#pls don't ask me why none of our fave clones died and yet echo is still with the bad batch meaning the citadel and skako happened
cloneforceenby · 3 years
My Bad Batch AU, lovingly nicknamed “Five Clones and a Little Lady” because my creativity is running low and I can’t think of anything better right now
Hello pals!
Firstly thank you SO much for the love on my headcanon post about The Bad Batch raising Omega from a baby. I spent a whole day writing that and it honestly made me so happy to write.
Those headcanons were written as part of planning a new AU fic (and my first multi-chapter fic!), which the basic premise is exactly that; the Bad Batch raising baby Omega. I thought I would sum up the basic premise of it in this fic, and I’ll post the fic itself once it’s up! It’s still very much in planning stages but I hope you like what I’ve come up with so far. I’d also love to hear your thoughts!
This was written/devised with the help and suggestions of @scarlettroseog and @writegowrite. Thank you so much !
So, the premise:
Being emotionally attached to clones and being heartbroken seeing them die, this is an extremely idealistic galaxy. The Clone Wars have ended and the clones are free to live out the rest of their lives as they please. Also, to appease my soul, the clones we lost throughout the Clone Wars are...alive. Fives, Tup, Waxer, Jesse, they’re all here and they’re living their best post-Clone War lives. 
Don’t ask me what happened to end the war, or what happened to Anakin, Padme, Palps. I have no idea. They aren’t the focus so I haven’t even thought about it. All you need to know is that the clones are free and happy and the galaxy appears to be pretty okay. 
And the Bad Batch? They settled on a nice quiet planet, and built themselves a homestead just outside of the main town. They all work a few days a week each to have an income; Hunter works in carpentry (his talent for wood carving is unmatched), Wrecker in construction, and Echo and Tech run a repair shop where they fix all kinds of different things. As for Crosshair, he’s a bartender. I just saw that for him. It might also be because Crosshair on my Sims game is a very talented mixologist so I ran with that. At least I have some fun story ideas relating to his job. 
They’re not alone either. Our friend 99 lives just down the road in a home his honorary squad built for him, by a nice lake where he spends his days fishing and living peacefully. It goes without saying that he sees the Bad Batch almost daily. 
The Bad Batch live a combination of independently and collectively. They work together to maintain their home, but they don’t always make an effort to ensure they all eat together, for example. They enjoy each other’s company, of course they do, but they all have their own lives now, they’re not all fighting for the same objective anymore. 
That is, however, until an unexpected arrival shows up on their doorstep. A newborn baby girl with nothing but a note stating “this is your daughter, Omega”. But who’s daughter is she? Biologically, she’s the daughter of every single clone in the galaxy, so a paternity test is futile. Their solution? They are all her buir. All five of them step up to the ranks of fatherhood to raise little Omega in this new, peaceful galaxy. 
That being said, maybe, just maybe, one of the Bad Batch may know he’s her true buir, but chooses to keep it to himself.
This AU is intended to be almost purely fluff with maybe a hint of angst here and there. No major dramas, just five dads raising their daughter, with various cameos from Omega’s many, many, many, many clone uncles. It will likely be a set of one shots about different scenarios as Omega grows up.
It’s still in the early stages, I’ve written a few pieces here and there but am still plotting out the story. I hope you’ll be interested in reading once it’s ready!
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