#people need to start creating more aesthetically pleasing flags imo
abbeyroadie · 4 years
I know others have gotten that stupid question when someone finds out that you like The Beatles they ask, “Oh yeah? Name five Beatles songs that weren’t big hits.” The other day I told someone that my favorite Beatle is Paul McCartney and they said, “Ok, name five songs from McCartney’s solo career.” Laaaaaawd I have nothing to prove to anyone, but it always grinds my gears when people assume I’m only wearing a Beatles t-shirt for aesthetics, or I only love Paul for his looks. Bitch please.
So I compiled this list of songs that I first tried to narrow down to ten and quickly realized I couldn’t even narrow it down to twenty, lol. My favorite Paul McCartney songs post Beatles era are listed below with links to YouTube to hear each song. I left out anything he did as a collaboration just because this list is hella long already. Please feel free to add your favs as well!
36. Calico Skies
- I love the simplicity of this song. Paul’s finger picking on the guitar vaguely reminds me of the style of Blackbird.
 35. Put It There
- This song has a soft, sweet melody that always gets stuck in my head.
 34. The World Tonight
- “I go back so far, I’m in front of me.” Sometimes Paul’s lyrics are awesomesauce, lol.
 33. Call Me Back Again
- I love how this song kinda goes back to his roots. Very oldies, very bluesy. Lots of wailing Paul and great guitar licks.
 32. This One
- Might be a song for John if you squint sideways and upside down. Another one that’s a definite earworm.
 30./31. Venus and Mars/Rock Show
- I’m sort of cheating but these two songs def go together. Venus and Mars is very melodic and draws you in, jumping right into the rocker that is aptly named Rock Show. A great way to kick off the V&M album.
 29. C Moon
- This tune is very sentimental to my sister and me. As kids we’d run around the house singing it at the top of our lungs. Also, the beginning when Paul misses the intro and just keeps the gaff in the song makes it that much better, lol.
 28. Somedays
- A quiet song, Paul’s more thoughtful, reflective side. The dueling acoustic guitars and harp are especially lovely.
 27. Big Barn Bed
- I used to skip over this song because I thought it made no sense. Then one day it hit me how much fun it is. And now I wanna keep on sleeping in a big barn bed too, haha.
 26. With a Little Luck
- One of those uplifting, positive tracks that Paul is so freaking good at creating.
 25. Young Boy
- Just the way Paul sings “looooooong” and “strooooong” at the end of a couple of the lyrics. And the guitar solo kicks ass too.
 24. Goodnight Tonight
- Ooh boy, where to start with this song? First and foremost, that BASSLINE. Perhaps it’s a disco-ish dance number that meets electronica? I don’t even know. John said he didn’t like this song but he loved Paul’s bass playing on it, so there you go, lol.
 23. Nineteen-Hundred and Eighty-Five
- This one is very upbeat, but the slowed down intermission with the “ooohs” is what makes it interesting to me. It also includes some amazing piano playing.
 22. Hi, Hi, Hi
- I prefer the live version of this song, but it’s tons of fun no matter what.
 21. Junk
- A very soft tune that would have fit perfectly on The White Album. Very stripped back and almost sad.
 20. Off the Ground
- Paul at his very best at creating melodies that are catchy and fun and don’t delve too deep. “I need lovin’, you need lovin’ too.” And you can’t forget the hand claps and la la las! Good luck getting this song out of your head.
 19. Live and Let Die
- I’d be surprised if you haven’t heard this song sometime in your life. It’s one of those songs where you hear it and go, “Wait, I know this song. This is Paul McCartney?!” He be James Bond like that, heehee.
 18. Dear Boy
- I’ve heard this song is about Linda’s ex. Some think it’s about John. Either way, it’s a catchy little tune.
 17. Take It Away
- This is a great song even before you realize how amazeballs Paul’s bass playing is on it.
 16. Monkberry Moon Delight
- Y’all, WHAT EVEN IS THIS SONG?! I don’t know, but it’s so freaking FUN! Paul’s poor voice though. I feel like he probably couldn’t talk for a week after laying down the vocal track, lol.
 15. Too Much Rain
- Ugh, this song is so beautiful and so sad at the same time. Paul trying to be optimistic as always.
 14. Dear Friend
- Is this a song about John too? Maybe. Probably. A haunting melody with a solitary piano for most of it, with a heavy feeling of regret, at least imo.
 13. Band on the Run
- Here you get three songs in one, not unlike the Abbey Road medley but completely different as well. Paul knows how to kick off an album, that’s for sure!
 12. Maybe I’m Amazed
- I prefer the live version of this song too, but it kicks you in the gut no matter what. Paul loved Linda so much, and he lets everyone know it.
 11. Tug of War
- Ok, I don’t know if this song is about John. It could be. It sounds like Paul’s talking about something…more. “In another world we could stand on top of the mountain with our flag unfurled.” “We will be dancing to the beat played on a different drum.” What is Paul trying to say exactly? Many have debated the lyrics to no end. You decide.
 10. Too Many People
- This is FOR SURE about John, and the breakup of the Beatles. And it started a song war between John and Paul that would go on for years. But it’s also a bop, lol.
 9. Here Today
- This is Paul speaking to John after John’s death. And it’s completely heartbreaking. I have to be in a certain mindset to listen to this one.
 8. Hope of Deliverance
- If this song doesn’t get your foot tapping and your head bopping, idk you might want to check your pulse.
 7. Silly Love Songs
- DAT BASS THO. For real, this song is built around Paul’s bassline and it’s amazing! Also, this was Paul basically giving John the finger for making fun of his “granny shit” and “silly love songs.”
 6. Jet
- This is one that I crank up in my car and it may or may not make me drive a little faster, lol. I love it so much.
 5. Little Lamb Dragonfly
- A two for one! Both songs are lovely, but I particularly love the dragonfly lyrics and melody. (Yes, this song is possibly about John as well (“how did two rights make a wrong?”), but it’s debatable.) Listening to it once usually isn’t enough for me.
4. Little Willow
- Whew, this one makes me emotional. The guitar, the lyrics, the piano, Paul’s voice – all so soothing and unbelievably soft and achy. It breaks my heart in the sweetest way.
 3. Mull Of Kintyre
- Arguably the biggest hit of Paul’s solo career, it’s like the Hey Jude of its own time. And it has freaking BAGPIPES, lol. This is one of those songs that you’ve heard before, but you don’t know where and you don’t know how, you just have. It will stick with you for a long time.
 2. Let Me Roll It
- This song. THIS SONG. Ughhhhhhhh. So sexy I can’t even begin to explain. You just have to listen and let it take you there. Another one where the bassline makes you want to weep. Tingles. Tingles everywhere.
 1. Wanderlust
- This will forever be my favorite solo Paul McCartney song. Completely underrated and simply magical. George Martin has said that this is Paul’s greatest vocal performance and I wholly agree. His voice is so pure and melodic, I sometimes get emotional listening to it. The song as a whole just checks all the boxes of what I most love about a Paul McCartney song – beautiful, melodious and timeless. There’s that old jokey saying, “If this ain’t played at my funeral, I ain’t going.” Yeah, this is that song for me.
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