#polo golf shirts ralph lauren
preppie22 · 2 months
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Kathryn Newton
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girlsinpolos · 8 months
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roostersbby69 · 10 days
Girl of my dreams
Warnings: None
Summary: Phoenix feels bad that Bradley has to spend his 30s by himself so she sets him up on a speed dating night at a local bar. Bradley was angry at first but maybe a certain girl who is also looking for love changes his mind.
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“Hey, Rooster! The usual?” Penny asked him.
“You got it.” He winked and set his elbows on the bar top and waited for her to open the bottle for him.
“Hey, Natasha’s got something for you.” She said while she slid him the beer.
“For me?” He asked confused. “Last time she “had something for me” it was a dart to my ass.”
She nodded and patted the bar top before taking someone else’s order.
Bradley raised an eyebrow before grabbing the bottle and making his way towards his best friend.
“Hey! Bradley!” She patted him on the shoulder when he found her.
“Long time no see.” He smiled.
“Right on time!” She laughed.
“What?” He asked before taking his first sip of the beer.
She slid her hand from his shoulder and played with the pool stick in front of her, “Uh, look. Don’t get mad! But I kind of set you up on a speed dating night that starts in twenty minutes.” She smiled innocently.
Bradley stood there and stared at her with no expression, “You what?”
“Yeah,” She laughed, “look it’ll do you some good! Maybe you’ll find the one!” She shrugged.
“Natasha, I’m not going to a stupid speed dating night. I’m thirty six years old, i’m not in college.” He shook his head.
“Come on, Bradley! Look let’s make a deal, if I’m wrong, i’ll buy you a round next week. But if i’m right then you’ll marry the love of your life.” She stated simply.
“No, Natasha.”
“Come on!”
“Bradley, you need to get out there!”
“Bradshaw, I paid $20 for this!”
“Okay, Fine!” He flailed his arms. “Happy?”
She squealed, “yes! Ok, so it’s at Club Ruz bar in fifteen minutes. You better hurry! And tell me how it goes!”
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
Bradley walked out of the Hard Deck and made his way to the bronco before starting the engine and typing the address in his phone and speeding off.
The bar was a fancier bar than the Hard Deck. It was more of a jazz kind of bar, not really Bradley’s cup of tea.
He parked and saw a man greeting people inside with a clipboard, it seemed he was checking people’s names off as they entered.
He rolled his eyes and got out of the car before locking it and groaning as he walked towards the front.
“Hi there! I’m Mark!” The man said as Bradley got to the door, “are you here for tonight’s speed dating?”
Bradley took a deep breath,“unfortunately.” he sighed.
“Great! What’s your name?”
“Bradley Bradshaw.”
“Yep I see you! Come on in!” The guy stepped aside for Bradley to enter.
He saw many men in Ralph Lauren polos and khaki pants with loafers. He looked down at himself and saw his hawaiian shirt with jeans and boots. He looked back up and watched as they laughed about something probably about politics or golfing.
The guy that greeted him at the door walked inside and clapped his hands.
“Okay everyone! We’re going to get started so here’s what’s going to happen. Each one of the guys will get a sheet of paper with each of the ladies names on it and beside them there will be a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ check box. Check it off as you and the ladies chat. Let’s get started!”
A woman handed Bradley a sheet of paper as he scanned the names.
‘That was a pretty name.’ Bradley thought.
“Okay, Boys! The ladies will be sat at their own table and you’ll get three minutes with each then when we say switch you’ll rotate to the next girl!”
Bradley walked to a nearby table and saw a pale woman with dark black hair. She reminded him of a witch.
He slowly sat down as other men took their seats.
“Hi, I’m Bradley.” He introduced himself.
“Naomi.” She twirled her hair.
Bradley noticed her long fingernails that got caught in some strands of hair as she twirled it around and around. He shuddered. He could smell that she smelt like, what was it? Cat piss?
No. He marked.
Bradley yawned as she went on about her cats and her beliefs on ghosts. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on a young woman, maybe early thirties, long hair, beautiful posture, pink glossed lips, and was dressed to his liking. It was like he hit the jackpot. It reminded him of that scene from 101 dalmatians when Pongo was trying to find the perfect dog and woman in the beginning of the movie.
He smiled to himself as he watched her cross her legs and swing her feet softly.
“Times up! Switch!” The man yelled. And Bradley couldn’t be happier, he didn’t even say goodbye to… what was her name again?
He bolted up and sat down with the next woman as he watched another man sit across from the girl.
“Hi! I’m Rachel!” The girl in front of him beamed.
“Bradley.” He shook her hand.
“You’ve got big arms, why are you wearing that floral shirt? I love your mustache.” She rambled.
“Mhm.” Bradley hummed as he marked another ‘No’ on the paper beside her name.
One more person until he got to talk to her.
“Where do you live?” Rachel asked as she leaned her face in front of Bradley as he was gazing at the mystery girl.
“Blue.” He said, zoned out.
“Sorry, what did you ask?” Bradley looked at her.
He got up and sat down quickly by the next girl and watched the girl as she smiled at the man who was sitting down across from her.
“Hi, i’m Bradley.” he introduced himself.
“Susan.” She pulled out her phone and opened it to reapply her lip gloss in the camera.
She wasn’t a talker, Bradley sat there doodling on the paper until the guy yelled for them to switch.
Bradley got up quickly and approached her as she was checking off a box on her sheet. She set her pink pen down and looked up at him as he pulled out the chair and sat down.
“Hi.” She smiled.
“Hey, I’m Bradley.” He stuck out his hand.
“I like that name, i’m Y/n.” She stuck hers out and shook his. Her hands were soft, and small.
She smelled like sweet vanilla and her teeth were perfect against her pink, glossy lips.
“So, what do you do for work?” She asked him.
“I’m a Naval Aviator.”
“Nice! Im a jet mechanic. Pretty boring when placed next to yours.” She laughed.
“That’s perfect.” He mumbled as he stared at her dreamily.
“I’m sorry?” She looked up at him.
“I mean, that’s just as perfect as my job.” He corrected himself.
“Are you stationed here?” She asked.
Man she was a looker.
“Yeah. For the time being. I’ve got a little house not too far from here.”
“That’s nice, I live in Miramar.” She nodded.
“Me too. Do you have any family there?” He asked.
“No, i’ve got a couple friends that I call family but my family lives in a different state.” She explained.
“We’re on the same page.” He put two check marks in her ‘Yes’ box.
“I like your shirt, Bradley.” She reached out and ran a finger along a flower.
“You know some women don’t like it.” He laughed.
“I’m not some women.” She raised an eyebrow and smirked.
“Clearly.” He smiled.
“What’s your callsign?” She asked.
She’s perfect, “Rooster.”
“Rooster,” she repeated, “I’ve never heard that one before.”
“Got it after my Dad.”
“Your dad is an aviator too?”
“Was, but yeah.” He corrected her.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” She apologized.
“Don’t be, he was a hero.” He smiled at the memory of him.
“I like you, Bradley.” She smiled.
“I like you, Y/n.” He smiled back.
“How about I give you my number?” She grabbed her pink pen and scribbled on his sheet.
“I’d love that.” He watched her neat handwriting write her number down.
“It was nice meeting you, Rooster.” She smiled and held her hand out.
“It was amazing meeting you too. I’ll talk to you later.” He gazed at her and tripped over the leg of the table as he walked to the next girl.
“Hey, man, move it.” The next guy sat down in the seat as Y/n giggled at Bradley’s lovesick face.
He sat down at the next girl and sighed dreamily.
He was definitely texting her tonight.
He didn’t even pay attention to the next girl as he whipped his phone out.
Bradley: You were right.
Phoenix: I TOLD YOU SO!
Bradley: Want to be my best man?
Outfit: (Made by me)
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preppyproduct · 24 days
When Did Preppy Become a Trend?
Fashion trends come and go, but some styles endure, becoming more than just a fleeting fad. The preppy style is one such enduring trend, characterized by its clean-cut, Ivy League-inspired aesthetic. But when did preppy become a trend, and how has it evolved over the decades? To answer these questions, we need to take a closer look at the origins and significant milestones in the history of preppy fashion.
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The Origins of Preppy Style
The roots of preppy fashion can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, closely associated with the Ivy League universities in the Northeastern United States. This region became a hub for elite education, and with it, a distinct style emerged among students.
The Ivy League Influence
Ivy League schools such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton cultivated a unique culture, combining academic excellence with a penchant for sports and extracurricular activities. Students adopted a wardrobe that was both functional and stylish, characterized by items like blazers, polo shirts, sweaters, khakis, and loafers. This look was not just about fashion; it was a reflection of a lifestyle that valued tradition, discipline, and a sense of community.
The Rise of Sportswear
In the 1920s and 1930s, preppy style began to incorporate elements of sportswear. Tennis, sailing, and golf were popular among the Ivy League set, and their attire for these activities influenced mainstream fashion. The tennis sweater, for example, became a staple in the preppy wardrobe, symbolizing both athleticism and sophistication.
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Preppy Style in the Mid-20th Century
The 1950s and 1960s marked a significant period for the popularization of preppy fashion. During this time, the style transcended its Ivy League origins and gained traction across the United States.
The Birth of the "Preppy Handbook"
In 1980, "The Official Preppy Handbook" was published, a tongue-in-cheek guide to the preppy lifestyle. Authored by Lisa Birnbach, the book became a bestseller and brought preppy culture into the mainstream. It covered everything from fashion to etiquette, solidifying the preppy aesthetic as a recognizable and desirable trend.
Key Fashion Brands
Several fashion brands played pivotal roles in popularizing preppy style. Brands like Brooks Brothers, Ralph Lauren, and J. Press became synonymous with preppy fashion, offering high-quality clothing that epitomized the Ivy League look. These brands emphasized timeless designs, premium materials, and a commitment to craftsmanship, further cementing the preppy style as a symbol of sophistication.
The Evolution of Preppy Fashion
As with any trend, preppy fashion has evolved over the years, adapting to changing societal norms and fashion sensibilities. However, its core elements have remained consistent, ensuring its lasting appeal.
The 1980s and 1990s: Preppy Goes Mainstream
The 1980s saw an explosion of preppy fashion in popular culture. Films like "The Great Gatsby," "Dead Poets Society," and "Love Story" depicted characters embodying the preppy look, influencing a generation of fashion enthusiasts. The 1990s continued this trend, with television shows like "Saved by the Bell" and "Clueless" showcasing preppy styles.
The 2000s: A Modern Twist
In the 2000s, preppy fashion underwent a modern makeover. Designers began incorporating bolder colors, patterns, and updated silhouettes while staying true to the classic preppy elements. Brands like Tommy Hilfiger and Vineyard Vines brought a playful yet polished approach to preppy fashion, appealing to a new generation of preppy lovers.
The Resurgence of Preppy Fashion Today
In recent years, preppy fashion has experienced a resurgence, thanks in part to a renewed interest in nostalgia and vintage styles. Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok have also played a role in reviving preppy aesthetics, with influencers and fashion enthusiasts sharing their takes on the timeless trend.
Sustainable Preppy
Today's preppy fashion is also embracing sustainability. Many brands are prioritizing eco-friendly materials and ethical production practices, aligning with the values of modern consumers. This shift ensures that preppy fashion remains relevant and desirable in a world increasingly focused on sustainability.
Gender-Neutral Preppy
Another notable evolution is the move towards gender-neutral preppy fashion. Traditional preppy styles are being reimagined to be inclusive and versatile, allowing individuals of all genders to embrace the aesthetic. This inclusivity has broadened the appeal of preppy fashion, making it accessible to a wider audience.
Why Preppy Fashion Endures
The enduring popularity of preppy fashion can be attributed to several factors:
Timeless Appeal: Preppy fashion is built on classic, clean lines and versatile pieces that never go out of style. Its timeless appeal ensures that it remains relevant across generations.
Versatility: Preppy fashion effortlessly transitions from casual to formal settings, making it suitable for a variety of occasions. This versatility adds to its enduring charm.
Quality and Craftsmanship: Preppy fashion emphasizes high-quality materials and meticulous craftsmanship. This commitment to excellence resonates with consumers who value durability and elegance.
Cultural Icon: Preppy fashion is more than just clothing; it's a cultural icon that represents a lifestyle rooted in tradition, sophistication, and a sense of community.
Embrace the Preppy Trend
Whether you're a long-time preppy lover or new to the trend, there's no denying the allure of preppy fashion. Its rich history, evolution, and enduring appeal make it a style worth celebrating. So, why not embrace the preppy trend and add a touch of timeless sophistication to your wardrobe?
From classic blazers to crisp polo shirts, preppy fashion offers endless possibilities for creating polished and stylish looks. And with its resurgence in today's fashion landscape, there's no better time to dive into the world of preppy fashion.
Preppy fashion has come a long way since its Ivy League origins, evolving into a timeless and versatile trend that continues to capture the hearts of fashion enthusiasts worldwide. Its enduring appeal lies in its classic aesthetic, commitment to quality, and ability to adapt to changing times.
So, when did preppy become a trend? It all started in the hallowed halls of Ivy League universities and has since blossomed into a global fashion phenomenon. As we look to the future, one thing is certain: preppy fashion is here to stay, offering a perfect blend of tradition, sophistication, and contemporary flair.
Embrace the preppy trend and join the ranks of preppy lovers who appreciate the timeless elegance and enduring charm of this iconic style.
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mspirations · 1 year
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Beth Greene
"Still" - 4x12
"Alone" - 4x13
“Coda“ - 5x08
“What Happened and What's Going On” - 5x09
Nike Women’s Golf Victory Polo Shirt Dri-Fit White**
Free People Over The Rainbow Grey Ribbed Cardigan
Horizontal Leather Cross Bracelet
Dan Post Vintage Arrow Western Boots
Ralph Lauren Double Buckle Leather Belt in Brown
Blancho Backpack [Season In The Sun] Camping Backpack/ Outdoor Daypack/ School Backpack*
* I found it
** Altered
Thanks for identifying:
Walking Dead Fashion
Emily Kinney Style!
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frontporchconsign · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Ralph Laurent Polo Golf Mens Purple Pima Cotton Short Sleeve Golf Shirt Size L.
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foreverangelj · 10 minutes
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Polo Ralph Lauren Mens Golf Shirt Large Casual.
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showbizwhizz · 1 day
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Polo Ralph Lauren US Open Short Sleeve Golf Shirt Size Large Womens Athletic.
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ibwtonline · 9 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: RALPH LAUREN GOLF RUFFLE-TRIM SLEEVELESS SHIRT.
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robindavis · 13 days
Check out this listing I just found on Poshmark: Polo Ralph Lauren Golf Shirt Vtg 90s Green Red Blue Striped Rugby Collared Sz XL.
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girlsinpolos · 1 year
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nurtelo · 20 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Polo Ralph Lauren Golf Women’s Shirt Sz M Torrey Pines 121 Stripe Blue New.
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foreverangelj · 11 minutes
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Polo Ralph Lauren Golf Logo Shirt XL Classic Fit.
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showbizwhizz · 9 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Polo Golf Ralph Lauren Men’s Polo Shirt Size XXL NWT Atnletic Preppy Casual.
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hapofeat · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Ralph Lauren RLX Shirt Men Small Navy Blue Golf Polo Preppy Outdoors Casual.
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