pitorodops · 2 years
Ben bi kucuk dondum ve en iyi otlu pogac satan yeri buldum icinde peynir yok denmisti varmis veganligim öldü gerçekten 2022 yılı ona da hic iyi gelmedi
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lokaleblickecom · 1 year
Rasante Rennen und ‚Fun‘: Seifenkistentrennen hinter dem Rathaus
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Moers. (pst) Die Teams liegen in den letzten Zügen ihrer Vorbereitungen. Am Sonntag, 17. September, geht´s dann beim 7. Moerser Seifenkistenrennen auf die ‚Piste‘. Die ersten Probeläufe starten um 10.30 Uhr hinter dem Rathaus am Nordring (Höhe Repelener Straße). Richtig los geht es um 12.30 Uhr mit dem Sparkassen-Fun-Cup. Eine Jury bewertet am Ende die kreativste Kiste. Ab 13.30 Uhr wird es dann schnell – in der „Speed-Kategorie“. Hierbei siegt die schnellste Kiste. Um ca. 17 Uhr endet die Veranstaltung mit den letzten Siegerehrungen. Damit ein sicherer Start von der rund drei Meter hohen Rampe gelingt und alle Kisten renntauglich sind, prüfen Mitarbeitende der DEKRA Außenstelle Moers übrigens alle Kisten vor dem Start. Unterstützt wird die Veranstaltung durch die Sparkasse am Niederrhein, die Gewinne zur Verfügung stellt. Organisiert hat das Seifenkistenrennen das Team des Kinder- und Jugendbüros der Stadt. Spaß auch neben der ‚Piste‘ Entlang der Strecke bietet das Fahrerlager einen ‚hautnahen‘ Blick auf die Kisten. Dazu kommen zahlreiche Stände von Vereinen und Organisationen mit Mitmach- und Spielangeboten, z. B.: Spielmobil mit Hüpfburg, Rollenbahn, Kettcars etc., Kinderschminken, Fahrzeugschau von Jugendrotkreuz und Jugendfeuerwehr, Kreativaktionen mit der Jugendeinrichtung ‚Die Box‘, Selfie-Fotowand und Aktionsstand der Christus Gemeinde Moers, Segelflugzeug vom Aero Club Krefeld. Essen und Getränke stehen auch bereit – vom Eiswagen über einen Burger-Foodtruck bis hin zu einem Crêpe-Stand und einem Café-Mobil. Bildzeile: Mark Bochnig-Mathieu, Lena Brandau (beide Kinder- und Jugendbüro), Monika Pogacic vom Sponsor Sparkasse am Niederrhein und Thomas Karrasch (Kinder- und Jugendbüro/v. r.) laden zum 7. Seifenkistenrennen ein. (Foto: pst) Infobox: Wegen Aufbauarbeiten ist der Parkplatz ‚Finanzamt‘ bereits ab Samstag (16. September) komplett gesperrt. Am Sonntag (17.) steht dann ganztägig zusätzlich der gesamte Parkplatz ‚Nordring‘ nicht zur Verfügung. Der Nordring ist zwischen Repelener Straße und Parkplatz Moerser Benden gesperrt. Die Zufahrt zum Parkplatz Mühlenstraße ist nur über die Mühlenstraße möglich. Read the full article
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lepetitdragonvert · 8 years
Slava mladosti by Milka Pogačić (1860-1932) Zagreb .1930. Source : digitalna.nsk.hr
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radiogornjigrad · 3 years
Alan Meniga: Pogaca
Prva je fotka razlog zbog kojeg sam već par puta pokušao pokrenuti inicijativu za zaštitom viške i komiške pogace, odnosno jela pod zajedničkim izvornim imenom „pogaca ol slone ribe“ (čak sam osnovao i FB grupu pod tim imenom:https://www.Facebook.com/groups/233694227005736). No dobre volje s Visa nije bilo, iako sam im ponudio da ću sve sam organizirati i da mi treba samo njihov službeni zahtjev…
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hriminal · 3 years
Uoči Uskrsa, HDZ-ov kandidat za dožupana Šibensko-kninske županije Paško Rakić i predsjednica HDZ-ove zajednice žena 'Katarina Zrinski' Anita Aužina odlučili su djecu drniškog i vodičkog vrtića darivati s pogačama na kojima je, ni više ni manje, nego logo HDZ-a. Kako je to zakonom zabranjeno, vrtićima sada prijeti kazna od 10 do 15 tisuća kuna, prenosi 24 sata.
Darivane pogače kupljene su u pekari, zamotane u vrećice bez deklaracije s velikom naljepnicom u bojama HDZ-a, a ravnateljice javnih vrtića, obje HDZ-ovke, takve su ih prihvatile, iako je to zakonom zabranjeno.
Ma tko će se usuditi kradezeovim droljama ispostaviti kaznu za predizbornu kampanju? Drugi pridjev nisu ni zaslužile.
Eventualne kazne ionako plaćaju porezni obveznici.
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stavri123-blog · 6 years
Countinghouse - Crypto-Fund for professional investors
Hi guys, today I would like to present an overview of a project arisen from Australian business Dawson Pomery Pogacic Fund. Now, these three guys bring their Hedge Fund experience from fiat money to cryptocurrency.
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What is Countinghouse?
Countinhouse is a direct hedge fund cooperating with investors on the base of smart-contracts and blockchain technology. The Fund will use coded algorithms and mathematical techniques and profit not only from ForEx and fiat money but also from cryptocurrency volatility. The profit will be calculated on a quarterly basis and will be reported publicly. 7% of the profit will be taken by the company.
IT solutions of Countinghouse
A full suite of IT solutions for Countinghouse operation will be provided by Wisper Connect company, which is the wealth of knowledge and experience in blockchain technology.
Countinghouse's strategy
The investment will be divided into 3 main parts:
Passive reserve. Only 10% of the fund will be used for different ICO investments and crypto-debentures or loans.
Double sided arbitrage adapted for cryptocurrency. 30% of the fund will be involved in this strategy.
Crypto-currency algorithmic trading. The biggest part (60%) of the fund will be directed for the algorithmic trading of crypto-currencies. The later changes in allocations of the fund are possible in order to maximise the profit.
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Countinghouse tokens and ICO
Counntinghouse tokens (CHT) are valuable with raise of fund's profit as well as token's own movement. • Ticker symbol: CHT • Token Standard: ERC20 • ICO date: 3rd April 2018 to 12th June 2018 • Price:1 ETH = 1000 CHT • Early Investor Bonus: 15% bonus CHT • Minimum investment: 1CTH • Soft cap: no (the presale amount is enough to implement the project) • Hard cap: 50,000,000 CHT • Restricted area: USA, Singapore - only for professional investors • Country: Seychelles
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For more information, please visit links below : WEBSITE · WHITEPAPER · TWITTER · TELEGRAM · ANN
Prepared by Stavri (Bitcointalk Profile) : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=955201 ETH Wallet: 0xf263f99B27E37e97720b9DdaF525B565E18A89c2
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coachmariopogacic · 5 years
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How to find satisfaction in every day if you think that your day doesn't have any sense? I am not writing this because I just want to write something. I am writing this because I know how is hard when are you disappointed, worry about everything and feel empty. You see we are creating our daily reality based on our thoughts. Our thoughts shape our feelings and our feelings make our behavior the same as we have before and we are getting the same results every day. And that is like a circle from which you don't know how to get out! If you feel empty now if you feel like your days, weeks and months don't have a sense, you must change your thoughts! Your thoughts are beginning to every your creation! Your thoughts shape your reality!
So I think that you must pick up only positive ones if you want to have the satisfaction in your life. It is upon you. If you can choose what you will do daily, you can also choose that you will think only positive thoughts and then your days will make a sense! Start with small things. Be grateful for what you have now and those actions will give you satisfaction on a daily basis!
If you don't know how to put this in work, schedule with me 30mins free coaching session and we will start the change within you!
P.S. don't forget to register for the upcoming Paradigm Shift with Bob Proctor this weekend live from Los Angeles. Register under the link :
Change your paradigms and you will change your whole world!
To your Success!
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lokaleblicke-blog · 6 years
Bis zum 15. November anmelden für „Jugend musiziert“
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Moers. (pst) „Der olympische Gedanke steht bei uns im Vordergrund“, verrät Thomas Dieckmann. Der Vorsitzende des Regionalausschusses „Jugend musiziert“ wirbt damit für die 56. Ausgabe. Alle drei Jahre findet der Regionalwettbewerb (Kreis Kleve, Kreis Wesel linksrheinisch und Krefeld) in der Moerser Musikschule statt. Anmelden können sich Kinder und Jugendliche ab sofort bis zum 15. November. Denn im Januar 2019 ist es wieder soweit (19. und 20.). Ausgeschrieben sind verschiedene Kategorien, aufgeteilt in Solo- und Ensemblewertungen: Streichinstrumente, Akkordeon, Schlagzeug, Pop-Gesang, Klavier-Kammermusik, Klavier und Blasinstrument, Vokal-, Zupf- und Harfen-Ensemble und besondere Besetzungen. „Wir möchten viele Kinder und Jugendliche ansprechen und motivieren, Musik zu machen. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Mitmachen, nicht auf dem Gewinnen“, meint Thomas Dieckmann. Mit Ehrgeiz bei der Sache Dennoch ist gewollt, dass die Teilnehmenden mit Ehrgeiz an die Sache gehen. Dabei ist es keine Bedingung, in einer örtlichen Musikschule zu lernen. Auch Musiker und Sänger, die Zuhause üben, können ihr Talent beim Wettbewerb unter Beweis stellen. „Es ist schön zu sehen, wie die Kinder mit Spaß und Ehrgeiz hier antreten“, sagt Monika Pogacic als Vertreterin des Unterstützers Sparkasse am Niederrhein zufrieden. Ab einer gewissen Punktzahl in bestimmten Altersklassen wird der Gewinner der jeweiligen Kategorie in den Landeswettbewerb geschickt. „Jedes Jahr haben es Teilnehmende von uns über den Landeswettbewerb hinaus bis hin zum Bundeswettbewerb geschafft“, freut sich Georg Kresimon (Leiter der Musikschule). Neben den Räumlichkeiten stellt die Moerser Musikschule im kommenden Jahr auch die Jury zusammen. „Ich denke, dass das gut funktionieren wird – es ist schließlich nicht das erste Mal“, ist sich Thomas Dieckmann sicher. Infobox: Anmeldungen bis zum 15. November online auf www.jugend-musiziert.org. Weitere Informationen gibt es in der Musikschule oder über den Regionalausschuss online auf www.kms-kleve.de/jugend-musiziert und telefonisch 0 28 21 / 4 51 03. Bildzeile: Georg Kresimon (Leiter Musikschule), Thomas Dieckmann (Vorsitzender Regionalausschuss), Monika Pogacic (Vertriebsmanagement Sparkasse am Niederrhein) und Florian Besten (Musikschullehrer) freuen sich auf „Jugend musiziert“ im kommenden Jahr in Moers. (v.l.) (Foto: pst) Read the full article
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turkishgambit-blog · 6 years
Moskova Turk Festivali
Agustosun 11 i sicak MOskova da merkezde guzel bir park. Her yer turk bayraklariyla kapli.   Buyuk hevesle festival alanina gittik ve Turkiyey ozgu birseyler gorelim diye. Her yer turizm firmalarinin standtlari ve cadirlariyla doluydu. Antalya ,Alanya, Kemer, Isparta gibi sehirlerin otel yetkilileri oradaydi, Buradaki Turk restoranlari da orada yer acmislar ve turk lezzetlerini sunuyorlardi. Hemen beklemeden bir pogace ve yanina ayran aldim. Elena ya da aldim ve biryerde oturp lezzeti yasamak istedik. 500 rubleyi verince yemeden karnim doydu. Be mubarekler Ekmek arasi doner 400 ruble olur mu, lahmacun 300 ruble olur mu? Eger amac tanitimsa ucuza yapin insanlar hem lezzeti taniyabilsinler hem de bir italyan pizzasi gibi burada isim yapalim, hala simit yok, lahmacun ve pide yok burada, ancak turk restoranlarinda fais fiyata almak mumkun... Neyse folklar, mehter ve bir turk sarkici ile cimenlerin uzerine serilerek guzel bir gun gecirdik. YIne de bu organizasyonlari yapanlari kutluyorum...Turkiyeyi daha zengin tanitmak dilegiyle!!!
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lokaleblickecom · 1 year
Tummelferien-Party: Geld von der Sparkasse, Eis vom LeoClub, Spaß für alle
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Moers. (pst) Die große Tummelferien-Party zum 50. Jubiläum der Ferienfreizeit war ein Riesenspaß für alle rund 650 Kinder der sechs Spielpunkte. Bevor Bürgermeister Christoph Fleischhauer am Freitag, 30. Juni, den Startschuss für das Konzert der Kinderrockband ‚Pelemele‘ (Foto 1) im Freizeitpark gab, verteilte er Eis – gespendet vom LeoClub. Präsidentin Cathrin Stockfisch und Hanna Büscher halfen bei der Ausgabe (3).
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Treuer Sponsor der Tummelferien war wieder die Sparkasse am Niederrhein. Monika Pogacic übergab den obligatorischen Scheck über 1.000 Euro an den Spielpunkt ‚Asbär‘ (2). Die Sparkasse war außerdem ‚Jubiläums-Sponsor‘ und machte den Auftritt der Kölner Band Pelemele erst möglich. Am Dienstag, 4. Juli, ging es übrigens gleich mit einer weiteren Party weiter. Am Vormittag zogen alle Spielpunkte singend und tanzend durch die Innenstadt (4). Viele Passantinnen und Passanten bestaunten die traditionelle Kidsparade. (Fotos: pst)
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Bravo naši ! Bravo nam ! Slovenija 🇸🇮👍👏🍾🏆 vedno med prvimi in najboljša ! www.the4thpillar.io
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hriminal · 4 years
Nikad nije prerano za pranje mozgova.
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coachmariopogacic · 5 years
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Are you a victim of negative self-talk? What do you think about yourself? Do you think that you are worthy of your desired goal, dream or vision? When you see yourself in the mirror, what do you see? Do you have positive thinking about yourself or negative?
However bad or good you can feel about yourself right now you can change it! Your self-image dictates what results you will get in your life! It is reflected in your business, relationships, friendships and every other area of your life that you can think of it now! Think about situations in your life where you are getting bad results and ask yourself " Why is that not working"?
If you want to become successful in your business, in every area of your life, you must become the version of that person who already has your desired goal accomplished! And that you can achieve through changing your self-image! Self-image is a direct reflection of what you are thinking about yourself and what you feel deep inside of you!
How to change self-image and set up yourself for a win?🧐🧐
Register for our upcoming webinar this Sunday with Elite level Coach Suzana Mihajlovicwho will show you what is stopping you to get your desired results and how with changing your self-image you will start to getting everything that you want!
Inside of every one of us is laying infinite potential that we can achieve whatever we want! So lets the first step be by changing your self-image at this webinar!
Register over the link below:
See you on Sunday at 10 AM CEST ( Zagreb, Berlin )!
Join over zoom link after the registration:
To your Success!
coaching and consulting
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coachmariopogacic · 5 years
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Where are you now in your business and in your personal life? Do you think that you can improve your qualities or you are satisfied with the results that you are getting now?
You see you can observe your desired goal or you can be committed 100%  and working toward it with satisfaction and with a huge amount of belief in your business and in yourself! If you are observing your goal nothing will happen. If you are committed you will make a business that is worthy of you and you will work with a huge amount of pleasure because your results are gonna be huge! Stay committed! Don't let others that pull you from your path! Be yourself and work with pleasure! You must make a committed decision that you will achieve your goals!
Register for our upcoming webinar at the link below:
If you want a huge amount of success in your life this webinar will change you and set up your mind for success!
To your Success!
coaching and consulting
#personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #inspiration #growth #selflove #entrepreneur #success #love #mindset #goals #lifecoach #leadership #selfhelp #mindfulness #inspirationalquotes #selfdevelopment #selfimprovement # #positivity #success #BobProctor #Thinkingintoresults #mind #successful
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coachmariopogacic · 5 years
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Our self-image dictates what kind of results we will get in our lives! I don't know about you, but here is the truth. We have two images. One is the image that we present to the outside world and that image is dictating how we walk, talk, meet and greet other people! The second image of ourselves is an image that is inside us! And that image that we hold inside will determine what results we will get in our lives! If you have a negative image of yourself, your results will be negative! If you have a positive image of yourself your results will be positive! Your image also can be limited so you can constantly get limited results!
So what do you think, what kind of image do you have about yourselves?
Your self-image is a limiting paradigm and it controls your results! So what kind of results you are getting now?
Positive? Negative or limited?
Drop me a message and I will show you trough 6 months coaching program that you can change your self-image and that you can get results that you truly desire!
What are you scared of? Is your self-image controlling your messages?
To your Success!
coaching and consulting
#personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #inspiration #growth #selflove#entrepreneur #success #love #mindset #goals #positivevibes #lifecoach#leadership #mindfulness #inspirationalquotes #selfdevelopment#selfimprovement #motivationalquotes #positivity #loveyourself#paradigmshift #BobProctor #selfimage #business
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coachmariopogacic · 5 years
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Where are you now in your life? Do you think that you deserve better and bigger things, more money, a better relationship status? Think about it. Do you want more in your life? Do you think that you deserve more in your life?
I think you do! You deserve all the money and freedom that you desire! But only one thing is between desire and achieved the goal! And that is you! Because you are the only solution to everything you want! If you put out every circumstance and every"I can't" you can have it all! As I mentioned before, a goal is something that will stretch you and pull from you something that you didn't know you are capable of doing!
So what do you want in your life?🧐
How much money do you want to earn? 🧐
What relationship status do you want?🧐
Let's schedule a call over zoom and trough 6 months coaching program you will have everything that you desired!! Just reach me out through my FB page or send me an e-mail and we will set up everything that you WIN!
To Your Success!
coaching and consulting
#personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #motivation #inspiration #growth #selflove #entrepreneur #success #love #mindset #goals #selfcare #positivevibes #lifecoach #leadership #selfhelp #mindfulness #inspirationalquotes #selfdevelopment #selfimprovement #motivationalquotes #positivity #loveyourself #growthmindset #happiness #selfawareness #spirituality #lifestyle #quotes #goal
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