#plus that red corduroy? velvet? Christmas fabric I've been lugging around forever... can't even remember where I got it originally...
simply-sithel · 2 years
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Well, the craft fair has come and gone. I feel like I might have had a good time? Sales weren't overwhelming, but they were constant and I made back booth fee + some extra money for coffee and cannabis. More mutterings on the matter under the cut...
Of the 21 Christmas minis I specifically made for the event, 10 remain. The new bird leg book I made for the fair sold, along with several of my older monsters-- the pink legged one, the green legged one, and the Capricorn. Happy to see them gone.
The real winner was the crimson alcohol edged Fleur du Mal mini-- purchased immediately upon fair opening and envied by someone else who eventually settled on the loquat dyed copy pictured above. Unfortunately, I was so busy prepping for fair I never actually photographed my most popular book!
Am on the fence about doing another holiday craft fair... Am haunted by the memory/fact that I used some less-than-stellar cover paper on a couple pieces-- a fact that I only noticed after seeing how scuffed my remaining copy was after lugging it home ungently. 🙈 hurts to consider some of my work floating out there not being up-to-snuff, especially given I charged for it. Still not fond of that....
I'd wanted to know how well I worked, crafting at full tilt. Do things get easier when aiming for 'mass production'? NO. Will I ever try and binge crafting books like this again? NO. Do I want to 'make books professionally'? NO.
The positive take aways are that I enjoy working on things in sets of 5. I enjoy my new travel-crafting setup for minis. I enjoy expanding my mini typeset collection to draw from. Seeing my mini shelf temporarily packed w/ the leftovers before I disperse them makes me happy.
Special shout out/thanks to @aetherseer for gifting me so many small sheets of excellent paper and apologies that I failed to photograph most of them. Her taste is impeccable and it elevated my work from the normal ho-hum selection of origami paper I indulge in.
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