#please don't let that someone be me bc i already have too many wips lol
laceratedlamiaceae · 2 years
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they should fuck
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julies-butterflies · 3 years
I know the feeling, I think, in my own way. It's the pain you don't expect, the little reminders, the details of life that somehow change. Grief is a tricky thing, always finding a new way to surprise you.
I lost my grandparents a few years back and that scene from regenisis made me remember that conversation so vividly. That moment when it just hits, all of a sudden, how fast and real the possibility is. How soon. When you finally have to face the truth. When you have to let go. And you talked about it so well...
You put words to these indescribable feelings, these moments, in this simple, vivid way. You have that Writer's Gift. You've made me sob, you've made me laugh hysterically, you've made me rage. There's a lifetime of emotion in your words. Those glass shards turn to diamonds. It's an honor, to be allowed to read these stories you've poured your soul into.
Man, I full-on Pattersoned pep talked you. Whoops. No regrets. You're a wrecking ball of talent and I shall sing your praise forever.
Speaking of the disaster gremlin...guess who sent in the Emily and Luke prompt? Yeah that was everything I've ever wanted. Wow.
Just the way you write the two of them...Luke is so clearly his mother's son. The moment when Emily decided to be a little petty as she woke him up it just hit me how alike they are. And I snorted when she swore, and that last line!!! When she promised she'd always be there! Pain. Unbelievable pain. You just write the love in their relationship so well, and that just makes the ending even more tragic. ( I read your authors note. As if I WASN'T crying already. Thanks for reminding me of "Oh he wanted to be held. he wanted to say everything" which haunts me day and night by the way). Also, wow, Sick Luke refusing to rest is litterally me.
Oh and I sent the Juke too. God that was everything. I'm incredibly soft for the way you write them, it just makes me melt. And the chaos of your luke descriptions END ME.
Oh, please don't even worry about getting the prompts out fast! Take care of yourself fiancee. I enjoy them whenever they pop up. It gives me something to look forward to.
Can't wait for triple threat and himbos. I'm so ready.
OH and I forgot to ask: do you have a Goblin fancast?
-Vampire Anon <3
Oh my god... you're not kidding. Grief is a special type of agony that's really impossible to describe, to fully comprehend, until you've lived it. How awful is that? It's like... we can share our pain with the world, but it will only fully resonate with someone who can draw on their own personal experiences. Of course, it doesn't have to be identical --- like, how many people have had to deal with their ghost bestie potentially fading out of existence --- but it hits something deeply personal, some emotional blister that will never fully heal, and it hurts. Hurts in... a cathartic way, I hope. Some pain doesn't simply demand to be felt, it has to be, or else it'll fester... and there's no healing, once you've gotten to that point.
I think of, like... The Body, the one Buffy episode that absolutely guts everyone when they watch it. Like, that's such a specific situation being portrayed... it's not even supernatural, like the rest of the show, just a deeply personal experience of someone dying, and the people around them processing it. But holy shit, does it hit, and continue to hit all these years later. It's raw emotion, it's... it's real in the very worst way. Confronting that grief head-on does something to you.
I want to do the same with my writing... I think? I don't want anyone to suffer because I've dredged up pain for them, but sometimes... pain can help? I don't know. I don't know.
Sorry, I'm a little scattered tonight. There's... a lot going on. Things are... rough for my family, and I've kind of got that grief brainrot right now lol.
But your Patterson pep talk is exactly what I need, V-Anon! Thank you thank you, I cried a little reading that.... ashhjsjkskskj you're just stroking my little sea polyp of an ego until it turns into a mermaid again, huh? (Not me referencing Buffy and The Little Mermaid in one reply, god help us all.)
So so glad you liked the Emily and Luke prompt! I'm currently working on a few more, so... we'll see how that comes along, hopefully soon. And I've made a taglist, for the first ever time! Also have no idea how that's going to go.
I love exploring the Patterson relationship dynamic so, so much. Emily is one of my favorite characters to write... unexpectedly, bc a large chunk of the fandom doesn't have much sympathy for her, for understandable reasons. I just... try to find the humanity of the situation, the grey areas of love and loss that make their tragedy all the more painful. I... guess it's working? Haha, who doesn't love a good foregone tragic conclusion.
And I'm not giving away anything about the Carrie fic yet! Just that I have big plans for it, whenever it actually gets finished! Not going to murder anyone without a lot of thought put into it in advance!
as for Goblin... ahshsjkjs, he's a fluffy little daschund puppy, so I kind of imagined something like this?? Only with a bit more color.
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Love and potentially-tetanusey neck-bitey kisses, Vampire Anon <3 <3
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skypied · 2 years
Please ramble away <3 It's why I ask. Also, wanting someone is much more powerful than needing them. Much respect to the decision of letting them develop enough individually to realize that. I love it. I want that for them. Also mad respect for actually writing through their growth. My fics are often set *conveniently* far enough ahead that they've already gone through all that heh heh. Glad this was able to help your writing flow! Sometimes I hesitate to send asks. I feel like I'm annoying lol
Nothing in the world could ever stop me rambling, friend.
Yeah, I agree! I struggle seeing their relationship working without a lot of working through their codependency. Best case post-canon timeline they manage to mostly sort it out by being apart 3/4 of the year and build independent lives on their own, worst case… well that's what I'm writing isn't it 😂
I also conveniently skip ahead of most the conflict in most my writing, or just skirt around it. Let's see if I can pull it off here - I'm not entirely sure. I can write around the conflict, but I struggle getting into the gritty parts of it. I can conceptualize what their issues are, but can't figure out how to actually write them, y'know?
(Part of that is probably 1) me being v conflict shy in general and 2) not having been in a friendship/relationship where we've actually worked things out. I've had so many friendships just end bc I'm not mature enough to talk about our issues, most of which stem from me becoming codependent on friends in 0.1 seconds, so my reasoning is just "it's a me problem, and I can't/won't do anything about it" 🤷‍
My most functional friendships are ones where I have gotten frustrated with (insert issues that mostly are just me being codependent) to the point I emotionally cut them off - meaning, to some extent I care for them, I enjoy being with them, I will help them out w things, but I won't go out of my way to do so and tbh would be okay without them. I think that's just what I need to do to avoid becoming codependent, because I fall into that wayyy too easily lol. Tbt my doctor giving me sleep meds 'cause I was keeping myself up at night anxiously obsessing over a friendship I thought was ending, which turned out to just be them being busy for a period. I have the emotional maturity of a 14 year old, lmao.) 
Also most of the time, even when I am writing them having issues, I just don't wanna do them too dirty. I think I have only one actual argument scene written out, and that's probably staying buried in the graveyard of my docs (bc it's part of a bigger wip that I've "worked on" for an entire year minus two weeks and am just not making headway on). I prefer skirting around it by trying to write everything around their issues, I think.
This turned into navel gazing but tbh that's what most my writing is - finding words through fiction to figure myself out. That, or absolute bullshit just for fun :D
ps - asks are never annoying! <3
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Perhaps I need to re-read TTWHY 🤔 wdym you're surprised Baek, you're just getting better and better and I think people really like these type of chaotic Y/N characters plus soft male leads, we have too many timid weak girlies and dom assholes.
Naaaah I'm not seeing this with my poor tired eyes NO DEATH ALRIGHT. @ Seonghwa, I'm free whenever just so you know 😘
I hope I'll like the cb cause I'm tired of complaining and idk this comeback isn't hitting me that much even though it should :( hopefully at least 2 bsides shake me to the core. Understandable with Maniac, the chorus part was actually catchy for me from the start, but the verses I wasn't keen on. Yeah, I can admit my dislike for some of the songs my faves put out, but I'm also willing to give them a pass and a chance you know? I'm both more critical, but forgiving if that makes sense, hahaha. BUT I'm not gonna pretend to be obsessed. God that tweet I saw it and sent it to my friends it's so fucking dumb, Atinys are peak not like the other girls especially this comeback just hating on people who have different opinions and acting like they're lesser fans because YOU DON'T GET THEIR GENIUS VISION!!!! Also funny they don't want "negativity" yet have no issue shading other artists hmmmm. Are we in Strictland, opinions are prohibited?!
When I first heard DCM first I was too emo to digest everything, but then I was like "uh, that's an SM song for sure..." but it grew one me. I loved the chaos in Christmas Evel like wtffff. I didn't give Hellevator enough credit before, but it's reeeeealllyyyy good! I've been lucky with Skz's titles though I either love, like or accept them hahahah.
Bestie when Jooyeon inevitably cuts his hair you'll not hear from me... also, his maknae position is showing a babyyyyy
My UBER driver Tae you mean? I have NOT seen that before photo 👀
Lol that friend replied to me after a few days and she sounds level-headed, so she's either keeping her cool in front of me or she's being obnoxious on Twitter on purpose? Either way, weirdo behaviour so idk what to do with her
"pls stop me bc this series is burning in my wip and iwill take it out if this continues to happen 😭😭" WAIT which series, what what 👁👁
Bestie run because some 💩⭐'s on Twitter including my fave accs are so mad at people "mocking" Hwa and comparing him to "an ugly fat penguin" they're so pressed and "Tell me you don't know anything about 70s-80s punk fashion and hair" bitch stfu I know all about it I can still laugh a little. Hope Hwa doesn't mind, but people already assumed it's offensive to him and tweet so many overdramatic stuff, no one called him ugly please, they tweet weird sexual assumptions about idols all the time, but this is an issue? 😭
"Fall in love and I'll diagnose you with a problem" - falling in love would already be a huge problem for me lmaooo. I just went with the most interesting fic plots with this one and got PASSIVE.
Ahhhh, Hwa is watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo, I'm in love with this show it's so wholesome no wonder he likes it I LOOOOOOOVE HIM
Also fucking Jackson giving fanfic writers all they need I'm wheezing him and Taehyung and Lisa pole dancing, the fic is writing itself. Btw, have you seen that YT channel, the woman invites idols then gives them food and alcohol, I need someone from Ateez on there soo baaaaad
Do this Will S. quiz I need to check your vibes. I got the least popular result Twelfth Night which I love, I'm also not like the other girls - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Perhaps I need to re-read TTWHY 🤔 wdym you're surprised Baek, you're just getting better and better and I think people really like these type of chaotic Y/N characters plus soft male leads, we have too many timid weak girlies and dom assholes.
pls do let me know of ur ranking changed 🔫 oh best friend im genuinely absolutely so very surprised and intimidated by the liking of this fic bc usually it never reaches this amount it notes and for when it does (usually more than a month) i write my next fic in that time span sO NOW THIS IS VERY OVERWHELMING,, romcoms absolutely !!!!! i think everyone’s a sucker for a romcom at this point and i will do my best to deliver them <33 that IS SO TRUE DOM ASSHOLES 🔫🔫🔫🔫 u will never see a timid weak girlie here, but u will absolutely see an obnoxiously cocky guy <3
Naaaah I'm not seeing this with my poor tired eyes NO DEATH ALRIGHT. @ Seonghwa, I'm free whenever just so you know 😘
JFBWKDJWK I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THERE WILL BE ONE DEATH 🔫 its a fic that comes before the duke universe!! from seonghwa’s schedule and my calculations he’s free monday & 7pm to 8pm so u guys can have a lengthy chat, don’t u worry the room will have nice couches facing each other and snacks and drinks <33
I hope I'll like the cb cause I'm tired of complaining and idk this comeback isn't hitting me that much even though it should :( hopefully at least 2 bsides shake me to the core. Understandable with Maniac, the chorus part was actually catchy for me from the start, but the verses I wasn't keen on. Yeah, I can admit my dislike for some of the songs my faves put out, but I'm also willing to give them a pass and a chance you know? I'm both more critical, but forgiving if that makes sense, hahaha. BUT I'm not gonna pretend to be obsessed. God that tweet I saw it and sent it to my friends it's so fucking dumb, Atinys are peak not like the other girls especially this comeback just hating on people who have different opinions and acting like they're lesser fans because YOU DON'T GET THEIR GENIUS VISION!!!! Also funny they don't want "negativity" yet have no issue shading other artists hmmmm. Are we in Strictland, opinions are prohibited?!
no completely true! being willing to give a song a listen even if it’s not the taste we usually go for! i think thats a better way than just completely dismissing the song (exactly what atinys are doingbffb) YES ABSOLUTELY no pretendsies at all, if u like it, u like, if u don’t, then u don’t <3 BROOO THATS SO SO TRUE THE PICK ME GIRLS 😭😭😭😭 idk wtf is going on in atinyville bc what was that tweet 😭😭
“Atinys are peak not like the other girls especially this comeback just hating on people who have different opinions and acting like they're lesser fans because YOU DON'T GET THEIR GENIUS VISION!!!! Also funny they don't want "negativity" yet have no issue shading other artists hmmmm. Are we in Strictland, opinions are prohibited?!”
IM FUCKING SCREAMING THIS ENTIRE THING ON TOP OF MY LUNGS RIGHT NOW 😭😭😭 “you cant critique them” bro we about to simon cowell this 😭😭😭 no that last part where they want no negativity yet they the first to complain,, twt atinys,,, ive given up on those atinys since fireworks era bc that was a wild time it got so annoying 😭😭
When I first heard DCM first I was too emo to digest everything, but then I was like "uh, that's an SM song for sure..." but it grew one me. I loved the chaos in Christmas Evel like wtffff. I didn't give Hellevator enough credit before, but it's reeeeealllyyyy good! I've been lucky with Skz's titles though I either love, like or accept them hahahah.
LMFAOOOO 100% an sm song 😭😭 i think from dcm album, body rhythm best track, taemins “badi badi!” 😭😭😭 he’s so cute dbdb hellavator for me is their top track nothing can ever top that tbh 🤚🏼🤚🏼 insane vocals as well <3 “accept them” 😭😭
Bestie when Jooyeon inevitably cuts his hair you'll not hear from me... also, his maknae position is showing a babyyyyy
My UBER driver Tae you mean? I have NOT seen that before photo 👀
UBER driver hAH HAH 🔫 it was three days ago bestie 👀 pls go into ur dreams and have some gossip with your uber driver 👀
Lol that friend replied to me after a few days and she sounds level-headed, so she's either keeping her cool in front of me or she's being obnoxious on Twitter on purpose? Either way, weirdo behaviour so idk what to do with her
😭😭😭😭 i believe the first option is the best one bC WHY BE SO UNHINGED ON TWT 😭😭😭😭 weirdo behaviour 😭😭 anyways bestie that toronto concert might come to life <3
"pls stop me bc this series is burning in my wip and iwill take it out if this continues to happen 😭😭" WAIT which series, what what 👁👁
arrange marriage au? 👄👁👄
Bestie run because some 💩⭐'s on Twitter including my fave accs are so mad at people "mocking" Hwa and comparing him to "an ugly fat penguin" they're so pressed and "Tell me you don't know anything about 70s-80s punk fashion and hair" bitch stfu I know all about it I can still laugh a little. Hope Hwa doesn't mind, but people already assumed it's offensive to him and tweet so many overdramatic stuff, no one called him ugly please, they tweet weird sexual assumptions about idols all the time, but this is an issue? 😭
NAURRR WE CAN NEVER EVER HAVE FUN IN THIS ATINYVILLE WHY 😭😭😭 everything just has to be serious, why u offended for the idol himself pls that mans probably looking at the mirror giggling 😭😭 like he won’t troll himself pls fbwkdhdj sTOP NOT THE SEXUAL ASSUMPTIONS KPOP FANS HAVE THIS LUST, L U S T TO ASSUME THEIR FAVS PREFERENCS 😭😭😭
"Fall in love and I'll diagnose you with a problem" - falling in love would already be a huge problem for me lmaooo. I just went with the most interesting fic plots with this one and got PASSIVE.
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭😭 YOURE A PASSIVE LOVER??? 😭😭 we can tell absolutely <3 i gots
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so i decided i will make quiz of all my y/n’s (excluding khronus + bodyguard + hongjoong’s bc then its too many) so i will put it here if i can finish it before u answer this if Not then THIS IS EMPTY BFBF
Ahhhh, Hwa is watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo, I'm in love with this show it's so wholesome no wonder he likes it I LOOOOOOOVE HIM
PARK TO THE SEONG TO THE HWA ✊🏼 PLSSS I LOVE THAT KDRAMA THE MC IS SO CUTE 😭😭😭 love how the kdrama community is expanding their leads! and not just have the repeated ones and have more diversity in them <3
Also fucking Jackson giving fanfic writers all they need I'm wheezing him and Taehyung and Lisa pole dancing, the fic is writing itself. Btw, have you seen that YT channel, the woman invites idols then gives them food and alcohol, I need someone from Ateez on there soo baaaaad
LMFAOOOO STOPPPP IM GONNA CHANGE THE RYAN FROM BODYGUARD TO JACKSONS FBWKHDWKH i love this side of kpop, yes give us reality 😭😭 I HAVE YES PLS FBWNBDWK want to see who gets drunk first 😭😭
Do this Will S. quiz I need to check your vibes. I got the least popular result Twelfth Night which I love, I'm also not like the other girls - DV 💖
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