#prequel to Enterprising Engines 'Escape'
weirdowithaquill · 7 months
Traintober 2023: Day 29 - Out of Service
Oliver Wasn't the Only Engine in that Siding:
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Oliver the Great Western Engine is thankful for the second chance that Sodor has given him. Every day, he wakes up and says ‘good morning’ and ‘thank you’ to Douglas before starting his day’s duties. Douglas never really understood the custom.
“Ye dinnae need tae thank me ilka day,” Douglas said one morning. “I do though,” Oliver replied quietly. “It’s important to me… to everyone. You saved us when we had no one to turn to, and it’s because of you that I’m here today. That alone is worthy of my eternal gratitude.”
Douglas left it at that, and puffed away to start his day.
Once Douglas had rounded the bend out of sight, Oliver released a sigh he didn’t know he had been holding in. The Caledonian couldn’t possibly know.
There are two days that Oliver will never forget: the first is the day that Douglas rescued him from the Other Railway, but the second…
The second is the day he arrived in that scrapyard; two months prior. He’d been out of coal, unable to find even a single lump of the black fuel source. He’d been captured by a smirking diesel, who’d dragged him up to the Barrow Scrapyard and left him in a cold, damp siding with his coach Isabel and his brakevan Toad. The trio thought they were alone, until an old, scratchy voice broke the silence.
“Welcome to the ‘out of use’ siding,” wheezed the voice. Oliver looked back. Behind him was a row of old, rusty engines. They were not Great Westerns like him – they were ex-LMS stock. The one who had spoken was a grimy Fowler 4F, who was missing both his tender and his dome. He stood right behind Oliver, but ahead of six other engines. Two were Jinty tank engines, one was a Black 5, one was a Stanier 8F, one was an Ivatt 2MT tank engine – and the last was Pettigrew D5, from the Furness Railway.
The other engines didn’t say anything. They just sat there – silent hulks leaving growing shadows on the ground.
“Hello, little runaway,” smirked an oily diesel. Oliver looked up to see a large, grease-smeared Class 28 rumble up alongside him. “We caught you at last.” Oliver glared defiantly. The Great Western engine refused to give the diesel the pleasure of a reply.
“Heh, not a talker?” sneered the diesel. “No matter. We’ve got a little treat in store for you. You’re last on our siding, so I hope you enjoy what comes next.”
And with that, men left the works coach the Class 28 was pulling, and made their way over to the first of the Jintys.
Oliver couldn’t bear to look – but he was forced to listen. Listen to the hiss of the blowtorch, to the screech of 1000 degrees slicing through metal, to the screams of the engine as it was slowly; agonisingly carved up and turned into a pile of parts.
The Class 28 shunted the parts into the smelter’s shed.
Oliver wanted to cry, but the look on the diesel’s kept his eyes dry. The glee – the sheer, unadulterated glee – in that engine’s eyes was sickening. Oliver wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing his sick, twisted game was getting to the Western engine.
The scrapper’s had waited a week before returning, with that same smarmy diesel. This time, Oliver got to read the engine’s number off its cab.
Oliver noticed that the other Class 28s avoided this one. They looked at this diesel as if he was a monster. Oliver agreed with them. This diesel seemed to take enjoyment from the screams of his victims, listening in for the moment the screams dissolved into whimpers.
The torch worked its way through the engines in the siding. The Staniers and the other Jinty were gone by the end of the month, leaving Oliver with the D5, the Ivatt 2MT and the Fowler 4F. All four rarely spoke – especially not with the other diesels growling and sneering at them. All except the other Class 28s. The rest of that class seemed horrified at their siblings’ actions – and they were the only ones that came near them without bringing death.
D5703 rumbled up beside Oliver one evening, looking around fugitively. “Tonight, the Midnight Goods comes across from Sodor,” she hissed quietly. “We’re going to try and redirect their engine this way – but you need to grab their attention.” Oliver couldn’t find the steam to reply.
“We’ll try,” croaked the Fowler from behind Oliver. “Thank you.”
The night wore on, and the four engines, Isabel, and Toad all waited for signs of a Sodor engine puffing past. Instead, D5701 growled past, dragging D5703 behind as she hissed and hurled insults at her unfeeling sibling.
“Try and help those relics, huh?” he snarled. “Try and derail to bring those disgusting Nor-Westers this way? It’s such a shame that the company wants you gone, little sister.” Oliver watched with wide eyes as D5701 dragged their own sister into the smelting shed. There was the distinct hiss of smelting torches being fired up – and then a single, ear-piercing scream. D5701 growled out of the smelting shed, lip curled up in a snarl.
“And let that be a lesson!” he roared. “There is no escape!” The four steam engines said nothing, didn’t give the furious diesel the satisfaction of a victory.
The next day, the men came for the Ivatt, slicing the young engine up extra slowly.
That was when a second young Class 28 began to visit the trio. D5714 was an unassuming young girl - she wasn’t the youngest of her class, nor the oldest. She just was. She pulled her trains when her Crossley motor allowed her to, and she got her driver to play the radio for her when she couldn’t.
“What is the West like?” she asked Oliver one evening. “Well, it’s wonderful,” grinned Oliver. “Beautiful scenery – and all our coaches were painted chocolate and cream. But… the managers didn’t care about steam. Said we were too inefficient. They were… they were proud to claim their region was the first to… to… to abolish steam.” D5714 gasped. “That’s horrible! The same is happening to my class… they say we’re too expensive to keep running. We aren’t ‘revolutionary’ like the other diesels. Big brother 5702 said our best chance of survival was to learn from the steam engines, and use their wisdom to do better at work. Big brother 5701 wants us all to get into the… the scrapping business. He thinks if we do, we’ll survive on the scrap-merchant’s money. Big sister 5700 was scrapped though… and so was big sister 5703! I saw 5701 drag her off.” Oliver paused, realisation hitting him like a runaway freight train.
The Class 28s weren’t even ten yet. They’d been built in the late 50s! The young girl in front of her couldn’t have been older than eight years old. And here they were, being forced to debate the best way to survive. It was sickening – and it was all British Rail’s fault.
The D5 was the next to go. The poor old engine had been sat in that siding for ten years and had accepted his fate long ago. When the cutters came for him, he simply smiled at them. His voice had been lost during the last downpour, and the rust was creeping up his smokebox. He didn’t scream like the other engines – and Oliver could tell how much that infuriated D5701.
“Why was he so quiet? Are the torches not hot enough?” he demanded. The scrappers all shot the diesel dirty looks. “That engine was meant to have been cut up years ago,” one of them snapped. “You’ve kept him on this siding for nearly a decade, and that’s all you have to say?” Oliver felt sick to his boiler. That old engine had been sat out in the wind and snow and driving rain and baking sun for an entire decade. Longer than most of his replacements had even been alive.
And he could tell that D5714 thought her brother’s words were horrible too. “Don’t mind him,” muttered the Fowler softly. Oliver jumped. The 4F had been silent ever since D5703 had been scrapped. “I… beg your pardon?” “Don’t mind that bully,” the 4F said. “His type has always existed, and they always will. But you can’t let them win.” “How do you know?” asked Oliver. The 4F didn’t reply. Oliver had a sinking feeling that he didn’t want to know.
“The Midnight Goods is due in two weeks,” hummed D5714 the next evening. “I wonder if it’ll be that Scot again?” “Scot?” asked Oliver. “Yes – the last one was pulled by some engine with a Scottish accent. He spent a good few minutes hissing insults at 5701.” Oliver noticed that the young engine was no longer referring to her classmate as ‘big brother’.
That evening, D5701 came for the Fowler 4F. Unlike the others, he was dragged out of the siding.
“Well, old timer?” sneered D5701. “It’s your turn. How does it feel to be scrapped by the very people you once worked for?” “Like a cruel irony,” came the blunt reply. “And one I feel you too will come to know.” D5701 laughed – but his laugh was like shards of glass falling, the laugh of a maniac.
“Me?! Ever be shunted off into a siding like you? You outlived your usefulness as a scrapper’s engine, Fowl one, though that’s to be expected from such a relic.” “And what of you? Even as we speak, they are cutting up your class in the sidings of Carlisle. Five gone, and a sixth being withdrawn tomorrow. I do not envy you, if that is what you want me to say. I do not wish to be you, and I will not argue, or beg, or plead, or scream. There is no satisfaction in that. Not anymore.”
D5701’s engine roared at this, backfiring with a massive Bang! A fireball shot up, and he surged forwards, bumping the Fowler hard enough that the old engine went sailing into the smelting shed, joints creaking and groaning before suddenly giving way. The Fowler 4F’s axles shattered beneath him, and he toppled cab over wheels to one side, parts snapping off and smashing down all around the husk of an engine. D5701 smirked.
“You’ll be next, Western,” he said. With that, he rumbled off to deal with scrapping the remains of the Fowler 4F. D5714 sidled up next to Oliver.
“I have a plan,” she said quietly. “But I need you to have at least a little steam. Can your crew build a fire?” Oliver blinked. His crew was somewhere in Barrow – probably trying to find a way to speak to the Fat Controller across the bridge – but he hadn’t heard from them in well over a month. “If you can get them to me, we can probably get something started with all the overgrown weeds…” Oliver replied. D5714 smiled. “Good. When the steam engine arrives, I need you to get their attention, no matter what. Oh! Or if it’s D5702. He’s also a Sodor engine. If you can do that, I can distract everyone else.”
Oliver felt a smile slowly grow on his face. “Thank you,” he whispered. D5714 smiled. “It’s the right thing to do,” she replied. And then she was speeding away before her psychopathic brother could reappear.
Oliver’s crew were back the next day, tugging weeds out of the ground and laying them out in Oliver’s firebox to dry out. They took a floorboard or two from Toad as well. Even so, it was dangerous work. D5701 kept rumbling over to gloat, counting down the days with a manic grin that split his face in two, revealing a row of pearly white teeth. On any other engine, that smile would have been natural, reassuring – D5714 smiled like that sometimes, when Oliver told her about all his adventures back on his branchline – but on D5701, it just seemed sinister.
But he was nowhere to be found the day before the Midnight Goods was due to arrive, in spite of it being the day before he planned to scrap Oliver. D5714 was smirking when she pulled in.
“We’re in luck,” she said. “5701 is stuck at Carnforth due to some faulty points. It gives us an even better chance.” And with that, her driver pulled a sack out of the diesel’s cab and tossed it to Oliver’s driver. The driver opened the bag and gasped.
“Coal!” “It was the last in the bunkers on the branch,” D5714 said. “So use it wisely.” Oliver beamed. “I can’t thank you enough,” he said earnestly. “Is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all?” D5714 thought for a moment, then smiled shyly. “I would like… a name.”
Oliver stopped dead, stunned. “You don’t have a name?” “Not many diesels do,” D5714 replied quietly. “British Rail says it encourages deviant behaviour – but I heard that all steam engines have names!” “We do,” said Oliver proudly. “I’m Oliver… and you… what do you think of Eleanor?” “Like that American woman?” asked D5714. “The one who helped found the United Nations?” “Yes,” Oliver replied. “Eleanor Roosevelt. I met her when she came to Britian during the war. One of the most amazing people I’d ever spoken to. She wanted to help everyone… a lot like you.” “I… I like it.” “Then pleased to finally meet you, Eleanor.” Eleanor blushed, and was about to leave when the pair heard a disturbingly familiar horn echo through the yards.
“Quick! He’s coming back!” hissed Oliver. Eleanor sped away, and vanished just before D5701 finally returned. Oliver’s crew hid in Isabel, daring not to make a sound. “One night left, steam kettle,” sneered D5701. “I’m going to enjoy tomorrow.”
With that, he rumbled away.
Night fell. Oliver’s crew began building a small fire in Oliver’s firebox, having first checked his tanks had water. They were in luck. All was still in the yards.
Then, suddenly, the fire alarm rang out, just as a sharp, deep, Caledonian Railway whistle boomed in the distance. Oliver could see in the distance that the main sheds were on fire – and D5714’s plan was suddenly in motion.
Oliver could only hope that his crew had built enough of a fire to make steam.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Episode 1 Easter Eggs and References
This Star Trek: Discovery article contains spoilers for the Season 3 premiere.
You’d think that a new Star Trek series set centuries and centuries beyond any of the shows and movies wouldn’t have that many references to the series and films that came before, right? Well, Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 might be set in a brand new time period — the year 3188 to be precise — but the narrative is built atop the layered history of Trek’s future history super carefully. Showrunner Michelle Paradise and Alex Kurtzman have mentioned several times that 930 years from 2257 puts them well past the constraints of canon, and yet, the debut episode of Discovery Season 3, demonstrates a meticulous understanding of where this show came from, and a desire to keep everything about the larger story of Star Trek, as tightly knit as possible.
In other words, there were a lot more Easter eggs and references in the newest Discovery episode than you might think. Here’s every Easter egg and reference we caught in the first episode of Star Trek: Discovery Season 3, “That Hope Is You, Part 1.”
The saucer of a Federation starship
The first thing we see as Book flies his impressive starship in an attempt to outrun Cosmo, is the wrecked saucer section of what looks like a Starfleet ship. The dead giveaway is the letters “NCC.” Was this a Federation ship from the 31st century? The 30th? Even older? We don’t know, and we probably never will. Every wondered what “NCC” stands for? Well, it’s never actually been established in canon, but in the early days of The Original Series it was designed as an homage to American ships having an “NCC” as part of their registry and Russian vessels using “CCC.” Some apocryphal books claim “NCC” stands for “Naval Construction Class” or “Naval Construction Contract Number.” Basically, the idea that Starfleet still views itself as a kind of Navy would support this theory, but since it’s not actually a Navy, that also doesn’t make a lot of sense. 
Space-time anomaly detected 
Book’s onboard ship computer tells him that a “space-time anomaly” is detected. This anomaly is the wormhole created by Burnham and the time crystals from the Discovery Season 2 finale, “Such Sweet Sorrow Part 2.” 
Burnham lands in the year 3188, which is actually one year further than most fans guessed. Discovery jumped from the year 2257, which means we thought 930 years later would be 3187. But, as we learn later, Burnham also didn’t land on the planet Terralysium, even though that was her destination. Terraylsium was first seen in the Discovery Season 2 episode “New Eden.” Book tells Burnham the planet she ended up on is actually called Hima. Terralysium was in the Beta Quadrant. We have no idea where Hima is.
Burnham is happy there is life
You might wondering why Burnham is so happy that the computer says “Multiple life signs detected.” Well, the whole point to jumping in the future was that in all other scenarios, both Spock and Burnham’s mom, Gabrielle Burnham, saw a future in which an A.I. called Control had eradicated all sentient life in the galaxy. Clearly, that didn’t happen. Which means Burnham’s mission was successful. This is why later, she says, “I saved all the things.”
The last Red Signal is for Spock!
As the computer tells Burnham the wormhole is closing, she frantically sends an energy signal through the wormhole. This is the last of the seven red signals from Discovery Season 2. In “Such Sweet Sorrow Part 2,” Spock waited for four months to see the Red Signal, which was a message from Burnham that the crew had made it through the wormhole safely. Basically, this scene happens “at the same time” as the final scene onboard the Enterprise in the Season 2 finale.
“Delta shield”
As Burnham goes through her inventory she mentions her “emergency ration pack,” her “phaser,” and her “Delta shield.” The Delta shield is her Starfleet badge. Fans have referred to this symbol as a “Delta shield” for years, but it’s never been uttered on screen.
New opening credits
The Discovery opening credits have changed again! Here are the most significant changes 
The generic male-ish face now appears to be more female.
There is a line of Starfleet robots. Will they have a larger role to play later in the season?
In the first two seasons, the image of the Discovery-era phaser morphed into the TOS-era phaser. But now, it becomes a FUTURE PHASER.
Book’s ship is in the opening credits.
The new “future” Starfleet logo appears twice—nce by itself, and again, in the transporter. In season 2, a Section 31 badge appeared during this segment.
Michael busts out some Suus Mahna
While fighting Book, Burnham seems to employ at least a few moves from the Vulcan martial art known as Suus Mahna. This martial art originates in the prequel series Enterprise, but we first saw Burnham do it in “Context Is For Kings” in Season 1 of Discovery.  We also saw two Synths practice Suus Mahna in the Star Trek: Picard Season 1, episode 9, “Et Arcadia Ego Part 1.”
The nearest natural wormhole could be a DS9 reference
Book mentions that “the nearest natural wormhole is 100 lightyears from here.” This could reference the Bajorian wormhole from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. After all, there aren’t that many stable wormholes. That said, technically, the Bajorian wormhole isn’t “natural” since it was constructed by the Prophets, but from Book’s point of view, that might not matter. 
The Gorn destroyed subspace
Book says: “Wasn’t bad enough for you that the Gorn destroyed two lightyears of subspace?” This references two things at the same time. First, obviously, the Gorn, the lizard-race first seen in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode “Arena,” and subsequently referenced in nearly every new Trek series, including several references in Star Trek: Picard. But, the mention of the Gorn having destroyed subspace means that parts of the interstellar communication network have been obliterated. Subspace is how people get messages around the galaxy in Star Trek. If parts of subspace are destroyed, this could explain why, the Federation representative, Aditya Sahil (Adil Hussian) mentions that long-range sensors “failed, years ago.” 
Book references Scotty….and Tilly’s other best friend
When Book says he wants to “whip-up a dilithium recrystalizier,” he’s referencing the idea of dilithium crystals being reconstructed artificially. In Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Scotty does this to help get a stolen Klingon Bird-of-Prey home. And, in the Short Treks episode “Runaway,” Tilly meets Po, the Queen of Xahea, who also invents this technology. 
Benemite and Quantum Slipstream Drive
Book also wonders if there is some “Benemite lying around.” This references the Voyager episode “Timeless,” in which the crew tried to build a Quantum Slipstream Drive. Basically, if Book had a Quantum Slipstream Drive, he could get around a lot faster.
Tachyon Solar Sails
Book says “tachyon solar sails are slow as shit.” This references the DS9 episode “Explorers,” which sees Ben Sisko building an ancient ship that runs on tachyons solar sails. 
Don’t Even Get Me Started On Trilithium
Book completes his rant on different types of Star Trek propulsion and fuel by saying “don’t even get me started on trilithium.” This seems to be kind of a joke. In the TNG episode “Starship Mine,” Trilithium resin was kind of a waste byproduct of the warp engines that could be stolen and turned into a weapon. But in the film Generations, trilithium was something described as a “nuclear inhibitor,” meaning it could make stars implode. So, which is it? Both? Also a form of fuel for space propulsion? Don’t get Book started.
Orions and Andorians 
Burnham is shocked that the Orions and the Andorians are working together. The green-skinned  Orions originate in the very first (filmed) Star Trek episode ever, “The Cage,” though their culture was later fully explained in the Enterprise episode “Bound.” Orions have appeared in the Discovery era in the Season 1 finale, and also in the Short Treks episode “The Escape Artist.” The blue-skinned Andorians originate in the TOS episode “Journey To Babel.” Why is Burnham surprised the Andorians and the Orions are working together in some kind of official capacity? Well, the Andorians are founding members of the Federation. The Orions, meanwhile, were, at least in Burnham’s time, never part of the Federation.
Burnham is basically selling Star Trek collectables 
Book tells the Andorian that “there’s a real market for this stuff,” when he’s trying to sell Burnham’s tricorder. This seems like a wink to the idea that vintage props from TOS or TNG are worth a lot of money IRL. Basically, what Burnham has is a vintage Star Trek prop.
Portable Transporter!
Burnham is wowed by the personal transporters. In the TNG episode “Captain’s Holiday,” time-traveling aliens from the 27th century called Vorgons, appeared to have similar types of transporters.
Burnham says Tilly can’t do space drugs
While trying to get her to talk, Burnham is hit with some form of future narcotic that makes her a slap-happy. She says that the drug makes her talkative and then says “I have a friend with red hair, you cannot give her any.” This references Tilly, of course, but more specifically, the idea that Tilly did some space drugs in the Discovery Season 1 finale, “Will You Take My Hand?”
Aliens rebooted from TNG and DS9
The mercenary who is pursuing Book appears to be a Yridian. In TNG, these aliens were mostly thought of as “information brokers,” notably in the episodes “The Chase” and “Birthright Part 1.” Meanwhile, at least one alien who is in pursuit of Burnham and Book is very clearly a Lurian. The famous patron of Quark’s Bar in DS9 – Morn – was a Lurian. He’s the guy with the long face.
Book references the biggest plot arc from Star Trek: Enterprise
After Book and Burnham have a frank conversation about time travel, Book says: “All time travel technology was destroyed after the temporal wars. Outlawed.” The Temporal Wars references the Temporal Cold War in Enterprise, and probably, the outright Temporal War that happened at the end of Enterprise Season 3 and the beginning of Season 4 in the episodes “Storm Front Parts 1 and 2.” One fashion from the Temporal War Cold War came from the 31st Century, about a hundred years or so before 3188. 
Aditya Sahil references Spock
When Burnham meets Aditya Sahil, a Federation liaison in this time period, they have a serious chat about just how long it might take for the USS Discovery to actually show up. He says: “By the laws of temporal mechanics, they could arrive tomorrow…” And Burnham says: “Or in a thousand years.” This references a similar speech from Spock in the TOS episode “City on the Edge of Forever.” Like Burnham and the Discovery crew, Spock and Kirk are separated by time travel wonkiness. Spock says: “There is a theory. There could be some logic to the belief that time is fluid, like a river, with currents, eddies, backwash.” But later, Spock points out that “we can’t be too sure of our facts.” Even the earliest Star Trek time travel episodes dealt with people arriving at their temporal location at different times than people who were “right behind” them in the time portal.
Federation Flag 
The episode ends with Burnham and Sahil raising the flag of the United Federation of Planets. We already saw this flag in the trailers, but it’s worth noting that it does appear to have fewer stars on it than the flag from the era of TNG and Picard. Sahil tells Burnham he has been watching this post for 40 years, which seems to imply that this Federation flag is at least 40 years old, if not older. So, the question is, how accurate is the flag? Did the Federation start losing members before the Burn? Or is this flag pre-Burn?
At this point, we don’t know. But because Season 3 of Discovery is all about rediscovering the Federation, this flag might be the visual representation of not just the themes of the season, but the literal plot too.
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Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 airs new episodes on Thursdays on CBS All Access. 
The post Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Episode 1 Easter Eggs and References appeared first on Den of Geek.
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deals360-blog · 5 years
Amazon actually knows the significance of action movies as action scenes are always an important part of cinema since it hit the screen for the first time. Thanks to online streaming as now, you don’t have to go to movie theatres as you can have those movies on streaming services like Amazon Prime or Netflix. But sometimes, trying to look for a good action movie can become a challenge for many. Hence, we found some of the
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Here are 10 Best Amazon Prime Action Movies:
10. Indiana Jones and the temple of doom
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Release Year: 1984 Starring: Harrison Ford, Quan Ke Huy, Kate CapshawShort Description: It is an American action adventure movie which got mixed initial reviews for its violence. But, with span of time, it improved citing movie’s imagination. The production company is Lucasmovie Ltd. And was distributed by Paramount Pictures. Plot Summary: After an escape from the furious club in Shanghai (China), Indy crashes into the Indian wilds. In this adventure, he discovers a scheme which enslaves children of the remote village. At last, he must save the Remote village’s children and avoiding himself too of becoming a slave to this cult. iMDB Rating: 7.6/10 Click the link to Watch this movie on Amazon Prime: Watch on Amazon Prime
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Release Year: 2016 Starring: John Cho, Simon Pegg, Zoe Saldana, Zachary Quinto, Chris Pine Short Description: It is a space opera movie which is based on television series Star Trek. The movie was released in United States on July 22, 2016 by Paramount Pictures. The movie received good reviews with praise for its action sequences and visual effects. This makes this movie on ninth position in best action movies on Amazon Prime. Plot Summary: On rescue mission, Krall attacks an USS Enterprise crew which explores the space reaches. Now the crew must have to join the forces with Jaylah who is an alien warrior to stop the Krall and escape from it. iMDB Rating: 7.1/10 Click the link to Watch this movie on Amazon Prime: Watch on Amazon Prime
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Release Year: 2015Starring: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Ben Whishaw, Lea SeydouxShort Description: Spectre is a spy movie which is twenty-fourth in series of James Bond. It is fourth to feature Daniel Craig and final James Bond movie to be distributed by Columbia Pictures. It was movieed from December of 2014 in parts of Austria, Italy, United Kingdom, and Mexico. Spectre got mixed reviews and the theme song won an Academy and Golden Globe. For its overall performance, this fantastic thriller gets number eight spot in our top 10 amazon prime movies. Plot Summary: A cryptic from James Bond’s past send him to uncover a sinister organization. On one side, M fights with the political powers so that the secret service could be kept alive and on the other hand, Bond shows the real truth behind Spectre. iMDB Rating: 6.8/10Click the link to Watch this movie on Amazon Prime: Watch on Amazon Prime
7.The good the bad and the ugly
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Release Year: 1967Starring: Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, Antonio Casas, Lee Van CleefShort Description: This movie is an Italian Western movie based on a story By Vincenzoni as well as Leone. The movie was a financial success and is seen as most influential western movies of all time which makes this movie standing as seventh in best movies of Amazon prime. Plot Summary: Clint Eastwood is the invincible character of Man with No Name and was in pursuit of two hundred thousand dollars in Confederate money. iMDB Rating: 8.9/10Click the link to Watch this movie on Amazon Prime: Watch on Amazon Prime
6. Deadpool 2
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Release Year: 2018Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, Josh BrolinShort Description: Deadpool 2 is an American superhero movie which is based on Deadpool character of Marvel Comics and is the eleventh installment in movie series of X-men. The movie was released on May 18, 2018 in the United States and became ninth highest grossing movie of the year 2018. It got positive reviews on its humor and acting from the critics which makes it sixth in best Amazon Prime action movies. Plot Summary: Foul mouth mutant (Deadpool) makes up a team of same individuals of mutants to protect a boy who has supernatural powers from evil, time traveling cyborg. iMDB Rating: 7.8/10 Click the link to Watch this movie on Amazon Prime: Watch on Amazon Prime
5. The Matrix
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Release Year: 1999Starring: Keanu Reeves, Carrie Anne Moss, Laurence FishburneShort Description: It is a science fiction movie full of actions which is an example of cyberpunk subgenre. It is popular for visual effect called bullet time. The movie was well received and won 4 Academy Awards and was praised for its entertainment value. Plot Summary: A science fiction adventure about a human who believes that everyday world is product of digital matrix which is computer driven that is fed on humans. iMDB Rating: 8.7/10Click the link to Watch this movie on Amazon Prime: Watch on Amazon Prime
4. Terminator 2: The Judgement Day
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Release Year: 1991Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert Patrick, Linda HamiltonShort Description: Another science fiction movie which was released on July 3, 1991. The visual effects of the movie saw breakthrough in imaginary which was computer generated. It was commercial success and influenced use of visual effects in a movie. This makes this movie to position fourth in our list of best action movies on Amazon Prime. Plot Summary: A non human machine has dispatched a cyborg assassin from future into the past to kill a boy as the young boy would soon be the leader against the machines in the future. iMDB Rating: 8.5/10Click the link to Watch this movie on Amazon Prime: Watch on Amazon Prime
3. Mission Impossible 5: Rogue Nation
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Release Year: 2015 Starring:Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg, Jeremy Runner Short Description: This is an action spy movie which was released in USA by Paramount Pictures on July 31, 2015. It is action classic movie and whole movie consist full of actions. Due to its action plus scenes and positive reviews from critics, this movie is placed comfortable at third position among best action movies on Amazon Prime. Plot Summary: With a British agent, Ethan and his team join the forces. The agent may or may not be the member of the rogue nation, as the team faces a new force of highly skilled agents who are the Syndicates. iMDB Rating: 7.4/10 Click the link to Watch this movie on Amazon Prime: Watch on Amazon Prime
2. Indiana Jones & Raiders of the Lost Ark
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Release Year: 1981 Starring: Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Ronald Lacey, Paul Freeman Short Description: Raiders of the lost Ark is an American adventure action movie which was nominated for 8 Academy awards in the year 1982. The movie performed pretty well and began a franchise which includes a television series, prequel and a sequel. Hence, this movie sits at second position in the list of best amazon prime action movies. Plot Summary: Marion Raven wood who is an independent ex-flame accompanied by his feisty, embark on quest to locate the Ark known as Ark of the Covenant. Indy must able to find the Ark before the Nazis and along with this, face traps, snakes and survive the poison. iMDB Rating: 8.5/10 Click the link to Watch this movie on Amazon Prime: Watch on Amazon Prime
1. Iron Man
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Release Year: 2008 Starring: Robert Downey Jr, Jeff Bridges, Terrence Howard Short Description: Iron Man is a fictional superhero of American comic books which is published by Marvel. The movie was released in US on May 2 in the year 2008. It got positive response from the critics for its visual effects, acting and action sequences. Due to its action scenes, the movie is been kept on top of our list of best action movies Amazon Prime. Plot Summary: The whole movie is based on Tony Stark who is an industrialist as well as a master engineer. He developed an exoskeleton after an incident which nearly took his life. From there onwards, he never looked back and becomes a superhero Iron Man. iMDB Rating: 7.9/10 Click the link to Watch this movie on Amazon Prime: Watch on Amazon Prime We hope that you liked our top 10 list of best Amazon Prime Action Movies as of till March 2019. Visit Deals 360 for more of such kind of deals and offers on online shopping products for both Men and Women. The website also offers various deals on cellphones and electronic products as well.
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mwcollege2017-blog · 7 years
FPS Shooters and BioShock
Brief history of first person shooters: SO WHAT WAS THE FIRST FPS Originally Wolfenstein 3D (created by id Software and released in 1992) was an instant success, fuelled largely by its shareware release, and has been credited with inventing the first-person shooter genre which would progress on to more great first person shooters.
Game 1 Bioshock
Realeased: August 21, 2007
Created by: Ken Levine and 2K Games
The game is set in rapture this is an underwater world.
Each game that I have mentioned has a set difficulty,
Easy- For people new the First-person shooters
Medium-  People who like more of a challenge
Hard- For people who are experienced at FPS shooters
Survivor- Very difficult to find supplies and ammo must count because it is hard to come by
Jack: You play as him as you progress through the game.
Andrew Ryan: The owner of rapture who escaped to avoid scrutiny from government and others
Frank Fontaine/Atlas: He Is a criminal mastermind of rapture and is the arch-enemy of Andrew Ryan
Sander Cohen: A Crazed Artist that you have to do several things for throughout rapture
Bridgid Tenenbaum: A Scientist who helps the little sisters find a way out of the possessive state they have been left in.
Yi Suchong: A crazed scientist who does studies on the effects of plasmids on individuals
  J.S. Steinman: A American surgeon in cosmetics after adam was introduced. Adam produced no boundaries and became a reason for him to start mutilating his patients. He is the first encounter that you end up disposing of
 Main Theme:
The main theme of the game is based around the ideas of Marxism and owning what own and ultimately working for what you have got the game often references the words “Parasite” referring to people who don’t work for what they have earned. The owner of Rapture Andrew Ryan often talks about “free enterprise” which means an economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control. But you go to rapture when it has gone out of control and splicers have been addicted to the ADAM that gives you special types of powers. You can harvest little sisters for more ADAM for yourself or you can save them for less ADAM but you have to be careful because the little sisters are protected by the Big Daddies.
Game Engine:
BioShock uses a heavily modified Unreal Engine 2.5 with some of the advanced technologies from Unreal Engine 3. Unreal Engine 2.5 is a complete suite of game development tools made by game developers, for game developers. From 2D mobile games to console blockbusters and VR, Unreal Engine 2.5 gives you everything you need to start, ship, grow and stand out from the crowd.
BioShock is a first-person shooter with role-playing game customization and stealth elements, and is similar to System Shock 2. The player takes the role of Jack as he is guided through Rapture towards various objectives. The player collects various weapons and plasmids as they work their way through enemy forces. The player can switch between one active weapon and one active plasmid at any time, allowing them to find combination attacks that can be effective against certain enemies, such as first shocking a Splicer then striking them down with a wrench. Weapons are limited by ammunition that the player collects; many weapons have secondary ammo types that can be used instead for additional benefits, such as bullets that inflict fire damage. Plasmid use consumes a serum called EVE which can be restored using EVE syringes collected by the player. The player has a health meter that decreases when they take damage. The player can restore their health with medical packs found throughout Rapture. If the player's health reduces to zero, they will be regenerated at the last Vita-Chamber that they passed with limited amounts of health and EVE. A patch for the game allows players to disable these Vita-Chambers, requiring players to restart a saved game if the character dies.
            Bioshock 2
Released: February 9, 2010
Created by: This time Ken Levine passed on the creation of BioShock 2
2K Games
In this portion of the game instead of starting as a character who has just come from a wreckage of a plane you start of as a big daddy in an old-style diving suit.
BioShock 2 is presented as a first-person shooter, with the player taking on the role of Subject Delta, a prototype for the Big Daddies 8 years after the events of the first game. As in BioShock, the player explores Rapture and fights off splicers, the remaining psychotic human population of the undersea city, using a combination of the environment, weapons, plasmids, and tonics. Plasmids and tonics are special genetic-reencoding liquids that grant the user active or passive abilities, respectively, and include many of those introduced in BioShock as well as new ones. For example, plasmids can give the player the ability to use telekinesis or to invoke fire, while tonics can improve the player's movement speed, attack damage, or damage resistance. Several of the weapons in BioShock 2 were previously seen carried by Big Daddies in the first game, including a powerful drill and a rivet gun. The player can use each weapon in a close-range melee attack, unlike in the first game, and is able to equip a weapon and a plasmid at the same time, which they can use in quick succession to destroy enemies. For example, the player might freeze a foe using a plasmid then shatter it using a spear gun. If the player is killed, they are revived in the nearest "vita-chamber."
 As the player explores Rapture, he will collect ammo, health, recovery items, money and EVE (a liquid used to power plasmid use). Money can be used to purchase more items at vending machines scattered around the city.  The player will also encounter security systems which can be hacked through a mini-game; this requires the player to stop a quick-moving needle one or more times in the correctly coloured areas of a gauge. Stopping it within a green area progresses the sequence or potentially ends it.
 Also to add that Bioshock 2 has a multiplayer on the PS3 and Xbox 360 but not on the remastered on PS4 and Xbox one.
BioShock 2 features a story-driven multiplayer mode called Fall of Rapture in which the player takes on the role of one of Rapture's citizens before the events of BioShock, during Rapture's 1959 civil war. The player is sponsored by the plasmid manufacturer, Sinclair Solutions, to test out their weapons, plasmids, and Tonics in a consumer reward program. As the player progresses through the multiplayer experience, new weapons, tonics, and plasmids will be unlocked (provided by Sinclair) in addition to the story of the Rapture civil war being told through audio diaries available in the player's apartment.
You can choose from 6 different characters to serve as an in-game avatar. The characters are: Jacob Norris the welder, Barbara Johnson the housewife, Danny Wilkins the football star, Buck Raleigh the businessman, Naledi Atkins the pilot, and Suresh Sheti the Indian mystic. Two additional characters Zigo and Blanche were available as a pre-order bonus from Game, Gamestation and Gamestop in the USA all these had their own different roles to play.
Multiplayer Modes:
two of which have a single-player and team-based mode The modes include Survival of the Fittest, a free-for-all death match mode; Civil War, a team death match, Capture the Sister, a capture-the-flag-style mode where one team defends a Little Sister while the other attempts to capture her, and Turf War, where teams compete to control specific areas of a map.
Multiplayer Maps
Farmers Market
Fontaines Home for the Poor
Fort Frolic
Kashmir Restaurant
Medical Pavilion
Mercury Suites
Neptunes Bounty
Point Prometheus
DLC Pack Maps
Dionysus Park
Fighting Mcdonaghs
Fontaine Fisheries
Paupers Drop
Siren Ally and Smugglers Hideout
Mechanics/Game Engine:
The mechanics of the game are very similar to first game similar settings of environment set in rapture and similar weapons, with a few minor differences of a few different weapons that you can use. There are also several audio dairies laying around rapture that all develop into a story as you collect and listen to them.
BioShock Infinite:
Release date: 26 March 2013
Created by Irrational and 2K Studios
The game is set in a city in the sky called Columbia with a character named Booker DeWitt. Booker is a detective who has found himself on the sky city of Colombia. BioShock Infinite is not a direct sequel/prequel to any of the previous BioShock games, and it takes place in an entirely different setting, although it shares similar features, gameplay and concepts with the previous games. You can earn money through killing enemies and looting their corpses much like the other games.
Each action you make has a choice with a consequence just like the previous two games. Countless amounts of enemies to kill while chasing the main villain Comstock, and while this is happening you are being chased by a songbird while progressing with character Elizabeth who can open up portals named ‘Tears’ which shows a brief part of history through a time travel type thing. Booker DeWitt is actually Zachary Comstock, as they are both the same person. Booker Dewitt, after going through the war. Comstock being Brooker grown up and older. Eventually after finding Comstock in which you do end up killing him.
 Game Engine:
Irrational had initially considered using the heavily modified Unreal Engine 2.5 used for the original BioShock, but it was deemed inadequate for their vision. According to Levine, Infinite was designed and developed from scratch, with none of its assets taken from previous BioShock games.
 Controversies: Infinites themes of racism and religion much like the other 2 and ideological society caused controversy. Levine and Irrational games did receive criticism by various people upon the fact they felt they attacked the ‘Tea Part’ and some people felt they really attacked that movement using false propaganda.
The Character Comstock was portrayed as quite an ecstatic religious figure, which was the cause for more controversy and threatened somebody quitting from the Irrational Games team.
I think the development for first person shooters has definitely progressed through the years, I have noted the differences in each three of the games I have played and reviewed and I think if game industries were to continue to make similar games then I will continue to purchase them and would suggest to others that they do as well. A good storyline plot are big factors in games like these but I am aware of visual elements have a big impact too.
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