#pov youre bleeding out as youre being admitted into the er
evan4ever · 2 years
Vegas, baby
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Part 9 — part 8 here
Warnings: pregnancy/delivery, NICU, post op, talk of internal bleeding/c section
a/n: please comment/let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list!
Evan’s POV
As soon as they had entered the ER doors and y/n was placed in a bed and wheeled away, Evan was directed to a waiting area reassured that someone would come to him with an update soon. He did as he was told, sitting down on a chair against a wall where he sat and thought about what was going on. He hadn’t even had a full 24 hours with you before this happened. You hadn’t even had time to really settle in before things decided to go wrong. How so fast?
His mind wandered through every possibility. He didn’t know much about pregnancy but he knew complications happened. He thought about the stories he read of mother dying during birth. Then he thought about the stories he read about a child being born still. Both thoughts were enough to bring him to tears.
He understood he didn’t know you well and that you both had a long way to go so you could coparent healthily, but he cared about you. It shattered him into pieces to think that anything might take you away from him and your guys’ baby.
And he couldn’t even put into words what thinking about losing his child made him feel. It was a pain like no other.
How could this be happening? Why now? Your pregnancy had been so smooth the last almost 9 months and a day after you move in with him, complications happen? Did he make the wrong choice to suggest you move to him? Was it the flight or the packing and lugging items around? Was it too much on your frail, pregnant body?
He couldn’t help but blame himself.
“Mr. Peters?” Evan’s head snapped up at the sound of his last name. He saw a man in a white coat with dark blue scrubs on standing before him looking between him and the few others in the hallway waiting room, quickly wiping the stray tears and standing to his feet.
“That’s me.” The doctor pressed his lips into a tight smile and nodded his head to follow him, which Evan obliged quickly, desperate for answers.
“Is she alright? Is our baby okay?” He flooded the man with questions before the man stopped after rounding a corner so they were away from eyes and other ears. Evan blinked a few times with furrowed, confused eyebrows while watching the man intensely.
“Mr. Peters-“
“Evan.” He corrected the doctor.
“Evan.” the man nodded, “Evan y/n has suffered from what is called a placental abruption.”
Evan quickly shook his head indicating he wasn’t quite sure what that was, needing more information.
“The cause can be unknown and in this case, we don’t have a positive answer. Many reasons include you know, car accidents or falls, but there’s no reason to believe either happened. Can you confirm?”
“She hasn’t fell or been in any accident. She never mentioned before having one.” He admitted, wondering if you may have before you both got together for the first time in all those months. “Are they okay, sir?”
The doctor only gazed at Evan with an apologetic look causing Evan’s heartbeat to speed up. “She’s been in surgery for some time now. Your child was removed via C-section and is recovering from what’s known as a traumatic birth in the NICU. He’s healthy, Mr. Peters. Your son will be just fine. With the placental abruption comes lack of nutrients and oxygen and in this case it was 2 days of not receiving the essentials he needed from the placenta. But he is okay and will recover quick.”
Evan let out a relieved sigh, his eyes closing as he nods to the doctor appreciatively. However, he realizes that the doctor wasn’t giving him the bad news first.
“And y/n?” His eyes pleaded with worry.
“She has some stray bleeding that we are trying to locate. She’s still under and being operated on. I will come with another update as soon as I get one.” He rested his hand on Evan’s shoulder sincerely as Evan’s head spun over the fact that you had unknown internal bleeding. He was smart enough to know the severity of it and he couldn’t bring himself to ask anymore questions, simply nodding to the doctor who have his shoulder a squeeze before turning to walk back.
“Wait” Evan took a big step to catch up to the doctor, stopping him. “Can I see our son? Am I able to see him?”
The doctor sighed and stood silent for a minute before turning to a nurse standing at the desk and whispering something in her ear. Evan only watched with hope.
“Come with me sir.” The nurse gave Evan a friendly smile motioning him with her hand to follow. Evan looked at the doctor who nodded approvingly and Evan wasted no time in turning to follow the woman down the hallway.
Moments later, Evan was gowned up in the NICU wear and letting the woman show him to his child. His eyes immediately landed on the small child in a NICU crib, and there was no doubt in his mind that that was his baby. And sure enough, she stopped them at his station and turned to him with a smile. Evan glanced at her with a wide smile and bright eyes before looking back down at the baby. They had him in a cute hat and a simple onesie in which allowed the cords to be attached to him comfortably. He was sleeping so peacefully that Evan almost didn’t want to disturb him, but so badly yearned to hold his child.
“You can pick him up,” she encouraged, her own eyes filled with the happiness in seeing Evan in awe, “he’s your baby, Mr. Peters.”
He glanced at her again very quick before looking back at the small being and walking closer, carefully scooping the fragile boy up into his arms. He didn’t even care about the tears that welded in his eyes while he gazed down at his boy, taking in his every small feature. His lips pursed so perfectly, his small hands, his closed eyes and the dark hair that could be seen just barely underneath the hat. He was perfect.
Evan blinked to allow the tears to fall before raising the baby up to his face, feeling his soft skin against his own. It was like electricity through his body, a feeling he’s never had before. This was his baby and it was the most amazing thing in this world.
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Evan stayed like this, holding and taking in everything he could about his child. All other thoughts disappeared, just focusing on being in this moment. It hurt to think he’d ever have to put him down, knowing that eventually he’d have to.
It was hours that passed, but only felt like minutes. He was still waiting on news about you, but trusted the doctors and nurses that were helping you to do their job. He knew he was waiting on an update, but didn’t realize the time that had passed without getting one. When finally pulled himself from his gaze on the small child’s face, he looked over at the clock on the wall behind him seeing the time. 3 hours had passed, and suddenly he grasped that it had, in fact, been hours.
He looked around in search of a NICU nurse and managed to wave her over while standing from his seat and laying the boy carefully back down into his crib, watching his only stir a moment before falling back into his comfortable sleep. He stared a moment more before feeling the nurses presence beside him.
“Did you need something sir?” She asked kindly while checking the baby’s monitors.
Evans eyebrows were pressed together tightly while he took a step back and tried to find the right words to ask about you.
“I.. yeah. My uh.. my child’s mother,” he motioned to the baby, “she’s been in surgery for awhile now. I’ve been waiting on an update but haven’t got one. Do you know anything?” He asked in high hopes but her face fell as she shook her head.
“I don’t, unfortunately. I can call someone to come give you an update. What’s her name?” She asked as she made her way back to the nurses station, Evan following closely behind.
“Y/n y/l/n”
She typed in each letter, the sound making his already nervously beating head beat harder as he waited in anticipation. She dialed a number and called and began talking to someone but Evan couldn’t quite make out what was being said. She thanked them a moment later and hung up, glancing at Evan.
“She’s in post op.” The nurse nodded. Evan sighed loudly as he knew that you were at least alive. “Her nurse will be here soon.”
Evan thanked the woman and slowly walked back to his child, peaking over the crib and smiling to himself seeing the boy still sleeping silently. Knowing he was well, he stepped outside of the NICU and paced around while waiting for a nurse, who showed up some minutes later.
“Mr. Peters?” He turned to face the new face and nodded. “Y/n is still under the anesthetic but should be coming to soon. You can follow me so you can wait for her, if you’d like?”
Evan only nodded and followed her back down the hallway he had been through before and turning down a new, much colder hallway. It was uncomfortably cold and made goosebumps rise on his arms. Soon, they turned into a corner room and his eyes instantly landed on your body laying on the bed. You were gowned up and had tubes coming from both IVs in either arm. It was a hard picture to look at, but he found himself approaching your still body, looking over your face that had oxygen tubes around it and your hair laying perfectly around your shoulders on the pillow. Your eyes were closed and the constant beeping of the heart monitor was heard loud and clear.
“She suffered from an internal tear, but after some deep searching, we found it and repaired it. She does need a few blood transfusions but, she should be just fine Mr. Peters.” Evan heard the nurse fill him in and nodded all while his eyes remained on you. This wasn’t how the birth was supposed to go and it made him hurt for you.
“Thank you” he said quietly to the nurse before taking a seat next to your bed, his hands finding yours and holding them tightly. He was insistent on being right there next to you when you woke up, wanting to be the one to assure you that your guys baby was okay and that you were okay too. He wanted you to hear it from him.
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This wasn’t something he was used to. He’d only been in a hospital a handful of times, mostly for himself an once for him mother and sister. It was odd and he didn’t like it, nor did he like seeing you in such a state. It made him physically sick to think about all that’s happened so quickly in such a short amount of time, and to think about how different and how bad it could’ve been.
Honestly, it made him uncomfortable. He was a good guy, but he didn’t know how to show emotion all that well or how to be deeply sincere. It felt weird and made him more nervous if that was possible. The feeling of complete vulnerability with someone was pretty rare but right now that’s all he felt. He was a new dad and his child and the mother of his child were in the hospital and it was uncomfortable for him. He hated it. But he vowed then and there to be sincere with you and to be there for you through all of this.
Basic POV
Another 45 or so minutes passed, Evan remaining by your side with your hands in his. He was patient of your waking but was desperate for it. He had laid his forehead against the side of the bed, his eyes closed while waiting.
Soon, he felt you stir a bit before your once limp hand took ahold of his. His head instantly lifted and looked at you, your eyes still closed but seeing your head moving from side to side as you finally came to. His eyes were fixed on your closed ones before you opened them, blinking a few times before meeting his. His were wide as he stared with his mouth agape waiting for the words that weren’t coming. You only looked between his eyes, your head spinning and your waist down noticeably numb. You finally groaned lightly as you readjusted yourself the best you could, your hand still gripped tightly between Evan’s. You glanced down at the contact and softened your confused face before looking back up at him. You took notice of his obvious concerned and worried face and quickly felt a sudden tug at your heart when you thought about your child.
“Where is he?” You whispered out as your eyebrows furrowed in your own feeling of concern.
“He’s okay” Evan stated quickly, hoping to calm you a bit, “he’s in the NICU being monitored. He was without nutrients and oxygen for awhile so they’re just observing him for awhile. He’s okay.” When he felt your hand relax in his and your body loosen up in the bed, he let out a small sigh and gazed up at you with a dorky smile. “He’s perfect.”
You could’ve cried at his words, a mixture of feeling like you failed him all while feeling a sense of relief wash over you. But you could only manage a weak smile while your eyes stayed glue to Evan’s.
“Can I see him?” You asked slightly louder this time but still just above a whisper. Evans eyebrows shot up as he stood from his seat nodding.
“Let me get a nurse” he looked around before exiting the room, your eyes watching the door waiting for him to return with a nurse. The minutes seemed to go by slow and you wondered what was going on or taking them so long, but your questions were answered moments later when you saw a crib belong wheeled into your room.
You say hi straight in the hospital bed, throwing the blankets off you eager to go to your baby but a nurse quickly held onto your arms preventing you from attempting to stand. You flared up at her with confusion and annoyance, only wanting to see your child.
“You can’t stand. You just had two major surgeries and you have a nerve block on your spine to help the pain. Lay back down, we’ll bring him to you okay?”
You sucked in a sharp breath realizing again that you can’t feel your legs and hugged silently as you allowed her to help you lay back in bed. She used to remote to sit the bed up so you could sit in a comfortable sitting position and sat the remote next to your for your convenience, but your eyes were only fixated on Evan who was now holding the small boy, Evan smiling down at him while making his way to you.
It was a picture perfect moment, seeing Evan so happy and the small figure of your baby in his arms. It was beautiful. And you could hardly wait to feel him for yourself, a moment later reaching out when Evan carefully extended him towards you. You bundled him up in the blanket more and as soon as your eyes meet his beautiful small face, your heart fluttered. He was ridiculously perfect, nothing you’ve ever seen before. You couldn’t believe the amount of love you suddenly felt now holding what you made and grew all these months. He was finally here.
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Evan came next to the bed, taking his previous sets in the chair. You allowed him to wrap one arm around you so he could be closer to you both, his head barely brushing against yours while you both gazed down at your perfect baby. You couldn’t help yourself, letting your head rest against his now and feeling him instantly rest his against yours. It was a comfortable feeling, one you never wanted to end. In this moment, you felt like you had a family, something you’ve never had before. It was everything you could ever want, and you simply couldn’t break yourself from the feeling to let the rational facts come back to play; that this was in fact going to end and soon, you and Evan would be co-parenting.
Tags: @demxnicprxncess @quicksilversg1rl @evanpetersfav @kylespencersvocalcords @evanpetersmood @totta69 @ava1262 @1109oo @laynna-mcknight @jjamesstar @yes-divine-ruler @littledreamybeth @bxbyalixo @mraes @prettywhenwedie
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compendiumhistoria · 5 years
❤️, 💐 , 🌼, and 👑 for merit and any other ocs you're feeling today?
I’m gonna go w/Zekiel because he’s been in my head a lot over this week~
❤️ What would your OC’s ideal lover be like? Appearance, personality, voice? Would their family approve or would it be civil war?
Merit: Oh, god. Tall(er than Merit), long hair, good humor, kind of a bastard bc they’re arrogant but not like hateful, could probably kill someone, that kinda vibe. Beyond that, Merit has no Strong preference regarding appearance, voice, etc. And with family... Stellaria would be wary and protective in that way mothers do so well, but whether it’d be full disapproved war depends on the individual Merit’s fallen for. 
Zekiel: Short, bright eyes, determined and independent, but a caring worrywart all the same, accented and formal tone of voice. Yúlia is who is being described, as the first and currently only lover Zekiel has wanted in his life for the rest of his life. I think his family would approve, if they could approve of Zekiel at all at this point. 
💐 Does your OC like flowers? What are their favourites? Do they keep a garden of some sort? What flowers would they use in a flower crown? (and if you like, research the meanings behind those flowers!)
Merit: yes!! Flower friends!!! Loves them. His favorites is definitely forget-me-not, with special mentions to vinca and bleeding heart. There wasn’t much of a specific garden back in the Thickets for him so much as the forest would gradually grow anything he or Stellaria or his aunts wanted. Merit also started a garden at the Guild Hall, but it has more usable flowers and herbs and vegetables for the members to use more than anything. What flowers Merit would use depends on who he’s making it for. For himself? A flower crown would be made of wishful blessings, of amaryllis, daffodil, white heather, and sweet pea.
Zekiel: Zekiel does like them, but in more fascination than Merit “I spawn flowers in my hair” Brightwood mentioned prior. Sure, there’s flowers he’s seen bloom in his travels growing up, but there’s different flora in the lands he’s traveled as a circus performer. Among his favorites are desert roses, marigolds, and wolfsbane. He wouldn’t make a flower crown, a delicate artful task left to better hands, but you could make one with amaryllis, delphinium, black-eyed susans, and gladiolus for him. 
🌼 Write a short drabble from your OCs POV meeting their LI (or if they don’t have a love interest, their best friend. If you don’t want to do a drabble, describe their first meeting instead!)
Merit: For sake of simplicity since Merit and Noah are ??? at best, let’s talk Merit and Reverence, #confirmed besties. Merit and Reverence, met in a barroom of a tavern in a city neither had ever been to before, more curious than believing in some stranger’s promise for a Wish of their’s to be granted. Merit and Reverence, pulled into various trials for that wish, by some jerk in a mask alongside Pen, Margrae, and many others that dwindled in numbers. Merit and Reverence, different sides of a similar coin of devotion to something higher than themselves, though they didn’t admit it in that first meeting.
Zekiel: (which gets a drabble)
He was big, was Yúlia’s first thought when he had entered her tent, a smaller one for her sideshow of card readings before the big nightly performances. He was big, and gruff, and maybe a Problem. Yúlia had had Problems before, the Wanderstar troupe had seen their share of distrusting townsfolk with proud enough voices to scorn. But they had been accepted here in Damerel before, and this one man was different from the town’s lot; he was too much and too little, too worn at seams and edges, too washed out, too half-hearted and half-dead in the eyes. 
A fellow traveler then, Yúlia decided as he sat down, smelling vaguely of alcohol. His pale hair half-covered his face, more than half counting the beard, what wasn’t covered was covered in freckles. The eye that did catch enough light for her to see was no mere human’s, solid blue and white, like the hottest burning flame. 
“Welcome to the Shadowed Oracle’s home.” Yúlia considered the rest of her speech, before realizing it might be lost on this one, “You wish to know your fortune then, big man?” 
He sat a few coins down on the table, “Tell me, Oracle,” he speaks, chords rough and low in disuse, his accent more foreign than her own to these lands, “what glory I can find before I die?” 
Yúlia watched carefully then, realizing he was too sharp as well, to be drunk. He didn’t actually have the coin to pay the toll, but curiosity is invaluable to Yúlia. 
“Let us ask the cards.” 
👑 If your OC was made royal (or is royal) how would they use their power? Are they a good leader or bad? Do their subjects like them or is it ‘off with their head’? Do they enjoy being royal?
Merit: ohh man, I’ve written something abt a Royal AU before and legally must mention dear Nava damnedtreasure’s fic of Faerie King!Merit at the mention, BUT if Merit was just like? Crowned? Lorded? Right now? He’d try his best to be good, but it’d. be shaky, he’d be shaky, and he’d have to reign in faerie reasoning or else perhaps have a nation divided because his snap judgments (unless he’s crowned in the faewilds, in which case he needs to get even better at that) He may enjoy being lavish, but legal trappings would be the worst. 
Zekiel: If you could convince him round to agreeing to such a thing at all, he’d be a very just, utilitarian sort of ruler. He’s got the kind of certainty and eye for what works and doesn’t you may want in a leader, and he’s not unkind. He’s not very polite either, so I mean, courtly feathers could get ruffled if they expected something else from him, but he still gets the job done. 
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petals42 · 7 years
I wish you would write an outsider POV Sterek, maybe from their neighbor's POV?
This is embarrassing.
Holy, fuckmuffins, this is embarrassing. She should not do this. She should turn around and go back home. She should just be at home. Forever. She can order groceries from Amazon and socialize with people over the internet and she thinks she could be very happy to just live at home. It would be fun. 
Also, she would be alive. Because she is not sure she will be after all is said and done. 
She gets to their door and then seriously considers just turning around. It would make her a fundamentally bad person but she could be okay with that. 
No she can’t.
She takes a deep breath, wishes that Jenny wasn’t at her father’s this weekend because maybe a cute little four year old would help, and then knocks anyway. On her next door neighbor’s door. 
It had to be her next dooor neighbor. Someone who she will probably have to see again. 
And, of course, Murder Man opens it. He is already glaring at her.
He is going to kill her. 
“Hello?” he asks and she realizes she has just been standing there. Staring. Which, like fair, he is gorgeous but mostly she’s staring because it is just now occurring to her that she should have told someone where she is going before just coming over to share this bad news. 
“H-hi,” she says finally. “My name is Tammy and I live in number 406--right next door actually and I-I’m so sorry but I’ve just... I’ve just scratched your car.”
A normal person would have stopped there or said something about insurance and how they will pay for the damage but oh no, that’s not what Tammy does because of course she doesn’t. She just keeps going.
“You see my daughter, Jenny, is learning to ride a bike” (yes, that’s good bring in the daughter. You are a young, single mom. You don’t deserve to be murdered) “but I don’t know how to ride a bike because we’ll I grew up in a very hilly area and my mom’s friend actually broke her jaw riding a bike so my mom didn’t let me learn. I mean, not that I wanted to, if I’m being honest because like... the hills. But anyway, Jenny is learning and I can’t really teach her if I don’t know and so I was trying to teach myself but I lost control and I just. Crashed. Into your car. The nice one.”
She pauses to take a breath. Then barrels on. 
“And I’m really so, so sorry. Like... I cannot believe and I just-- I don’t have a car right now so I’m not sure how insurance works like... if I don’t have one to give you but I have renter’s insurance? Will that work or just- I can pay you back I mean- I don’t... I don’t know how much it is but I-I-I-”
She is suddenly very aware she cannot breath. 
“Ma’am!” Hot Murder Man is saying. “Tammy!”
Oh my god, he is yelling at her. 
“Sorry,” she tries again. “I am s-s-so sorr-”
She doesn’t know what that means but then Murder Man’s Hot Boyfriend is standing there. 
“Shit, Derek!” Hot Boyfriend says. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t do--”
“Hush. Not now,” Hot Boyfriend (Stiles?) says. “Ma’am, I’m going to touch your shoulders now, okay? Because you’re having a panic attack and I used to have them and that helps me. Okay? Give me a little nod.”
She nods. She is-- she is--
“Alright,” Stiles is saying when she can focus again. Oh and his hands are on her shoulders. “Just focus on me for a second. We’re gonna breath in. Everything is okay. Whatever Derek did, I will yell at him for it. He is going to go make tea.”
“I didn’t do anyth--”
“He is going to go make tea,” Stiles repeats. Derek leaves. “Deep breath. Here we go.”
She opens her mouth to try to explain but can’t get quite enough air to manage the words but it doesn’t seem to matter. Stiles is still talking.
“I know he looks like he is going to murder everyone,” he says as she calms down. “But I promise he is a big softie underneath so don’t you worry. Deep breath, you’re doing great. Everything is okay. We are going to get through this. No problem. You live next door, right? I’ve seen you with your daughter. She is super cute.”
Tammy calms down enough that she is feeling a bit more stable.
“Alright then,” Stiles says. “Why don’t you come in and sit down. Derek is a monster but he makes a great tea.”
“I- I don’t-”
“Come on,” Stiles says. “We’ll get you cleaned up.”
“Cleaned up?” Tammy asks. 
“Ma’am,” Stiles says. “You are bleeding. On your chin and your knee and it looks like... yup, left palm too.”
Oh. Oh god, she is bleeding. In her panic about the car, she hadn’t even noticed.
“I crashed into your car,” she says as Stiles pulls her into their apartment. She’s not sure he’s really listened to her-- too busy waving at Derek in some form of silent communication. She ends up on their couch regardless. 
“I was trying to learn to ride a bike,” she says. “My daughter-- wants to know. But I- I crashed into your car.”
“Okay,” Stiles says. “No problem. We’ll get you cleaned up in no time.”
“No,” she says. “No, I mean, I left a dent. I- It’s a nice car!”
“I know,” Stiles says and he is rolling his eyes fondly in front of her. “I would say it’s a mid-life crisis but Derek has had it forever. So stupid, don’t you think?”
“My car is not stupid!” the voice comes from the bathroom and a moment later Derek emerges with a first aid kit. 
“It’s so stupid,” Stiles tells her. “I hope you totaled it.”
“N-no,” she says. “It just the right bumper but I--I don’t know if I can afford to fix it.”
She admits the last in a small voice. This is the worst moment of her life.
“I mean, not right away,” she clarifies. “I’ll pay you back. Obviously. Just... I might need some time so--”
“Oh my god,” Stiles says, waving away her concerns. “Don’t even worry about it. Derek will probably fix it himself anyway. Believe me, you did me a favor. He needs a project.”
She gets the sense that he is still being overly nice to her, that he is being gentle because she just had a panic attack at their door but Stiles starts cleaning out her wounds and honestly, he’s almost like a professional-- that’s how quickly he works.
“Does she need a hospital?” Derek comes out and he sounds... worried?
“No, no,” Stiles says. “Nothing deep enough for stitches.”
Confidence there too. Maybe he is an EMT. Or a doctor. At least Derek doesn’t bother asking again.
“We do have to clean out this chin though. Here, hold Derek’s hand. Squeeze it to help with the pain.”
She is about to say that that is certainly not necessary (she is 33 years old for goodness sake) but Derek grabs her hand and “Close your eyes” Stiles says and then she remembers hydrogen peroxide hurting a lot more but all she feels is a wetness and then a slight sting that fades quickly. 
“Cool, cool,” Stiles mutters to himself. “Let’s just do the palm right now too. Keep your eyes closed, it helps.” As a mother, she knows that is false but alright. 
After that he starts with bandaids and Derek leaves and comes back with tea and Stiles keeps up a calming string of chatter and she finds herself invited to dinner (Derek’s cooking, don’t worry, it’ll be good, hope you like steak) and she didn’t mean to relax or let them baby her into not paying but then Stiles asks a bunch of questions about Jenny and well, she is always willing to talk about Jenny so she is distracted and doesn’t notice when Derek leaves again, only to come back and tell her that he can fix his own car, no problem, and brings her bike in.
“So you gotta learn to ride a bike,” Stiles says as Derek places a plate of steak and salad in front of her. 
“Ugh, yes,” Tammy replies, groaning. She is not looking forward to it. “I mean, I don’t want to ride a bike ever again but she... it’s her latest thing.”
“I know how to ride a bike,” Derek says. “Er, I mean, if you wanted help. I taught my little sister.”
“Perfect,” Stiles says. “Are you free tomorrow morning?”
He is smiling and Derek is pouring her a glass of wine and she’s not sure how but she think she just made a pair of friends. 
“Uh, yeah,” she says. “Yeah, I am free.”
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