#pobre lola get behind me!!
watched the emdt premiere a few days ago and slkdjaslkdjaS ya’ll i’m losing my mind this temporada will be amazing
here’s the candid unfiltered live-reactions for those interested:
@quantumtardis @siderumincaelo
ok... first off... what does gentrificación have to do with goverment locations.......... I am confución??? why would they have to relocate the ministry (a public building) because of gentrification?
it's wild to me that alonso and pacino (and lola ig) never met (?) in 3 years. did they leave in a bad place?
(a common thread on this is gonna be that, much as i love this show...let me be real with u but i do not remember any plot details of what has happened in it.  like at all. it’s all a confusing blur from “you’re spanish, improvise” to “yippokaye hideputas”)
the new intro is.... chef's kiss. the selfie stick joke is so simple but it always makes me smile :)
i got SO!!! HYPED!!! UP!!! when they mentioned amelia...
(i just realized i might be having some unrealistic expectations for how much screentime she'll have this season however ): )
imo if you'd have to designate a main character for this story, i've always thought she'd be the one. i know they did the best they could with writting her out, but my interest on the show is [orders of magnitude] larger when she's in the main ensamble. i hope that's the case here...
(never kept up much with behind the scenes stuff so i have no idea) (EDIT: update on that at the end)
I really want to know how los “ingenieros se la ingeniaron" to get the doors to this new location. emdt's approach to metaphysics is always a polite handwave, and pherhaps that's better... let’s me imagine all the complicated metaphysics that could make it work.
it reminds me a bit of warehouse 13 actually... w13 also had some crazy metaphysics, but on that show they were more willing to commit to some explenations, which i’d be ok with them doing here as well (like how the warehouse was “sentient” and chose its keeper, and formed a mental link with them... imagine if that were the case for salvador and the doors / if the doors were sentient :o)
tldr; i’d love some more mythology this season
i love the new color schemes of things omg??? listen...... i 100% stan the “period drama look” of s1-s3 but.... this is so much better. yes@the emdt staff finally discovering there indeed exists more colors apart from browns and greys.
i understood the hombres de paco 100% only bc i knew they had a wlw storyline that is on youtube. that’s literally where my exposure to this cop show comes from.
i saw some ppl commenting that pacino / lola was just a trick of the writers to get rid of pacino / amelia and get to julian / amelia.....
and u know what..... .. . .
im julian / amelia trash since day 1 so. sorry but i aint even mad folks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but srsly sdñlskd i don’t see why someone would mind it much? tbh i dont remember much of s1-s3 details asdfg so I don't actually .... remember... how well pacino and lola got along.... and i'm mainly concerned about the whether they filed in pacino on the whole paradox aspect? because he was not around to meet OG Lola
but that’s why i think it’s a decision that makes sense: pacino and his romantic woes are a whole thing for his character arcs (el pobre se enamora muy facil!) as is the themes of “betrayal by loved ones”... i think it could be cool to see how their storyline parallels with things like OG Lola, Pacino’s evil gf, and even Irene betraying the ministry way back when in season 1 .
HOT THEORY: julian got fobwatched (break the glass, alonso!!!)
ohh shh Eugenio only takes soldier acting jobs....that’s meta :O
fobwatch'd!julian is a big hit with his male fans :) :)
(that's a clue ya'll)!
"la guerra es eso que provocan tres idiotas, y luego mueren mil inocentes"
side note maybe im too gay but i genuinely have a hard time fining any of these leads "galanes". alll the men in this show are...idk. estaria tan mal que se rasuren de vez en en cuando?
he's SHADY
fobwatch'd!Julian: "debo marcharme, pero volvere..." // the amelia/julian of that......... crying already
i'd die for soap opera fan alonso
"este ministerio se encarga de que la historia se quede tal y como esta" "ya- pero a veces la historia-" "LOLA! la historia es lo que es" SHIT isthis IT this is how lola becomes lola slkdfjslkdfj im !!
TIME TRAVEL ya''lllll
lmao pacino reacting to lola’s .... “spying”. I laughed
can't tell if that slap lola gives irene was fake or for real...
the  production of this episode is so gorgeous
noooo julian run run run
lola .....girl...u did not think this through
did franco really talk like that? or did they exaggerate it for cartoon effects?
them: "no sabe como nos alegra que este de vuelta" dicelo a tu cara, salvador.....
this episode is really flying by omg
amelia is gonna show up in this scene i can FEELIT shes' gonna come through that door and julian will remember everything and it will be cheesy and ai will cry HELL YEAH
...ok maybe not
i was feeling it so much ya'll
paccino es tan enamoradizo jesus.
gurl,,,,,, lola ..... holy shit omg
no amelia this ep rip
that was, as they say... inpecable. i never imagined we would get this season so my expectations will probably low low low lol But, I'm very optimistic from this episode actually. In other seasons, I've felt a bit overwhelmed with all the multiple conspiracies and plots going on... and it feels sometimes like they both ran out of plot by the end and things were rushed? but not much happened this episode in terms of big shadow-y things, which is very promising, it tells me they're trying to do a more focused streamlined narrative and will take their time with everything. I’m hyped!
ps i later watched the videocast reunion where aurora says her character will be in only "a little bit" ( rip amelia doesnt even get scenes with irene ): ) so i am adjusting my exceptions...... imma still gonna yell at every scene that looks like it tho. imma still yell.
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