#prepare your playlists also!! we're gonna need the tunes
screamingallium · 8 months
alright my bags are all packed, here's my list as a last check to make sure i didnt forget anything
i have:
- backpack for carrying small supplies and other thinks - a hat, extra hoodies and clothes - sunscreen, pain medication, melatonin gummies for those who cant go to sleep easily (mostly for the bus ride) - a sketchbook, pencils and erasers - my phone and a portable charger, as well as a pair of headphones just incase - water and snacks to keep out energy up - toothbrush and toothpaste, as well a container or two of floss - knife, mostly for cutting things if needed rather than as a weapon but that's also an option - attached to my bag is my mom and friends contacts in case something happens (highly likely)
and then i have some extra things so if anyone needs hygene products or an extra bag i have those too!! if theres anything i might be missing please tell me, i want to be as prepared as possible! >:]
oh and guys make sure you wear shoes that you're able to comfortably walk in but are protected from the elements. closed toe shoes or work boots of some kind are the best option!!
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