#phill porteous haines
new-junk · 11 years
INTERVIEW: Thom Debaere of Life & Limb
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Interview by: Phill Porteous Haines
 Ex-Heights vocalist Thom Debaere has kicked back after an eight month disappearance with his new band Life & Limb. Backed up by three musical wizards, the band work together to create a new blend of post-hardcore and punk. We were stoked to get the chance to catch up with Thom and get his first interview since his departure from Heights.
 Hey Thom, thanks for  taking the time do this. First off, you’re back with a new band called Life & Limb: can you tell us a bit about the band?
No worries! I’m a student these days, so like any good student I try not to work too hard all the time, plenty of time to answer some questions. But yeah, Life & Limb -- we’re a post-hardcore/punk/rock/alternative/anything-really band, based most of the time in Derby, where we all study. We have no real goals other than to write some songs, play some shows and have fun.
According to your page, your first practice together was in early November of last year. You guys must have been working hard to get a two track out and receive the attention you have in just two months. How do you feel it's gone? Have you received a lot more attention that you thought you would?
 Yeah, I guess it did all come together quite quickly. We were conscious that we were getting more and more interest but nothing for people to actually listen to so we didn’t want to hang around. Those two songs came together fairly quickly and we were lucky to be able to sneak in some recording with a good friend of mine, Tom Richfield, just before Christmas (I feel like here is a good point to also shout out Steven Prebble and Set Sail Studios for helping us get the teaser video done so quickly and looking great). I’d say we’re very happy with how it’s gone, it’s only two songs so far but we’re proud of them and very pleased with how Tom made them sound. And yes, lots more attention than expected! To have so many people buying tapes and CDs and doing crazy things like covers on YouTube so quickly is nuts. Also a sense of relief I think, speaking for myself at least, that people are into the songs even though they are quite different from what I may have done in the past.
Are you excited for your first show on 31st March and how long can we expect your set to be?
Very excited, also mixed in with nerves as well, I guess. You can expect the set to be about half an hour long. We’re right in the middle of getting it sorted now, as I write this I’m not long back from a practise session. We’ll be playing both tracks from Alpha, a bunch of other brand new songs that are even better than Alpha and also a really cool cover.
What brought the band together? How did you meet/decide to form Life & Limb?
Uni brought the band together, I suppose. I was going to say fate, but that’s way too cheesy, haha! Kizz and I met and hung out on our very first night in Derby, and almost instantly decided to play some music together. It took us a month or two to get our act together but once we did, Kizz went searching for some other members to recruit on his music course and we were lucky enough to get Tom and Keiran involved.
Who would you say your biggest influences are for this new project? As a band and as a singular musician?
As a singular musician, I wouldn’t say my influences have changed at all really -- I’m just in the position to try a few different things out. So in that respect, I’ve got to say hardcore. As a band, I’d say our biggest influences are Jimmy Eat World, The Smashing Pumpkins, Title Fight, Deftones...that sort of thing. I’d like to think we end up sounding a bit like a mix of the Pumpkins, early Reuben and Deftones. But it’s always subjective, isn’t it? People will always have different ideas.
We’re also very influenced by DIY and we’re very keen for that to continue. All our tapes and CDs are hand made and everything else we’ve done so far has been through and with friends. It’s a rewarding way of doing things having come from a band that is run like a business. 
I see a lot of people are asking you to play in their bedrooms/garages, ever thought of doing a house show tour?
Absolutely! It’s a conversation we had last week after a bunch of people posted about it. We’re very honestly gonna try and do it in the summer, so if you’re reading this and want in, then don’t be shy, drop us a message!
Any tours planned for the near future? If so, any chance of some hints who they will be with?
There is a tour being booked right now. Our London show in 31st March will be the first show on it. Keep an eye on the Facebook for updates as and when we have them.
What will be happening with Dead Weight now that you're fronting a new band?
Dead Weight is still going strong! Shows are being booked up at the moment and we’re hoping to get a full length recorded before the end of the year. I have time for both bands luckily.
I've also got to say Thom, your vocals are sounding incredible. How do you feel on them? Do you think your departure from Heights has affected your vocal style in anyway, good or bad?
Thank you! I was pleased with how they came out. It had been quite a while since I’d done any prolonged recording when I came to do them so I had to blow a few cobwebs out to start with. I wouldn’t say my vocal style has been affected at all, but you don’t have to read too far into the lyrics to realise that there was no shortage of chips on my shoulder to help things along. And it had been even longer still since I’d recorded clean singing, so I felt a bit exposed with them. But it’s something I’ve come to enjoy again and it’s nice to be able to shift to a different gear if I want.
It has to be asked, with the way your split with Heights went down, how does it feel to be fronting the band again? Especially considering the reaction from the fans, where the fan base has essentially divided itself over your removal.
It’s the best thing in the world. It was such a huge part of my life for so long, that it was weird to go without it for however long it was. Besides the sheer fun of it all, I missed writing and performing vocals as an outlet and the connection you can make with someone who takes something away from what you’re saying. I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to sing in another band with such a great bunch of guys who are open and honest and in it for the right reasons and also that people who were fans of what I did in the past have stuck with me so strongly. I’ve been blown away, so thank you to all those people.
Can fans expect the same passion from you with Life & Limb as they did when you were a frontman previously?
For sure. I put 100% into it, I always have and always will. One of the things that hurt the most about what Heights did to me was they called into question my effort as an excuse to get rid of me. I wear my heart on my sleeve and put everything into what I do in a band.
Once again, thank you so much for your time.
No. Thank you.
 Life & Limb are headlining The Garage on 31 March, with support from Sleeping Lessons and Beyond Hurt, with more acts to be announced. Purchase your tickets HERE.
 Also, keep an eye on New Junk for our review of Life & Limb's debut EP!
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