#perhaps it's not important but i should also mention this is camboy azul :)
merakiui · 1 year
THE AZUL FIC IS IN HIS POV??? OMG WE WONNNNN I love fics from the pov of the yan/chara, it makes it much more interesting as we get to see their thought process and own cycle of emotions
YESSSS HEHE :D I also love fics from the yandere's pov!!!! It makes it so much more unsettling to read, especially if they present their actions in a way that seems logical and has you nodding along like: "Yes, that rival did deserve that bad thing that happened! It makes so much sense when yan puts it into that perspective!" An example of this is Joe from You and how he seamlessly rationalizes all of his criminal activity. Though he's almost always talking about Beck in the novel, often he uses the personal pronoun you and that could be read as him speaking directly to the reader, such as when he says things like, "You'll do crazy things when you're in love." As if the reader is meant to nod along and sympathize with all of the obsessive behaviors he displays.
That aside, I love writing from the yandere's pov! Dr. Riddle's fic is told from his pov, Scaramouche's modern au fic is told in his pov, this Azul fic and Azul thought 5 will be written in his pov, and a fic I have drafted for bodyguard!Floyd will be written in his pov!!! I find it so fascinating to write from the pov of the yandere because it forces the reader inside the yan's head and so you'll see everything they see, whether it's truthful or not. Multiple times throughout the Sugar Sweetheart wip, Azul asks the question "Are we flirting?" in reference to his lighthearted exchanges with Reader. To him, it feels intimate and flirtatious. But to readers peering in, it's merely friendly and teasing conversations shared between two people. If you look more closely, Reader is just always casual and playful; it's Azul who is misinterpreting the "flirting" entirely.
Additionally, with this Azul fic, you get to see just how nasty Azul truly is beneath his composed businessman façade. :) externally, he's all lofty confidence and pressed suits, but internally he's self-deprecating, hateful, and dangerously obsessive. I think this little segment sums up how worrying he is in the fic.
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