#plus i also wanted to see more of maeve's thoughts and reaction about the v news so that made this scene even cooler to me
supemaeve · 7 months
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SUPERHEROES ARE NOT BORN, BUT MADE Exclusive: The shocking truth about Compound V revealed.
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diveronarpg · 6 years
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Congratulations, EMILY! You’ve been accepted for the role of MIRANDA. Admin Em: Emily, it was your parallel of Maeve and Joan of Arc and their martyrdom that convinced me that you really do understand Maeve, inside and out! From her love and light to her unwavering belief in a peace between the two warring territories, and this line-- “Her flaws are something she is blind to, both in her very nature and perhaps by choice in some small way, even if that choice is a bit unintentional,” we’re all so deeply enamored with your Maeve and her beautiful voice and can’t wait to see her on the dash! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Out of Character Alias | Emily Age | 24 Preferred Pronouns | She/her/hers Activity Level | So I am very busy - with work, applying to graduate school, and other such things. However, when I really adore a character I find it hard to stay away, so I’ll be on at least three nights a week, plus at least one weekend day/night. I also promise to ask for hiatuses as they are needed. Timezone | EST
Current/Past RP Accounts | both past - http://marvelousevelyn.tumblr.comand https://camelliafairchild.tumblr.com/
In Character Character | Miranda // Maeve Petre What drew you to this character? | I’m very drawn to morally grey characters, and I am also very drawn to characters who are very good, without question. Maeve obviously falls more into the latter, and there is something so incredibly beautiful about who she is, what she believes in, and her utter devotion to fight for it.
It is funny to me, because of Shakespeare’s non-history plays, The Tempest is one I am not as familiar with as others, but I have had a fondness for Miranda’s character for a long while, so I will be fascinated to play her out and see how she changes and how she holds true to herself amidst the horrors in the city.
When she hardens, it is not in the way that some expect - she hardens in her desires, not in her sense of being.
I think that even though she is very good, and very innocent, she has the possibility to still have great development, and I would love to be able to help develop her. She is so innocent and is to the point of being naive, and I wish to explore that - she is kind and gentle, but also flawed, and flawed in ways that she would not/does not/cannot quite see, at least now.
Her flaws are something she is blind to, both in her very nature and perhaps by choice in some small way, even if that choice is a bit unintentional.
“Miranda” means “worthy of admiration; wonderful", and Maeve means “the cause of great joy” (at least these are two meanings I found). There is certainly similarities to be found between these names, but I find the subtle differences - how Miranda in some ways feels more as though it has to be earned, and Maeve is something she can just be is a bit of an interesting concept. Something I might like to explore, as I find the power of names incredibly interesting. Maeve was/is her parents’ greatest joy, and now that she is part of the Capulets she has a name that gives her things to live up to - both for herself and in the eyes for others. She is content with what she is doing, but she still sees herself being looked down upon. How will those two things come together? Will they come together? Only time will be able to tell.
I have to say, as someone who likes history, I have also seen her in some ways as a Joan of Arc archetype - although less likely to up and literally ride into battle, she has some similarities, and I certainly can see her as a bit of a saint/martyr type in a number of ways.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
I. I would like for her to find out about how her mother died - I hope it is okay (and that I did not somehow miss something?) to assume it was the Montagues, because I could see that as being the reasoning behind how her father was involved with the Capulets, but I would like to expand on this, and should she ever find out about the circumstances of her mother’s death, how that might affect her view on things. I wonder if it will make her more keen on joining the Capulets more fully - because she is part of them, but she is part because of her father, and has not thrown herself into it because that can limit her ability to do peace - but should the Montagues be the cause of her mother’s death, I could see someone maybe using that to push her into being more of a solider of the Capulets.
However, it could also push her desire for neutrality more - if a feud killed her mother, wouldn’t neutrality be a more desirable option? It would make it so that she would not have to worry about people killing simply because of the other’s associations.
II. I do really wish to do things with her father - I realize he may not be brought into the RP, so even if through a self-para, or through interactions with others who are more well acquainted with the side of him Maeve was unaware of, would be fascinating. She joined with the Capulets to understand him, and yet she still sees hope, she still sees a wish to make everything better - she still hasn’t quite grasped the way that turned Philip into the hardened man whose hands have been covered far more than once with another’s blood. If he’s not brought into the RP, and even more if he is, I would really like to explore how they work together - because they’ve been a father and daughter pair for as long as Maeve can remember, but the context in which they live now is so entirely different…
III. How will her friendship with Santino affect things? Although of course some Montagues and Capulets speak, it is not nearly as common for true friendships to form. How did it blossom? This both has to do with past and future, which I sincerely hope is okay to talk about, but I think that it is crucial in her development, even if when she first met Santino she was not aware of his allegiances. Given how unaware she was of everything, I see this  as quite feasible. When she first met him, she thought he was another kindred soul, and she was not deterred when she found out about him being one of the Montagues - because, perhaps, if she can find kind souls amongst both sides, that will make her goals of peace all the easier.
IV. I am absolutely and entirely here for any interactions with those within the Capulets who oppose her wishes, and also for her finding those she has more in common with than she initially might have expected. I realize this is very vague, but I am also interested to see what her reactions would be if she had more in common with someone more violent than she is, and how that’d play out?
V. She is… very kind, very much seeing the good in most anyone. Quite clearly, this is something that will allow her to fairly easily run into issue. There’s already the chance of it being an issue with regard to her and Santino and how both sides might see that friendship, but there is more to explore. There is the issue of people taking advantage of her desire to see good, to do the opposite of what Rafaella has done and to not push her away and try to make her see the horrors and to fight - but instead, to take her and use her refusal to see anything but beauty in the world and mold that to their liking.
VI. She’s a solider, and soldiers get assignments. Perhaps she somehow gets a violent assignment - probably not from Everett, just because he and she are similar souls (as she would say, too) - but someone else. She is fiercely loyal, and though it would conflict with her desire for bettering the world, she would not want to disappoint someone, especially if she admired them. So how will that affect things? Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Yes, I do. Not right away of course, but should a situation call for it, I am. Angst fuels the RP world, does it not? :) In Depth In-Character Interview:
Papa might not want her to be meeting someone for an interview, but if it allows her voice to be heard, Maeve is more than happy to agree, to go and spread her message. She holds onto her mug of tea, the smell and warmth of cinnamon making its way into her nose.
The first question is to be expected, though she finds herself grateful for it nonetheless. "What is your favorite place in Verona?”
There is a pause, as Maeve considers her options, weighing them - of course she could say her childhood bedroom, one she found comfort in, with posters and carefully cared-for plants, and books neatly arranged on her shelves. But after a moment, she gives a nod - “The Castelvecchio Bridge. I enjoy watching the water from it, and although I am well aware such a memory should not exist, I have vague memories of being held against my mother’s chest as she walked along it, just before sunset, trying to calm me before I slept.” She brushes a curl of her hair out from her face and grins. “How could anybody not adore the bridge?” There is the hint of a would-be wink, her eyes practically squinting shut as she grins. “It is quite hard to resist, and furthermore quite difficult to miss, should anyone come to visit our dear Verona.” She takes a sip of her tea, and nods - the hint that she is ready, without speaking such.
"What does your typical day look like?”
A nod, a laugh. “I wake up - quite often with the sun, and I like to pull my window shades open and keep all the lights off in my room, and then I make myself a cup of tea sweetened with honey,” she gives a nod and gestures towards the teacup that sits in between the two of them, "and I sit at my dining room table and read, before I go off to explore.” She brushes a finger against her nose. “I am in search of a job at present, but that should all come soon, and once I find one, I will surely go there with a bag slung over my shoulder with a book inside, filled with dried flowers.” She knits her brows together. “I also cook dinners for Papa, because someone must help to keep him alive, regardless of everything that has happened.” She bites her lip. “It is what I have done for as long as I can remember, I see no reason as to why I ought to stop.” She waves the interviewer on, “Please, continue.” Please do not ask me why there would be even the barest of considerations that I should change how I have behaved around Papa. I never shall. Never. I do not think.
The interviewer clears his throat, although there is something in his eyes that hints that he might wish to return to her answers in greater depth. "What has been your biggest mistake thus far?” The grin is not wicked now, not exactly, and Maeve remains unaware, instead offering a quick and light shrug. “I am not certain.” Too much trust?  Though that thought leaves practically before it can be fully established. Because her trust is beautiful, it is part of what makes her who she is. “For I believe everything allows one to grow, and though I have made stumbles, calling my life’s path a mistake at any turn seems perhaps far too harsh. I am only sorry I do not have a greater answer, perhaps I can come and find you once I have more time to think on this.”
“What has been the most difficult task asked of you?”
She takes in a breath of air, not wanting to make eye contact. Because difficult is not so often a word that graces her tongue. It may be naive, and there are certainly those who would call it so, but it is her truth. “It is not - was not - exactly a task,” she drums her fingertips against her thigh, but accepting - becoming aware - of exactly what it is that Papa does -“ She presses her fingertips into her thigh for a moment, letting her breath catch. “Nothing can quite compare to that, although it has certainly given me a greater resolve to do better by this whole city.”
Perhaps it sufficed well enough for now, because the interviewer took down a few scribbles onto his notepad, before glancing back up. “What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?”
This one is easy. The answer flows from her pink-tinted lips. “I think that I will be the one to cause its end.” Her wide eyes look up. “Because peace is natural, and if flowers can grown amidst concrete, then peace can overcome war.” There is the glimmer of a smile that crosses her lips, turned up at the edges, though if one is to observe closely, they will notice that it is her eyes which truly glimmer at the idea. “Perhaps that is too self-centered an idea, but it is my belief. My thoughts are that it is not needed, and that it will burn to the ground, and we will rebuild and have peace, finally.” She gives a firm nod, and the curls of her hair bounce softly.
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I. She is allergic to dairy and to peanuts. She found out when she was only about two years old, and was rushed to the hospital. She manages it just fine now, but it is one thing that she does remain cautious about.
II. She loves flowers, and has many plants all over her home and takes incredible care to tend to each of them each day. Her favorite flowers are daffodils (which mean things such as new beginnings - with daffodils, she has a small pot growing), daisies, and violets. She is 100% the sort to have made flower chains/pressed flowers/etc for those she cares about.
III. The first knife she trained with was one from her own kitchen - the same one that she cut up vegetables for soups - because it was a reminder of home, another reminder (not that she should need one) of why she had taken up this cause. To help better her family, to help fix the wrongs of the city.
IV. She wears subtle perfumes every day. Maeve is not one to focus on much make-up, besides some lipbalm or gloss, but she does enjoy perfumes, and has a few bottles (tbd which) that she will rotate.
V. She speaks English, Spanish, and Italian. Although born and raised in Verona, speaking Spanish is something important to her, and she will slip into it with certain terms/phrases because it is a comfort to her.
Mini playlist:
The Power of Love - Gabrielle Aplin
Hallelujah - Kate Voegele cover
Yellow Flicker Beat - Lorde
To Be Human - Sia ft. Labrinth
Now is Not the Time - CHVRCHES
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