#paying 35 bucks for something that's meant to be 4 bucks and that i didn't get anyway having to walk all those miles instead
alongtidesoflight · 1 year
#so i have an app to pay train and bus fares with#and i'm living at the cusp of two counties and they have different fares#luckily i don't have to cross the county borders so i don't have to deal with that hassle but yesterday when i was#miles away from home and needed to get the bus to a hub city so i could get the train home from there#the app stopped working#and basically told me it's an invalid area fare or whatever when i never left my county#so okay whatever the hub city has ticket machines if i can just manage to get on the bus i can buy a train ticket there#turns out tho that i was about a buck short on the bus ticket and that they don't take debit cards#so since my sister took the car to work i had no other choice than to walk#two and a half whole ass miles to get to her workplace arriving just in time to hitch a ride home with her#and i guess so far that makes for a funny story but when i returned home i checked my paypal and bank accounts just to see that#they still took 35 BUCKS out of my account because my ticket request filed 7 times#and they take 5 bucks put of your account temporarily until the authorisation has been processed#but the authorisation never happened because i didn't get a ticket#so those seven ticket requests that somehow filed are still in an authorisation process#24 hours after i didn't get on the bus because i didn't get a ticket#and i can't call anyone about it until tomorrow because no one works on sundays here#and i'm only ~slightly~ fuming about it#paying 35 bucks for something that's meant to be 4 bucks and that i didn't get anyway having to walk all those miles instead#they better not try to talk their way out of this tomorrow
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