildly successful on reports of the potential riches in America, trading as much as 20 times over their initial value. So many French citizens became instantly wealthy that a new term was coined to describe them: millionaires.
The scheme began to collapse when pioneers returned to France from America and reported that there were no riches or economic prospects to be found, which caused the shares to decline. The bubble ultimately burst when draconian quarantine measures were implemented after a bout of bubonic plague hit France. Law was ultimately banished from the country, the economy declined, currency value plummeted, and a long economic malaise ensued, leaving investors to blame Law for creating nothing but contagion in unsound speculation.
Drawing parallels between the Mississippi Bubble and today’s volatility
300 years later, memories of the Mississippi Bubble appear to have faded as global policymakers repeat many of Law’s mistakes. Like France after Louis IV’s death, we entered 2020 overindebted in a system that encourages similar speculation and artificially high asset prices over sound economic activity. Government debt has reached unprecedented levels, and the lack of economic growth raises questions about how to deal with its negative effects.
Targeting interest rate levels as well as the stock price of the Mississippi Trading Company put Law far ahead of his time, and modern day central bankers are engaging in the same tactics. One of Law’s most vocal contemporary critics, economist Richard Cantillon, warned Law that artificially low interest rates would not provide any real durable or economic improvement. Cantillon argued that artificially low rates would result in lending to low-quality borrowers and merely incentivize most economic actors to speculate in financial instruments. Present-day critics of central bank policies echo this sentiment as they point out that central banks are caught in a liquidity trap whereby they are unable to escape their own policies.
The result is a low-growth global economy with an ever-increasing degree of wealth disparity. In fact, the number of billionaires is on the rise due to the flood of central bank liquidity. According to the number of billionaires increased 8.5% in 2019 to a new record high. Moreover, in 2019 there were more billionaires in Europe — 847 total — than any other region in the world, followed closely by North America, which had 834.
Market conditions
Just like France in 1720, a more globalized, financially engineered economy was made crash-prone and highly vulnerable to a pandemic. The COVID-19 virus was just the first-order effect that roiled markets in 2020. An oil supply shock engaged by Saudi Arabia was a second-order impact that accelerated the deflationary spiral brought on by the virus. This led investors to a flight to safety, but as panic ensued, the overleveraged global economy required liquidity at any cost, leading to indiscriminate selling across both risk and safe-haven assets.
Central banks were quick to act as the liquidation selling required an extraordinary response. Trillions of dollars and euros worth of fiscal and monetary policy were created in March to stabilize markets. The US monetary policy response involved interest rate cuts, loans, and asset purchases. To date, the scale of the response already far exceeds the stimulus enacted during the 2008 financial crisis. In fact, the Federal Reserve (Fed) announced it would engage in unlimited quantitative easing with a procedure that would include “amounts needed to support the smooth functioning of markets.” US fiscal policy was similarly extraordinary with the budget deficit expected to exceed $4 trillion in 2020.
The European Central Bank had little room to reduce interest rates so its focus was on asset purchases, including the Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program (PEPP) that will purchase roughly $800 billion in bonds and commercial paper throughout 2020. (One notable feature is that Greek government bonds will be eligible for purchase as part of this program. Greek debt is normally excluded from bond-buying due to the country’s credit rating.) In May, the European Union (EU) unveiled its first fiscal stimulus proposal, funded by bonds issued by the EU itself, rather than by individual governments of its member states. This $860 billion package is called “Next Generation EU.” It will give $550 billion in grants to member states, along with $275 billion in loans. The package must be approved by member states before it is put into effect, however. One significant change for the Fed is they are now engaging in the purchase of corporate debt, including high yield, just as the ECB has done for many years.
For asset markets, the first half of 2020 saw global bonds advance as investors sought haven protection, while commodities declined the most with double-digit losses. Global stocks limited their declines to just single digits due to stimulus led recovery that began in late March.
“Real recovery” or just a “bear market bounce?”
We enter the second half of 2020 in an economic contraction, leading us to wonder if we have entered a real recovery or just a bear market bounce. Fiscal and monetary efforts to revive the economy and markets could more accurately be described as stabilization versus stimulus.
One key question for the second half of 2020 is whether the enormous amount of liquidity can maintain solvency. Will efforts to stabilize the economy bridge the gap to a time when businesses can produce required revenues and cash flows to avoid bankruptcies, defaults, and higher levels of unemployment?
The spotlight remains on the central banks, but their role shifts from stimulating financial markets to concurrently having to finance higher budget deficits. This raises another question, as well: Who will pay for all this stimulus? One option is to raise taxes. However, there is likely to be considerable voter resistance to such a large tax increase. Although there is appetite for tax increases on the rich and companies that have benefitted from the crisis, this is unlikely to make a dent in the deficit and debt burden.
The most politically viable solution to pay for spending has historically been through inflation. The case for inflation stems from the pernicious effects of deflation on the economy. A deflationary debt collapse is the worst-case scenario for policymakers because it risks triggering a long and deep depression characterized by chronic high unemployment, increased corporate bankruptcies, and poor stock market returns. Therefore, inflationary policies are favored by both fiscal and monetary authorities to both reflate the economy and devalue the debt burden via currency debasement. This involves lending from banks and central banks, both of which create new currency to buy the newly issued government debt. Central banks will also maintain artificially lower interest rates to ease the existing debt burden, which may weaken a nation’s currency. The size, scale, and scope of these efforts to reinvigorate the global economy increase the probability of higher inflation, especially now that fiscal policy is being married with monetary policy.
In the second part of our blog series, we’ll explore the impact of this market environment on various asset classes, including stocks, bonds, and commodities, as well as our outlook for the second half of 2020. In the meantime, we’re well-served to remember the lesson of John Law, whose accommodative policy raised asset prices but failed to produce sufficient economic growth. Time will tell whether current monetary and fiscal policy can prevent the same outcome today.
Important information
Blog header image: Nathan French / Stocksy
from Expert Investment Views: Invesco Blog https://www.blog.invesco.us.com/what-can-the-mississippi-bubble-teach-us-about-todays-uncertain-market/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-can-the-mississippi-bubble-teach-us-about-todays-uncertain-market
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cryptodictation · 4 years
The Second Chance Law: a lifeline for debt that is hardly used | Economy
Last September, a Barcelona court forgave 250,000 euros to a citizen unable, with the income of his company, to face his losses. He did it thanks to the Second Chance Law. Since 2015, professionals, businessmen and the self-employed have availed themselves of a procedure to obtain, fulfilling certain requirements, the cancellation of debts that drown their future. A life preserver, however, is being used far below expectations. According to the INE, last year 1,772 competitions for individuals were processed (of which 280 were for individual entrepreneurs). In Germany, this figure rose to more than 100,000. It seems obvious that something is wrong.
One of the causes that explains this failure, according to Víctor Tapiol, lawyer at the Toda & Nel-lo law firm, is the lack of knowledge and mistrust of the possible beneficiaries. Many entrepreneurs, freelancers and individuals do not know that they can avail themselves of this system. In addition, its activation is more restricted than in other laws, such as the German one, which allows it to be requested from creditors.
Experts also point out flaws in the configuration of the Spanish model. Ana Beatriz Gamero, lawyer for Montero Aramburu, regrets that a specific procedure was not chosen, apart from the costly and lengthy bankruptcy proceedings. This would allow more agility, without losing rigor and avoiding abuse. Despite this, the lawyer points out that the law was a very important advance in a matter in which our law was “absolutely backward” compared to neighboring countries.
Judicial flexibility
Proof of the cumbersomeness of the Second Chance Law, as Professor Matilde Cuena explains, is that, in practice, the judges are relaxing the conditions with “generous” interpretations. This, in the best of cases, generates “legal insecurity”. In others, even, legality itself is “bordered”. Thus, for example, the courts of Barcelona are inclined to grant the definitive exemption from tax credits even if the payment plan is not complied with, provided that the debtor dedicates certain income thresholds to the fulfillment of said plan.
Gamero points to two other elements that would explain the low number of competitions for natural persons: its identification with the stigma of failure and the excessive requirements that the standard demands.
To obtain the so-called benefit of exoneration of the unsatisfied liability, a very complex procedure must be followed. Also, it is paradoxical that overindebted people have to face the payment of many costs such as notary, Official Chambers of Commerce, registries, bankruptcy mediator and lawyers, in a process that can last up to three years. As Matilde Cuena, professor of Civil Law at the Complutense University of Madrid, points out, many of these professionals do not manage to collect their fees, which makes few want to specialize in the subject. And this results in the protection of the bankrupt.
This gap has been occupied by companies such as Repair Your Debt, which, for a minute of between 1,500 and 5,000 euros, are in charge of piloting the procedure. According to Manuel Rodríguez, head of his legal department, what most demoralizes those affected is the slow resolution of the case and that 90% of attempts at an out-of-court settlement with creditors fail.
The previous process of mediation, supervised by a bankruptcy mediator, leaves out the entrepreneurs who carry a liability of more than five million euros. In addition, Rodríguez points out, it is very difficult for a debtor with minimal economic capacity to propose a payment plan that creditors want to accept, since banks do not usually accept withdrawals above 60%.
CEPYME stresses the need for companies to know and use mediation more to avoid that those that are still viable are doomed to extinction. They also point to some improvements to facilitate refinancing, such as making it possible to offset debts with Public Administrations with credits in favor of SMEs.
In this sense, the proposal to reform the law presented a few months ago by Ciudadanos included a series of solutions to enhance out-of-court settlements, making their requirements more flexible and eliminating the need to try an out-of-court settlement when the debtor does not have attachable assets.
Good faith
To get rid of your outstanding payments, the debtor must first liquidate his assets. Also, you must prove your good faith, which is not presupposed. The law establishes a rigorous filter in this regard. Those who, for example, have been convicted of economic crimes in the previous ten years or have rejected an offer of suitable employment in four years, cannot apply to the judge.
As Cuena points out, with the current regulation, the insolvent has to pay many debts in order to obtain the cancellation of others. If it does not succeed, its assets are liquidated and must be subject to a five-year payment plan for non-exonerable credits (public debts and maintenance, among others). A “ridiculous approach”, he believes, because after liquidating the assets the debtor has nothing and it is difficult to impose a payment plan that does not meet his economic capacity.
Finally, another of the most important obstacles in the current system is that debts with the Treasury and Social Security are never forgiven. A question that, as all the experts agree, urgently needs to change to achieve a truly effective system. These credits usually represent an important part of the liabilities of entrepreneurs, SMEs and the self-employed. As Rodríguez explains, his company even advises some of its clients with very high non-payments of taxes that they do not even try to use the second chance mechanism.
Lluís Nel-lo, lawyer for Toda & Nel-lo, sees the change in the model as essential, because the current situation is causing undesired effects such as increasing private indebtedness and encouraging the underground economy, since those with public debts will prefer to continue working in black to make use of this procedure. For this reason, the self-employed associations insist on including public debts among the exonerable ones. A change that incorporated the proposed reform of Citizens, leaving out, yes, the payment of fines and penalties.
The post The Second Chance Law: a lifeline for debt that is hardly used | Economy appeared first on Cryptodictation.
from WordPress https://cryptodictation.com/2020/04/18/the-second-chance-law-a-lifeline-for-debt-that-is-hardly-used-economy/
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blackpaperseconomy · 5 years
Secular Stagnation: monetary policy and SMB
Secular Stagnation: monetary policy and SMB
Cyclically in different crisis and depressions,  it has been raised the fear of secular stagnation –under different names-, more recently by a group of economist leaded by Larry Summers in ‘The Age of Secular Stagnation: What It Is and What to Do About It’ (2016), also co-author of the Hysteresis theory as a description for permanent high levels of unemployment, inflation and GDP output gap.
The actual hypothesis of secular stagnation remarks that western economies seemingly need negative real interest rates in order to growth and the ‘creation’ of economic bubbles to keep up the pace with historical rates of growth and low levels of unemployment.
In this paper we use the actual behavior of financial markets and assume that the shift in employment creation to large corporations and governments in the post WWII scenario lead to fast growth, and what we considered a ‘normal’ behavior of monetary policy and trends in macroeconomics variables.
Nonetheless in recent decades that shift has been reverted by a mix of public policies, innovation and specialization, backing a larger participation of SMB in GDP (50% to 85% in OCDE countries). This has been magnified by changes in management culture in the large Corporations ecosystem, like outsourcing, contractors and subcontractors -as ways of sinking costs and red tape- and reengineering practices of production processes, all of them leading to a growing SMB sector.
The problem with this situation, arises as the real ir payed by each sector is really different. For example: in a normal scenario for a OCDE economy, government pays for bonds 2-4%, Big Corporations 4-6%, while a small contractor working on capital provided by its credit card pays between 12% to 20%. In that conditions, and using the K=L equivalence, salaries and job creation payed up for the difference.
As almost all of Small business relay on a mix of different financial products, essentially not targeted for businesses or job creation, among them consumer credit, credit cards, working capital used as a source of capital to finance fixed assets, car loans, consumer loans, etc., the observed main consequence is that Medium businesses rely on bank loans designed to penalize individual overindebt, and as a behavioral significance, this heavily penalize the business growth and job creation, with demands of collateral and a ‘zero’ confidence attitude in the SMB capacity or character. Also banks considerer over indebt a MB at levels that big corporations would be barely indebt at all with a ir ‘normal’ of 9-15% .
A first conclusion is that for at least half of private businesses the ‘transmission chain’ of monetary policy is formally broken. Merging overcosts, financial burdens and the lack of specific financial products, translates into a higher variance o risk induced by the financial ecosystem in which SMB products; this leads to lower wages, higher uncertainty for the SMB and higher investment costs.
As can be interpreted, job creation for SMB  (50% to 90% of total) pay greatly ir non correlated with real risk, this in a recession can lead to a situation in which ir is at the ZLB –Zero Lower Bound- on average, but with several tranches, really segregated –or with a high variance-, making SMB the biggest losers of any recession.
As a recommendation, SMB need a new designed financial set of products: a simple proposition is the use of CDO / CDS for the aggregate pool of SMB loans. Also the segmentation of ir trenches as a cost for business becomes a possible explanation for at least part of the Hysteresis phenomena. We would explore more of this concept in future posts.
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preciousmetals0 · 5 years
Avoid the Coming Market Correction by Selling These 3 Stocks
Avoid the Coming Market Correction by Selling These 3 Stocks:
Investor Insights:
Last week, I said to avoid buying Apple and
To those, I’d add pretty much every other big stock that’s had lots of momentum.
Investors chasing the year-end rally for one huge company are in big trouble.
This time last year — as the stock market fell nearly 20% in three months — I told you to keep calm, because stocks were destined to rebound in 2019.
And so they have.
But as the major indexes glide ever higher to new all-time records here in December, the alarm bells are starting to go off.
So I have a new message:
Prepare for a sizable correction soon.
I’m talking on the order of 10% to 15% after early January as we flip the calendar to 2020.
If I’m right, it ought to be just steep enough, and scary enough, to suck the wind out of most investors’ sails … and set things up nicely for the second half of the year.
Big Stocks Have Been Pushed to Bullish Extremes
I noted last week two of the stocks I’d avoid buying (or sell now at the highs) — Apple and Microsoft — because their valuations are stretched.
To those, I’d add pretty much every other big stock that’s had lots of momentum into the end of the year.
For instance, I’ve long cheered the kinds of e-commerce investments that Walmart and other big retailers have made in recent years to compete with Amazon.
This year’s Christmas season ought to be very kind to the retail sector. But in their year-end enthusiasm, investors have pushed retail stocks to bullish extremes.
If you divide Walmart’s price by the profits that Wall Street expects it to earn in 2020, it’s trading at a price-to-earnings ratio of 23 — its highest valuation in 15 years.
But it only takes a glance at the accompanying chart to see that the retailer’s shares go through plenty of corrections and sharp sell-offs on a regular basis.
Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT)
(Source: TradingView.com)
The Coming Correction
Once the correction gets going, I’m sure we’ll hear plenty of reasons for the market’s decline:
Interest rates are too low (after everyone complained they were too high a year ago).
Fear of a Democrat in the White House, or a second Trump term — choose your side.
Overindebted consumers and businesses.
Uncertainty on the “phase 1” China trade deal.
The point is, we can always attach a motive to why stocks go up and down. Ultimately, it’s a stock’s value, future profits and cash-flow growth that matter most.
So if you’re looking for something to do this Christmas and New Year’s, avoid chasing the year-end rally. Prepare a shopping list for buying stocks when the smoke clears after the coming correction.
Best of Good Buys,
Jeff L. Yastine
Editor, Total Wealth Insider
P.S. I just revealed the details on a stock that’s expected to create America’s next wave of millionaires. This new tech company is set to dominate 5G wireless across an entire continent. Early investors could see every $10,000 grow to $1 million. Get the details here.
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goldira01 · 5 years
Investor Insights:
Last week, I said to avoid buying Apple and
To those, I’d add pretty much every other big stock that’s had lots of momentum.
Investors chasing the year-end rally for one huge company are in big trouble.
This time last year — as the stock market fell nearly 20% in three months — I told you to keep calm, because stocks were destined to rebound in 2019.
And so they have.
But as the major indexes glide ever higher to new all-time records here in December, the alarm bells are starting to go off.
So I have a new message:
Prepare for a sizable correction soon.
I’m talking on the order of 10% to 15% after early January as we flip the calendar to 2020.
If I’m right, it ought to be just steep enough, and scary enough, to suck the wind out of most investors’ sails … and set things up nicely for the second half of the year.
Big Stocks Have Been Pushed to Bullish Extremes
I noted last week two of the stocks I’d avoid buying (or sell now at the highs) — Apple and Microsoft — because their valuations are stretched.
To those, I’d add pretty much every other big stock that’s had lots of momentum into the end of the year.
For instance, I’ve long cheered the kinds of e-commerce investments that Walmart and other big retailers have made in recent years to compete with Amazon.
This year’s Christmas season ought to be very kind to the retail sector. But in their year-end enthusiasm, investors have pushed retail stocks to bullish extremes.
If you divide Walmart’s price by the profits that Wall Street expects it to earn in 2020, it’s trading at a price-to-earnings ratio of 23 — its highest valuation in 15 years.
But it only takes a glance at the accompanying chart to see that the retailer’s shares go through plenty of corrections and sharp sell-offs on a regular basis.
Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT)
(Source: TradingView.com)
The Coming Correction
Once the correction gets going, I’m sure we’ll hear plenty of reasons for the market’s decline:
Interest rates are too low (after everyone complained they were too high a year ago).
Fear of a Democrat in the White House, or a second Trump term — choose your side.
Overindebted consumers and businesses.
Uncertainty on the “phase 1” China trade deal.
The point is, we can always attach a motive to why stocks go up and down. Ultimately, it’s a stock’s value, future profits and cash-flow growth that matter most.
So if you’re looking for something to do this Christmas and New Year’s, avoid chasing the year-end rally. Prepare a shopping list for buying stocks when the smoke clears after the coming correction.
Best of Good Buys,
Jeff L. Yastine
Editor, Total Wealth Insider
P.S. I just revealed the details on a stock that’s expected to create America’s next wave of millionaires. This new tech company is set to dominate 5G wireless across an entire continent. Early investors could see every $10,000 grow to $1 million. Get the details here.
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breakingnewslive · 7 years
Debt restructuring will offer pardons to strategic defaulters
The mission to restructure Greece’s overindebted enterprises runs the risk of turning into a fountain of catharsis, with strategic defaulters being pardoned, while everything that has not been done to clear the bad debt backlog over the last seven years m http://breakingnewslive.net/news/debt-restructuring-will-offer-pardons-to-strategic-defaulters?uid=260175&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
New Post has been published on https://cloudlight.biz/fact-check-is-education-spending-at-the-highest-level-on-record/
Fact Check: is education spending at the highest level on record
Prime Minister Theresa May additionally in an interview with Andrew Marr at the BBC on April 30, 2017.
As she hit the campaign path, Theresa Can also repeat a claim she has made several instances earlier than, such as at some point of Top Minister’s Questions in April, that schooling spending is at its maximum ever level.
Her declare is every day tally every day on Department of training figures, which come from a Countrywide Audit Office record in day-to-day the financial sustainability of faculties. This record references the authorities’ general core faculties price range, which is said every day be at the highest ever level.
A Branch of schooling blog on faculty funding additionally info how faculty funding is:
At its highest on file at greater than £forty billion in 2016 every day 2017 and is set every day upward push day-to-day £forty two billion in 2019 every day 2020, with increasing pupil numbers. While Theresa Might also make the claim, she becomes speaking mainly approximately schooling in England, and she or he is regarding the “devoted schools supply”. This is the whole block of cash going daily faculties in England every 12 months – which currently stands at £forty billion.
However while the £forty billion wide variety is ready accurate and it is real that This is higher than in preceding years, it is not the whole story.
This is because, in terms of schooling spending, it’s miles the “according to pupil expenditure” – literally the amount spent on every scholar – this is applicable and no longer the entire amount of the “devoted faculties supply”.
Recent research on the challenge has shown that or present day spending per student in England changed into in large part frozen in actual terms between 2010 and 2011 and 2015 and 2016.
Furthermore, from 2015 every day 2016 onwards school spending has been frozen in coins phrases, that probably daily translates right into a real terms discount of around 6.five% between 2015 every day 2016 and 2019 everyday 2020.
Cultural Education Via Cultural Symbols for Interior and Exterior Decorations of Public Buildings
The cultures of people have excellent potentials in inculcating values and norms into its contributors. Those values and norms disseminated via cultural schooling assist in fostering properly living relations among society members. In most cultures of the sector, special cultural symbols are generally used for teaching the norms and values of one’s way of life. exact behavioral traits together with humility, hospitality, honesty, difficult work, and recognize are extolled in the symbolic and philosophical meanings enshrined in These cultural symbols. As an example, in Ghana, the Adinkra symbols are culturally charged designs that illustrate the ordinary values and norms inside the Ghanaian network. These tradition-oriented symbols should be used for decorating the interiors and exteriors of public homes like community centers, libraries, banks, accommodations, eating places and so on. This will heighten the cultural training avenues in Ghana.
The subculture-orientated symbols like Adinkra symbols offer powerful counsel and practical insight into lifestyles
IT  affords ethical training to the humans. As an example, the Gye-Nyame (Except God) image educates us at the pivotal role of God within the existence of guy. Hence, dwelling in harmony along with his virtues effects in a hit existence. Additionally, the Nkyinkyim (curves) symbol indicates that life is not a smooth route. It’s far full of u.S.and downs, hopes, and disappointments. Thus, it offers the practical recommendation that one desires to be flexible in life, in addition, to adapt to changing situations and occasions. Those and plenty of different cultural symbols impart realistic know-how to challenging conditions in existence and Consequently, should be made quite simply available in public buildings as kinds of decorations.
Many people go to diverse public systems to attend to their numerous wishes.
For instance, many students visit diverse public libraries to read and adopt diverse studies sports. Numerous households and buddies visit eating places and accommodations for rest and leisure functions. An important have a look at the designs that are discovered inside the interiors and exteriors of public buildings, in particular in Ghana show designs which might be favored handiest for their aesthetic enchantment. Those are normally interaction of factors of a design consisting of traces, shapes, colors and lots of others that do not hold any symbolic importance. Additionally, they do not impart any cultural training to the Severa those who troop in and out of the public homes.
In the Lapse of Luxury: When the Rich Stop Spending
Two years in the past, it gave the look of a slam dunk of an enterprise idea…
Neiman Marcus, one of the global’s pre-eminent luxurious retail manufacturers, become equipped to go public amid close to each day headlines about the sector’s rich, the now not-so-wealthy and the wannabe wealthy paying ever better fees for, well, you call it…
Bigger houses within the Hamptons. The priciest paintings. The “blingiest” of diamonds. The haughtiest of haute couture.
But something passed off among 2015 and now.
It is now not just Neiman Marcus, which ultimate month killed its plans for an IPO (after reporting five instantly quarters of declining income). Or domestic prices within the Hamptons, which currently fell 17% compared to 12 months ago tiers. Or art market charges, which crashed remaining 12 months as nicely. Or maybe stupid earrings income, with Tiffany’s reporting vastly disappointing numbers. (How determined does it appearance while a “luxurious emblem” like Tiffany’s spends $10 million to enchantment to the unwashed, overindebted hundreds for its first-ever Notable Bowl industrial?) Pretty in reality, “The Best of The entirety” doesn’t seem to work anymore as an investment approach.
And amid an inventory marketplace that keeps marching higher and higher, it’s a hassle.
luxurious spending, widely speaks, is a leading financial indicator. this is particularly so in an economy like ours it is leveraged so closely with the u.S.and downs of the inventory and property markets.
If the wealthy sense assured approximately the future, they spend. But in case you step again and have a look at the bigger image – luxury spending appears not anything like the “satisfied days are here once more” picture painted by way of the S&P 500 Index right now.
For example, the parents at Fashionable & Terrible’s keep a Global luxurious Index that tracks 30 of the most important publicly traded companies in the global purchase discretionary quarter.
We are talking the likes of Tesla, LVMH Moët Vuitton, Diageo, Daimler AG, BMW,
Pernod Ricard or even Nike. Yet S&P’s Global luxurious Index peaked nearly 3 years in the past in July 2014. For the reason that then, It is down about thirteen%.
Themed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) of the identical type, including the SPDR Global patron Discretionary zone ETF, offer comparable consequences.
So what is this movement on the luxurious spending front announcing? One could think that the world has to be racing beforehand, awaiting an inflow of recent discretionary spending amid a promised Trumpian tax cut and a resurgent weather for domestic capital investment with decrease regulatory hurdles.
Or we are able to parse it in sections and say It’s all approximately China’s corruption crackdown and that its wealthy aren’t spending so freely anymore… That the U.S. Hedge fund titans of years past are not huge spenders now both, On the grounds that they’re underperforming the broader marketplace and their investors are leaving in droves… That, possibly, this is one market this is just taking a breather.
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    Originally posted 2016-08-28 04:36:37.
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