#pls put that on m y G RAVE
choisgirls · 8 years
Hello!! Sorry to be a nuisance, But are you able to do the RFA reacting to MC being 6'6/198cm tall and finding out she is incredibly insecure about it? Thank you so much + have a lovely day/night!! ^^
A/N: Omg you aren’tbeing a nuisance please don’t apologize!!! Also I lowkey wish I was 6'6 so Ifeel really bad if you’re this tall and insecure about it ;A; no one can helpwhat their height is, and that’s okay!!!! Because it doesn’t matter!!! Ipersonally love all heights and don’t understand why others don’t ∇
           -Woah MC, that’s amazing!
           -Will yoU PLEASE CARRY ME, MC?!
           - -yoosung, i can show you the worldshINING, SHIMMERING, SPLENDOR-
           -He doesn’t understand why you’reinsecure because? He’d love to be that tall!
           -Maybe everyone would take himseriously!! ;A;
           -All he knows is that you’reinsecure and he isn’t going to have it!!!
           -Cuddles, snuggles, everything! Heeven tries to make you some comfort food his mum used to make him when he’ssad!!
           -He’s latched himself onto your legbefore
           -He refuses to let go until youagree to sit down and talk to him about what’s bothering you
           -Spends hours listening andreassuring you that it’s all okay! Every bad comment you say about yourself isimmediately flipped around and disproven. You’re perfect the way you are, MC!!!Absolutely loves you!!
           -Height is but a number, dear MC
           -You’re taller than him? Whatever,doesn’t bother him at all
           -Thinks you’re so precious
           -Actually treats you as if you’reshorter than him
           -Makes sure he’s always the bigspoon when cuddling though
           -If anyone says anything he willfIGHT THEM TO THE DEATH
           -Forget what others say, MC, hethinks you’re amazing
           -He!! refuses!!! to let you!!! Talk badlyabout yourself!!!
           -Any time you try and talk badlyabout yourself, he kisses you until you forget every last thought
           -There’s no such thing as too tall,or too small, and he wants you to know that MC! Why should your height matter??It’s what’s inside that counts! Trust him MC, he struggles to remember thatconstantly
           - -can you please get things off thetop shelf for me, MC-
           - -i am but a small baehee, pls-
           -She actually loves that you’re sotall because? She can pick you out of a large crowd and never have to worryabout losing you
           -Did you know that Gods/Goddessesare usually thought to be giants?
           -She can now confirm that it istrue, 100%
           -She just loves the comfort ofhaving someone taller than her
           -You can put your hand on the top ofher head with no effort and she meLTS IT IS HER FAVOURITE THING
           -When you get insecure, she’s alwaysright there with a warm drink and cuddles
           -Rant and rave all you want bby,she’ll listen to you
           -At the end of it however, she’salready got thousands of compliments ready for you, and explanations of howothers are just jealous of you!!
           -you’RE TALLER THAN HIM
           -THAT’S AMAZING???
           -Don’t worry about it, MC!
           -Wear those heels, rock it
           -Owners of The Tall Squad™
           -Do not test him he will woRSHIP YOURBODY, MC
           -Tries to make you feel ascomfortable as possible about your height, he knows what it’s like to be tall,he’s got you
           -Honestly, he’s probably beeninsecure about being that tall as well, so he tries everything he can think ofto lift your spirits- he will not let his MC feel the way he did over somethingyou can’t control
           -Brings you Elizabeth, cuddles fordays, any sweet words he can think of are whispered into your ear, makes youstrawberry pancakes every time you seem insecure -i don’t care if it’s 3 in themorning if you’re feeling bad, yoU’RE GETTING PANCAKES-
           -You must be an angel MC
           -Because seriously who is thatperfect
           - -oh hush saeyoung-
           -Doesn’t look at height, at all
           -He doesn’t even notice honestly,until you say something
           -“Wait, you’re taller thanme??”
           - -uuuuhhh yeah-
           -He’ll wear heels just to be tallerthan you, if it’ll help
           -He does everything he can to makeyou feel okay about yourself! Refuses to make any jokes about height! He’ll doridiculous things in public so people won’t even notice your height -saeyoungwhy are you wearing clown shoes “tO HELP YOU, MC”-
           -He loves your height!
           -The backgrounds he can get when hetakes pictures of you are a m a z i n g
           -He loves giving you his camera andseeing what pictures you come up with
           -Love love loVES when you hug himfrom behind
           -y e s MC rest your chin on myshoulder and look at my pictures plEASE
           -He’s always radiating an aura ofwarmth so it’s hard to think badly about yourself when he’s around
           -Just because it’s hard doesn’t meanit doesn’t happen, though
           -He’s devastated?? Why would youthink bad about yourself? Why are you insecure?? You’re literally an angel??
           -S o m a n y s o f t k i s s e s
           -Seriously, all the kisses to everyinch of your face. He listens to you and tries to help you think differentlyabout your height! Always telling you the good things and advantages about it!!He’s very logical about his comforting
           -So you’re tall, so what?
           -He’ll pull you down to him wheneverhe wants you, whatever
           -Doesn’t bother him at all
           -He’s closer to your heartbeat whenthe two of you hug and he is A-okay with that
           -Still requires being the big spoon though
           -His death glare stops any one fromeven THINKING about commenting on your height
           -Isn’t very good with words but,he’s willing to listen to everything you think about yourself
           -A lot of silent kisses to yourcheek because?? What does he say
           -He could tell you how amazing andperfect you are to him but he doesn’t have the words
           -So he’ll tell you the only way hecan- holding you against his chest and running a hand through your hair untilyou’ve started to feel better
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