#pallis — open starter.
sage-fire · 7 years
Although in the darkness they are on more even footing than they were before, it's still frustrating for Ignis to keep up with Gladio and Prompto's footsteps. His ears strain to hear their boots plodding along in the dirt; Gladio's heavy steps a contrast to Prompto's light, quick gait -- likely struggling a bit himself to keep up with the shields long legs. Ignis trails behind -- his nerves fraying each time he stumbles, hears Prompto slow and likely turn to check on him. Gladio doesn't wait for him anymore. Not that he should be expected to. Ignis already knows where he stands on the matter. Their trek from Gralea back to Cleigne has been long, arduous, and it's taking a toll on all three of them. Prompto's chipper voice had faded to something lower, more tired with their merciless journey back to a place they're only assuming will be safe; Gladio is more irritable than ever, especially with the reality of having to wait for Ignis so often, and Ignis... Is merely frustrated with himself. His calm demeanor is beginning to tremble, crack at the edges, and he wants to scream at Gladio, tell him all about how much more frustrating it is for him to not be able to keep up than it is for Gladio to have to wait. That promise in Cartanica dungeon is ringing in their ears, but no one says a word. Not until they finally arrive in Lestallum -- hastily converted into a refugee camp, really. As they walk down the streets, Ignis hears the cries of the wounded and dying and grieving, and for perhaps the first time since he received his injury, he (selfishly) is grateful he's unable to see the carnage. They manage to secure a room at the Leville, thanks to their status in the still-forming hierarchy of the apocalypse. Gladio and Prompto barely take a moment to set their sparse belongings down before Gladio announces he's off to gather information about what's happened since they left, and Prompto seems to think this is a good idea. Ignis, nods, and starts to reach for his cane by the wall when suddenly a hand is on his chest. "You're staying here." It's not a request. A command. Ignis bristles, and something flares within him. "I'm capable of following you." "Look, I don't want to be out there for hours, and you could get lost in the crazy crowds out there, and I don't want to have to try and find you." He feels like a child -- his jaw clenches at the suggestion that he's nothing more than an invalid, an inconvenience. After all the years he's spent at Gladio's side, to be treated so poorly makes his chest clench. Prompto says nothing. Ignis can't even hear him breathe. "Is that how it's to be now? Me, waiting in a room for you to return with the news and stories of glory?" Gladio snorts. "We only just got here. For now, yeah. Please," his voice lowers a bit, "just stay here.. we'll be back soon with information and something to eat. You.. just rest." And with that, the two of them are gone. Ignis slams the door shut in their absence -- hopes they hear it down the hall.
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krovscastlerpg · 4 years
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1701entrp · 3 years
The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act: The First 24-Months
This article narratives the execution of the Michigan Clinical Marijuana Act, passed through choice in the 2008 general political decision. True to form, once applied to our human embroidered artwork, the MMA has been exposed to some generally exemplary legal translations, with a solid guarantee of additional to come.
The Michigan Lawmaking body passed the MMA on December 4, 2008, making Michigan the thirteenth state to permit the development and ownership of marijuana for clinical purposes. The Demonstration refered to a progression of discoveries identified with the gainful employments of marijuana in treating queasiness, torment and different impacts from an assortment of incapacitating ailments. The Demonstration likewise noticed that as indicated by the FBI, 99% of all marijuana ownership captures cross country are done in accordance with state, instead of government law. Note that ownership of the medication stays unlawful under government law.
The MMA characterizes a "crippling ailment" as malignancy, glaucoma, HIV, hepatitis C, and different sicknesses alongside other ongoing burdens which cause torment and queasiness. A "essential parental figure" is characterized as, "an individual who is at any rate 21 years of age and who has consented to help with a patient's clinical utilization of marijuana and who has never been indicted for a lawful offense including unlawful medications." A "qualifying patient" is "an individual who has been analyzed by a doctor as having a crippling ailment."
The fundamental mechanics of the Demonstration give that passing patients and essential consideration suppliers (marijuana producers) should have a "library ID card", gave by the Branch of Local area Wellbeing. A huge number of uses have been prepared; a large number stay forthcoming with more recorded each week; the interest for confirmation, for marijuana, is apparently unquenchable here in Michigan.
The popularity is reasonable. Cardholders are not liable to capture or arraignment for marijuana ownership/dispersion gave the patient keeps under 2.5 ounces of smokeable pot. Care suppliers are permitted to keep up to 12 plants for each certified patient; stems, seeds and unusable roots don't check toward the plant constraint.
Doctors additionally have invulnerability from arraignment comparative with their affirmation of the patient's requirement for the medication, inasmuch as they direct an appraisal of the patient's clinical history. A genuine doctor patient relationship is required. Click here : mail order marijuana
Since the U.S. High Court chose the instance of Conant versus Walters in 2003, doctors have had the option to suggest a patient's utilization of marijuana (yet can't endorse pot by putting the proposal on a medicine structure). Specialists can likewise make notes with respect to their proposals in the patient's diagram and can affirm for a patient's clinical utilization of marijuana in a courtroom. The High Court's Conant choice made ready for section of the MMA.
Essential consideration suppliers may get remuneration for their marijuana. Selling marijuana stuff additionally is permitted under the MMA, and such gear can't be seized.
People only present during the utilization of marijuana for clinical purposes in like manner are not liable to capture.
Sound unrealistic? At the point when marijuana is appropriated to people other than qualifying patients, the enlistment card is renounced, and the supplier is dependent upon a 2-year crime. Additionally, driving while affected by marijuana stays unlawful, as does smoking out in the open. Use or ownership of pot on school premises or on school transports stays restricted. Also, indeed, it stays unlawful to smoke in a prison or a prison, paying little heed to your ailment.
The Demonstration set a short plan (120-days) for the Branch of Local area Wellbeing to proclaim guidelines for the organization of the belonging/dispersion certification. The deferral in the declaration of these guidelines offered approach to disarray among law implementation, people in general and a few adjudicators concerning what is lawful and what is illicit.
For instance, the 2009 Blush case from Madison Statures included a couple captured during a medication attack. The couple had applied for confirmation cards before their capture and got the cards a month after their capture. In excusing the body of evidence brought against the two litigants, 43rd Region Judge Robert Turner portrayed the MMA as, "the most noticeably terrible piece of enactment I've found in my life", as per the Detroit News. Judge Turner's excusal was offered by the Oakland District Investigator where it was avowed in the Oakland Region Circuit Court.
Recently, the Michigan Court of Claims insisted Oakland Circuit Court Judge Martha Anderson's reestablishment of the criminal allegations against Blush and Clark. Presently, the denounced Madison Statures couple will either need to argue or go to preliminary.
At the hour of the assault on the couple's home, the Oakland Region Sheriff held onto 1.5 ounces of pot, some ostensible money, and around 21 little plants. Three weeks before the strike, every litigant had submitted to a clinical affirmation test with Dr. Eric Eisenbud (not making it up) of Colorado (and of the as of late established Hemp and Cannabis Establishment Clinical Center) and applied for a clinical marijuana card in accordance with the MMA. Their cards, be that as it may, had not been given at the hour of the assault.
At the couple's fundamental assessment under the steady gaze of Judge Turner, the investigator contended that: a) the litigants were needed to keep away from "curing" with marijuana while their applications to the Territory of Michigan's Division of Local area Wellbeing were forthcoming; and b) the respondents didn't have a real doctor patient relationship with Dr. Eisenbud.
Judge Turner showed that the MMA was befuddling comparative with what comprised a sensible measure of marijuana. The litigants for this situation were found with an ounce and a large portion of; the MMA permits 2.5 ounces.
Judge Turner made the accompanying decision:
Therefore, I accept that segment 8 qualifies the respondents for an excusal, despite the fact that they didn't have the substantial clinical card, since segment 8 says on the off chance that they can show the way that a specialist accepted that they were probably going to get a remedial advantage, and this specialist vouched for that. Furthermore, Dr. Eisenbud is a doctor authorized by the Territory of Michigan. What's more, that is the lone prerequisite that the rule has. You don't need to be any sort of doctor, you simply must be an authorized doctor by the Territory of Michgan.
In this way, in view of that, I discover segment 8 applies. What's more, I trust I'm committed to excuse this matter dependent on segment 8 of the resolution.
Under the material court controls, the investigator requested the area court excusal to the Oakland Circuit Court. In switching her locale court partner, Judge Anderson held that Judge Turner inappropriately went about as a locater of actuality in excusing the case. Judge Anderson likewise addressed whether the couple could profit themselves of the MMA's agreed protections by any means, because of their indicated disappointments to conform to the arrangements of the demonstration; for example keeping the pot isolated and secured, and holding up until they accepted their cards from the Division of Local area Wellbeing before developing their pot.
At the hour of the Madison Statures bust, in any case, the couple couldn't have gotten marijuana cards in light of the fact that the DCH had not begun giving the cards. Until this point, right around 30,000 accreditations have been given.
As they would like to think confirming Appointed authority Martha Anderson, the Court of Advances held that the MMA's positive protections were accessible to litigants despite the fact that they didn't have their cards at the time their pot was seized. The Court of Offers held against litigants, in any case, on the premise that, at the hour of their starter assessment in region court, their confirmed guard under the MMA was fragmented and hence made certainty questions.
The Court discovered the accompanying actuality issues to be irritating at the finish of the test: the bona fides of the doctor patient relationship; regardless of whether the measure of marijuana found in the home was "sensible" under the Demonstration; and whether the marijuana was being utilized by respondents for palliative purposes, as needed by the Demonstration.
The most fascinating thing about the Court of Bids' Blush choice is the scorching agreeing assessment of Judge Peter D. O'Connell. Judge O'Connell composed independently on the grounds that he would have all the more barely custom-made the positive guards accessible in the MMA, and on the grounds that he wished to "elaborate" on a portion of the overall conversation of the Demonstration set out in the briefs and at oral contention.
Elaborate he did. Judge O'Connell's 30-page assessment first notes that the belonging, appropriation and production of marijuana stays a felony and further notes that Congress has explicitly discovered the plant to have "no satisfactory clinical employments."
In what will without a doubt turn into an exemplary line from his assessment, Judge O'Connell expresses, "I will endeavor to slice through the cloudiness encompassing this enactment." The adjudicator is wary that people are truly utilizing pot to "cure" and suspects that they are utilizing the plant for sporting purposes.
He likewise observes the low quality of the enactment to the degree that it clashes with different arrangements set out in the Wellbeing Code.
Judge O'Connell next takes a masterpiece through the administrative history of the MMA. Here, we discover that the demonstration depended on model enactment proposed by lobbyists known as the Marijuana Strategy Task of Washington D.C. The gathering propels both the restorative and sporting employments of marijuana.
"Disarray", and loads of it, is the way Judge O'Connell sees the MMA. In one of the numerous commentaries to his assessment, the Adjudicator cautions against all marijuana use until the score is settled, unequivocally, by the Michigan High Court:
Until our High Court gives a last thorough understanding of this demonstration, it would be reasonable for the residents of this state to keep away from all utilization of marijuana on the off chance that they do
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melty-8ball · 7 years
(Hey pally! I’d like to rp with you and your soulless!Mangosteen! It would interesting to see an angsty ball with a chipper happy cup! We can plot something if you want or we can just create a small starter! That’s only if you want to rp!)
((YUSSSSSSSSSSSS!!If you wanna plot my IM’s always open! But if you’d prefer just a starter then I can work with either.))
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whichmortgage · 4 years
Cancel ALL debt, or we will be slaves to banks, DARIUS GUPPY tells his old Oxford pal, Boris Johnson
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Darius Guppy was a friend of Boris Johnson at Eton and Oxford - and best man at the wedding of Princess Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer. He was jailed in the 90s for his part in a £1.8million insurance fraud and is now an Anglo-Iranian businessman. As ever when millions suffer, parasites grow on the back of their discomfort. Commendably, Boris Johnson warned he would impose 'war-time' penalties on 'profiteers' lining their own pockets. But I fear he has not thought this through. The people who always benefit from an economic depression – whether caused by conflict, financial collapse or pestilence – are banks and creditors. It is an axiomatic truth that the only thing that keeps growing during times of economic contraction is debt. Debt enjoys immunity from acts of God as nothing else. And that immunity is now being given the blessing of the State, with politicians encouraging banks to grant repayment holidays on various forms of borrowings. Don't be fooled. At best, this is a palliative but people's obligations will still accumulate. Missed mortgage repayments will simply be added to their final bill. The same with credit cards, car finance and so on. Mr Johnson and his Ministers know all this and therefore must get smart and do something about it. But what? Their first answer will be that old canard: a resumption of economic 'growth' once the disease has abated. But this is a non-starter because the days of huge continents opening up are gone. We cannot grow our way out of the hole. Regardless of coronavirus, the party was over long ago. When world stock markets collapsed at the outset of the pandemic, they were responding to a trigger that would have occurred sooner or later – a correction to an artificial boom brought about after the financial crash of 2008 by very low interest rates and quantitative easing (printing extra money). If the Prime Minister is being truthful when he argues that we are all in this together, he must devise a new system to tackle the most urgent problem of our times and one that won't go away when the pandemic recedes: how to sustain a healthy economy during a period of contraction. If debt write-offs can happen for corporations... they can happen for the wider population But I know these politicians: they are best friends of the bankers. The answer, I believe, which was practised by Roman emperors should appeal to Classics scholars such as Mr Johnson. Not deferral, but massive debt write-offs, as advocated by the Australian economist Steve Keen, among others. We must be forgiven our debts as we forgive our debtors. Of course, this would have social consequences but not as damaging as politicians fear. The fact is that only the top ten per cent of the population of advanced nations benefit from the charging of interest, while the bottom 90 per cent through loans are funding them. This explains why the middle classes have been so badly hit in recent years and would gain by debt write-offs. But if politicians refuse to take this course, there is another solution: carry on defaulting on debts. The banks would have no choice but to accept this. What else could they do? Repossess every house in the land with an outstanding loan? Seize every hire-purchased car? Call for every student who refuses to service their loan to be jailed? As the saying goes: owe the bank £100 and the bank owns you, but owe it £1million and you own the bank. Debts to the tune of trillions would be wiped clean. And from that base, the genuine 'reset' which we are beginning to hear discussed could be brought about. Although I hear some say, 'Aren't such measures incompatible with free market economics?', I'd argue that this Tory Government's policies – at least when it concerns this crisis – already have a distinctly Jeremy Corbyn and Socialist feel. In any case, for years, the world of business has had a very civilised mechanism to deal with debt write-offs. It's called bankruptcy or Chapter 11. Ask the world's greatest expert, Donald Trump. If debt write-offs can happen for corporations thousands of times a day, they can happen for the wider population. Such a policy would be in tune with genuine conservatism, whose values are community, family, tradition, industry, agriculture, the nation – not pampering bankers. Brexit and the autonomy it is supposed to bring will mean nothing if we remain the slaves of the banks. If people can escape the grip of banks, perhaps some good can come of Covid-19. Click here to view original web page at www.dailymail.co.uk Read the full article
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SHE’S BEEN PLANNING THIS FOR WEEKS. she’d  t h o u g h t  the ruby bliel would be the hardest part ––– apparently, recent interplanetary regulation changes had led to it being labeled as CONTRABAND, and she’d had to call in more than one favor to get the order through to coruscant ––– and she’d been right. MOSTLY. she knew how to make zucca fruit pastry, that was fine, and even ahrisa was something she had A BIT OF A HANDLE ON ( though she was certain she’d never be able to replicate the exact way shmi had made the dish ) , but what in shiraya’s name was she supposed to do with the kriffing pallie fruits ? still, with some help from teckla, she was able to concoct what was SURELY a bastardization of dustcrepes, with pallie fruit and tezirett seeds in lieu of a savory filling. by the time she was done ( and she’d had to take the whole day off work, asking dormé to fill her position with jar jar in the senate for the morning, and authorizing bail to speak for her as necessary, if anakin was late AGAIN she’d kill him ) she was a little exhausted, but –––– PROUD, mainly. it wasn’t often that they got to spend so much time together, as husband and wife, in private, and though these dishes were, admittedly, mostly unfamiliar to her, she’d missed cooking in large quantities, and she’d missed being able to cook for her husband. 
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the door opens, and SHE TURNS from where she’s setting down the plate of ahrisa, her smile wide. ❝ HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! ❞  ––––––––––––––– @oletherian​ gets a birthday starter !
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   anakin had just closed up shop ; visited jira at her stall and bought his almost daily purchase of pallies for his mom. thanking jira with a soft kiss to the cheek, the nineteen year old anakin skywalker headed home as fast as his legs would go, running down the sand hills until he reached their home. pressing his hand against the panel, the door pulled up and opened for him, anakin stepping through and shaking the sand out of his hair.    ❛ mom ?! i’m home ! ❜   he called through the house to make himself known. stepping through to the kitchen and placing the pallies on the counter for her. turning with a frown when he didn’t hear her call back, or seen that she had appeared from another part of the house.     ❛ MOM ?! ❜   he yelled out again, starting to move away from the counter and through the house.
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   ❛ mom ?! are you home ?! ❜   now the worry was starting to kick in, and anakin felt his feet moving faster than they every had before as he stormed through the house, checking almost every little crack and hole for his mom. it was unlike her NOT to be here. she was always here to greet him when he got back from watto’s.   SO WHERE WAS SHE ?
@heavcnsgrief liked for a starter  //  shmi skywalker.
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olivereliott · 5 years
Custom Bikes Of The Week: 7 April, 2019
We’re going from the sublime to the ridiculous this week, kicking off with a stunning Triton from Italy. We’ve also got a new XR1 from Bottpower, a $60,000 electric bike from the company formerly known as Confederate, and a long-lost Vyrus … all 50cc of it.
Bott XR1 ‘White Carbon’ We’ve been enamored with the Spanish outfit Bottpower since their early days. The company designs and manufactures kits to radically transform Buell motorcycles. So it’s always exciting to see their parts being put to good use.
Bottpower built this ‘Bott’ to order, using a Buell Ulysses and their XR1 kit. The kit includes a new frame backbone, which the carbon fiber body parts attach to. This particular XR1 build features a few customer-specific considerations too.
For starters, Bottpower trimmed the tail section number boards down, then finished the pieces in a mix of carbon fiber and white. There’s a set of Buell 1125 forks up front, and an Öhlins TTX shock out back. The OEM wheels and brakes are still in play.
Bottpower also installed a Torque Hammer silencer, a Motogadget dash, and Rizoma turn signals. The triple clamp’s a Bottpower kit part, and the handlebars are from Easton. It’s a cracking reworking of the awkward ‘adventure’ Buell, and we sure hope the new owner plans to ride it in anger. [More]
Triton by Stile Italiano Who doesn’t love a good Triton? And this Triton from Stile Italiano is more than just good—it’s fantastico.
The configuration is a quintessential Triton match-up: a 1960s Triumph T120 pre-unit motor, wedged in a 1964 slimline Norton featherbed frame with custom alloy brackets. The engine’s running a single Mikuni TM flat slide carb, sitting on a custom-built two-into-one inlet. The Italian specialists Virex whipped up the classy twin exhausts.
All of the bodywork is custom, shaped by hand from aluminum. And all of it—from the fairing, through the tank to the tail—has been welded together to form a monocoque unit. The welds have been smoothed to invisibility, and everything’s wrapped in a stylish black, white and gold livery.
Finishes are top shelf. The saddle’s suede, and has a recessed Monza cap that opens into the oil reservoir. There’s a Smith’s tacho, and Tomaselli, Domino and Amal parts all over the cockpit. The rear shocks are from Falcon, and the front drum brake is a replica Ceriani magnesium drum. We’ll be losing sleep over this one for quite some time. [More]
The Curtiss Zeus Electric Motorcycle Remember Confederate Motorcycles? They’re now called Curtiss Motorcycles. And remember the weird V-Twins they used to make? They now make weird electric motorcycles; this is their first prototype, the Zeus.
Love or hate the design, you can’t deny that it’s progressive. Both the prototype and production-ready versions feature a machined aluminum monocoque structure, wrapped in carbon fiber. There’s a girder type front suspension system, and a cantilever mono shock setup out back, with adjustability at both ends.
Curtiss are keeping hush on the battery and motor specs, but they’ve teased some figures. They’re claiming an output of 140 kW (equivalent to 190 hp), and 145 ft lbs of torque, with a 0-6 mph time of 2.1 seconds and a range of 280 miles. If the final specs match those, the Zeus will be one of the fastest electric motorcycles on the market.
It’ll also be one of the most expensive. The Zeus is coming in both Cafe Racer (above) and Bobber (top) designations, both costing $60,000 with a $6,000 deposit. Production is slated to begin next year, but if you’re antsy, Curtiss’ order books are already open. And if you just want a closer look, the Zeus is currently on display at the Petersen Automotive Museum, as part of their Electric Revolution exhibit, curated by Paul d’Orléans. [More]
Moto Guzzi Le Mans by Side Rock Cycles Hardcore Guzzisti probably don’t like the idea of classic Guzzis being chopped into café racers, but we’re not shedding any tears over this 1986 Le Mans 1000. That’s partly because the 1986 Le Mans wasn’t particularly pretty, and partly because this example from Side Rock Cycles in the UK, is.
Side Rock got the bike in a non-running, ‘needs TLC’ state. Their customer had bought it with the alloy tank, seat, mudguard and some Motogadget bits already installed, but nothing worked properly. The motor and transmission were solid though—it was the wiring that was causing all the headaches. So Side Rock ripped it all out and started over.
A new under-seat tray now holds the wiring components, along with a small gel battery. Side Rock also fitted LED lighting, and a machine top triple clamp with a recessed Motogadget speedo. Other upgrades include Maxton suspension, Tommaselli clip-ons and Tarozzi rear-sets.
‘Aquila Nera’ (Italian for ‘Black Eagle’) also got a new black and silver paint job, and a fresh powder coat on the frame. Most of the frame’s now silver—except the lower rails, which are black to blend with the motor. Their customer saw the revamped Le Mans for the first time at the MCN Ally Pally London show…and loved it. [More]
Vyrus 50 C32T Vyrus’ motorcycles are rare, exclusive and pricey. But they’re also engineering marvels; made-to-order hub-centered-steered machines, usually powered by big Ducati V-Twins. But did you know Vyrus also made a 50 cc minimoto? Us neither.
Abhi over at the Bike-urious website came across the mini-Vyrus just the other day, when someone emailed him trying to sell one. So he immediately reached out to Vyrus to confirm that it was legit—and apparently it is.
Vyrus reportedly originally designed the 50 C32T for the Italian minimoto championship. The 50 in the name refers to the capacity, ‘C3’ means ‘cc’ and ‘2T’ denotes that it’s a two stroke. Just like its big brothers, the 50 C32T features a hub-centere-steered design, but it only makes 13 horsepower.
Vyrus released the 50 C32T in 2005, and only ever made eight. There’s no word on what the MSRP was back then, but it was apparently more than anyone really wanted to pay for a 50 cc minimoto. So it’s for sale now, in Portland, Oregon, for $9,750 (or nearest offer).
Tempted to buy it as a workshop display piece? [More]
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ellymackay · 6 years
End Snoring Now
The following blog post End Snoring Now is available on Elly Mackay
When we were young, many of us are probably guilty of making fun of our father, old uncles, and grandfather who snores so loudly it has already become an inside joke in your family. We always associated snoring with males but it does not mean that no women snore because there are a lot of women who are just as guilty as most men when it comes to snoring in their sleep. In a way, we are all in the same boat but it should not comfort us knowing both sexes are at risk of suffering from the dangers of snoring.
Add to that the fact that we are more predisposed to snoring, which is the most noticeable symptom of sleep apnea, because of our poor and sedentary lifestyle, vices like smoking and drinking, and the rising occurrence of obesity that makes you at higher risk for a list of other conditions worsened by snoring. Sleep deprivation is a growing concern because it not only affects productivity but likewise endangers you to certain accidents like fall and road accidents.
It is not too late to make a difference, though, by eliminating risk factors that you can get rid of knowing that there is no cure for sleep apnea or snoring itself. Its management is mostly palliative in nature and only addresses the snoring when a device is worn in your slumber but nothing is being done to address its root cause.
A survey of sleep disorders conducted by the Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital and published in the Journal Sleep Medicine uncovered a shift in snore suspects.
The results revealed that while 31 per cent of men snore “hard” three times a week, that figure was 34 per cent for females in the 25-34 age group.
Study authors suggest the rise might be attributed, in part, by increasing rates of obesity.
But men aren’t completely silent snoozers, however, as in the older age groups it was men who were causing a nasal nuisance throughout the night.
In the 55-64 age bracket, 45 per cent of the men studied snored while only 35 per cent of females were breaking the slumber silence.
(Via: https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/young-women-revealed-worst-snorers-heres-sort-stop-snoring-105458052.html)
For starters, manage your weight or lose weight if possible. It can do a world of difference to your health especially with your snoring. Limit your alcohol intake if it can’t be avoided as well as try to sleep on your side because it opens up the airway and your neck muscles are less likely to relax, which is the main trigger for snoring. Allergies can also worsen snoring, so pay your doctor a visit to get your allergy under control so your efforts against snoring will somehow progress.
“Jaw repositioning devices and dental snoring mouthpieces do work,” explains Dr. Alvarez. “There are two variations, the ones that you can buy in stores or on the Internet, and the ones made professionally by a dentist. I can say that nine out of ten patients that I make one of these devices for sees significant improvement in sleep quality and snoring,” he says. Bringing the jaw forward keeps the airway is opened: “A dentist trained in sleep medicine can fabricate a well-fitting device that works. The over-the-counter versions tend to not be as effective. They are made of poor materials, and they do not account for your bite. It is very easy to create bite disharmonies or jaw pain if these devices are not made and fitted properly.” 
(Via: https://www.rd.com/health/snoring-remedies-you-havent-tried/)
Tongue and mouth exercises are likewise helpful in strengthening the muscles but if you want a faster solution, using an anti-snoring gadget like sleep apnea mouthpieces can significantly reduce snoring and also improve the quality of your sleep. There are oral devices that push the tongue back to prevent it from blocking the airway to chin straps that keep your mouth shut so you don’t snore anymore that ranges from the cheap to the expensive.
You can never go wrong with gadgets like https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/good-morning-snore-solution and https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/sleeptight that have their different features but all have the same goal of eradicating snoring one night at a time. They are palliative treatments because they only address the snoring but not the underlying anatomical issue. Snorers can use them while brilliant scientists are still trying to find a cure for snoring or sleep apnea.
  End Snoring Now was initially seen on The Snoring Mouthpiece Review Blog
from The Snoring Mouthpiece Review - Feed https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/good-morning-snore-solution/end-snoring-now
from Elly Mackay - Feed https://www.ellymackay.com/2018/12/11/end-snoring-now/
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perspectief1 · 6 years
End Snoring Now
End Snoring Now Read more on: The Perspectief.org Blog
When we were young, many of us are probably guilty of making fun of our father, old uncles, and grandfather who snores so loudly it has already become an inside joke in your family. We always associated snoring with males but it does not mean that no women snore because there are a lot of women who are just as guilty as most men when it comes to snoring in their sleep. In a way, we are all in the same boat but it should not comfort us knowing both sexes are at risk of suffering from the dangers of snoring.
Add to that the fact that we are more predisposed to snoring, which is the most noticeable symptom of sleep apnea, because of our poor and sedentary lifestyle, vices like smoking and drinking, and the rising occurrence of obesity that makes you at higher risk for a list of other conditions worsened by snoring. Sleep deprivation is a growing concern because it not only affects productivity but likewise endangers you to certain accidents like fall and road accidents.
It is not too late to make a difference, though, by eliminating risk factors that you can get rid of knowing that there is no cure for sleep apnea or snoring itself. Its management is mostly palliative in nature and only addresses the snoring when a device is worn in your slumber but nothing is being done to address its root cause.
A survey of sleep disorders conducted by the Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital and published in the Journal Sleep Medicine uncovered a shift in snore suspects.
The results revealed that while 31 per cent of men snore “hard” three times a week, that figure was 34 per cent for females in the 25-34 age group.
Study authors suggest the rise might be attributed, in part, by increasing rates of obesity.
But men aren’t completely silent snoozers, however, as in the older age groups it was men who were causing a nasal nuisance throughout the night.
In the 55-64 age bracket, 45 per cent of the men studied snored while only 35 per cent of females were breaking the slumber silence.
(Via: https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/young-women-revealed-worst-snorers-heres-sort-stop-snoring-105458052.html)
For starters, manage your weight or lose weight if possible. It can do a world of difference to your health especially with your snoring. Limit your alcohol intake if it can’t be avoided as well as try to sleep on your side because it opens up the airway and your neck muscles are less likely to relax, which is the main trigger for snoring. Allergies can also worsen snoring, so pay your doctor a visit to get your allergy under control so your efforts against snoring will somehow progress.
“Jaw repositioning devices and dental snoring mouthpieces do work,” explains Dr. Alvarez. “There are two variations, the ones that you can buy in stores or on the Internet, and the ones made professionally by a dentist. I can say that nine out of ten patients that I make one of these devices for sees significant improvement in sleep quality and snoring,” he says. Bringing the jaw forward keeps the airway is opened: “A dentist trained in sleep medicine can fabricate a well-fitting device that works. The over-the-counter versions tend to not be as effective. They are made of poor materials, and they do not account for your bite. It is very easy to create bite disharmonies or jaw pain if these devices are not made and fitted properly.” 
(Via: https://www.rd.com/health/snoring-remedies-you-havent-tried/)
Tongue and mouth exercises are likewise helpful in strengthening the muscles but if you want a faster solution, using an anti-snoring gadget like sleep apnea mouthpieces can significantly reduce snoring and also improve the quality of your sleep. There are oral devices that push the tongue back to prevent it from blocking the airway to chin straps that keep your mouth shut so you don’t snore anymore that ranges from the cheap to the expensive.
You can never go wrong with gadgets like https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/good-morning-snore-solution and https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/sleeptight that have their different features but all have the same goal of eradicating snoring one night at a time. They are palliative treatments because they only address the snoring but not the underlying anatomical issue. Snorers can use them while brilliant scientists are still trying to find a cure for snoring or sleep apnea.
  End Snoring Now was initially seen on The Snoring Mouthpiece Review Blog
from The Snoring Mouthpiece Review - Feed at https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/good-morning-snore-solution/end-snoring-now
from https://www.perspectief.org/end-snoring-now/
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grapsandclaps · 7 years
Hello again everyone and welcome to Part 3 in the ever continuing story of the #100showyear which took me to a cold but sunny London Borough of Camden to the Electric Ballroom for the return of Progress Wrestling after a 7 week break from their huge Ally Pally show which ended with Travis Banks raising the title and Pete Dunne with one foot on the plane to Orlando to the WWE. So it was fascinating to see what would happen on this show to set up further storylines to entice the increasing mass of people to their shows.
Before the show it was time to meet up with some of the graps gang in The Ice Wharf Wetherspoons for breakfast and a couple of drinks. The lack of change from a £20 nite was noticeable after ordering 2 drinks and 2 lots of breakfast, all I can think about is that the price of Lager Shandy is expensive. Also had here was 2 pints of Pepsi Max at a cost of £1.99 each, breakfast was a bit on the lukewarm side of things but was passable.
We end up leaving here at about 2pm and moved on to the queue at the Ballroom, since the new barcoding ticketing system has come in, the queue has moved along much faster and has improved this aspect of visiting.
Arriving in the venue we saw what was some hot sauces on sale (to charity) made by resident screamer on the commentary - Glen Joseph and having tried this sauce Ive got to say it has a kick to it - strange but good touch for a great cause like MIND. I didn't happen to see Dahlia Blacks candles on sale though, certainly could do with a bit more art and crafts stuff from wrestlers on sale as there are quiet a lot of arty people in the fraternity.
Anyways lets get on to the wrestling, watched from my usual spot in Ogden Corner with the dodgy cold air con unit and I was joined by former Graps and Claps coloumnist Matthew who apart from a couple of shows is taking a hiatus from going to shows and instead he is off visiting the many football grounds around the UK and Europe. Having visited plenty of grounds in my time, i can understand why he is doing it - I just think he is a bit burnt out fron wrestling. It was also good for a change to chat to Stephen who flew over from Ireland and Simon (The Granville on Twitter).
Pre show action began at 330pm on the dot and out came the tag team of Delaney and Carter to a good reception for 2 unknown wrestlers but it was nothing compared to the earth shattering cheer that was to come. Their opponents - The O.J.M.O who had the look of a Ryan Smile and look like he had a lit of charisma just in his entrance but who was his tag team partner - the hush and tension descended and out stepped a 7 ft shadow of NA NA NA NA NA BIG T!!. The Northern section of the crowd were in raptures with this. The actual match was a good warm up match with it revolving around O.J.M.O failing to hit his moves and BIG T just tagging in and cleaning house and I liked their team dynamic. The finish came when BIG T hit the "Justice is Served" only for O.J.M.O to tag in to get the win, this was a great introduction for them to a new audience.
After the obligatory Jim Smallman opening, it was time to bring out British Strong Style who were dressed in their finest Burtons Menswear with Tyler Bate especially doing his best Val Doonican impression.
Anyways Dunne apologised for his actions as Progress Champion and was sort of saying its not goodbye yet but it might be soon. But they were interrupted by ITVs New Sunday Night Drama - The Grizzled Young Vets who distracted Moustache Mountain long enough to send them to the back leaving Pete Dunne on his own in the ring, but racing through from the fire exit near me was Joseph Connors to attack Dunne to leave him laying which has set up a potential Dunne vs Connors match very soon.
Opinion here rated from this was a good segment to turn BSS face to Bloody hell another WWE UK Guy 🙄. My opinion was a bit of the latter, but I dont mind Joseph Connors unlike others, his Southside Comedy belt has been a highlight when I have been to see them this year.
First main show match was Never Say Die & Connor Mills vs OMARI & Aussie Open in a great opener and for me it was the best match of the first half with all 6 lads looking fantastic especially the debuting OMARI who came out to a nice jazzy theme tune which even though it was no 'Down with the trumpets' it was a toe tapper. Also Mark Davis who is a proper hard man and I for one would like to see him vs WALTER one day for the Atlas title. The finish came after about 15 minutes when after a couple of combo moves from The Aussies and OMARI, Davis hit the pull up piledriver for the devastating 3 count - good stuff.
Next up was a more submission based between Strangler Davis vs Timothy Thatcher. Now this was just ok in parts but generally I dont think it worked with the crowd, playing out to large spots of silence which I did feel was a recurring theme at many times on the night. Finish came when Strangler low blowed Thatcher and choked him out for the win in 14 minutes - OK but very missable.
Next match was a Non-Title Tag Team Match with The G.Y.Vs vs Chris Brookes and Jimmy Havoc who was replacing a still injured Kid Lykos. A decent tag match but I did feel it went a little bit long near the ends with many false finishes with The Vets getting the win with the raised lung blower to Jimmy Havoc for the win.
Half Time Main Event was the big ATLAS Title Match with Wolfgang vs WALTER (Champion). This lasted around 10 minutes with what I thought 7 minutes of that was WALTER smashing Wolfgang all over the shop with chops that could make any crowd wince, if this is of things that are to come WALTER is going to make a great champion. Finish came after a dive from Wolfgang to the outside ended in a splat, the effects of that made him groggy enough to get waffled with a huge powerbomb to Wolfgang for the win - good match and hopefully this is built and built till no one is left for WALTER and then the chimes of The Flumps is heard and Rampage Brown makes his return 😉.
Tag Team action next with the newly turned Moustache Mountain vs David Starr (sadly without Joan Jetts dulcet tones due to the Casio Keyboard glitch in the Progress sound system) and Jack Sexsmith. Even with two teams of good guys this was a really good 15 minute tag team match with the finish of Tyler Bate hitting the big Tyler Driver 97 to everyones favourite Canvasback David Starr for the win.
After the match Jack Sexsmith got on the mic to thank everyone because of the year he has had only to be interrupted by the pop classic MASH POTATO ELEVATOR!!! And out popped Vicky Haskins distracting Sexsmith enough with a GIANT HAIRBRUSH for Mark Haskins to attack him from behind. Out then came Jimny Havoc for the save (what we thought) only to join in on the beatdown on both Starr and Sexsmith to the boos of the crowd.
A much needed heel turn in my opinion for both Jimmy and Mark who were treading water as whining faces over who should be champion. But the only thing I couldnt get my head around was the NO DQ match at Ally Pally and basically both of the Haskins willing to hit Jimmy with a baseball bat a few times and now they are mates?? But im sure we will find out.
Semi Main Event with Womens Champion Toni Storm vs Charli Evans. A distinct lack of knowledge of 80s hit Toms Diner was apparent here with not many of the crowd knowing that Charli's name fits into the ditty of said song. The match itself was a really good womens match but suffered a little from the quiet crowd, after a valiant effort from Evans she ended up falling to Storm in just over 10 minutes to the Strong Zero Piledriver.
Main Event time with ITS GOT TO BEEEEEEE KEITH LEE vs Travis Banks in a fantastic 20 minute match that I guess Travis will be feeling even now after being constantly chopped by the huge "Man of the Hour". After many attempts to chop down Big Keith, Travis finally hit a ring shaking Kiwi Crusher on Keith for the win to steal the Match of the Night honours.
Drinks prices - £4.90 for Camden Pale Ale.
Show done and overall a good starter to the next volume of shows for Progress with the Havoc/Haskins team coming together, Connors debuting and the Grizzled Young Vets throwing their hat in the ring for a tag title shot.
As a standalone show it was alright but WXW was far better from an atmosphere and wrestling standpoint, but do check out Lee vs Banks and the opening 6 Man for things off this show.
So thats Show 82 finished and now its on to Show 83 in Manchester for Lucha Forever - See you next time.
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grapsandclaps · 7 years
Hello again everyone and welcome to the story of Show 70 of the #100showyear which took me to the Christmas darting mecca of Alexandra Palace for Progress Wrestlings biggest show of the year - Chase The Sun.
But first of all it was the longer than usual travel down to the capital via trams, trains and tubes with the added entertainment of our group doing our best Pete Dunne impressions supposedly "Everything is mine" in a dour brummie accent.
Arriving in Wood Green before the 20 minute walk up Muswell Hill we took in a decent little pub called The Jolly Sailor or something to that effect and was greeted with very good beer prices for a London boozer - £3.60 for Coors, £4.10 for Wolf Rock and £4.60 for Blue Moon, the bar lady overheard of my liking for slices of orange in a pint of Blue Moon so out of kindness and service she sent her faithful bar assistant out to the local grocers for some oranges, low and behold a slice of orange ended up in my drink 😍.
Drinks done it was time to take the hike up to Ally Pally which on a nice day is a lovely walk to do with views of the London skyline to the left hand side of you which in the evening can be a fantastic sight to see. Arriving at Ally Pally it was time to find our seats which due to arriving an hour before the show started meant we were more to the back of row 11/12 with a central view, the set up was very much like the set up WCPW does with their seating in the aircraft hangar called Bowlers. Atmosphere wise it was much noisier than the previous years Brixton Academy show with it making it more accessible for people to mingle with their wrestling friends. The option to stand up at the back was there if you couldnt see anything from your seats which i took advantage of, but our Geoff stopped in his seat all night and seemed to like it there.
Pre show match was Chuck Mambo beating Spike Trivet in what i was told was a short affair but missable , because i had gone to get beer refreshments at the nearby bar before the main show had started.
Hop House Lager - £5, Fosters £4.80, Deuchars £4.50
Show started with a great video package to the familiar tune starter Started From The Bottom by Drake, and after the usual opening dialogue from Jim Smallman it was time to get on with the show with the visible ladders around the ring it was time to start with the Progress Tag Title Ladder Match with British Strong Style (Champions) vs CCK.
This was a fine opener with the early stages of the match based more around wrestling than using the ladders. Once the ladders came into play some cool offence was used including back suplexes on to the ladder, Kid Lykos being carried whilst on the ladder by Bate and Seven and then flung over the top rope to the Progress security below. The ending came when Brookes and Tyler Bate were fighting atop of the ladder with Bate being backbody dropped on to a raised ladder which was held on the ropes. With the prone Bate on the deck, Brooks climbed the ladder to grab the belts and your new champions - CCK to the satisfaction of the 2,500 strong crowd.
Next up it was a battle of Australia vs New Zealand with Womens Champion Toni Storm vs Dahlia Black. Again another good match here with both women having opportunities early on to take the upper hand, Toni Storm hit a piledriver on Black for a close 2 nearfall to the amazement of the crowd. The finish came when Black got crotched on the top rope and was prone to a nasty german suplex from the top by Toni who then proceeded to finish Black off with the match winning piledriver. After the match Jinny came in to attack Dahlia clamping Blacks previously injured leg in a chair and stamping on it, so it looks like it will be Dahlia vs Jinny for the near future leaving Toni Storm opponentless for the time being which is a bit strange.
Zack Sabre Jr was next for his mystery opponent challenge which was answered to a huge pop - i had goosebumps for this moment just wow by Marty Scurll returning for the first time since January where he was eliminated from the ThunderBastard Match but since being away from Progress has become a huge star thanks to his association with The Bullet Club - they are a huge cash cow. Anyways this match was another great match in the Sabre vs Scurll story lasting 20 minutes both guys going hold for hold knowing each and every step their opponent would make. Eventually Sabre Jr got the win with the bridging roll up for the 1-2-3, Scurll after the match then gave what looks like to be his farewell to Progress for good - make your own mind up on why, but Scurll is certainly someone who Progress could do with at the top end of the card once British Strong Style decamp to WWE.
Deathmatch time with perennial moaners about who is the rightful no.1 contender Jimmy Havoc vs Mark Haskins. I might be in the minority on my opinion here but even though it was a good match at times, i did feel the atmosphere went a bit flat here after following Sabre vs Scurll. It did have its moments with Haskins using The Death Valley Driver on Havoc off the stage through a table, many thumbtack spots and even Vicky Haskins getting involved passing a barb wire bat to Mark Haskins and then proceeding to walk off which was a bit head scratching, surely you stay there to help your husband lay the beatdown to Havoc. Havoc because of this took advantage winning with a barb wore assisted rainmaker for the win. Ok match but as explained bloody head scratching stuff with Vicky Haskins more the baddie in this piece than Mark Haskins. Seeing Ben and Chris at half time they uttered many a "Shit" "Crap" and "Fuck" about this match.
Back from half time it was time for a big announcement with Progress's big show in 2018 taking place at Wembley Arena, very ambitious as per ICW doing the Hydro. I think sleeping on my opinion from last night Progress will easily get 5/6k to the show but i am all of the worry that the boom of the UK scene can all come to a halt like that, hopefully it doesnt but with Progress they seem to have a great relationship with WWE at the moment so all looks rosy.
Three way Atlas action next with Champion Matt Riddle vs Walter vs Timothy Thatcher. Cracking hard hitting 3 way match with the basis of the action being Walter and Riddle hitting each other really hard with Thatcher playing the third wheel. There was one spot in this match which Progress have on their twitter timeline with a massive triple german suplex being performed - Riddle went flying nearly out of the ring, the finish came with Walter choking out Matt Riddle to get back his Atlas title which he lost in the States to Riddle. A new contender them came down to the ring to face off with Walter - it was ICW and WWE UK star Wolfgang to a decent ovation, dont get me wrong i think Wolfie is very good and provides a different challenge to the Atlas division but the WWE UK fingerprints were in the back of my head seeing this.
The 8 man no.1 contenders scramble match was next with Mark Andrews vs Damien Dunne vs Eddie Dennis vs Jack Sexsmith vs Strangler Davis vs James Drake vs Flash Morgan Webster vs Zack Gibson. Good action as you would expect with the 8 men involved, looking at the match beforehand i would have gone for a Morgan Webster or Zack Gibson win here with the probable Travis Banks win in the Main Event in hindsight but sadly i was wrong with regular no.1 contender Mark Andrews picking up the win here, don't get me wrong i think Andrews is fantastic to watch and is a great babyface but he is rivalling Mark Haskins for No.1 contender opportunities. After the match a shock heel turn here with Eddie Dennis turning in his FSU partner to the boos of the audience, i suppose FSU have done everything as a team in Progress and it brings a new side to Eddie that hasn't been seen in ages but so soon after The Riots split up this is now 2 long standing teams gone from the tag division.
Flash Morgan Webster i dont know where they go from here with him, another failed opportunity missed here for him.
Now The Main Event with Pete Dunne (Champion) facing Travis Banks for the Progress World Title. A very good main event here but one spot that did cheese me off a bit was a point where British Strong Style hit a Piledriver/Tyler Driver 97/Bitter End Trifecta and Travis kicked out at 2 which sounds as silly as it reads. That aside it was fantastic to see Travis Banks submit Pete Dunne to end the near year long reign of The Bruiserweight to a huge pop, this was the natural result that should have went down and it did. It now sets up fresh matches at the top of the card with Jimmy Havoc and Mark Andrews vs Banks but with Pete Dunne maybe gone for the moment it leaves a gap for a tosser at the top - maybe Webster/Brookes or TK Cooper when he returns but we will just have to wait and see.
Show done it was time to make the walk back down Muswell Hill to Wood Green and a stop off in the Wood Green Wetherspoons for some tea - Beef and ale pie for £6.99 and a pint for £2.18 all good quality fare. Sink it in £2.18 FOR A PINT IN LONDON!!!!
Overall a great show but with a couple of gripes as described above (The Progress Fan Forum Police Siren will be sounding haha!) but certainly betfer than Brixton last year. Was great to see a lot of the graps gang make the trip to Ally Pally and they were rewarded with a fantastic venue.
Next trip is to 53two in Manchester on Sunday for Futureshock Reloaded with the main evemt of Pete Dunne vs Soner Durson. #grapsandclaps
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