#plc training centre
eaglesnick · 6 months
Private Sector Good, Public Sector Bad? (2)
This is the second part of a look at former public services and utilities in Britain that have been privatised in the name of neoliberal economics and the mistaken belief that private enterprise is ALWAYS more efficient than publicly  run bodies.
The first privately run prison in the UK was opened in 1992 under a Conservative government and private sector involvement in Britain’s penal system has grown steadily ever since. The UK is now second only to the USA in the number of privately run prisons.
Premier Custodial Group was formed in 1992 and in 2005 was the largest private company running UK prisons. It was a joint venture between the American private prison operator Wackenhut Corrections Corporation and the British firm Serco PLC. From a turnover of £7.52 million in 1994 it had increased its revenues to £127.4m, with pre-tax profits of nearly £10m, paying out a £2m dividend to shareholders. In 2002 Wackenhut was taken over by Group 4 Falck.
In 2003 Serco gained control of Premier, estimating that Premier's
 “income over the life of its existing contracts for five prisons, one secure training centre, two immigration facilities and court escort custody and electronic monitoring services was £2bn” (Cited in Prison Reform Trust: Private Punishment :Who Profits; January 2005)
Group 4 Securicor (G4S) was a company created in 2004 when Group 4 acquired Securicor. Since these takeovers these companies have gone from strength to strength, with Serco, G4S, and GEO Group branching into immigration and other services.
In 2018, the Guardian reported that the Home Office paid these companies:
 “hundreds of millions of pounds to run the UK’s immigration removal centres, but no one knows for certain just how profitable the industry is…Commercial confidentiality agreements mean the Home Office and outsourcing companies are not obliged to publish detailed financial information about immigration detention centres in the UK.” (Guardian: 10/10/22)
In 2022, one of these companies, Sodexo was awarded a £264 million UK prison contract over a ten year period. On receiving the contract, Paul Anstey, CEO, Government, Sodexo UK & Ireland stated:
“Our vision is to provide a secure and safe environment which reduces re-offending through education, builds new skills and offers respect, equality and inclusion.” (Facilities Management Magazine: 16/08/22)
If only that were true! As long ago as 2013 Sodexo Justice Services  was facing charges of prisoner torture and degradation.
'Cruel, inhumane and degrading': Female prisoner kept segregated in 'squalid' cell for five years.”  (Independent: 21/08/2013)
In 2016 a video of naked Prisoners pretending to be dogs led to an investigation into violence and humiliation of prisoners by Sodexo. In September 2017, a female prisoner died under Sodexo care. An inquest into her death concluded:
“serious failures at Sodexo run HMP Peterborough contributed to death of Annabella Landsberg”  (Inquest: 04/04/2019)
Another prison run by Sodexo was accused of residing over a “spice” epidemic, which led to the death of a male prisoner. (Manchester Evening News) In 2018 Sodexo was again accused of neglect and systematic failures resulting in the death of yet another inmate. In 2019, a different prison run by Sodexo was accused of “systemic breaches of inmate human rights”.
In February of this year 20 prison staff resigned from the Sodexo run HMP Lowdham Grange, which was deemed so unsafe the government was forced to take it over.
The appalling levels of service cited above are not restricted to Sodexo alone. In her book “Profiting from their misery: Britain’s private prisons”, Hatty Nestor reveals that:
“outsourcing companies like G4S encourage prisoners to work 40-hour weeks, all they are paid (is)  as little as £2 an hour. Such practices amount to slave labour. Companies are profiting from prison labour, paying fewer well-trained, low staff wages. In private prisons, staff are paid 23% less than public prisons, and they also outsource security, healthcare and cheap food. Private prisons aim for a profit margin of 8-10%, which is met by cutting costs and the increased exploitation of staff and inmates.”
Given that privately run prisons pay their staff less, are more overcrowded, and employ fewer prison officers you would think they would at least be more cost effective yet this isn’t the case. The governments own figures for 2022/23 reveal that it cost £32,762 per prisoner, per year in publicly run prisons, while the cost for privately run prisons was £33,628 per prisoner. (Ministry of Justice: “Costs per place and cost per prisoner by individual prison.", 21/0324)
 What is more, the government gives 23% of its allocated budget to private companies despite the fact their prisons only house 15% of the total prison population. It seems that whichever way you measure private prison success (apart form profits for its shareholders) private prisons do far worse than those still in the public sector.
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littlemuoi · 11 months
Duke of Edinburgh praises mental health charity for work with veterans on visit to Telford by Dominic Robertson (November 9th 2023)
Prince Edward attended two engagements in Telford on Wednesday afternoon – first a visit to the Army Reserve Centre, before joining a tea party at Dawley Town Hall.
Both events were military-themed, with the Duke meeting cadets at the reserve centre, before meeting agencies and groups which support veterans, gathered together by Telford & Wrekin Council at the town hall, where they also marked the building's 150th birthday.
Joined by the Lord Lieutenant of Shropshire, Anna Turner, the Duke talked at length with young people, veterans, and representatives of charities which support them.
The relaxed and light-hearted Duke shared his sense of humour during his visit, joking on arrival into a packed but silent town hall that he had "killed the party".
Unveiling a plaque to mark the hall's anniversary The Duke was introduced by the leader of Telford & Wrekin Council, Councillor Shaun Davies, who shared the history of the hall – and how when it was not allowed to serve alcohol, locals set up a pub nearby.
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Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh visits the Army Reserve Centre, Telford. Cadet Lance Corporal Dylan Fugatt is presented with his certificate. LAST COPYRIGHT NATIONAL WORLD PLC TIM THURSFIELD 08/11/23.
Addressing the guests the Duke said: "First of all it was really good to meet you all and thank you for your collective service you have done for this country, it is very, very much appreciated. And thank you to Mind and everyone else who organises these get-togethers for you.
"I am told this is not your typical day for getting together so I apologise if I have completely and totally confused your entire week.
"Anyway I have been asked to unveil this particular plaque, I am guessing a few of you can probably remember when the building opened - forgive me, you remember when the pub opened!"
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The Duke of Edinburgh on his visit to Telford's Army Resource Centre.
To a background of laughter the Duke promised to try and make the unveiling "as slick as possible," adding: "I want you to know this has taken years of practice."
During his visit he met representatives from Telford Mind, a mental health charity that supports veterans, and the people who use its services.
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The Duke of Edinburgh watches Staff Corporal Declan Poole trying a flight simulator.
He also took time to sit and chat with other groups such as Models for Heroes, and the All Sports Coaches Coaching Academy.
The academy trains veterans to coach youngsters at sports, and provide mental health support, as well as a range of other skills.
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The Duke meets representatives from the All sports Coaches Coaching Academy.
The organisation's operation's director, Stuart Cook, who served for five years with the Welsh Guards, was joined by coach Johnny Bradley, who is currently serving with the Royal Irish Regiment, the group's founder Jim Prescott, and chairman Clive Barnard.
Mr Cook, 35, from Telford, said the Duke had been interested in what sports they provided.
He said: "He was having a chat, asking about what sports we like, what we do. Me and Johnny do boxing and he said Johnny has longer arms, 'does that mean he should beat me?'"
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The Duke of Edinburgh presents a Long Service Good Conduct award to Sergeant Joel Edwards.
Mr Bradley, 33, explained how the group could make a difference, saying: "I know first-hand how sports can help towards better mental health. I have been through what I have been through myself so to be part of what Jim has put together has really helped me, so now hopefully I can help others."
Telford Mind provides a Monday Club where veterans can chat and support each other, and the Duke talked to a number of people who attend the sessions.
Mind trustee, Trevor Hirst, who served with the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME), said the Duke had been "funny", "very friendly", and "easy to chat to".
He said: "He asked who I served with and he said he should have recognised from my tie because his wife is a patron of the REME charity."
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Cadets giving a gun-run demonstration.
Tom Kane, 65, from Telford, attends the Telford sessions. He came along to the tea party with his dog Harley.
Mr Kane, who spent 30 years in the RAF, said the Duke had asked about Harley.
He said: "He asked what he does for me and I said he tells me when someone is at the door, tells me when the phone rings, and tells me when the missus wants me."
The Duke chatted with the group Models for Heroes – an organisation which allows veterans and people in the services to meet up and build models together.
Gary Morris, who runs the Telford group, was joined by two RAF servicemen who run the RAF Cosford group, Chris King and George Hickish, and other members.
They explained that the Duke had talked about the original Lightning aircraft, saying that when he was at school they would take off and everyone would have to stop talking because the planes were so loud.
Louise Heap, CEO of Telford Mind, said the Duke had asked about what services they provide and how they work, with service manager Jen Caldicott adding: "He just thanked us for the great work we do."
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The Duke unveils a plaque marking 150 years of Dawley Town Hall.
Speaking at the conclusion of the visit Councillor Davies said: "It was a real privilege to host the Duke of Edinburgh and to show him first-hand the vital work we do to support the armed services and veterans, it is something we take very seriously.
"He was very personable and able to share not only a story but a joke or two as well.
"And I think everyone who met him at both sites really appreciated his time and effort to come and see us."
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The Duke talks with members of the Models for Heroes groups.
The Duke had earlier attended the Army Reserve Centre – the base of D-Squadron, The Royal Yeomanry.
Local cadets also train at the base twice a week.
During his tour the Duke was given a gun-run demonstration from the Army cadets before they provided a live first aid demonstration.
The Duke then presented an award to 15-year-old Lance Corporal Dylan Fugatt from Ellesmere.
The youngster, who was joined by his mum Sharon for the presentation, was being recognised for using first aid skills learned with the cadets to come to the aid of an elderly man who had fallen over in Ellesmere.
Speaking after the presentation Lance Corporal Fugatt said: "It was a bit of a shock at first. I don't think it has sunk in properly yet."
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The Duke of Edinburgh was given a first aid demonstration.
He added that the Duke had been "great" and "just like any normal person".
His mother added: "I am so proud. I am very, very proud of how Dylan handled the situation back when it happened but to be recognised in this way, I am more proud for him after his efforts in training, I could not be more proud."
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The group were joined by the Duke for a photo at the end of his Dawley Town Hall visit.
The Duke was also shown laser shooting, had a go at tying knots with Navy Cadets, and then saw young Air Cadets trying their hand at flight simulators and virtual reality kit, before presenting a Long Service Good Conduct award to Sergeant Joel Edwards.
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cadbiminstitute · 1 month
Unlocking Career Opportunities with Electrical Engineering Courses in Kerala
Engineering electrical has been from time inelastic, an ever-developing field in the present world being molded by electrical engineering achievements in energy, electronics, telecommunication, and automation. Currently, for the young generation and anyone willing to take up engineering or any other professional degree, Kerala provides a splendid opportunity to make new rays of dreams, explore new horizons, or give new heights to the existing professions. This article discusses the potential careers that will open in electrical engineering if the students pursue electrical engineering courses in the governance of Kerala.
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The Role of Electrical Engineering Education Electricity engineering is nucleic to the progress of technology in society. These jobs are crucial from lighting homes to providing energy to industries, fuelling the digitalization. However, with the extensive development of the field the need for the particular knowledge and skills in a specific specialized area emerges. The basic education in electrical engineering is, however, very general, leaving students without all they need to be relevant in the market. It is here that the advanced courses and certifications appear to help the professionals to gain specializations, better skills, and be conversant with the modern trends in the filed.
Why Kerala? Kerala is well known as one of the educational hubs for higher education in engineering especially in the electric and electronics stream. It has some of well-established colleges and training centres that provide various phrased and specialized courses for both the novices and the experts. The standard of education in conjunction with the possibilities that the state offers as regarding industrial work makes Kerala the perfect place for those willing to enhance their careers in electrical engineering.
Training that Is Relevant to the Pursuit of Employment The electrical engineering courses offered by the universities and colleges in Kerala are also vast ranging in the specialization offered. Some of the key areas of focus include: Some of the key areas of focus include:
Power Systems Engineering: Being the world’s energy supply tipping more towards renewable power, courses in power system engineering are popular. These courses are intended to equip electrical power systems professionals for positions in energy companies, utilities, and government departments by teaching electrical power system designs and their analysis and management.
Automation and Control Systems: Since there is a trends of automation in industries, the need for engineers with knowledge in control systems is increasing. Courses in this area focus on PLC programming, SCADA, industrial automation among others that prepares engineers for job positions in manufacturing, process control and robotics among others.
Telecommunications and Signal Processing: In the current world of 3G, 4G and now 5G telecommunications with more development on the internet of things IoT, this field is expanding rapidly. A signal processing course, communication systems and a networking course are basics that are needed in the telecommunications, networking and related fields.
Embedded Systems and IoT: The application of electronics and software in common-use devices makes there a need for engineers in the field of embedded systems and IoT skills. Through these courses, the students get a practical taste of how to design and implement embedded systems, and therefore get employment opportunities in consumer electronics, automotive engineering and many more fields.
Career Opportunities After Completion As the electrical engineering professionals in Kerala get to complete their advanced courses, they will find the job prospects to be quite diverse. Some of the potential career paths include: Some of the potential career paths include:
Power Engineer: With generation, transmission and distribution networks, guaranteeing the security and efficiency of energy provision. Automation Engineer: Creating and deploying concepts of automation systems in manufacturing units involving automobiles and aviation. Telecommunications Engineer: Donating and maintaining the mobile communication networks the satellite and broadband systems. Embedded Systems Engineer: Developing sets of embedded software and hardware to be implemented in numerous applications: home appliances and entertainment electronics, various cars and automobiles, industrial use, medical appliances, etc. Control Systems Engineer: Concentrating in the development of effective control systems in industrial processes and mechanism. The Competitive Edge Having specialised knowledge and skills in today’s employment world is essential since many people are out there vying for the same job. The advanced electrical engineering courses in Kerala gives these professionals what they would need to offer distinction. These kinds of courses are not only learning computer coding; they are also solving problems, coming up with new ideas and manage courses which are much valued in the work place.
Conclusion The freedom to advance in the electrical engineering career is therefore provided by Kerala’s electrical engineering courses for both the fresh graduates and the practicing professionals in this line. It truly opens other gateways for you as a professional, as well as enables you to be at par with current trends in the industry, as well as be part of innovation in technology supporting our world. It shows that with the right education and training, the sky is the limit and the beautiful state of Kerala is where it should start.
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flywingoverseasindia · 3 months
PTE coaching Class in Ahmedabad
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PTE coaching Class in Ahmedabad               
The PTE Academic exam is a computer-based English language test accepted by educational institutions around the world. Candidates eligible to appear for the PTE exam are required to take the test to prove their English language competency.
What exactly PTE exam is?
The PTE Syllabus of the two-hour-long computer-based test focuses on day-to-day English rather than high-level English language and tests a student on his/her ability to effectively understand the language as spoken daily.
The multi-level grading system of the PTE exam ensures a better understanding of the student’s proficiency in the English language. There are many factors that distinguish PTE Academic from other English proficiency tests.
The first and foremost distinguishing aspect of the same is the scoring pattern and the results.
Why take the PTE Exam?
PTE Academic is a computer-based English language test for non-native English speakers who wish to study abroad. It tests the Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking skills of the candidates.
The test is designed in such a way that every question generally tests two skills together, like reading and speaking or listening and reading.
Types of PTE Exams –
The Pearson Language Tests – a unit of Pearson PLC Group is responsible for conducting three formats of the English proficiency test to assess the English language skills of non-native speakers of the English language. The three tests are PTE Academic, PTE Academic UKVI and PTE Home.
What is PTE Academic Exam?
The PTE Academic exam is conducted round-the-year, for students looking to get admission to a university or institution.
The exam consists of four sections, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The scores of the PTE Academic exam is valid for a period of two years.
What is PTE Academic UKVI?
The PTE Academic UKVI is a Secure English Language Test (SELT) that is approved by the UK Home Office for all UK visas that require a 4 skill language test. It is a fast, fair, and convenient choice for candidates who wish to work, study, or live in the UK.
Candidates should note that there is no difference in the content or format of the PTE Academic UKVI exam when compared to the PTE Academic exam. There are minor differences in the registration process.
What is PTE Home?
The PTE Home is an English test that is accepted by the UK Home Office for family and work visas.
The PTE Home English test is broadly classified into PTE Home A1, PTE Home A2 and PTE Home B1 English tests. These serve various purposes when it comes to applying for various family and work visas.
Eligibility –
As such, there are no specific criteria set by the Pearson PLC Group – the conducting body of the PTE exam. However, according to the PTE Academic eligibility criteria, the following factors must be kept in mind.
Structure of PTE –
PTE Academic Syllabus includes three sections – Speaking & Writing, Reading, and Listening. You get marked on these three sections and you get the PTE Academic total score as well.
The PTE Exam Pattern mentioned below talks about the components of the PTE Academic Paper in detail for the benefit of the candidate. Candidates looking to appear for their PTE Academic Exam can check out the PTE Exam Pattern 2022 mentioned below.
Note: The PTE Exam Pattern has been shortened by 1 hr and now the entire PTE exam is for 2 Hrs.
Flywing overseas an experience entrance exam coaching centre in Ahmedabad. Trusted PTE coaching Class in Ahmedabad. We are reliable PTE coaching, PTE classes, PTE Exam Preparation Training Centre in ahmedabad, Contact us for FREE PTE Demo.
Contact us:
Mob: +91 95587 78899 Tel: +91 79 26408581
Head Office, Ahmedabad
Address: 4th floor, Saransh II the Business Hub Nr Kalyan Jewellers, Bhudarpura Road, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad-380006, Gujarat, India
 Kalol Branch
Address: City Mall-1, Second Floor, 40-41, Near ICICI BANK, Navjivan Mill compound, Kalol, 382721.
Visit our website - : http://www.flywingoverseas.in/
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sudheervanguri · 3 months
Icon Hiring Clinical Research Associate - Onsite Monitoring: Unlock Your Career in Clinical Research with ICON About the ICON plc ICON plc, a global healthcare intelligence and clinical research organization dedicated to advancing clinical research from molecule to medicine. With a focus on providing outsourced services to pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and government organizations, ICON is at the forefront of accelerating the development of drugs and devices that save lives and enhance the quality of life. Our commitment to patients, coupled with the passion and expertise of our people, makes ICON a leader in the industry. Company Vacancies List Position: Clinical Research Associate (CRA) Location: Delhi Experience: 2+ years of onsite monitoring experience Therapeutic Area: Oncology If you are an experienced CRA looking for new opportunities or considering a move to Delhi, this is your chance to join our team. We are seeking dedicated professionals to contribute to our mission of advancing clinical research. [caption id="attachment_57799" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] Join ICON as a Clinical Research Associate in Delhi![/caption] Job Description As a Clinical Research Associate at ICON, you will play a pivotal role in the successful management of investigator sites throughout the trial lifecycle. Key responsibilities include: Requirements: 💥Minimum 2 years of onsite monitoring experience required. 💥Can be home-based (priority would be in major cities that will have good connectivity) 💥 During new-hire orientation & training: must come to Bangalore Office for 3-4 weeks of training. 💥Therapeutic : Cardiovascular/ Oncology or any other TA experience but should have extensive hands on experience. About the Department & Responsibilities Our Clinical Operations team is unparalleled in its dedication to success. As a Clinical Research Associate, you will receive the support needed to develop both personally and professionally. Operating as a key part of a global study team, you will play a fundamental role in our clients' drug development processes. Recognize, exemplify and adhere to ICONs values which centre on our commitment to People, Clients and Performance. As a member of staff, the employee is expected to embrace and contribute to our culture of process improvement with a focus on streamlining our processes adding value to our business and meeting client needs. Ability and willingness to travel at least 60% of the time (international and domestic : fly and drive) Expert knowledge of ICON's SOPs/WPs, ICH, GCP and appropriate regulations. Familiarity with ICON systems Maintain timelines. Ensure accuracy and completeness of data entered into ICON systems. Recruitment of investigators. Independent and proactive coordination of all the necessary activities required to set up and monitor a study, including but not limited to the following: Identify investigators. Help when requested, in preparation of regulatory submissions. Design of patient information sheets and consent forms. Ensure timely submission of protocol/consent documents for ethics/IRB approval. Pre study/placement and initiation visits. Conduct regular monitoring visits in accordance with the ICON site monitoring SOP/sponsor site monitoring SOP, as appropriate Maintain all files and documentation pertaining to studies. Motivate investigators in order to achieve recruitment targets. Complete accurate study status reports. Ensure the correct storage of drugs and the diligent account of all drugs in accordance with SOPs. Keep the Project Manager regularly informed. Process case record forms to the required quality standards and timelines. Deal with sponsor generated queries in a timely manner. Ensure the satisfactory closeout of investigator sites. Participate, if requested, in the preparation of and review of study documentation, e.g. draft protocols, draft CRFs, monitoring guidelines and elements of final report.
Participate in feasibility studies for new proposals as required. Ensure correct archiving of files on completion of a study. Maintain patient and sponsor confidentiality. Assume additional responsibilities as directed by the Project Manager. investigational Products (IPs) stored and managed by the site: Ensure storage conditions and acceptable supplies are provided Ensure IPs are supplied only to eligible patients o Ensure IP receipt, use and return are controlled and documented Ensure disposition of unused IP comply with regulatory requirement and are in accordance with the sponsor. Act in a lead role on a study assuming additional responsibilities as detailed/documented by the Project Manager if appropriate Participate in data listing reviews, as applicable. Responsible for cost effectiveness Participate in training and mentoring new staff up to Clinical Research Associate level as appropriate. Assist with marketing the company if and when appropriate. Other duties as assigned. How to Apply For more details contact me at [email protected] Apply online
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How Do Hi-tech Human Machine Interfaces Revolutionize Interaction and Efficiency?
Human-machine interface or HMI is the technical way humans and machines connect and interact. This technique gives access to control the machine and use it as needed. It is a necessary piece of current technology because it helps a lot of different businesses improve their productivity, security, and user experience.
Some recognized high-tech machinery and parts suppliers come with training programmes such as virtual reality training to teach how to get advantages of digital interfaces for communication to provide immersive user experiences.
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Benefits of HMI Across a Range of Industries
Some renowned businesses come with advanced pieces of HMI that are used in a variety of industries. For instance, the medical or healthcare industry uses HMI-integrated machinery to monitor patient data, operate machinery, and support telemedicine.
Also, with the use of in-home automation technologies, homeowners may operate smart homes by managing appliances, lights, and security.
Well-established manufacturers understand how to make the machinery pieces user-friendly so that operators can track and regulate industrial processes easily.
For instance, they deliver a range of digital interface devices such as Programmable Logic Controllers or PLCs; HMIs; Operator Interfaces or OIs; Sensors and detectors such as proximity sensors, and temperature sensors; Motor control centres or MCCs; Industrial robots with integrated control systems; Control panels and operator consoles, and more to enhance industrial communication.
Is Training for Virtual Reality Helpful for Industrial Progress?
Well-established businesses deliver training for virtual reality or VR training which is highly beneficial for the advancement of industries. Workers can participate in realistic training scenarios in a VR environment without running the danger of injury from traditional hands-on training.
Additionally, VR is used in the manufacturing, construction, and healthcare industries to instruct workers on complicated tasks, how to operate machinery, and safety protocols.
VR training increases overall efficiency, strengthens decision-making abilities, and retains knowledge better. Immersion and interaction are made possible, which speeds up skill development and lowers training expenses.
Find Renowned Businesses for Advanced Technology and Training
To find a well-established business, people should search online, forums, or colleagues in the sector for recommendations.
Find out businesses that have a track record of innovation and proficiency in the field of training or the desired technology.
Examine their qualifications, including their honours, certifications, and customer endorsements.
Take into account also their dedication to lifelong learning and career advancement.
Seek companies that provide extensive training programmes catered to particular requirements and proficiency levels.
Contact a trustworthy business with a track record of success in training and technology to ensure a fruitful and satisfying collaboration.
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florasearlethirdyear · 7 months
Micromuseology: An Analysis of Small Independent Museums by Fiona Candlin. LO1.
Week 6
The Importance of Small Museums and the Value of Specialist Knowledge and Collections:
Although some micromuseums are located in city and town centres, they are more usually on their outskirts of towns and perhaps most commonly in the countryside. They are rarely accessible by public transport and they have limited opening hours. pg.4 Micromuseums also resist detailed historical analyses. Unlike major museums, their exhibitions are not routinely discussed in the media and it is rare for them to have archives or even to document their collections in any way. pg.13 When the museum is about the local area or is linked to a particular community (or both) it can provide visitors with a point of entry to the concerns of that place or group. pg.182 In these spaces there are no clear boundaries between subjective and objective information and there is little distinction between personal and professional exchange, or between staff and visitors. The net result is that learning and pleasure emerge in the interactions between staff, visitors, and objects, often with surprising or moving or amusing or fascinating results. And, perhaps above all, I am given glimpses into particular worlds that I would never otherwise encounter. pg.183
Case Studies:
Writing on the National Museum of American History website, the education specialist Jenny Wei comments that ‘most history museums face the challenge of bringing objects to life’. 7 Her strategy involved one of the institution’s landmark exhibits, the John Bull locomotive, temporarily being put back into service. Museum staff, dressed in period costume, fired up the train and filmed it being driven along a track, subsequently using the video for an education programme aimed at school children. pg. 50-51 When the National Museum of Scotland ‘identified five subjects they wanted to bring to life’ they also organized hands-on events and designed interactive digital materials that provided background information for each exhibit. 8 The British Museum took a slightly different tack in their ‘Talking Objects’ programme which has been re-run in other UK museums. Focusing on a Neolithic bone carving known as ‘swimming reindeer’, young people from Westminster Kingsway College worked with curator Jill Cook ‘to take a closer look at this magical object. As part of this project the young people created a performance to bring the object to life’. pg.51
Candlin, Fiona. (2015). Micromuseology : An Analysis of Small Independent Museums. [online] Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/aib/detail.action?docID=4006730.
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healthcareruhi · 9 months
Global Nuclear Medicine Market Size, Trends, Analysis, Growth, Share, Industry Forecast, 2023-2030
Global Nuclear Medicine Market 
The Global Nuclear Medicine Market was valued at US$ 5.97 Bn in 2022 estimated to reach US$ 11.59 Bn by 2030, with a CAGR of 8.33% from 2023-2030. In the field of medicine known as nuclear medicine, numerous ailments such as cancer, cardiac disease, and neurological problems are diagnosed and treated using radioactive materials called radiopharmaceuticals. High-tech cameras allow medical personnel to monitor the radioactive tracers' progress. Additionally, two essential imaging modalities in nuclear medicine are single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET).
Read More: https://qualiketresearch.com/reports-details/Global-Nuclear-Medicine-Market
 Market Drivers
The availability of a strong product pipeline and supportive government programs to increase accessibility to nuclear medicine is anticipated to drive market growth in the coming years. Clinical trials are being conducted on several products, such as betalains, omburtamab, yttrium-90 microspheres, PNT2003, and 177Lu-PNT2002. The U.S. has a favorable reimbursement environment for radiopharmaceuticals is expected to stimulate market expansion. In addition, therapy requirements for patients are growing improvements in disease diagnosis and therapy as well as the approval of novel nuclear medicine-based technologies. For instance, GE Healthcare announced in September 2021 the introduction of a unique scanner with a new automated workflow feature that delivers an excellent view of cardiac anatomy and pathology to aid physicians in selecting the best course of treatment for a patient.
 Market Segmentation
The scope of the Global Nuclear Medicine Market covers segmentation based on Diagnostics, Therapeutics, Applications, and Region. Based on Diagnostics, the market is segmented into Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Based on Therapeutics, the market is classified into Alpha Emitters, Beta Emitters, and Brachytherapy. Based on Applications, the market is bifurcated into Cardiology, Neurology, Oncology, and Other Applications.
Request A Sample: https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Global-Nuclear-Medicine-Market/request-sample
Regional Analysis
The Global Nuclear Medicine Market is segmented into 5 main regions, namely, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. The primary market for nuclear medicine is North America.
The United States' booming healthcare industry, rising cancer rates, rising geriatric population, rise in product launches driving up radioisotope usage, and increased initiatives and investments in cutting-edge healthcare solutions for cancer treatment are all expected to contribute to the market's expansion. In the United States, funding for cancer illness research and treatment is likewise rising. The National Centre for Health Statistics (NCHS) of the Centres for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) has produced data that estimates cancer-related investments might reach up to USD 7,176 million in 2021. 
Key Developments The Department of Nuclear Medicine at PSG Hospitals in Coimbatore, which is outfitted with cutting-edge technology for diagnosing cancer and other disorders, was opened in April 2022 by Health Minister Ma. Subramanian. A program enabling nuclear medicine facilities the chance to become designated and certified Centres of Excellence in Radiopharmaceutical Therapy was introduced by SNMMI in February 2022. Strict regulatory, training, certification, experience, and performance standards will be met by the centers, resulting in optimal patient selection and radiopharmaceutical therapy outcomes. Key Players
Mallinckrodt plc., General Electric Co., Medtronic, plc. (Covidien, acquired by Medtronic), Bayer AG, Cardinal Health, Inc., Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc., IBA Group, Bracco Imaging S.p.A, NTP Radioisotopes SOC Ltd., Advanced Accelerator Applications S.A. 
Key Questions Addressed by the Report • What are the Key Opportunities in Global Bonsai Market? • What will be the growth rate from 2023 to 2030? • Which segment/region will have the highest growth? • What are the factors that will impact/drive the Market? • What is the competitive Landscape in the Industry? • What is the role of key players in the value chain?
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latestgovtjobnews · 9 months
CTTC Bhubaneswar's Winter Internship for Engineers, Jan-Feb 2024; apply online.
New Post has been published on https://www.jobsarkari.in/cttc-bhubaneswars-winter-internship-for-engineers-jan-feb-2024-apply-online/
CTTC Bhubaneswar's Winter Internship for Engineers, Jan-Feb 2024; apply online.
Central Tool Room & Training Centre (CTTC) in Bhubaneswar is offering a Winter Internship Programme for Engineering students. The programme includes courses in various disciplines such as JAVA, Hardware & Networking, Server Administration, Python, C Programming, Internet of Things, AIML, Data Analytics, DSA, Web Design, MATLAB, Cloud Computing, SAP Business One, ANSYS, Auto CAD, CATIA, Unigraphics, CREO, Master CAM, SOLID WORKS, CNC Prog., STAAD Pro, 3Ds MAX, REVIT, Electrical CAD, PLC, SCADA, VLSI, Mechatronics, Process Automation, and Embedded System. The courses will take place from January to February 2024. Interested candidates can download the application form from the CTTC website and submit it along with a registration fee. A 20% discount is available for all courses. Limited dormitory accommodation is available for outstation candidates. SC/ST candidates are exempt from the course fee with the submission of appropriate documents. For more information and registration, contact the provided phone numbers.
Winter Internship Programme for Diploma/Degree Engineering Students
Courses offered include JAVA, Hardware & Networking, Server Administration, Python, C Programming, Internet of Things, AIML, Data Analytics, DSA, Web Design, MATLAB, Cloud Computing, SAP Business One, ANSYS, Auto CAD, CATIA, Unigraphics, CREO, Master CAM, SOLID WORKS, CNC Prog., STAAD Pro, 3Ds MAX, REVIT, Electrical CAD, PLC, SCADA, VLSI, Embedded System, Milling, CNC Prog. Lathe, Process Automation, Mechatronics
Special discount of 20% for all courses
Application form can be downloaded from the website and sent along with registration fee
Payment of Rs.1000/- can be made online through State Bank of India collect link for registration
CTTC in Bhubaneswar is offering a Winter Internship Programme for Engineering students from January to February 2024.
Interested individuals can apply on the CTTC website.
Courses Offered
Hardware & Networking
Server Administration
C Programming
Internet of Things
Data Analytics
Web Design
Cloud Computing
SAP Business One
Auto CAD
More Courses Offered
CATIA, Unigraphics, CREO, Master CAM, SOLID WORKS, CNC Prog.
Electrical CAD
Embedded System
Special Discount
There is a special discount of 20% for all courses.
Application Process
Download the application form from the CTTC website.
Send the form along with the registration fee.
Online Payment Option
Payment of Rs.1000/- can be made online through State Bank of India collect link for registration.
Accommodation Options
Limited dormitory accommodation is available for outstation candidates on a payment basis.
Reservation and Exemption
Reservation as per Govt. of India rules.
SC/ST candidates are exempt from paying fees, subject to the production of self-attested Caste Certificate & Aadhaar Card.
Contact Information
For admission inquiries, contact 9658066689 or 9861376682.
Winter Internship Programme offers a wide range of courses for Engineering students.
Special discount available for all courses.
Apply online and secure your spot today!
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healthcaredevices · 1 year
Blood Pressure Transducers Market Overview, Size, prediction research report and forecast to 2022-2030
Blood Pressure Transducers Market Highlights
The Blood Pressure Transducers Market overview is anticipated to reach USD 7.1 Billion by 2030 at 11.10% CAGR during the forecast period 2022-2030.
Rising occurrence of obesity is the key factor driving the blood pressure transducers market. According to the 2015 data suggested by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, nearly two-thirds (63%) of Australian adults were overweight or obese.
Various other factors such as sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activities, technological advancements, presence of a large target patient population, rising patient awareness regarding the benefits of blood pressure transducers market, availability of fibre optic blood transducers, and growing demand for disposable blood pressure transducers are also expected to propel the growth of the market.
The blood pressure transducers market is segmented based on product type, technology, end user, and geography. By product type, the market is classified into disposable transducers and reusable transducers. By technology, the market is classified into aneroid, digital, and wearable. By end user, the market is classified into hospitals, clinics, ambulatory surgical centers, home care settings, and others. By geography, the market is divided into North America, Latin America, Europe, East Asia, South Asia, Oceania, and the Middle East and Africa.
However, stringent government regulations, high cost associated with technological development, and lack of trained professionals can hamper the market growth over the forecast period.
Regional Analysis
The Americas dominated the global market for blood pressure transducers owing to presence of major market players and high prevalence of blood pressure within the region. According to the 2017 data suggested by the American College of Cardiology Foundation, around 34% of the Americas population has high blood pressure, and more than 45% of non-Hispanic Black women have hypertension.
In 2017, it was estimated that Europe stood second in the global blood pressure transducers market. This can be attributed to the rising research and development investments.
Asia Pacific was projected to be the fastest growing region in 2017. Factors such as growing awareness among population, increasing prevalence of high blood pressure within the region, rising occurrence of obesity, and increasing healthcare expenditure drives the regional markets of the Asia Pacific region. According to the 2015 data suggested by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, nearly two-thirds (63%) of Australian adults were overweight or obese.
On the other hand, the Middle East and Africa held least share in the global blood pressure transducers market due to the low per capita income, especially within the African region.
The Global blood pressure transducers market is segmented based on type, technology, procedure, and region.
The Global market for blood pressure transducers, by type is segmented into reusable blood pressure transducers, and disposable blood pressure transducers.
The Global market for blood pressure transducers, by technology is segmented into digital, aneroid, and wearable.
Based on procedure, the market is segmented into intravascular blood pressure monitor manufacturer, and extravascular blood pressure monitoring.
Based on end user, the market is segmented into hospitals, clinics, ambulatory surgical centres, diagnostic laboratories, and others. The hospitals segment is anticipated to hold the largest market share owing to the increasing cases of cardiovascular disorders. The diagnostic centres are expected to grow at the highest growth rate owing to the rising demand for early diagnosis.
Blood Pressure Transducers Market Players
Some of the global blood pressure transducers market players are Medtronic plc, Omron Healthcare, GE Healthcare, Inc., Masimo Corporation, Spacelabs Healthcare, Utah Medical products, Inc., Edwards Lifesciences, ICU Medical, Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD), MEMSCAP, Argon Medical Devices, Merit Medical Systems, Fiso Technologies, Fogg System Company, Iworx Systems, Junken Medical, Medline Industries, and others.
About Market Research Future:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), & Consulting Services. MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients.
Contact us:
Market Research Future (part of Wantstats Research and Media Private Limited),
99 Hudson Street, 5Th Floor,
New York, New York 10013
United States of America
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eyeviewsl · 1 year
Alumex signs MoU with Department of Technical Education & Training to usher in new era of technical training 
• Partnership to empower Sri Lankan youth by establishing cutting-edge training centres • Fully updated curriculum to align with global fabrication benchmarks Alumex PLC, a subsidiary of Hayleys and a trailblazing aluminium manufacturer in Sri Lanka, has inked an MoU with the Department of Technical Education & Training (DTET), to create opportunities for the youth, by equipping them with the…
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uniquejobs · 1 year
Maintenance Engineer Job Openings | B.E.Mechanical Engineer | Sriperumbudur | Salary - 40,000 / -
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Maintenance Engineer Job Openings | B.E.Mechanical Engineer | Sriperumbudur | Salary - 40,000 / -
Company Name : National Plastic Technologies Limited
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Maintenance Engineer Job Openings Our Latest YOUTUBE Videos Link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYt-jtPk975fMuI6tLpUEg Our Telegram Channel Link: https://t.me/employmentjobs Related Jobs : - Sharda Motors Company Jobs - Hyundai Supplier Company Jobs  -  Nissan Company Jobs In Chennai  Job Interview in Pegatron Company – Diploma & B. E. Engineers | Mahindra World City | Chengalpattu Designation: Engineer & Sr.Engineer                                 Educational Qualifications: B.E. Engineer & Diploma Role: Permanent                           Year of Experience: Min Experience             Job Location: Mahindra World City – Chengalpattu                                 Apply link - Click Here BEL Recruitment 2023 | BEL நிறுவனத்தில் Apprenticeship Training அறிவிப்பு Designation:  Apprenticeship Training                                 Educational Qualifications: B.E, B.Tech Engineers Role: Trainee                          Year of Experience: Fresher                  Job Location:  Bangalore                                 Salary Details: 17,500 /- Per month Apply link - Click Here Latest Jobs By :         Chennai JobsClick HereCoimbatore JobsClick HereBangalore JobsClick HereHyderabad JobsClick HereAndra Pradesh JobsClick HereSalem JobsClick HereMadurai JobsClick HereTrichy JobsClick HerePondicherry JobsClick HereAcross India JobsClick HereOther Cities JobsClick HereMaintenance Engineer Job Openings Designation: Maintenance Engineer                                  Educational Qualifications: B.E.Mechanical Engineer Role: Permanent                           Year of Experience: Min 1 Year              Job Location: Sriperumbudur                            Salary Details: As per the Company Standard Mechanical JobsClick HereELE / ECE  JobsClick HereCivil JobsClick HereIT / Software JobsClick HereBPO / Call Centre  JobsClick HereH/W & Networking JobsClick HereHuman Resource Jobs  Click HereAcc/Fins JobsClick HereArts & Science  JobsClick HereMaintenance Engineer Job Openings Maintenance Engineer Job Openings Job Description : - Strong Knowledge in Plastic Injection Molding machine is a MUST. - Experience in commissioning and handling maintenance activities of mechanical as well as electrical related to injection molding machines. - Electrical skills (understanding of schematics/relays/wiring/PLC). - Exposure to maintenance of utilities like DGs, Compressors, Cooling Tower, ACs, Exhaust systems, Material handling equipment etc. - Experience in Troubleshooting of Electrical, Hydraulic & Pneumatic related issues. - Ability to comprehend and produce technical documentation and presentations - EMS,IATF Audit skill How to Apply for this Job?           Details & Apply link : +91 9080000940 Titan Company Jobs | Hosur Location Designation: Mechanical Engineer                                 Educational Qualifications: B.E.Mechanical Engineer Role: Permanent                           Year of Experience: Min 2 Years                  Job Location: Hosur , Tamilnadu     Apply link - https://myemploymentjobs.com/titan-company-jobs-hosur-location-b-e-mechanical-engineer/ Foxconn Company Off Campus Drive 2023 Designation: Trainee                                  Educational Qualifications: Mechanical , EEE , ECE & Arts and Science Role: Permanent                           Year of Experience: Fresher                    Job Location: Sriperumbudur , Chennai                   Apply link : https://myemploymentjobs.com/foxconn-company-off-campus-drive-2023/ TATA Auto Jobs | டாடா நிறுவன நிரந்தர வேலை வாய்ப்புகள்  Designation: Engineers                                  Educational Qualifications: B.E , B.Tech , M.E, M. Tech Role: Permanent         Year of Experience: 1 – 8 Years Experience                   Job Location: Chennai , Bangalore & Pune                Apply link : https://myemploymentjobs.com/tata-auto-jobs-permanent-job-openings-2023/ For more Job info, subscribe to our website & and check our website daily. Join Our youtube ChannelClick HereJoin Our Telegram ChannelClick HereOur linkedin PageClick HereOur Quora PageClick Here Read the full article
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familyfashion · 2 years
Automation courses have become increasingly popular in recent years, as technology continues to advance and automation becomes more prevalent in various industries. Pune, India is home to a number of institutes and training centers that offer automation courses for those looking to learn about the latest automation technologies and techniques. Automation has become an essential part of modern industry, and many companies are looking for skilled professionals who can help them automate their operations.
Pune is one of the most vibrant cities in India and a hub of technological innovation. With the increasing demand for automation experts in various industries, many institutes in Pune have started offering courses in automation.
Automation courses in Pune are becoming increasingly popular as the demand for skilled professionals in automation and robotics continues to rise. These courses provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to design, build, and maintain automated systems and machines.
 In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the best automation courses available in Pune.
Automation Anywhere Certification Course: Automation Anywhere is one of the leading RPA (Robotic Process Automation) software and this certification course will help you master the software and its features. The course covers topics such as automation design, control room, and command centre.
Blue Prism Certification Course: Blue Prism is another popular RPA software and this course will help you learn how to use it for automating business processes. The course covers topics such as automating data entry, process flow, and error handling.
Selenium Certification Course: Selenium is a popular open-source tool for automating web browsers and this course will help you learn how to use it for automating web applications. The course covers topics such as installation, scripting, and testing.
UiPath Certification Course: UiPath is a leading RPA software that helps organisations automate repetitive tasks. This course will help you learn how to use the software for automating tasks such as data entry, process flow, and error handling.
PLC and SCADA Certification Course: PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) are widely used in the automation of industrial processes. This course covers topics such as programming, troubleshooting, and maintenance of PLC and SCADA systems.
 These courses can help individuals gain the knowledge and skills they need to pursue careers in this field.
There are several institutes and universities in Pune that offer automation courses at different levels, including diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate programs. Some of the popular courses include:
Diploma in Automation and Robotics: This course is designed for students who have completed their 10th or 12th standard and are looking to start their career in the field of automation. The course covers the basics of automation and robotics, including programming languages such as C, C++, and Python, and hands-on training in the design and fabrication of robots.
B. Tech in Automation and Robotics Engineering: This undergraduate program is ideal for students who have completed their 12th standard and are looking to pursue a career in automation and robotics engineering. The course covers advanced topics such as control systems, mechatronics, and artificial intelligence, and provides students with hands-on training in the design and fabrication of robots.
M. Tech in Automation and Robotics: This postgraduate program is suitable for graduates who have completed their B. Tech in Automation and Robotics Engineering or a related field. The course covers advanced topics such as machine learning, computer vision, and advanced robotics, and provides students with hands-on training in the design and implementation of automated systems.
In addition to these courses, there are also several short-term automation training programs available in Pune, which are ideal for working professionals looking to upskill or for students who want to gain practical experience in automation.
 Automation courses in Pune provide students with a strong foundation in the field of automation and robotics, and equip them with the skills needed to excel in this rapidly growing industry. With the increasing demand for automation in various industries, the career prospects for graduates of automation courses are very good.
Another popular institute for automation courses in Pune is the Automation and Robotics Training Institute (ARTI). ARTI offers a variety of automation courses, including PLC programming, SCADA, HMI, DCS, and robotics. The institute has state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced trainers to provide students with the best possible learning experience.
For those who are looking for more specific training, there are several institutes in Pune that specialise in specific areas of automation. For example, the Automation and Robotics Training Center (ARTC) offers training in industrial automation and robotics, while the Institute of Control and Automation (ICA) offers courses in control and automation systems.
In addition to these institutes, there are also a number of online automation courses available for those who prefer to learn at their own pace or who are unable to attend in-person classes. Some popular online automation courses include PLC programming, SCADA, HMI, DCS, and more.
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 Pune offers a wide range of options for those looking to learn about automation and its various technologies. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, there is a course that can help you develop the skills you need to advance in your career. With the help of these courses, you will be able to understand the complex systems and technologies used in automation and develop the skills necessary to design, program, and maintain them.
One of the most popular automation courses in Pune is the diploma in industrial automation. This course is typically offered by polytechnic colleges and covers a wide range of topics, including PLC programming, HMI design, and SCADA systems. The course is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in automation technology and prepare them for entry-level positions in the field.
Another popular course in Pune is the Bachelor of Engineering in Automation and Robotics. This program, which is typically offered by engineering colleges, covers a wide range of
topics, including control systems, sensor technology, and robot programming. The course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of automation technology and prepare them for more advanced positions in the field.
In addition to these courses, there are also many other automation-related programs offered in Pune, including certification courses and short-term training programs. These programs are designed to help professionals and students gain specialised knowledge and skills in specific areas of automation.
In conclusion, Pune offers a wide range of automation courses to meet the demands of the industry. These courses can help individuals gain the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in this field. Whether you're just starting out or looking to advance your career, Pune has something to offer for everyone interested in automation.
 These are some of the best automation courses available in Pune. These courses will not only help you gain the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in your career but also help you keep up with the latest technological advancements in the field of automation. One of the best-known institutes for automation training in Pune is the Indian Institute of Automation and Robotics (IIAR). IIAR offers a wide range of automation courses, from basic to advanced level, covering topics such as PLC programming, SCADA, HMI, DCS, and more. The institute has a well-equipped laboratory and experienced faculty to provide hands-on training to students.https://ipcsautomation.com/automation-training-institute-in-pune-maharashtra/
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flywingoverseasindia · 9 months
PTE coaching Class in Ahmedabad
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PTE coaching Class in Ahmedabad
The PTE Academic exam is a computer-based English language test accepted by educational institutions around the world. Candidates eligible to appear for the PTE exam are required to take the test to prove their English language competency.
What exactly PTE exam is?
The PTE Syllabus of the two-hour-long computer-based test focuses on day-to-day English rather than high-level English language and tests a student on his/her ability to effectively understand the language as spoken daily.
The multi-level grading system of the PTE exam ensures a better understanding of the student’s proficiency in the English language. There are many factors that distinguish PTE Academic from other English proficiency tests.
The first and foremost distinguishing aspect of the same is the scoring pattern and the results.
Why take the PTE Exam?
PTE Academic is a computer-based English language test for non-native English speakers who wish to study abroad. It tests the Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking skills of the candidates.
The test is designed in such a way that every question generally tests two skills together, like reading and speaking or listening and reading.
Types of PTE Exams –
The Pearson Language Tests – a unit of Pearson PLC Group is responsible for conducting three formats of the English proficiency test to assess the English language skills of non-native speakers of the English language. The three tests are PTE Academic, PTE Academic UKVI and PTE Home.
What is PTE Academic Exam?
The PTE Academic exam is conducted round-the-year, for students looking to get admission to a university or institution.
The exam consists of four sections, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The scores of the PTE Academic exam is valid for a period of two years.
What is PTE Academic UKVI?
The PTE Academic UKVI is a Secure English Language Test (SELT) that is approved by the UK Home Office for all UK visas that require a 4 skill language test. It is a fast, fair, and convenient choice for candidates who wish to work, study, or live in the UK.
Candidates should note that there is no difference in the content or format of the PTE Academic UKVI exam when compared to the PTE Academic exam. There are minor differences in the registration process.
What is PTE Home?
The PTE Home is an English test that is accepted by the UK Home Office for family and work visas.
The PTE Home English test is broadly classified into PTE Home A1, PTE Home A2 and PTE Home B1 English tests. These serve various purposes when it comes to applying for various family and work visas.
Eligibility –
As such, there are no specific criteria set by the Pearson PLC Group – the conducting body of the PTE exam. However, according to the PTE Academic eligibility criteria, the following factors must be kept in mind.
Structure of PTE –
PTE Academic Syllabus includes three sections – Speaking & Writing, Reading, and Listening. You get marked on these three sections and you get the PTE Academic total score as well.
The PTE Exam Pattern mentioned below talks about the components of the PTE Academic Paper in detail for the benefit of the candidate. Candidates looking to appear for their PTE Academic Exam can check out the PTE Exam Pattern 2022 mentioned below.
Note: The PTE Exam Pattern has been shortened by 1 hr and now the entire PTE exam is for 2 Hrs.
Flywing overseas an experience entrance exam coaching centre in Ahmedabad. Trusted PTE coaching Class in Ahmedabad. We are reliable PTE coaching, PTE classes, PTE Exam Preparation Training Centre in ahmedabad, Contact us for FREE PTE Demo.
Contact us:
Mob: +91 95587 78899 Tel: +91 79 26408581
Head Office, Ahmedabad
Address: 4th floor, Saransh II the Business Hub Nr Kalyan Jewellers, Bhudarpura Road, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad-380006, Gujarat, India
 Kalol Branch
Address: City Mall-1, Second Floor, 40-41, Near ICICI BANK, Navjivan Mill compound, Kalol, 382721.
Visit our website - : http://www.flywingoverseas.in/
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streetreporters · 2 years
Unity Bank, Kitian Training Hub Partner to Empower Over 300 Youths with Digital Skills
Unity Bank, Kitian Training Hub Partner to Empower Over 300 Youths with Digital Skills
In a bid to promote Sustainable Development Goal eight (SDG 8) for decent work and economic growth, Nigerian lender, Unity Bank Plc is collaborating with Kitian Training Hub, an Ibadan-based career advice and skills acquisition training centre to empower no fewer than 300 youths from Oyo State with different knowledge and skills designed to better equip beneficiaries to make career…
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latestgovtjobnews · 10 months
NSIC Limited, New Delhi, provides job-focused training; eligibility varies, contact details available.
New Post has been published on https://www.jobsarkari.in/nsic-limited-new-delhi-provides-job-focused-training-eligibility-varies-contact-details-available/
NSIC Limited, New Delhi, provides job-focused training; eligibility varies, contact details available.
The National Small Industries Corporation Limited offers job-oriented training programs in industrial automation and more. The training programs include Industrial Automation, Advance Industrial Automation with Mechatronics, loT-Internet of Things, Advance Embedded System with PCB & Circuit Designing, Embedded System using Development Boards, Electrical AutoCAD (2D & 3D), Electric Vehicle (EV) and Charging Stations, PCB and Circuit Designing, Solar Energy with PVSOL Software & Business Model, EDP on Solar Energy (Business Model), LED Light Repair & Manufacturing, CCTV Installation & Security Systems with PTZ Cameras, Advance Diploma in Electrician, Basic Electrician & Industrial Circuit, Industrial Circuits & Power House Maintenance, Home Appliance Repair & Maintenance, Industrial Electrical LT-Panels & Three Phase Wiring System, Air Conditioner (AC) PCB Repair, Industry 4.0 Using PLC Gateways, and Summer/Industrial Project Training. The eligibility for these programs is 8th/10th/12th/Graduate/Diploma/B.Tech. The training center is located in Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi and contact information can be found at the end of the document.
National Small Industries Corporation Limited offers job-oriented training programs.
The training programs cover various topics such as industrial automation, IoT, embedded systems, electrical AutoCAD, electric vehicle technology, solar energy, LED light repair, CCTV installation, and more.
The duration and fees for each training program vary.
Eligibility for the training programs includes 8th/10th/12th pass, graduate, diploma, or B.Tech.
NSIC Technical Services Centre is located in Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi.
National Small Industries Corporation Limited offers job-oriented training programs
Training programs provided by National Small Industries Corporation Limited
Programs focus on job-oriented skills
Opportunity to gain practical knowledge and enhance employability
Industrial Automation Training Programme
Duration: 2 months
Fee: Rs. 12,000
Topics covered: PLC, SCADA, HMI, VFD, DCS-Siemens
Advance Industrial Automation with Mechatronics Training Programme
Duration: 6 months
Fee: Rs. 30,000
Combination of industrial automation and mechatronics
Enhance skills in advanced automation technologies
IoT – Internet of Things Training Programme
Duration: 2 months
Fee: Rs. 12,000
Focus on Arduino and Communication technologies
Explore the potential of IoT in various industries
Advance Embedded System with PCB & Circuit Designing Training Programme
Duration: 3 months
Fee: Rs. 15,000
Learn advanced embedded system concepts
Gain skills in PCB and circuit designing
Electrical AutoCAD Training Programme (2D & 3D)
Duration: 1 month
Fee: Rs. 18,000
Develop proficiency in electrical AutoCAD software
Learn both 2D and 3D design techniques
Electric Vehicle (EV) and Charging Stations Training Programme
Duration: 2 days
Fee: Rs. 5,000
Focus on electric vehicle technology and charging infrastructure
Explore the future of sustainable transportation
Solar Energy with PVSOL Software & Business Model Training Programme
Duration: 2 months
Fee: Rs. 10,000
Learn about solar energy systems and PVSOL software
Understand the business aspects of solar energy
LED Light Repair & Manufacturing Training Programme
Duration: 1 month
Fee: Rs. 5,000
Develop skills in repairing and manufacturing LED lights
Explore the growing LED industry
CCTV Installation & Security Systems with PTZ Cameras Training Programme
Duration: 2 months
Fee: Rs. 10,000
Learn about CCTV installation and security systems
Gain expertise in PTZ cameras
Advance Diploma in Electrician Training Programme
Duration: 12 months
Fee: Rs. 28,000
Comprehensive training in electrician skills
Advanced diploma for professional growth
Basic Electrician & Industrial Circuit Training Programme
Duration: 6 months
Fee: Rs. 18,000
Fundamental training in electrician skills
Focus on industrial circuit maintenance
Industrial Circuits & Power House Maintenance Training Programme
Duration: 3 months
Fee: Rs. 10,000
Enhance skills in industrial circuit maintenance
Learn power house maintenance techniques
Home Appliance Repair & Maintenance Training Programme
Duration: 3 months
Fee: Rs. 10,000
Develop skills in home appliance repair and maintenance
Explore opportunities in the home appliance industry
Industrial Electrical LT-Panels & Three Phase Wiring System Training Programme
Duration: 2 months
Fee: Rs. 15,000
Focus on industrial electrical LT-panels and three-phase wiring system
Gain expertise in electrical panel installation and maintenance
Air Conditioner (AC) PCB Repair & Maintenance Training Programme
Duration: 3 months
Fee: Rs. 10,000
Learn AC PCB repair and maintenance techniques
Enhance skills in air conditioning technology
Industry 4.0 Using PLC Gateways Training Programme
Duration: 2 months
Fee: Rs. 15,000
Explore the concept of Industry 4.0 and its implementation with PLC gateways
Understand the future of automation in industries
Summer/Industrial Project Training Programme
Duration: Varies
Fee: G.S.T extra and Placement Assistance Available
Opportunity to work on summer or industrial projects
Gain hands-on experience in real-world scenarios
Summary of Job Oriented Training Programmes
National Small Industries Corporation Limited offers a range of job-oriented training programs in various fields.
Topics covered include industrial automation, IoT, embedded systems, electrical AutoCAD, electric vehicle technology, solar energy, and more.
Eligibility for the programs includes 8th/10th/12th pass, graduate, diploma, or B.Tech.
NSIC Technical Services Centre is located in Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi.
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