#poor josuke bless his soul ))
Nobody Rejects You! (Josuke Higashikata X Yandere!Female!Reader)
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Please help this poor baby boy. He needs it. 
TW: Blood, Possessiveness, Drugging, Possible Death?
“Ah man,” Okuyasu looked at him sympathetically. “She rejected you, bro?” 
Josuke could only let out a bitter chuckle. Rejection was actually the biggest and most nuanced understatement. She specifically told him that she hated guys like him. It was a definite shock to the system, since all he was used to was affection and fawning from most of the girls but it was a first time for everything. 
Besides, he wasn’t going to hold it against her or anything even if it did sting. By a landslide. He was going to pout for a couple of days and then it would go back to normal. And also, he had Okuyasu and Koichi with him for supportive comfort. It was no skin off his nose at all. 
She didn’t show up for class after that day. The teacher explained that she had a prolonged illness, which seemed to be satisfactory for the time being. And yet, in Josuke’s mind, there was an alarm bell going off in his head. It was telling him to run from this place and just go back home so that he could be safe. Josuke gave a frown. What was there need to be scared of? It was just school, right? 
Later in the day, he realized he’d forgotten something in one of the school rooms in the upper floors. Cursing his bad luck, he climbed up the steps. The feeling as he approached just churned uneasily in his gut. Shaking his head to dispel all his worries, he opened the door to the room and got the item. That was when he just noticed the closet door opened ajar sinisterly. He frowned as he moved closer on seeing what it could be hiding. 
When he found out, his heart plummeted to his stomach. 
It was the girl that rejected him, bound and gagged in both her eyes and mouth. There were rivers of tears sliding down her face and she was weakly struggling. Josuke felt an ocean of guilt wash over him as he used Crazy Diamond. Why on Earth would somebody do this, to another human being no less? He untied both gags on the girl- Tamami-san- and she glared at him fearfully. 
“Easy, easy,” Josuke held out his hands to pacify her. “Who did this to you?” He looked around the room for any potential assailants. 
“I...I...I don’t need any help from someone like you!” She sniffed, looking away. 
Josuke had to raise an eyebrow. Was this one of Rohan’s distant relatives? Well, that explained the attitude. Shaking his head, his arm instinctively shot out as his eyes scanned for any potential Stand users on the prowl. Suddenly, he turned to see a cloaked figure standing menacingly on the windowsill of the school. With a swift kick, the glass of the window shattered. Josuke took most of the brunt while the girl cowered behind him. 
“Hey, you,” Josuke glared. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” 
“Punishing someone who deserves it.” 
Josuke’s eyes widened for he recognized the voice of this person. This was one of his classmates, [Y/N]. He always figured [Y/N] to be a shy, cute type of girl. At the look on [Y/N]’s face, he briefly wondered if this was a wrong assumption. For the girl behind him, he could hear a scoff. He turned around as Crazy Diamond’s summoned to stall [Y/N]. 
“You’re such a loser, [Y/N]. Why on Earth would you fall for Higashikata?” 
“...Shut up,” [Y/N] glared. “How dare you speak about him that way, you horrible witch!” 
In a moment, [Y/N] summoned her stand which looked like an octopus with large needles attached. Before Josuke could even react, one of the needles stuck into his neck. He winced in pain, scratching the wound. Suddenly, he felt dizzy, really dizzy. He stumbled back and fell to his knees. 
“Sorry, Higashikata-senpai,” [Y/N] gently caressed his cheek. “I know it feels real awful, but I promise you that it won’t feel as bad when you wake up.” 
Josuke’s vision was blurring really fast and he fell to the floor. He was trying but failing to keep his focus but everything was moving too fast. He felt his eyes just close involuntarily, fists clenched and shaking. And then, nothing. 
[Y/N] managed to get both students unconscious and on the floor. She threw the girl known as Tamami back into the closet, all bound and gagged. There was not a chance in Hell that she would be allowed to live, especially since she hurt poor Josuke like that. 
As for Josuke...
She smiled as she carried Josuke all the way to the nurse’s office. Bless him, he would probably never remember a thing about this. Heck, he’d probably forget in about three minutes or so when he woke up. She chuckled. Tamami was horribly wrong about Josuke. 
Josuke was sweet, kind, and handsome. He was a pure soul that touched her to her core. And she wasn’t about to give him to some prissy, bossy shrew like that horrible Tamami. Never, never, never! 
“Oh, Josuke-kun,” She whispered in the unconscious boy’s ear. “You are the one who can purify my tainted soul. I am never giving you up for anyone. Never.”
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solar-pxwered · 3 years
The Bizarre Games Take 2
Another JoJo Hunger Games Simulation highlight reel below the cut! Who will win? Place your bets!
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Off to a winning start there, Dio.
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Bless, Koichi, you softie.
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Poor guy, he didn’t stand a chance...
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Jotaro, nooooooo!!
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Damn, Narancia ain’t playin’.
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Talk about “Steel Ball Run”.
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RIP, No one will miss Kira.
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Such a nice, wholesome night...
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Narancia’s kill count increases.
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The day the goodness died.
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Everyone WAS being merciful until Narancia came along.
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Avdol couldn’t handle his guilt over drowning Josuke...
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You two need to stop.
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RIP, you quitters!
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Watch out, Caesar, you might be next on his list.
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Koichi, you can’t win by being nice!!
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It was the orange, wasn’t it?
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Wamuu does not thing orange bombs are honorable...so he took revenge.
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All three of my muses in one shot.
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LOTS of tree branch stabbing...and Narancia’s murder spree ends.
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But....isn’t this technically a success?
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Farewell, pure souls.
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Oh, come on, Polnareff!!
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Two powerhouses done and gone.
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And with that...
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