#ppl just dont fall for scams like they used to anymore
jnnmclm · 5 months
Hi! I, JOANNE MACALAM is speaking up towards the infamous notorious donation scammer LAURA DERAMAS.
I am a filipina based in USA. Ive known LD through a childhood friend of mine back home.
Never met her personally. Just like all of you here I too am scammed into some sort by her. As you can see, Laura has been using me as her bank account. Zelle, Venmo, Cash App and even Paypal.
Honestly, it didn’t cross my mind that this is all just her bullshit. Growing up in the Philippines, these things could possibly happen. I started to doubt her when my paypal account was charged with $1,800.00 that was sent by a guy. I informed her about the matter and she told me that it was a guy who scammed her of paying after she sent some “photos/videos” in exchange of money. LOL now up to this day I still owe Paypal $1,800.00. Stopped doing her favors, but she kept on messaging me all the damn time. Calling me even in the middle of my work. Even at night when am already sleeping. Pleading to please do her another favor. I tried calling paypal. There is nothing I can do, I now owe $ 1,800. This girl dont take NO for an answer.
I started giving her my cash app, venmo and zelle since I cannot use my paypal anymore just so she will stop. Always saying it will be the LAST TIME. But of course its not, there is just always something going on with her life. And I keep feeling sorry for her. I can’t give her money, I dont have those. I barely make it here in America plus sending money to my family in the Philippines, supporting my siblings with school. I have 7 sibs btw and my dad has already passed so its just me and my mama. Coming from a poor family, I sympathized for her thinking that there is nothing I can lose if I help her, I can’t help her monetarily so by me being her point of access to help here in USA to Philippines is okay. It won’t hurt nobody or so I thought.
Earlier this year, there was a network outage in my state, after it was back, I can no longer use my zelle. I did not suspect that my Zelle acc was reported by some of y’all. I was thinking it was the network outage. I tried to call my bank, zelle, network provider but I cant get no answer, they keep passing me to each other, I changed my number. Same thing. I can’t use zelle. And instead of dwelling about things that are beyond my control, I just let it go. I told Laura of what happened and that I can no longer help her through Zelle. Now you might wonder, why are you still helping her? Didn’t some of you keep helping her because she just have this fucking annoying tactics that will make you fall for it. The emojis urgh! The HUHUHU every end of a sentence. I am so done with it.
I kept ignoring her, muted her. Didn’t answer to her calls. Because now she is “borrowing” money from me. I dont have money to lend. Then I got a notification of a money transfer in one of my remaining account, checked my messages and then there was her telling me someone send money to me and apologized that she didn’t asked permission. What can I do at this point? Its not my money. When I opened the app and check, with an attached note from “Tmblr”, it poked my interest. Whats in tmblr? Why does people give her money this much? The other night, I created this account and searched for her name. I swear, my yawning was replaced with cold sweat, shaking hands and anxiety. The bitch has been scamming ppl! I saw Kyra45 post about her. I reached out. And I dig deep down to all these mess. Kyra45 informed me that my name, picture even my dog and my plant business in the Philippines was used in an account. I was livid, mortified and most of all, humiliated.
Tonight, what lead me to writing this is because I searched for my name in the search engine and I was dumbfounded. As a woman who is trying to make my life better, leaving my family to provide a better life? This is too much. My trust for this lady is broken, my image is broken. My identity was stolen. She made my brother dead, my family homeless and me going back and barely afford college.
I messaged her tonight, I informed her what I found out and how disappointed and disgusted I am to her doings, making profit out of our brothers and sisters in Palestine and Gaza. This behavior has a special spot in hell.
I apologize for all of you of what Laura Deramas has caused. Unfortunately, I cant make all your money come back. I will stopped my communication with her as I dont want to be a vessel of her scams. From the bottom of my heart, I am really sorry, I should’ve known better. May this be a lesson for all of us. Continue to be compassionate to others and keep spreading kindness.
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Xoxo, Joanne
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