#planet surface design is esp awesome
verlysgaminglife · 2 years
Gilded Shadows
Hey all, I know it's been a minute, and the last game I said I was going to play was Our Life by gb patch, but since I'm an active Pateron of them and they are working steadily on the derek dlc and that is my working copy of the game I'm still holding back playing it.
personal update
I also have had some personal issues that have kept me away from Tumblr and a lot of social media in general. The last time I was gung ho about my gaming channel and all of that was the start of a years long battle with my realizing that I am non-binary and being cool with it. I just didn't want to be on camera for a while and didn't know why. Now that I know what's wrong maybe I can finally get around to doing stuff again.
that's the tiny update on my personal issues for those of you that care. :)
onto the main topic
Gilded Shadows is an awesome cyberpunk/solarpunk VN (visual novel) that I was happy enough to send Kickstarter funds to after playing the authors first VN Changeling.
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as you can see by my play time I've put some "decent' hours into it. ;)
Arcalis is a planet with a complex history.
Centuries ago, when humans arrived, they found it abandoned. The only remnants of its previous society were massive bio-domes dotted on the surface and designed as protection from the hostile climate.
With one side of the world bathed in eternal day and the other cloaked in frigid night, the bio-domes are oases where people live sheltered from the scorching winds and storms. But whether in the bright, clean cities of the day side of the planet, or the poor and crime-ridden cities of the night side, life is never simple nor peace easy to come by.
When a fateful encounter exposes Morgan Leone, a young woman who has long hid her ESP, as a queen ranked Esper, she finds herself on the run from multiple factions eager to attain her abilities. Endgame, the planetary defence organisation; Crimson, a notorious crime syndicate from Delphine; and even the shadowy group only known as "the Host" - each group sends operatives to retrieve her.
Now, with several paths open to her, she must choose her allies carefully. Between light and shadow lies grey twilight where the lines between good and evil are blurred. And in a world where the only constants are the endless day and night that divide the planet, Morgan learns those who can't adapt…also can't survive.
I will make one main comment about this game that I want everyone to realize. The author of this VN is the same person that drew the sprite art and the CGs. she's a goddess, a superhero, she's an angel. and no, she didn't pay me to say that.. I just told you all. I gave *her* money for this game. lol
I am going to be sharing my latest play-through here on Tumblr. I also share my screenshots through steam so ho boy anyone there because I can't really do anything about the oversharing of my pictures. at least here I can tag things in certain ways if I bug you too much. lol all my tags on here will have VGL-gilded shadows so if you get tired of seeing my posts you can block that.
There IS a recommended order but I'm doing my own thing with this being the third time I've played this game. so I'm playing it with the night side first and then going the day side.
so my play order will be Caissa, Jack, Ari, Caleb, Magnus, and then Lance. I'm playing Magnus and Lance as the last two because of the spoilers in their routes.
with sharing my screenshots I will do a mix between blog posts with commentary and photos themselves with comments. My whims carry me at times. lol
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