#please don't ever doubt about sending love to people nowadays it's so necessary
falloutdope · 11 months
Hey, uh sorry to bother you? Well, I just wanna let you know you're my inspiration to take up drawing and I really really really love your works, I'm feeling nostalgic so I went to your tumblr and see your works again and to be honest I'm falling in love more and more with your artwork... Fuck I'm sorry if it's sounds weird
First, you don't bother at all. Pease, never feel sorry to say such nice things!! ❤️ you made my day today so thank you so so much 🥺
I feel so flattered I really have no words.
Drawing is the way I chose to express myself, to share with everyone my ideas and, hopefully, make them smile; and I'm immensely grateful to have had something to do with, even in the slightest, motivating you to do it too. Thank you again for letting me know that
I hope you find the joy I found during the process and that it makes you happy the way it makes me, that's my honest wish 💫
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