#perfect to me <333
meredithbeckham · 10 months
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finn was dying. i'm not gonna apologize for doing what i had to do.
a softer world, the 100.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 9 months
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i'm just sliiightly obsessed with her design<333
CAVI belongs to @hheisa
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puretopia · 10 months
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testing @sims3melancholic's new skins on Allegra & Kaliyah. ♡
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l3viat8an · 5 months
I need to kiss Levi all over his stupidly adorable face!! especially his big ass forehead <3
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stuckinapril · 8 months
I’m happy for the little life I built for myself
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basketobread · 6 months
SO I DID SAY YOU GOT ME OUT OF ARTBLOCK... This is my first time posting my art anywhere 😭 ever 😭 Butttttttt! I hope you like my Lunara doodles!
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dustbvnnyy · 4 months
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they’re my everything and i never want to stop drawing them…
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tervaneula · 2 months
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@antimattercontainment Dude you keep crushing it in the tags I LOVE THIS SO MUCH LMAODJHSG it's. It's so stupid and soapy and insanely funny.
I'm just imagining that one day, when Leonardo and Yuichi have settled the matter already a while ago (they laughed about it and agreed that it was a silly thing to get grumpy over) just snuggling on the sofa or whatever like they always do and in swoops one of the ninja cats, holding a big sling full of shuriken. Next enters little Mikey with a bucket of sand – maybe Yuichi had gotten busy so he hadn't visited and vice versa, so the family had no idea that the "argument" is over – both just stop and stare and Leonardo and Yuichi stare back.
Mikey dumps the sand on the floor and does a 180, speedwalking to the arcade to try and catch his brothers to tell them they can stop making asses out of themselves, muttering something like "gosh dang it" under his breath.
Yuichi asks his daughter what she's doing here, she mumbles something about a gift and pushes the sling into Leonardo's hands, disappearing right after.
Leonardo and Yuichi both are so confused about the whole thing that they don't bring it up until years later when something reminds them of the incident, embarrassing their families since they now have to come clean. It's so absurd and hilarious to both of them but they're also glad that somehow no one got hurt during all of that 😂
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soloavengers · 1 month
if i may share my favorite parts of my credits.
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allmyandroids · 2 days
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This was one of my favourite moments fr✨️
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annasvinyl · 1 year
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Day 30 in the loony bin. Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone. Saccharine wank. Don't worry. I haven't gone the full mental. It's still a terrible poem, and Four Weddings is still a fucking awful film. What was it you said, Costello? "The world is a vile place, and neither Richard Curtis or W. H. Auden will ever change that." I hope to see you soon. And I hope you and Iris are okay. I let you down, and I'm sorry. And right now, I can't reach you, and it's fucking terrifying.
Rain Dogs (2023-)
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muertawrites · 2 years
stop writing fics about hiding eddie from loved ones.
if eddie munson were railing me on a regular and exclusive basis and he asked to meet my family / friends i'd roll up like "what's up sluts look at this literal angel i found in the dumpster behind del taco"
i would be the will smith meme i just think he's so nice and cool
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l3viat8an · 9 months
idk if this was mentioned before but listen to this-
making Levi a character bento box when he's in his "super negative" mood. Inside the box is Ruri-chan ofc, Azuki-tan and don't forget our sunshine-Levi but chibi-lized...?
It would brings him to tears
Omggg yes! But you’ll still have to sit there, coaxing Levi to actually eat it-
Otherwise he’ll sit there with little tears in his eyes and the softest little smile on his face just looking at the bento box like it’s the best thing ever!!!! (which to him it probably is!!-)
The only way Levi will actually eat it, is if you promise you can make another one, with him the next time so he can make a matching one for you <3
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chaos-burst · 10 months
think i'll write molly/essek hades au for the au roulette
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what kind of flowers would satoru give u on valentines? how about suguru?
ANON…. what a cute question 🥺🥺🥺🥺 this was soooooo fun to think about……. our baby boys and their gift giving ways………..
ultimately!!! i think satoru would go for flowers that remind him of you (or just your faves / something classic), while suguru would put a lot more thought into symbolism!! he’s a flower boy to me :33 buuut if we’re being more specific…..
my spontaneous thoughts (<- this is a lie i spent like half an hour choosing these) are as follows!! as you can tell i got carried away instantly <33
satoru’s picks:
(pink) roses the classic choice!! it’s what’s on sale, what everyone recommends, so he just goes for it. HOWEVER!! he doesn’t wanna be too basic so he goes for a nice pink instead of the classic red :33 might even go for yellow roses because i firmly believe he’d associate that colour with you. the sunshine of his silly little life !! if he finds out that yellow roses symbolize friendship he’s going back to pink though LMAOO he’ll apologize for friendzoning you too as if he doesn’t regularly call you his bestie …. silly man. i just know he’d get the biggest bouquet of these ever too <33 a whole delivery of roses that completely block your front door so you’re kinda… stuck. with him & his love. lucky you !!
sunflowers kinda goes back to the forementioned point but i just feel like satoru views you as his sun :((( so when he discovers a fresh field of sunflowers he’s like !!!! wow !!!!! wowowow !!!!!! and buys a whole bunch immediately. he’ll be carrying as many sunflowers as he physically can, cradled by his long ass arms, bringing them to you with a big smile on his face <333 they end up reminding you more of him than anything because he’s just beaming when he gives them to you …. sunny sunshine man ,…… and that makes you love them so much more . you never tell him the reason why you suddenly adore sunflowers so much because that would be embarrassing + inflate his ego he would cry a little bit
lillies SENTIMENTAL SATORU HAS JOINED THE CHAT i just think he’s sort of drawn to lillies!! :< like i don’t necessarily think he’d be interested in the symbolism, lillies being associated with purity and whatnot — i think he’s just kind of mesmerized by them. their petals are silky and they smell so sweet and somehow he feels a little sappy to be carrying a bouquet of them around. nostalgic maybe; a little soft. like he’s your husband. even if you aren’t even close to that stage yet… (lillies can also symbolize commitment, which… yk). i just think it makes him feel oddly vulnerable LMAO he’s a loser. gives them to you with a soft smile and a kiss to your forehead <333 he thinks they look right at home in your arms.
suguru’s picks:
roses can’t go wrong with a classic!!! this is his spontaneous choice. the symbolism is obvious, and i think he just. likes the idea of being a rose guy yk… 😭😭 the kinda guy who gives you roses for every single special date !! makes sure there’s always a fresh bouquet waiting for you :33 personally i think he’s a basic bitch but he will continue to buy roses for you unless you tell him otherwise like he’s Very adamant abt it. true love!!! they symbolize true love!!! what else could he give to you? what else is there to say? he wants you to feel loved and special and when he can’t verbalize his love properly he knows the roses in his arms will do the talking for him <333 i think that in the beginning of your relationship your apartment is constantly smelling of roses because of this.. after a while he starts to chill out a bit and gives you other flowers, but you’ll never quite be rid of that floral scent.
camellias this is where he starts to get more creative. maybe satoru calls him basic or boring for always buying roses and suguru huffs and tells him to shut up but it still ends up bugging him LMAO… so !! he does his flower research <333 i firmly believe he would buy a whole book on flower symbolism JUST so he could pick out the most fitting bouquets for you.. he won’t tell you what they mean, though. just gives you a very fond, secretive look when you ask <333 (if you ever figure it out and he gets to see your cute blushing face, then that’s just a nice little bonus.) but yes!!!! camellias!!! a symbol of love and passion and inner strenght. i think he gives them to you with a sentiment of you being his inner strenght…. the reason he’s made it this far. camellias are also said to represent eternal love / everlasting devotion, because the calyx and the petals of a camellia always fall together… and i just think he’s weak for that. he’s like. that’s Us baby <33 but he doesn’t actually say it because that would ruin the subtlety of it all yk?? silly pretentious man…
forget-me-nots he’s a sentimentalist <333 i think i just associate him a lot with forget-me-nots bUT it feels very suguru to give you the most blatantly symbolic flowers he can find :’3 he’d give them to you in a small bouquet, but brimming with sooo many feelings and thoughts. the most obvious one is ”don’t forget me,” but i think he’d see it more as a symbol of trust and gratitude. and his own promise to never let you slip from his fingers or take you for granted :(( forget-me-nots symbolize both true love & devotion and i think that’s all suguru really wants to convey to you!! he’s in love, he’s devoted, you’re burrowed your way so far into his life that he knows he’ll never be able to forget you. and he wants you to know. probably makes it a habit to get you these for every truly special occasion because he never wants you to forget how loyal he is to you. sap
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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it's night time<333 (with a lil sibling bonding bonus: >;Dc)
studio au belongs to @zu-is-here fem designs are made by me
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