#please do spread this! we need more submissions for it to be a proper contest!
kconnet · 4 years
Readers Rules
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❁ Application Rules:
1. Follow the Readers Application Steps before and after acceptance, which are all found « here ».
2. Read our Discord Server rules « here ».
3. You must properly fill out the application form with correct/prevalent information.
4. If you change your URL before acceptances are announced, please message an admin so we can properly tag you.
5. You must join our discord server to participate as a reader.
✶ If you are applying as a CREATOR, please check out the application post « here ».
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❁ General Rules:
1. Follow the tag to see what our creator members are posting!
2. This Network is meant to be a place of positivity, love, and support for Kpop creators, readers, and idols. We want this writing community to lift each other up, do not tear each other down. Bullying, harassment, discrimination of race, gender, and/or sexual orientation is NOT tolerated!!!
(Please notify a member of our team immediately if this is violated so measures can be taken accordingly).
3. There will be zero toleration for solo stans or stans who spread hate about any member(s) of a group. Saesangs will not be allowed either.
4. Please message (do not announce in the discord general chat) an admin if you decide to:
Go on hiatus
Delete your blog
Change a URL change
This is needed so we can update the member page and contact you accordingly.
7. Plagiarism will not be tolerated under any circumstances. If you are found out to be supporting plagiarism of anyone’s content or if any of your contents are not of your own, your membership will be permanently terminated from our network, you will be blacklisted, and potentially banned.
If you are aware of any possible members or creators who violate these rules, please inform us so we can act accordingly.
8. You must be over 18 to post and share NSFW content. Should we discover that an underage member does so, we will terminate your membership immediately, and you will be placed under consideration if you should be allowed to rejoin when you are of proper age.
9. Should you be removed from the net or have your membership terminated, we will judge on a case by case basis whether you can be allowed to return to the net. The general time frame will be 4 months, but it could be longer depending on the reason(s) for termination.
10. There are TWO roles of being a reader: 
Fic Feedback Club (FFC)
Beta Reader
Please read below to find out more information about each role!
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❁ Fic Feedback Club (FFC):
Very similar to ficswithluv​, we have decided to host a “Bookclub” part of our network. Here’s how it works.
1. Every month (preferably at the beginning), we will have members send in (via ask or submission) their favorite fics during a week-long period. They can be from any Kpop fandom/group and NSFW/SFW alike as well as your own fics. Please bear in mind that the Gardening Team will review each fic recommended and can deem them suitable or not at their own discretion.
2. After the week is over, fic recs will end and the results will be culminated over the weekend into a poll for a week-long vote on which fic you’d like to give feedback to that month.
3. The top two fics, per their rating, will be chosen to be reviewed that month each week and voting closes. This means that two for NSFW and two for SFW equating to four fics that willl be chosen if there are enough. This is not a big contest nor a draining effort, so we hope it is fun!
Don’t worry if your fic rec isn’t chosen! We will contact authors first before any decisions are made and if they choose to decline or not respond, a new fic at random will be chosen from the list. Likewise, you can always try again next month if it doesn’t make the cut!
4. Before any discussions take place, we will seek permission from the author to use their fic before we announce it. We will never discuss a fic in the bookclub without the consent of the author.
As mentioned before, if the author for the chosen fic that week does not want their fic to be discussed, then we will randomly select another one from the list.
5. We will have two discord channels in terms of the discussion: 
NSFW fics 
SFW fics
If you are under 18 you will not be allowed to join in the NSFW discussion for obvious reasons.
If you are over 18 but don’t feel comfortable reading NSFW topics then you can still join and only participate in SFW discussions!
Those over 18 can choose either channel, what fun!
5. No one will be forced into reading a fic they don’t want to or feel comfortable reading. Once a fic has been chosen, we will post the link to it in the appropriate discussion channel and you will be given a chance to read through the warnings.
6. However, please note that being a member or applying means being an active part of the network and bookclub. We will expect you to participate in a discussion at least once every month (1/2 weeks per month)!
If you wish to go on hiatus as a member of the bookclub, then please let us know and that will be completely acceptable!
7. This is not a critique of the author’s work. Please refrain from too much criticism on the author’s work. This is simply for us to spread love and for readers to feel comfortable in learning better ways to leave feedback for creators!
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❁ Beta Readers:
1. If you’ve selected to be a beta reader, here are your responsibilities. You can opt out at any time, but please inform an admin via private messaging!
Indicate what you’re comfortable: NSFW/SFW (You are not required to beta anything you’re uncomfortable with!)
Refrain from too much negative criticism. Constructive is fine, but if you need help knowing how to beta read, please reach out to the Gardening Team!
✶ The phrase you’re looking for is: Flower Shower
We will do our best to pair you with an author looking for someone to beta for them!
2. The Gardening Team aims to encourage clear communication between author and beta reader, please notify us immediately via private messaging if something is amiss.
❁ Thank you for reading the rules!
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