#probably will change some stuff but this is the rough idea i have‼️‼️‼️‼️
laughableillusions · 10 months
Random Jareth HCs
I talk so much abt him and I have some silly ideas :3c
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If he stays in owl form too long he has some trouble changing back. He gets kind of stuck a bit between. He chitters like a barn owl in “human” form, can screech like one if mad. There’s feathers in his hair, and sometimes he still has bird-feet. The worst case was when his arms were still big useless wings. It goes away after a while but he’s impatient as hell and will sulk about it and punish anyone who dares laugh at him for his chicken feet.
Jareth actually runs cold. He can change his body temperature if needed, but it’s very surface level. Usually he’s around room temperature (like a corpse). Cuddling or any close physical contact will warm his body up.
His hands are strangely rough under his gloves, they’re rough and hard like stone. He almost never removes his gloves because his touch alone can cause serious magic shit to happen if he isn’t careful. The glamour he uses to keep his more human form doesn’t really extend to his hands for whatever reason (his truest form is made of stone), so he wears gloves to sort of hide it.
Music lover, I mean duh. He sings and dances ofc, but he actually knows very little about modern music. His knowledge of humanity is still stuck in the 18th century. While he would like the idea of things like CD players and MP3 players etc etc, he will always prefer live performances, be it himself or watching someone else. He would probably go to a lot of concerts just to see what the music vibe is these days.
Doesn’t do well in human crowds. A masquerade ball in his castle is one thing, it’s his realm, it’s other fae. But you put him in a shopping mall or grocery store??? He is not having a good time. Mostly because he sees most humans as beneath him (except for the few he decides are special little princesses/princes lol). Modern humans apparently have a stench to him, and he finds it disgusting when “in concentration.”
He can make any small child stop crying however. If Toby proved anything it showed how good with kids Jareth is. He can entertain any small child with ease. Though it starts to freak the parents out when he starts talking about how much he wants to steal them away from their mothers. The man loves kids, and hopes one day he can actually keep a human baby to raise as his own.
Unbearably physically clingy. Like…unbearably. He’d be attached to his lover like a parasite whenever they try to go anywhere without him. If he can’t touch you, he’s standing behind you with his hands behind his back to keep himself from touching you. Like Jesus Christ man back up you’re not gonna go anywhere‼️‼️
Has a jealousy problem as well. With his stuff and his lovers. You do not touch his stuff without asking him, or until he lends it to you. With romantic jealousy, it’s about the same. Nobody touches what he deems his. He has enough dignity not to cause a public scene, but will glare at anyone who dares flirt with his lover- or if he thinks your not paying attention to him enough, he will give you the cold shoulder until you shove him aside and ask him what the fuck is going on.
Enjoys playing mind games. Though he’s too much of a romantic to do things that would really hurt you, at least intentionally. But his fae nature gives him a bastard side that sometimes can’t help it. But really, he would hate to actually fight with you. The last thing he wants is for you to be genuinely upset, and so will bend over backwards to keep you happy.
Speaking of that, Jareth is 100% a doormat to the ones he loves. He’s been alone for centuries (if not more). And any hope of validation he will chase like a kicked puppy. But everything he does, he expects something in return. (ex: I am exhausted by your expectations of me, isn’t that generous?) Fae are deal makers after all, and so he will create a beautiful ideallic place for you to live…but in return he expects your devotion and loyalty. It seems like a small price, until it isn’t. Sometimes, in exchange for a favor he does for you, he will ask for something in return (be it a task, or an a object).
As hedonistic and mischievous as he is, Jareth is quite emotionally intelligent. His age gives him wisdom, and sometimes it’s like he knows exactly just what to say. Humans have such predictable emotions after all, and he can use his knowledge of them as a form of manipulation if he wants/needs to. But to someone he loves, he would bring perfect comfort to. He will try and make you laugh, then ask if you want him to stay with you or leave you be, anything you ask if it would make you less upset and more comfortable he will do (doormat). If you want him to read you a bedtime story? Do a handstand? He’d fucking do it.
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2ndstar-ontheright · 2 days
Okay, I've had this blog for a l o n g time, and a lot has changed since I first started it. So, why not update it to match?
About me: All-around nerd, autistic 🌈♾️, literary/fictional analyst (I like rambling guys), and enjoyer of many, many things :D
This is mainly a rambling of my thoughts and things that intrigue me. Stuff like writing, art, music, nostalgia, tv, movies, literature, psychology, all that sort of thing. The main focus is just some of my weirder, more obscure stuff. Stuff that makes me happy, y'know? Plus, I've been really inactive on here too, and I don't want to completely abandon this.
Aside from that this is where I express my weird ideas and general fan stuff. I make banners, reblogs, blinkies, memes, headcanons, and take requests for pretty much anything!
It's very haphazard at the moment, and I've been meaning to fix that. My fandoms tend to change depending on what I'm invested in at the moment, so without further ado, here's just a little comprehensive list!
(For some of these I'm more of a fan than completely in the fandom, just because I'm not as active about them. And bc some of the stuff can be/get kinda....weird. To say the least.)
Smiling Friends Metalocalypse The Last of Us Resident Evil DC King of the Hill Revolutionary Girl Utena Sailor Moon Scream Inyuyasha Ever After High Monster High Frankenstein Strawberry Shortcake Daria Good Omens Early 2000's cartoons/shows 80's and 90's films Older and newer musicals Be more chill being one of them 💀 as you can probably tell BrBa Adult cartoons in general
and other stuff that I'll have to add later, but to put it simply, things that kind of make sense for someone my age, and things for children lmao. Not that I'm complaining though
DNI: Just don't be rude, mean, gross, and exclusionary, that sort of thing. I won't bother you or invade your space, so please don't do that for me. This is a safe place for anyone and everyone 💞
Aside from all that, which I know had to be ROUGH to get through, welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy your time and have a lovely day <3
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gameimagines · 6 years
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yay! the last prompt request! just so everyone knows requesting the prompts is now closed. thank y’all for hoping on board with it! i plan to make more prompt lists in the future, but for now it’ll be back to regular requests!
@saviioiivas since you gave me the option of either, i picked both! so it switches off back and forth. it starts with swapfell pap and then will go to grillby and so on. hope that isn’t two confusing, each answer will state which character. hope you enjoy!
‼️ how jealous are they normally? how do they express it?
swapfell papyrus is somewhat reserved so it’s hard to decipher when he is and isn’t jealous. swapfell papyrus being jealous can come across as him just being overly protective, or that he just doesn’t trust the monster/human talking to you. because he harbors some deeply rooted insecurities, he lowkey expects you to leave him for someone else. if swapfell pap gets a bit distant, remind him how much you love him.
⛺️ where they would take their s/o on a trip?
grillby likes big cities. snowdin is a cozy town and while he likes it there, grillby also likes going new places. he’ll want to go to some big urban city that has fancy restaurants. just because he serves old fashioned diner food doesn’t mean he isn’t interested in high end cuisines.
💤 big spoon or little spoon? how do they sleep regularly and with their s/o in the bed?
big spoon. swapfell papyrus likes to hold you close to remind himself that you’re really there. regularly, swapfell pap sleeps on his left side, a little bit curled in on himself. with his s/o in bed with him, he opts to assume the tradition big spoon position; but if it’s too hot or you’re uncomfortable, he’ll lay on his side facing you.
🚼 do they want kids? how many?
ah yes, the age old question: can a personified fire monster reproduce with a human? (assuming the green flame girl ((fuku fire)) in hotlands isn’t his daughter) ((im all for that headcanon tbh)) grillby hasn’t the slightest idea. but he’ll do his research. in the event that you can’t have biological children, he’ll want to adopt. grillby will probably want to adopt even if you can, (yes im headcanoning all the monsters as open for adoption) there’s a lot of children and teenagers out there that need good homes. im sure he’s seen several kids spend late nights at his restaurant just trying to stall before they have to go home.
🤝 do they like to hold hands? interlocked fingers or not? how do their hands feel?
swapfell papyrus isn’t down for pda but in private? yeah man, he wants to hold your hand. it doesn’t matter to him whether your fingers are interlocked or not, swapfell pap just wants feel your soft skin against his bones.
🍽 how good of a cook are they? do they like to cook for their s/o?
i mean, he owns a restaurant so i’d hope grillby is a good cook. once he gets home (after a long day of running a restaurant and cooking for others) grillby won’t typically want to cook more. the fire monster will normally opt to eat leftovers from his restaurant or order a meal. grillby will definitely cook you up something special on different occasions, he does love to cook for you it’s just sometimes he’s worn out.
💙 who’s more likely to say “I love you” first, them or their s/o?
you. for swapfell papyrus, love is a foreign emotion. the closest example of love is his brotherly compassion for swapfell sans, who isn’t normally kind to him. so it may take him a while to say ‘i love you too’ but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel it. swapfell papyrus just hasn’t come to terms with it. love makes him vulnerable.
❌ what can’t they stand in a s/o? what is a deal breaker?
grillby doesn’t like vulgar people. he doesn’t care if you curse but if you say wildly insensitive things, it’ll bother him. things like “ironic racism” or telling people to go die will drive him away. grillby doesn’t have time for people like that.
☀️ early bird or night owl? do they wake their s/o up with them?
swapfell pap is a night owl. and he’ll want to sleep in for as long as possible (which typically isn’t that long thanks to swapfell sans). swapfell pap won’t wake you up with him after all, you look so peaceful while you sleep.
💐 how romantic are they?
GRILLBY IS A CLOSET HOPELESS ROMANTIC. YOU CANT CHANGE MY MIND. now, he doesn’t always have the time for sentimental gestures so don’t expect bouquets on the regular. but if you had a rough night? grillby left French toast by your bedside before heading off to work. are you always cold? grillby just bought you a new jacket, he hopes you like it. stressed about an upcoming event? impromptu night out, all expenses covered by him.
💍 how would they propose? how long would they take?
swapfell papyrus wouldn’t propose in a grand gesture, but it would certainly be touching. it would likely be on a regular date (likely at a favorite spot of yours). swapfell pap would take his sweet time before proposing, he knows early on that he wants you by his side forever but actually asking you to do so is difficult for him.
👄 favorite place to kiss their s/o? favorite place to receive kisses?
grillby likes kissing your lips. they’re soft and plush and they feel so different than his own. grillby also likes kissing your temples. he likes receiving kisses on his cheeks and jawline.
💊 how needy are they when they’re sick? how do they take care of their s/o when they’re sick?
swapfell pap isn’t need when he’s sick but he is especially sluggish. if you thought he was lazy before, you’ve got another thing coming. getting swapfell pap out off bed is nearly impossible (unless swapfell sans is harassing him about it) and once he gets out of bed, he’ll be eager to slump against the nearest surface. swapfell pap isn’t the best at taking care of you while you’re sick, but if you instruct him, he’ll get you what you need.
🗣 how do they comfort their s/o? how do they like to be comforted?
grillby tries to find solutions to help alleviate your issues. he’s pretty practical and can give you good situational advice. grillby is the type to remind you that whatever you’re going through isn’t the end and there has to be some way to make things better. very good listener. it helps that he’s kinda quiet anyway. he likes to be comforted in a similar fashion, he’s typically open to suggestions on how to face his problems.
🗯 how protective are they? do they worry about their s/o often? what makes them nervous?
swapfell papyrus is PROTECTIVE. monsters can be very hostile where he’s from, so he learned to be constantly on guard. swapfell pap may be laid back but he’s quick to action if someone is messing with his s/o. he worries about you fairly often, you bring so much light to his life - he won’t let anyone hurt you. swapfell pap gets nervous when you travel by yourself or go to parties.
📖 how trusting are they? are they an open book? does it take their s/o a while to crack them open?
grillby isn’t the type to blindly trust someone, but he isn’t a very secretive person. grillby isn’t closed off, if you ask him about his past or anything he’ll likely tell you. if it’s something that he doesn’t feel like discussing he’ll let you know.
💓 what’s their love language (words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, physical touch)?
words of affirmation and gentle physical touch are swapfell papyrus’ love language. swapfell sans has gotten aggressive with him before (and it’s likely other monsters have fought him too) so for you to be gentle and loving with him means so much.
💢 what is a fight with their s/o like? how do they apologize?
grillby is very quiet and distant during fights. grillby can be stubborn and may leave the conversation after he’s stated his stance. however, he’s good about verbally apologizing if he got out of line.
👠 how good is their sense of fashion? do they have a favorite thing to see their s/o in?
AGAIN THIS SKELE WEARS ONE OUTFIT AND ITS SHORTS WITH A HOODIE SO YOU TELL ME IF YOU THINK HE HAS A GOOD SENSE OF FASHION. swapfell papyrus likes seeing you in orange, he secretly thinks it’s really cute when you match.
🎁 what kind of gifts do they give their s/o? what kind of gifts do they like receiving?
grillby will give you stuff he thinks you need (e.g a new pair of boots for the winter, a new phone case when yours gets worn down, etc). grillby also likes receiving practical gifts, but if you turn the tables and make him some food, he’ll melt.
❓one random headcanon i have about this character
swapfell papyrus has been kicked out of a restaurant for asking for hot sauce for his meal and then proceeding to drink the hot sauce straight from the bottle.
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