#place markers
atelieralison · 7 months
Final preparation. Préparation finale.
This is the final project for the Christmas Market next week. I have made these festive table decorations, which could also be used as place markers. C’est le projet final pour le marché de Noël de la semaine prochaine.  J’ai réalisé ces décorations de table de fête, qui pourraient également servir de marque-places. For this project I have used: Cardstock – Basic Black, Basic White, Gold…
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firefangs · 7 months
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i am on this earth for a reason, i must be, i am right where i need to be
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chaotictomtom · 2 months
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Spock more like. hugest muse ever of all time. can't get enough of that guy.
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chirpsythismorning · 5 months
Byler is a slow burn y’all!
While it’s possible milkvan could break up in early s5, or maybe they consider their fallout in s4 their breakup and are only now addressing it and how they’ve realized they’ve been better off as friends over the last year, it’s still gonna take some time for byler to confront everything over the last few years and both get to a point where they have clarity about their own feelings and finally accept that the other one feels the same.
I don’t think there’s enough time to explore all of that before Mike and El have that talk on the roof, or even shortly after that, even if it’s post-time jump.
It will still be interesting to see where Mike and Will are at in their relationship by the time the time jump rolls around.
It’s unlikely the painting will have been addressed without us witnessing it, unless they decide to throw in a flashback at some point if it happened during the time jump.
Which means there is still a lot they need to talk about, let alone for them be literally dating.
I think it’s also possible Will won’t know Mike and El are over for real, not until Mike or El tell him and the others.
What this might result in is an episode or two of Mike pining for Will (single 😁) while Will is none the wiser and maybe even trying to keep his distance, now under the assumption that Mike wants space to be alone with El since they’ve finally reconciled once and for all.
There’s gonna need to be episodes exploring their dynamic as friends that can be something more if they want to be and how they navigate that and how obvious it is that, in contrast to Mike and El, while they are indeed friends, they work even better as being something more too.
They’ve invested the entire series to building this up, in a way that most of the audience missed. They need to spend some time now making it obvious so that people can rewatch a lot of their scenes for what they truly are (romantic) now that they know the truth, as opposed to just being ambushed with them being together.
I need people that didn’t even want it to happen to have to endure the tension all season long, to the point where they’re screaming at their screen JUST KISS ALREADY! GET IT OVER WITH! JESUS CHRIST!
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The remote community of Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland
Taken August 2022
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mabaris · 28 days
i refuse to believe that the events of inquisition happened in one year because i’m finally reading tevinter nights and it’s a WEEK’S journey through the mountains to get to skyhold. and that’s not even counting travel time for how long it takes to get from the frostbacks to anywhere else. at LEAST a fortnight’s travel, both ways, any time you want to go somewhere. and we’re making that trip dozens of times
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little-pup-pip · 5 months
hi! Could you show us your favourite moodboard? ^^
Hello Hello! This is such a good question!! So good, in fact, that I don't know the answer! I'm assuming you meant a moodboard of mine; I have a few that I've made that hold a special place in my heart, and others that I love because they're underrated, and some that are just really pretty! I've been thinking about it all day, and I think it's between these two!!
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Pastel Gaming + Bubbles
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atypicalstrong · 7 months
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Who's under the Red Hood...?
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Does the markers on the marker dress still work? Um some of them do. Most of them are dried out...And I just was curious myself if like they still worked and some of them still do which is shocking. -Jennifer
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suchasillygoofheehee · 4 months
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I found out how to use my camera, more sketchbook Susie promised *lying tone*
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okok so if we’re going on like the fact that the Fears are differently “organized” in this new world what if it was based more in the feelings that come with the fears??
as in: fears of the mind (kind of fits w “something wrong” im just workshoppinh tbh), fears of the body (like the second ep), fears of something wrong (something foreign/bad in one’s body, something indescribably off about a situation, maybe even something missing), fear of the unknown (things in the shadows, something that looks empty but actually isnt).
or the feelings that, in context feel bad, but can also be associated with a sort of euphoria. control, hunger, calm (perhaps unnervingly so?), understanding (slash paranoia), being part of something (feeling whole/complete?). the things that you feel when fear is combined with obsession
bc honestly these things are also lines that connected the Big Fourteen. The statement giver in Lost John’s Cave describes her feelings of being in a pitch black cave prior to the experience as true peace. obsession and hunger are pretty much all of them in a way. jane prentiss felt in control and loved by her worms and wasps in a way
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dent-de-leon · 5 months
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Was finally able to find the (possibly??) grave of Mollymauk Tealeaf easter egg and pay my respects—as Molly—
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tetrameryxx · 4 months
I wish I could get into MMOs because Play Game with Friends is fun, but they are just the antithesis to how I normally play games. Mostly I play games to check off all the location markers and look at the game world, I don't want to grind and revisit places 1000 times.
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electromignion · 5 months
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Jeremy Bradshaw portrait 🫶
I missed drawing him and I had not drawn him this way with alcohol markers yet so here you go, I needed to have him drawn this way, he’s my comfort character after all 😭🫶
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frogfrogfrogfrogoose · 5 months
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i frickin love space
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pansyfemme · 1 year
like one of my fave traditional tools for my sketchbook studies is those cheap peel off grease pencils meant for writing on glass/porcelain with.. they have such a great texture and density you can make such a variety of marks with them...
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