anonknows · 6 years
Potatofruit floof: The fluffquel
(A little fluff is good for the soul)
Kiwi and Potato were going for a record. Well, not an official world record or anything like that. It was more of a record among the family. Longest time a couple can go without cuddling. It was a competition at first with Nutella and Lynx, Medi and Anon, and Potato and Kiwi. Medi and Anon lost pretty quickly, they didn't even last a day. It came down to Nutellynx and Potatofruit, but Nutellynx lost after nearly a week. Kiwi and Potato decided, rather than celebrate their victory, they would try keeping it up to see how long they really could go. It had been three weeks and both felt like they were going to lose it. Potato and Kiwi were the most intimate couple among their friends, they thrived on cuddles, and here they were trying to resist the urge to hug the living heck out of each other. It was made worse when Anon broke the air conditioner somehow, and the house was in a permanent state of freezing. Warm hugs or cuddles sounded really great right about now. Potato was curled up on the couch and clinging to a couch pillow. Kiwi plopped down next to her, both kinda just staring at each other in an awkward silence.
"OH MY GOD I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Potato tackled Kiwi, wrapping her arms around her in a tight hug. Kiwi chuckled and managed to worm her arms out of Potato's vice grip, using them to hug Potato back in return.
"How many days was that anyways?" Kiwi asked.
"You weren't counting?"
"What? No! I thought you were!"
"I thought you were!" Potato gasped. Both had looks of horrified realization on their faces.
"We did that for nothing..." Kiwi mumbled.
"Well... Think of it like this, because we waited so long, this is probably the best hug we've ever had," Potato giggled.
"Every hug we share is the best hug," Kiwi smiled. Potato cooed and laid down, her head resting in Kiwi's lap.
"I missed this," Potato sighed happily.
"Me too," Kiwi leaned down and gave Potato a small kiss on the forehead.
"You do know we're never doing that again right?" Potato asked.
"I know and I fully agree," Kiwi nodded.
(they just keep getting shorter ;-;)
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anonknows · 7 years
Potatofruit fluff
(for a friend :3)
The thunder roared outside, accompanying the pounding rain. Kiwi sighed as she stared out the window. The rain had been going for at least an hour now, and it hadn't slowed down once since it started.
"Hey!" Someone greeted from the doorway. Kiwi turned to see her, as of recently, wife.
"Hey Potato," Kiwi smiled slightly. Potato walked over to her and placed a small kiss on Kiwi's forehead.
"Watching the rain?" Potato asked.
"Yeah, that lightning is started to make me a bit nervous, it seems to be getting closer each time," Kiwi sighed. As if to prove her point further, lightning struck right in front of the window, lighting up the room and making the house rumble. The light's flickered until finally they shut off.
"Oh, well there went the power," Potato chuckled.
"Ugh, guess we're stuck in the dark for a bit," Kiwi replied, frowning slightly. Potato grinned and grabbed Kiwi's wrist, pulling her up out of her chair.
"This is perfect!" Potato giggled.
"What?" Kiwi asked, thoroughly confused.
"So I actually wanted to show you something, and this just makes the whole thing a lot cooler!" Potato exclaimed.
"So are you going to show me or...?"
"Oh! Yeah! We should probably grab a flashlight or two first though,"
"Good idea," Kiwi nodded, reaching into her desk.
"Wait do you already have flashlights in here?" Potato asked.
"Yeah, I put them in here for this exact kind of situation," Kiwi explained.
"...This is the first time the power has gone out," Potato chuckled.
"It never hurts to be too careful,"
"Yeah yeah, now c'mon, it's in the living room," Potato smiled, taking one of the flashlights from Kiwi and clicking it on as she led her to the living room.
"Are you going to tell me what it is?" Kiwi asked.
"I could, but where's the fun in that?" Potato laughed. Kiwi simply rolled her eyes and trudged on, clicking her own flashlight on. She smiled while watching her wife happily lead her. Finally her wife shined her flashlight around, indicating that they had made it to the living room in one piece.
"What am I looking at?" Kiwi asked. The couch cushions were taken off the couch and stacked around, blankets draped over them.
"It's a pillow fort!" Potato exclaimed, an excited look on her face.
"Okay but... Why?"
"Why not?!" Potato squeaked, diving into the "fort" she had made. Kiwi walked a bit closer to the fort, shining the light over it, and being admittedly impressed at the time that seemed to be put into it.
"Not gonna lie, it is pretty impressive," Kiwi chuckled.
"Isn't it?! Now get in here!" Potato chuckled as she grabbed Kiwi's legs and pulled her into the fort with her.
"GAH!" Kiwi shouted, not expecting to be pulled in. Potato wrapped her arms around Kiwi and cuddled up to her, cooing slightly. Kiwi chuckled and wrapped her arms around Potato in return, kissing her forehead and pulling her closer.
"And if you're wondering, yes, this was just ploy to get you to cuddle with me," Potato admitted.
"If you wanted cuddles, you could've just asked," Kiwi rolled her eyes and focused on keeping her wife in her arms, refusing to let her go. They sat here for awhile, enjoying each other's warmth and I listening to each other's quiet and content breathing. They both smiled sweetly, feeling at home in each other's arms.
"I love you," Potato cooed.
"I love you too," Kiwi replied. Not even a second after those words left her mouth, the lights outside their fort flickered back on.
"Huh, well that was a short power outage... Crap does this mean we have to take down the fort?" Potato pouted.
"Nah, it won't hurt us to stay a bit longer," Kiwi sighed, pulling Potato even closer than before.
"Pfft Kiwi, any closer and we'll fuse," Potato laughed.
"Fine by me," Kiwi hummed, propping her head up on top of Potato's. They nearly dozed off, but wanted to stay awake, wanted to bask in each other's warmth for just a bit longer.
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anonknows · 6 years
PotatoFruit Fluff
(A little fluff for some cheering up)
“Uggggh” Potato groaned. She had gotten some weird cold and was now sick as heck. She curled up under sheets. Everything felt too hot and too cold all at the same time. She stirred a bit upon a light knock on her door.
“Can I come in?” Her wife asked from behind the door.
“Bleh, it’s open,” Potato sniffled. Kiwi slowly opened the door, trying not make too much noise.
“Hey, feeling any better?” She asked
“Nope,” Potato sighed, poking her head out of the covers. She seemed pale, her eyes watery.
“Aw, sorry love,” Kiwi frowned, walking over to her wife’s side.
“You seem different, where is my wife and what have you done with her?” Potato chuckled weakly.
“You’re sick, I’m trying to be sensitive n’ shit, what the hell do you want from me?”
“Ah there’s my wife,” Potato smiled. Kiwi rolled her eyes and kissed the top of Potato’s head. Normally when anyone was sick, Kiwi would try quarantining them from everyone else. Potato however? She was a different story. She didn’t care if she got herself sick!
“Do you need anything? I brought you some water and some pain medication,” Kiwi explained, pulling some pills out of her pocket a water bottle out of the other.
“Oh thanks, you didn’t have to, I don’t need anything else,” Potato carefully took the pills and the water bottle from the blond haired girl. She unscrewed the cap and downed the pills.
“Those should kick in a bit,” Kiwi nodded.
“Thanks again,” Potato sighed happily.
“You’re my wife, it’s no trouble, are you sure you don’t need anything else?” Kiwi asked again.
“Cuddles would be nice,” Potato laughed. Clearly she was joking, but Kiwi seemed to have a dead serious look on her face.
“Yes ma'am,” Kiwi exclaimed, climbing onto Potato’s bed and wrapping her arms around her.
“B-Babe! I was kidding! You’re going to get yourself sick!” Potato squeaked.
“Oh well,” Kiwi purred, pulling Potato closer to her chest. Huh… Not too cold and not too hot. Potato found herself finally drifting off to sleep.
“You always know just how to help,” Potato mumbled.
“It’s a gift, one that makes me awesome, not as awesome as you of course,” Kiwi smirked, kissing Potato’s cheek.
“Mmmmloveyou,” Potato snored as she drifted into a peaceful sleep.
“Love you too you little sickly Potato,” Kiwi sighed.
(sorry that was so short!)
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anonknows · 6 years
Potatofruit fluff for the soul
( :) )
“Kiwi?” Potato exclaimed, walking into her wife’s room. Hm… Maybe she didn’t come home? She must’ve been imagining things. Potato could’ve sworn she had seen her wife come home from the store, but maybe she was just seeing things? Before she could leave, she heard a quiet squeaking noise coming from a cage in the corner of Kiwi’s room. Potato walked over to it and smiled. Kiwi’s guinea pig. She seemed to just be loafing around. Potato carefully opened the cage, and gently lifted the gray guinea pigger out of the cage. She expected Kiwi’s guinea pig to squirm out of her grasp or try to jump out of her arms, but nope, she continued loafing. Potato chuckled and sat down on Kiwi’s bed, gently petting the pigger’s soft gray fur. “Hey there,” Potato smiled. Kiwi’s guinea pig let out an even louder squeak, almost as if responding to Potato’s greeting. Potato shifted into a laying down position, propping the guinea pig on her stomach. Kiwi’s pigger seemed to be falling asleep. “Really? How the heck are you tired? As far as I know you’ve just loafed around all day,” Potato giggled, yawning a little. “Hm, a nap does sound really nice though,” Potato yawned again, drifting off to sleep without realizing it. She never shifted however, leaving the, now also sleeping, guinea pig on her stomach. The room was quiet and peaceful, the only thing that broke the silence was the creak of the door. Kiwi walked in, expecting to come home to a practically empty room, but was surprised to see her wife and guinea pig sleeping on her bed. Kiwi chuckled and set her stuff down, walking over to two of her great loves and gently plopping down on the bed. “Hm?” Potato groaned, waking up a little.
“Hey love, you aren’t cheating on me with the pigger are you?” Kiwi grinned.
“Hm… I dunno, the guinea pig is pretty tempting,” Potato smiled softly.
“You’re darn right she is,” Kiwi joked, laying down and pulling Potato closer to her chest, being mindful of her pigger.
“Baaaaabe cuddle with your guinea pig instead,” Potato pouted.
“Your hair is fluffier,” Kiwi shrugged.
“Yeah yeah whatever,”
“And you’re more cuddly,”
“I get it, you got your point across,”
“Not to mention how adorable you are,” Kiwi showered the brunette with compliment after compliment, giving her small forehead kisses every now and then
“Well I think you’re warmer,” Potato practically purred. Kiwi smirked and cuddled up closer to her wife. Kiwi’s guinea pig hopped off of Potato and managed to squeeze in between Kiwi and Potato, relishing in their combined warmth.
“Think we made her jealous,” Kiwi chuckled. Potato simply giggled along. They laid there for awhile, smiling and giving each other a few small kisses until they fell asleep in each other’s arms, a small ball of fluff squished between them.
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anonknows · 6 years
Potatofruit fluff ×3
Potato sighed happily as she cuddled up to her wife. Her and Kiwi had fallen asleep together on the couch during one of their "cuddle sessions," only for Potato to wake up earlier than Kiwi. Rather than wake her up though, Potato decided to just stay still and enjoy her wife's warmth. Kiwi seemed much more peaceful when she was asleep compared to when she was awake. It was something only Potato really ever knew about Kiwi. She looked up at her wife's face, frowning a little upon seeing an unhappy look on Kiwi's face. Bad dream probably. Potato always knew how to get a smile from the blonde girl, but she had never tried getting her to smile while sleeping. Hm... Oh! Wait! Potato smirked as she thought of something. She remembered a small little fact she had learned about her wife during some uh... "Fun" they were having while stuck in a closet at a party recently. Turns out the taller girl was ticklish in one particular spot. Her thighs, er well her inner thighs to be precise. Perhaps that would get a smile out of her. Potato had an evil grin on her face as she slowly slid her arm down Kiwi's leg, carefully tickling her thigh. This seemed to cause Kiwi to shift in an attempt to get the unknown "attacker" to cut it out. This however just exposed her inner thigh to the brunette laying next to her. Potato moved her hand to Kiwi's inner thigh, beginning her tickle assault. Kiwi's eyes shot open, immediately clasping her hands over her mouth to keep any noise from making it's way out. After a bit, the situation finally made itself clear. Kiwi reached down in a poor attempt to smack Potato's hand away.
"I'm not stopping until you smile~!" Potato declared. Kiwi let out a small growl, freezing upon realizing it sounded more like a giggle.
"C-Cut it out!" Kiwi exclaimed, the corners of her lips threatening to curl ever so slightly, but nope! She refused to give Potato the satisfaction!
"Come on love! Just a little smile for me?" Potato smiled. Worried that she'd accidentally laugh if she opened her mouth, Kiwi just furiously shook her head. Potato reached her other hand around to begin tickling Kiwi's other thigh, finally breaking through the taller girl's resolve.
"HAHAHAHAHA!" Kiwi laughed loudly, holding in her laughter at this point just seemed useless. This was her wife she was talking about, so she wouldn't have given up any time soon. Kiwi was expecting her wife to stop the moment she had let out even the slightest bit of laughter, but to her surprise, Potato just kept on going! Kiwi was wheezing at this point, a wide smile appearing on her face.
"See? You look so pretty when you smile!" Potato giggled. She didn't want to see her wife stop smiling just yet, so a few extra tickles wouldn't hurt right? Kiwi began kicking her legs like a toddler. If this were any other situation, Kiwi probably could've fought Potato off, but she was just so damn ticklish, it was hard to even do any basic movement.
"Okay! Okay! You win!" Kiwi squealed. Potato finally ceased her tickling, laughing quietly to herself as she watched a relieved look wash over Kiwi's face.
"Hehe," Potato chuckled.
"Happy now?" Kiwi asked.
"Immensely," Potato shrugged, a smug look on her own face.
"Yeah yeah, now get off of me would you?" Kiwi sighed. Potato hadn't even realized she had transitioned to pretty much sitting on top of Kiwi.
"Hm... How bout no? In fact, while I have you here what if I top for once-" Potato was interrupted by a soft pillow getting shoved in her face.
"Ha you wish," Kiwi smirked. Potato rolled her eyes and layed back down, this time on top of Kiwi.
"No, but I bet you do,"
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anonknows · 6 years
Aaaaand More Potatofruit Fluff!
(This time it’s to cheer a friend up
Potato sat on the couch, humming quietly to herself and sketching in a random notebook she had found under her bed. She didn’t remember putting the thing there, but there seemed to be blank pages so… Why not? She wasn’t sketching anything specific, just a few small things here and there on the page. She suddenly felt the couch cushions shift, and someone leaned their head against her shoulder.
“Hi love,” Kiwi smiled. Potato giggled. Kiwi was clearly tired, which meant she probably wanted cuddles or kisses, but nope, she wasn’t getting them that easily.
“Hey Kiwi,” Potato smiled back, not taking her eyes off of her sketches.
“Where did you get that notebook from?” Kiwi asked, her tired eyes shifting to the book her wife had been holding.
“Found it under my bed,” Potato replied.
“Ooh are there any filled pages?” Kiwi asked. Potato paused for a moment. It had never occured to her that there could’ve already been drawings in the notebook to begin with. She had just opened it up to a blank page and assumed they were all blank.
“Huh…” Potato mumbled. She flipped through the various pages, getting to the first page and freezing. This was her childhood drawing book.
“Wait is that a Kiwi with legs?!” Kiwi gasped.
“Yeah, I had a stuffed animal like that a long time ago, meant to be huh?” Potato chuckled, silently wondering where that plushie had went after all these years.
“Flip the page!” Kiwi exclaimed, seemingly filled with new energy. Potato did as she was told and blushed slightly. There was a messy drawing in crayon on the second page. It was a bit hard to tell, but it seemed to be one of those cliché ‘my family’ sketches.
“I don’t remember drawing any of these to be honest,” Potato sighed.
“They’re almost as cute as the person who drew them,” Kiwi smirked.
“You’re not getting cuddles or kisses out of me that easily,”
“Aw but whhhhy?”
“Hm… Fine, you get one kiss but that’s it,” Potato gave in, placing a kiss on her wife’s forehead. Kiwi went limp on Potato, making sounds of protest.
“Come ooooon,” Kiwi whined.
“You’re not normally this whiny,” Potato rolled her eyes.
“I’m not normally this tired,” Kiwi explained.
“Fine, one more,” Potato gave Kiwi yet another kiss, this time on the cheek. Kiwi smiled and laid down across Potato, resting her head in her lap, and looking up at her.
“Ravish me~!” Kiwi giggled and winked.
“Yeah none of that,” Potato grinned, lightly kissing Kiwi’s nose.
“Fair enough,” Kiwi sighed, leaning up and quickly stealing a kiss from the brunette.
“Hey!” Potato laughed, bending down and stealing a quick kiss from Kiwi in return.
“Thought you weren’t gonna give in so easily,” Kiwi smirked.
“I’m not giving in, simply making us even,” Potato replied.
“In that case, this is going to be a long night,” Kiwi chuckled. As promised, it was a long night… Or at least it would have been if Kiwi hadn’t fallen asleep on Potato’s lap exactly five minutes after making the bold statement. Potato shrugged and made herself comfortable, staring happily at her loving wife’s sleeping face, completely forgetting about the notebook Kiwi had just accidentally knocked onto the floor.
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