#para ;; 002
wmucody · 4 months
para 002 : cody & frannie.
Cody ran his hair through his soft hair for what seemed like the sixteenth time. There was a small cowlick that couldn't help but stick up no matter what way he brushed his hair. Rumbling through his toiletries bag beneath him, he pulled out his hair product and lightly tapped the powder into his hair, manoeuvring each strand with precision so it was sitting perfect for drinks with Frannie.
He stood confidently in front of the mirror. Now that his hair was sorted, he was ready to take on the drinking world with someone who had quite literally captivated him recently. Something that was rare for the man. His eyes ran over his outfit to ensure no specs of dust or fuzz gathering. He picked out a pair of his finest, casual loafers complimented with tailored black trousers, with a beige shirt not fully buttoned. A slight hint of his chest and collar bones were exposed.
Cody had never been invited to someone else's father gathering before. Of course when he was younger he attended his friend's birthday parties but he was never accompanying someone to a family party as their date? Was it a date? He had hoped so. The connection was growing deeper between Cody and Frannie. Something that quite frankly frightened him however the enjoyment overshadowed the fear so far. It was an honour to be here. She could have picked anyone but here he was, in one of the Fabray's spare rooms, amazed at the size. He had grown up in a nice, big family home however it was nothing compared to this.
Closing his room door, Cody headed towards Frannie's door. The route already implemented in his head. They had agreed in the car over when the coast was clear he would sneak to her room. Silently as not to awake any Fabray's. Pissing off her family really wasn't the overall impression he was trying to make. Arriving at the bedroom door, Cody cleared his throat before knocking modestly. "Frannie?" He asked, making his presence known before he walked into the other's room. "I'm ready."
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mconwrites · 8 months
// @postergrl
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it’s second nature, the way he moves quickly to open up the passenger side door for her. ever the gentleman. and despite the fact they only parted ways a few hours ago, he still smiles like he hasn’t seen her in several weeks. because it doesn’t really matter, does it — how long it’s been ? there’s always the same happiness felt at being back in her presence. “ watch your step, ” he reminds her, one hand taking hers as the other rests on her back, an attempt to help her up into the jeep. content when she’s in safely, warm inside the heated space, he jogs round to take his place back behind the wheel. “ so… what have you been upto in the— what, six hours ? since I last saw you ? ” a hearty chuckle, eyes glancing from to road, to her, and back again. there’s something so wistful about the way the street lights illuminate her every time they pass one. a longing sigh escaping his mouth, confused as it meets his ears. it almost begs him to wake up and see the truth that’s right before his very eyes. a simple truth made up of four little letters: l o v e.
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dianynn · 3 months
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Dear Darling - Darling in the franxx🌹
* Capa para doação.
* Design: @dianynn 🌹
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✩ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇᴅ ⨾ @hxppybxtch (Ji-Eun) ✩ ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ⨾ Namsam Coffee (Jung-gu, Seoul)
"우리는 언제 운명을 부여하기 시작할 예정입니까?" When are we going to start giving fate it's due?
Ji-Ho didn't realize he'd spoken until he saw the woman in front of him slowly pivot on her heels, her features coming into focus. He'd known from when he joined the line, it was her that stood directly in front of him. Ji-Eun. Yet, whenever he thought of her his chest became restrictive and his heart roared. This instance was no different. He glanced behind him for his secretary but she hadn't yet made her into the cafe. Which was for the best, he supposed. At the office, he was the reclusive and cold CEO. He'd perfected the art of keeping everyone at arms length. It worked. People seemed to be the biggest disappointments and he saved himself whenever he lowed his expectations.
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"어떻게 도와 드릴까요?" How can I help you? The barista asked with a friendly enough smile. "It's your turn, Eunnie," Her nickname felt both foreign and reminiscent on his tongue. Similar to that of a salty yet sweet treat packed into a bite-size dessert. A part of him felt giddy in her presence. The other felt shame and guilt. They'd only spoken a total of two times since the day they'd ran into each other randomly. However, he still felt undeserving. Years passed and this feeling was burrowed deep within his heart.
Why should she give him the time of day now? He wasn't a constance in her life anymore. He was the past like yesterday or the many yesterday's before then. No longer was he the center of her world. Before he would never have thought of constants and time but now that's all he pondered.
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romanrhodes · 2 months
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where: Rhodes Farm, Hawthorne Hideaway with: Roman Rhodes ( self-para ) when: April 15th 2024
The parcel had been misleading, it had caught him off guard. Roman had ordered a new camera for the incubator, in the run-up to hatching another batch of chickens to increase the farm's egg productivity. So when a box roughly the size of a small wireless camera had come to the farm, with the farm's address with no name, he assumed it for him.
Instead, he opened the box to find another box, and he recognised the brand immediately. His stomach dropped, and he knew he should leave it alone, but his curiosity burned inside him. He opened the box of hard, top-quality cardboard in dark, dark blue and gold lettering. Inside was another box of velvet, in royal blue. He popped it open, and a beautiful watch Roman immediately recognised stared back at him, unmoving. A white face with gold hands, numbers, metal, and a dark brown leather strap. Inside the face were three smaller faces for the day of the week, the day of the month, and the month of the year. In the face of the months, there was a horizon, that would change with the time of day from a glorious, tiny golden sun to a rich blue sky with tiny golden stars.
It was beautiful, and it was at least $300 and Roman knew exactly who had bought it for him.
His hands were shaking as he reached out and pulled out the watch. The leather was soft and the metal was cool and glinting in the morning light of the kitchen. Roman let out a shaking breath, realising this was probably his birthday present. He slowly turned the watch over to admire it, and the engraving on the back caught his eye.
"Our Time Together Is Just Never Quite Enough." - Andrew The air left his lungs, and he choked. His eyes stung and his vision blurred as he read the words again and again. A pained laugh bubbled up out of his throat, shocking him, appalling him. God had a really mean sense of humour.
He lowered the watch, putting his hand over his eyes, breathing as deeply as he could until they didn't shake or catch in his throat. He brushed away the tears that escaped. The feelings were too much, and he couldn't do this right now, he had to go to work, he had things to do. So he took the hot, acidic feelings, the gaping hole opening up inside him and underneath his feet, and forced it closed, forced them into a box, and shoved them away. He would deal with them later, he would open it later, in a safe space where he could feel them fully and cry like the pathetic, hot mess he felt like when he was alone.
He took the watch, did his best not to look at it while he put it back in the velvet box, put that back in the expensive cardboard box, and closed the parcel. He took it and left it in his office, to deal with later, away from the rest of the house.
Then he went back to the kitchen, through to the mudroom and the front door. He put on his coat, and his shoes, grabbed his bag, and went to work.
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bandersonrps · 1 year
After ending the call with Kurt, Blaine slid his phone into his pocket and moved swiftly across the living room to stand in front of his full-length standing mirror, a small frown creasing his face as he checked his appearance in the mirror while paying extra attention to his hair. A soft groan escaped his lips when he noticed a few loose curls falling over his forehead, with a few more that looked like they were ready to break free of their gel prison as well. Great. Blaine thought to himself as he worked on patting his curls into submission, because he definitely wasn’t ready for Kurt to see him in his Medusa form yet - not that he would ever be ready for that, to be frank. After a few hard pats, Blaine took one last look at his own reflection before hurrying over to the kitchen and opening the fridge door, his eyes searching around until he found what he was looking for. He grabbed it out of the fridge without hesitation, took his keys, and just like that, he was out the door. 
Blaine all but ran down the stairs and into the hallway, before exiting the entrance door and into the streets. He couldn’t stop the grin that split across his face the moment he saw Kurt, his heart leaping into his throat at how beautiful Kurt looked under the street lights. Blaine was by no means an astrologer or a tarot card reader, but this must be what it felt like to have all of his stars aligned. “Hi.” Blaine said, a little breathless. “I’m sorry, I probably took a lot more than just five minutes. Are you okay? You looked cold.” With a concerned look, Blaine took a step forward and closed the distance between them, as if being closer to Kurt would warm him up somehow. “I uh- please don’t laugh, but I also brought along some milk.” He spoke quietly, like he almost didn’t want Kurt to hear about it as he glanced down at the carton he was holding, already regretting it. “I don’t feel right visiting your place empty-handed, so I just thought- like, milk goes with cookies, but I’m sure you have milk too, so you might think that this is weird - that I’m weird, and I probably am to some exte- ...Sorry.” Blaine stopped, swallowed, and looked down at the ground. 
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erin-cd · 1 year
NYE || Erin&Liam
A smile formed on Erin’s lips as she read the text message from Liam. He said that he was putting his kids to bed and that she could stop by if she wanted to. It took her a while to wrap things up with her friend, but by 10 PM, she was riding up the elevator to his penthouse. The woman did have a few drinks, but like she told him earlier, she didn’t want to show up completely sloshed. Making her way from the elevator to his door, she gave a light knock. Just in case, because she was afraid the kids would wake up. // @carpehemsworth
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colemonroe · 2 years
WHERE: Laura Monroe’s house WITH: Closed
“Knock, knock,” Cole called out, announcing his presence as he shouldered his way through his aunt’s front door, arms filled to the brim with grocery bags. Gently kicking the door shut behind him, he made his way into the kitchen and beamed a bright smile once Laura came into view. She was sitting at the table with piles of pictures spread all around her as though the table itself had suddenly transformed into some sort of living scrapbook. Lifting her eyes from the photographs currently tucked in her hand like a set of playing cards, Laura mirrored his grin and rushed to her feet, all too eager to help her nephew with the stack of groceries in his hands. 
“Hey, sweetheart– here, just set it all down on the counter,” she instructed before carefully taking some of the bags from him and setting them down in the free space beside her coffeemaker. “Appreciate you doing this.”
Chuckling softly, Cole shook his head and placed the rest of the groceries on the counter. It was the least he could do, especially for her. Most of the time, it hardly felt like enough after everything her and Michael both had done for Cole since he’d come to live with them all those years ago. “No problem. What’s all this?” He asked, nodding towards the table and the pictures scattered across it. 
“Oh, just going through some of your uncle’s things,” she answered, shrugging her shoulders, “Mostly pictures, little trinkets and shit– forgot how much of a goddamn hoarder Michael could be. But there was this too.” Reaching for an old lockbox sitting in the center of the table, she held it out for Cole to take, “Belonged to your mom.”
Taking the little tin box in his hands, he glanced down at it, eyes instantly snagging on the note taped to the lid. Scrawled in his mother’s handwriting, it simply read, ‘For Cole— when the time is right.’ A soft frown knitted his brows together– when the time was right…for what? Shaking his head, he quietly combed through his memories, but he felt confident he’d never seen the lockbox before in all the years he’d lived with his mother in Knoxville. What was inside? He could only guess. “Any clue what’s in here?” He asked, tearing his eyes away from the note long enough to glance at his aunt.
Rolling her lips into a thin line, Laura gave a slow nod, “I got a pretty good idea.” She blew out a long sigh and gestured at the chair she’d been sitting in before Cole arrived, “Here, take a seat. I’ll be outside– come find me when you’re done.”
Swallowing thickly, Cole nodded, “Yeah, okay.” Once Laura left him, Cole took a seat and placed the box on the table in front of him. For a moment, he hesitated, afraid that whatever sat just beneath that lid would unravel everything he knew to be true.
Diana Monroe had always been the enigma of the family. She’d grown up in Tonopah Falls, like Michael, but for reasons unknown to Cole, she’d ended up half a world away in Knoxville, Tennessee. There, she delivered Cole and raised him all on her own– though, really, if Cole was being honest, he’d raised himself. Consumed by her drug addiction, Diana had parented from a distance, underneath a haze laced with barbiturates and the occasional shot of heroin. But that fog was still no match for the charm and wit that everyone knew her for. Despite her demons, she’d always known how to put on a bright smile whenever she needed to– so much so that hardly anyone outside of a few neighbors really knew what Diana lived with day in and day out. But he’d known. Cole always knew.
Prying the box open, he wasn’t surprised to find a picture of his mother on stage staring up at him. She’d always loved performing and Cole had always believed that her talent had the potential to stretch well beyond gentleman’s clubs and the bar scene, had she ever cleaned up enough to watch that dream of hers take flight. With her teased blonde hair and enduring charm, Diana had been best known for her Marilyn Monroe act. In so many ways, her life had mirrored the late bombshell’s, and so had her death. 
Setting the picture aside, he rummaged through a few more. Most were baby pictures of himself that he’d never seen, as well as a few shots of Diana and Michael in Tonopah Falls. A small smile curved at the corner of his mouth as he thumbed through them, each one detailing a little more about his mother and the kind of warm, exuberant woman she’d been. And then, underneath the pictures, was a series of documents and handwritten letters– all of which Cole had never seen before. Taped to the top of the small stack was another note in his mother’s hand, ‘I hope the truth brings you more peace than it ever brought me.’
Cold dread rushed over him as he unfolded the first letter and began to read the words scrawled on the page. It opened with an apology from his mother– an apology for withholding the truth and for dismissing him every time Cole had asked about his father or why that section of his birth certificate was left blank. Swallowing hard, Cole pinched his eyes shut, stricken with guilt over the way he’d badgered her for the truth. Back then, he’d wanted to know so badly, but after moving to Tonopah Falls and being raised by Michael, Dean, and the rest of the MC, Cole had come to realize that the identity of the man hardly mattered– not after they’d all shown him what fatherhood was supposed to look like.
Now, he’d argue that he didn’t really care to know, but as he stared down at the next folded up piece of paper in the stack, he felt his curiosity take hold and he knew he had to look. Heart thudding so wildly in his chest he swore it would bruise, Cole reached for the document and carefully opened it. A sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach– a paternity test. Frantically, blue eyes skimmed over the bullshit details and explanations only serving as roadblocks on his way to the truth. He cared little about the how, or the why– he just wanted to know who.
And there, a little more than halfway down the page, he saw it.
Jeffrey Decker. 
Where he’d wanted to feel relief, he only felt dread, and where he thought he’d find the missing piece that made him whole, he only felt hollow. Scrubbing a hand across his mouth, he just managed to muffle the soft curse that left him. How…how was it Jeffrey Decker– how had his mother even known the man? Waves of nausea barreled into Cole as he tried to understand, threatening to double him over in his seat the longer he stared at the name on the page. Carding a hand through his hair, he set the test aside. Left in the box were a couple more letters, no doubt detailing the answers to the hundreds of questions blazing through Cole’s mind now, but he couldn’t bring himself to read them– not yet. 
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A little unsteadily, Cole rose from his seat and made his way out onto the porch where he found Laura, nursing a slowly dying cigarette. Meeting her gaze, he couldn’t help the way his features slowly darkened into a scowl, “Is it true?” When his aunt only nodded, Cole scoffed loudly, barely biting back the curse that threatened on the tip of his tongue. Shaking his head, he paced forward a few steps, rife with the need to move and somehow rid himself of the sick feeling he felt rushing over him, "All this time– did you know?"
Leaning forward in her seat, Laura crushed out her cigarette in the ashtray in front of her and nodded again, "Michael, too."
Heat stained his cheeks and threatened to spill from the corners of his eyes as he whirled back around to face her, a blend of rage and pain twisting his features, “And ya never said a word.” No matter how he tried to rationalize it in his head, it felt like betrayal– like he’d just been let in on the punchline of some sick, twisted joke. What else had he been left in the dark about?
“Cole, we didn’t know how to. The way Jeff threatened your mother, and you?” Laura pressed, shaking her head as she rose to her feet. He guessed that part was explained in the letters he still had yet to read. “Michael knew a truth like that would set you on fire– didn’t know what you’d do.” 
Lifting his brows, Cole nodded slowly– Michael had gotten that part right. He was on fire. Beyond that, he felt lost, left to grapple with a truth he’d never seen coming. Did Jeffrey Decker know who he was? Did his two other kids know they had a bastard brother? Who, outside of his aunt and uncle, knew that damning truth? Question upon question raced to his tongue, each one demanding to be let out first, and yet all he did was slam the tip of his tongue against the backs of his teeth, cutting them all off. Instead, he looked to Laura, anger smoldering low in his gaze and ticking at the back of his jaw, “And now?” 
Shrugging her shoulders, the woman stepped forward, gingerly reaching out to rest a hand on his arm, “Now, son, whatever you do with that truth is up to you."
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lgchyunhee · 1 year
with @lgcamelia | REFERENCE [ ♡ ]
hyunhee is feeling energized after the first iteration of her youtube show. she loves being able to show off this hidden talent of hers, confusing the guests and the audience. for the most part, it’s all showmanship. of course there’s not real magic involved, just good misdirection and strategic camera angles. 
her next guest is someone she hasn’t since since they made their debut under the agency’s sub-label, amelia. it’s been longer than that, in fact, since the last time the two really spoke was during halloween when they were running after a certain wizard and trying to capture his picture. hyunhee’s excited to reconnect with the girl, but she’s excited for quite literally everything. there’s a brief moment for the two to get situated before the camera begins rolling. 
“welcome to the second episode of abracadabra, alakazam! it’s your humble host here, han hyunhee,” she gives herself a cheeky round of applause. “today’s guest is a special one, zheng amelia,” hyunhee claps once again for the other girl, leaving a pause afterwards so the model can introduce herself . “it’s a wonder i was able to get you here, with how busy your schedule is nowadays.” 
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bribedwithdots · 2 years
Brittany was nervous to meet up with Santana, But, she also didn’t want to be weird about meeting up either. She still loved Santana, of course she did. But, Santana had moved on without her. She’d graduated and started doing amazing things. Meanwhile, Brittany was just trying to figure out who or what she even was.
She went to the coffee place they’d agreed on, getting a little turned around here and there. New York was just such a big place and Brittany was prone to daydreaming. When she walked in, Brittany did a quick scan of the place and easily recognized Santana. She felt frozen for a moment, tapping her fingertips together to reboot before heading over.
“Hey... It’s good to see you, Tana. It’s been a long time.” Brittany awkwardly leaned in before turning toward the side to hug her. “You look really good.”
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unsacredisms · 2 years
Who: Joshua Lane @joshlane​
Where: Near the lighthouse
When: july 20th 2022
When he arrived at the agreed place at the agreed time, he noticed that Josh wasn't there yet. Usually, they took those mini-trips once a month, and Damien had to admit that they were therapeutic for him - both because of the activity and the company. Josh was more than his designated friend for bike rides, he was the closest thing Damien had to a best friend, really. He didn't know how but the mechanic always managed to calm those thoughts the man didn't even know he possessed; he was always grateful for that. "Look who finally showed up!" As soon as he saw the other coming, Damien teased, flashing a wide smile - something that was by now his trademark.
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margot-cd · 2 years
This arrangement she had with Chris had always been nice. Every time each were single, they found their way back into each other’s beds. The bond between them was something different. Their friendship was strong enough to continue with benefits when possible. Margot had always been afraid to enter the next step with him. Not that he ever chose her, but it was a mix of ruining their friendship and his ex and children. Especially with what she’d just been through. At the moment, nothing mattered. She threw her arms around his shoulders and planted a kiss onto his lips and they stumbled into her place. // @pinecd​
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mperosx · 2 months
Stretched Thin || Writing Challenge 002
{{ I kind of like these little monthly prompts! Self care is the theme and I have to say that while writing the entries for my muses I realized how little self care I give myself. I gotta work on that! I wish I had more time for yoga personally as it seems relaxing when you can really get in the zone of it. I don’t sadly! }}
There’s something decidedly humbling about being a whole deity in a yoga class. Eros sits on his designated mat and steadies his breathing out as he listens to the instructor, mentally trying to silence the cacophony of racers regarding love out of his head. It’s a feat that never really works out in the same way that those who can quiet their thoughts enough to engage in yoga do, but he does his best. He sort of envies other gods whose powers don’t operate the same ways as his for what he thinks is a slightly less troublesome time with the prayers of others. Perhaps they don’t hear them the same way.
   He inhales.
   The instructor says something else and he rounds his back to lean forward on the exhale. Perhaps…Eros thinks suddenly, they might hear the prayers louder or with greater frequency than he does. He takes hold of his ankle and breathes again as his mind worries over the thought of it. Perhaps they, like him, are always trying to find a bit of respite from it. A thought to encourage them to yoga passes through his mind and he exhales reaching for his other ankle.
   “Soften the neck, soften the jaw,” the instructor says as they pass between other quiet participants. Eros tries to deepen his calm and finds that more thoughts come. Yoga with a mind that is constantly thinking about things is exceptionally hard! Resigning himself slightly that this might just be how he relaxes - by calmly sorting things out in his mind - he follows the others as they sit up once again.
   Following the pace of the class Eros keeps trying to find the grounding energy he needs as his thoughts start to pass a little more slowly. It’s toward the end of the class when they’re laying in savasana that his mind finally gives him that feeling that he was seeking. It’s quick and when it hits all it makes him realize is that while his mind may always be busy, he finds that maybe that’s just as well. When he’s thinking he’s finding little pockets of happiness in his thoughts at least. 
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mpxinvidia · 2 months
Thinking Nonsense || W.C 0002
{{ Invidia’s installment for the Monthly Writing Challenge! I noticed a lot of self care irl being things done like having a facial or going for a massage or things like that. That’s all well and good but I think there’s something kind of nice about just escaping into one’s mind to self care the day away. So here’s my silly boy doing so. }}
   He’s sitting in the window nook at Babylon of his work room, his face toward the sunshine that pours in. A rare lull period in his day where he’s able to just rest and do a whole lot of nothing if he wants to- a time that Invidia relishes more than he would ever say to others. He can read, or draw, or scroll on his phone, or whatever he wants with the pocket of time.
  It’s both a shame and a bliss point that he chooses to spend the time daydreaming. Once he had read that escaping into too many daydreams was a sign of something unfortunate but he doesn’t let that bother him in this moment. Instead he sinks his spine against the wall more and lets his mind wander. His thoughts and worries come to slow stillness and for a moment he just stares blankly out the window.
   Then he smiles.
  Some tendril of a memory stirs and then catches. The ghost of a sensation he remembers plays with him for a few precious seconds and Invidia blinks rapidly as if it will shake the replay of it back to him. His eyes dart from the window to take in the lounge room around him. There’s people wandering in and out to grab snacks but no one really is watching him too hard. He turns back to the window and relaxes again, freeing his mind up again to see what it brings.
   Another faint feeling catches him. The ghost of fingers in his hair and the pleasant pull of them there. His cheeks flush at this but otherwise he doesn’t disturb the thought process, just let’s it go through him. Phantom feelings make their way to the surface, slowly and one by one make his head go a little dizzy as he drifts through them. He remembers touch along his skin, wind blowing through the thinness of his shirt during a fall day, the taste of sakura flavored sweets at the start of the spring, the echo of his voice talking in the museum to marble statues that can’t answer.
  His smile widens as he recalls singing with his friends. Then his blush deepens as he feels the ghost of adrenaline go down his chest and to his stomach remembering some too joyous, too big, too intense sensation against his lips. His mind pulls from that, fleshes the memory out a little more and the adrenaline sinks just a little lower.
  “Oh!” He says in surprise and then stands up as if he can run away from the sudden thrill of it. His fingers fly to his lips, touching them lightly before he draws his hand away. There’s too much …energy in his body suddenly. He’s got to do something! Eyes look around the room again and he tosses a silent prayer of thanks to the ceiling that no one saw him startle over nothing.
  He moves then. Right out the room, down the hall and toward the stairs where he stops short. His hand is on the railing at the top and he stares down them as though he contemplates sprinting down them and right out the door. To or from the feeling, he doesn’ know really. His fingers hold the railing a little harder as he thinks. That blush that possessed his features is still there but he works to dispel it as he turns and then with no real warning hops on the stair railing and pushes so that he’s sliding down it. He’s seated on it and flying down the long curve of it, his voice carrying upwards as he shouts in amusement all the way down.
   That cry of joy ends with a loud thud as he slips off the end of the railing and lands on the flooring below. For a second or two it’s too quiet and it seems he might have hurt himself as he lays there in stunned silence. Then he starts laughing to the faces that peer down at him from the banisters.
   “You’ve got try it, oh my god!”
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mpxmalea · 2 months
Bath Time || W.C 002
{{ Another installment for the Monthly Writing Challenge that we have for April! As a lover of baths this was all together too easy to write for me! Simple joys for self care in this house! }}
   It’s the perfect time for it. Malea pours down her favorite bath oils, salts and watches as the tub fills with the heavenly scents of jasmine and other florals. Today she has a few spare hours to herself and she plans to take full advantage of it with a luxurious bath and some time to catch up on the book she’s been trying to finish for days now. As the water rises she works on getting the little set up ready so she can fully enjoy herself.
   On the bath tray she arranges her book, a glass of water, a small bowl of fruits and nuts and a candle that burns a light but delightful citrus scent. Work isn’t so much stressful as it is full of tedious smaller tasks that occupy her time and mental energy. Then on the occasions that there is an unruly guest or two, she has to find it in herself to hold back the disdain she has for men in general. This week though, had been blissfully free of incidents from rude guests and so today before she will return to Babylon, Malea takes the time to escape in the form of this bath.
   Switching her phone to Do Not Disturb she sets it on the charge in the other room before she sets herself up to sink deeply into the forgiving waters of the tub. After she’ll get the day started. She’ll check the wealth of emails she knows she has to answer and maybe even she’ll make some calls.
   But for now… she’s busy being not busy. And that’s perfect.
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a-simple-paranoiac · 7 months
“…the voices are getting louder…
…I’ll be back.
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