#probably my favorite kfp villain
comfortmie · 3 years
9 12 15 and 33 :)
9. Do you have a NOTP?
Any elderly characters (like the older masters/villains) with the young adults (Fives etc) rubs me the wrong way somehow :(
that and any iffy pairing.
12. Funniest scene(s)?
Answered but here are some more!
- The montage of Po trying to get things together in KFP holiday, it's both so creative and funny (the chorus goose hshshs)
- Year of the peacock! Then Boss Wolf interrupt
- Po trying to communicate with Shen from a distance AHAH
15. Favorite of the shorts?
Obvious choice, Secret of The Masters. I don't know why I like this short alot, it's probably just my interest over niche characters and I found the short to be profound despite it being about these Master characters who appear only for minutes in the actual movie, it just have alot of heart to it you know?
That and this short is gorgeous but so are any other KFP shorts
33. Favorite AU? Either one floating about the fandom or one created by you.
Answered! I don't have any favs other than those on top of my head
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cornerstonc · 3 years
Kung fu Panda? I bet you thought this was going to be the Cat Returns didn't you
o | Accepting
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blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
anyone who's known me for a while probably is Unsurprised by this but mr. ping is my absolute favorite kfp character laughs and he still is even now that shen has sorta Taken Over. i just love him a lot ;o;
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
i mean. that has to be the #1 baby in the series with baby po fjjfioea i die every time during that flashback scene with mr. ping in the second movie he's so. such a fluffy soft little ball of baby floof sobs
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
m. maybe shi long or mei mei... probably the latter especially bc she was created for an arranged marriage plotline in the third movie but when that plot was eventually shelved she kinda got sidelined, too, and it makes me sad that there wasn't more emphasis on her and po cultivating maybe more of a sibling or platonic bond, especially since it was supposed to be all about him learning what it is to be a panda laughs
for shi long, well, it just would have been nice to see more of her becoming the villain she was for most of canon and more interactions between her and the white bone demon thinking emoji
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
ok this is going to. uhhhh. be pretty obscure, but i really liked lu-shi from legends of awesomeness. she showed up in one episode to basically get married to po and make tigress jealous and that's a throwaway role for her but they made her so likable and she had legitimately cute chemistry with po, with both of them being kung fu enthusiasts (emphasis on the enthusiastic part of that)
they make a small thing of how she and po can still be friends at the end of the episode and i like to imagine Somewhere they still are sending letters back and forth and geeking out over action figures........
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
i think mei mei, again, counts, but she's gained more fans in the years since the third one came out. if we're going 'otherwise pathetic fave' then i feel like i need to put the croc bandits here, bc they were one of the best things to come out of loa and i'm forever sad that's probably where they're going to stay
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
i torment shen a lot, probably him lmao i love shen but god of all characters, he definitely deserves it. but my favorites also get the worst of me sometimes and i've definitely been mean to mr. ping on occasion
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
lbr shen probably got sent there already but he deserves it still
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climbdraws · 7 years
my favorite thing about lord shen is that he's an evil peacock like what a good idea dreamworks you took an animal commonly associated with beauty and purity and made it into a menacing murderous villain and honestly i doubt any other studio would think of using an animal so associated with purity as a villain and props to dw and the kfp creators for going in that direction. also that character design is top notch the colors the patterns holy shit how amazing
yeah!!! and not to mention that they took a peacock which is a pretty unassuming bird and made it into a villain in a KUNG FU film - he doesn’t even have hands!!! i bet that probably posed a lot of issues for the animators in trying to figure out how he would carry weapons/fight. 
AND not to mention what a ballsy move that is to follow up Tai Lung with a peacock villain 10/10 good job dreamworks 
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