#produce 101 china matching icons
wjsn for newbies here we go
BACKSTORY so cosmic girls/wjsn is made up of four units (wonder, joy, sweet, and natural) and is the baby sister girl group to sistar and monsta x. they are WILDLY gay and chaotic (have been coined the Chaos Family by yours truly). their concept is that they are from space and thats it thats the concept so space is gay. theyve had two comebacks and had a member in ioi and a member who participated in girl spirit
the official lines (dance, vocal, subvocal) dont do them justice so ill divide them up myself
parent line: seola, xuan yi, bona, exy
maknae line: yeoreum, dayoung, yeonjung
gay line: xuan yi, exy, luda, eunseo, yeoreum
trouble line: luda, eunseo, mei qi, dayoung
we’ll start with members by age:
seola (hyunjung):
oldest (94 line, 22), represents sagittarius
sweet unit member, vocal line
grandpa seola, technically part of parent line but is wildly unhelpful
going to marry soobin so that she can annoy her for the rest of her life
loves hip hop
is bad at hip hop
Let Seola Say Fuck
xuan yi:
95 line, 22, aquarius
joy unit member 
oldest member of china line, dance line
parent line, Big Gay, married to bona, mei qi is her favorite child
weirdo, talents include imitating a bunny and fish
1 out of the 2 members that are capable of ridding the dorm of bugs (out of….. 13), doesnt kill them just lets them outside, uses her barehands (???what the fuck xuan yi)
shes the real Mom of wjsn even when the other ¾ of parent line were with half the group they all struggled and she was just paying for food and getting kisses on the cheek in exchange for buying souvenirs for the younger girls
bona (jiyeon): 
95 line, 21, leo
wonder unit, dance line
in the parent line partnered with xuan yi whom she loves, loves attention, luda is her favorite child
quite possibly the most beautiful girl in the world she is jaw dropping gorgeous
not very good at being in parent line, eunseo nags her so its not unlikely that shes pretty irresponsible
exy (sojung): 
called sexy exy…… is very bad at her job
big awkward tired lesbian uncle whos supposed to be the badass and just wants to wear pink and sparkles and ruffles
has a stuffed snake called exy-snake 
shes the main (only) rapper and leader of wjsn
sweet unit, scorpio, 95 line, 21
partnered with seola in parent line, gets no help from her
is so tired
cant cook, cant get control of her members, cant kill bugs, is the gay who buys all the ikea furniture and cant build it 
“we’ve been working for a while lets take a break” “unnie its been ten minutes” *lies down on the ground*
gets kicked out of the kitchen for being annoying while the younger girls are working
favors dayoung and eunseo
and that is parent line
sole member of 96 line, 20, virgo
vocal line, sweet unit
is gonna divorce seola because shes so annoying
second smallest (shes like 5′1″ or something)
tiny angel baby who screams
97 line, 19, pisces
technically vocal line but doesnt get the lines she deserves
THE smallest baby even shorter than soobin
tiny gay demon just loves girls and will probably knock a boy out soon with her tiny hands
talented girl scout (was the only one who could chop wood during their reality show and even that was questionable)
frodo baggins
97 line, 19, aries
natural unit, vocal line, POWER vocal, did pretty well on girl spirit when she was on
referred to as Hot Body Dawon
might have no flaws at all
is pretty sure she raised yeonjung
used to be called the Straightie, resented that, has stepped up her Gay Game
bitchin english speaker and one of the best korean members at recording in chinese
loves luda
eunseo (juyeon): 
98 line, 18, gemini
joy unit, technically just a sub vocal but i consider her a part of dance line
really shes the Head Gay
shes also not a part of parent line bc shes too loud and unpredictable but she cooks and kills bugs and nags bona constantly 
if something is Up its probably bc of her luda and dayoung
fucking weirdo gets crazy with karaoke
wants a girl crush concept or a strong concept, kills it when a boy group song is on
just super fucking gay 
cheng xiao:
98 line, cancer, 18
1/3 china line, wonder unit, dance line
crazy flips and tumbling and shit 
can do the splits so far that her legs go Over her hips??? what the fuck
has gotten really popular lately in both korea and china but really wants to get popular with wjsn
not the Biggest gay but wildly in love with eunseo 
big soft baby
mei qi: 
98 line, libra, 18
last member of china line, natural unit, dance line
has been p much MIA for all of the i wish promotions working in china filming movies and tv shows and such and i MISS HER and her members miss her but shes doing so well and im so proud of her
is a libra so……..
totally loves the fact that xuan yi thinks shes a golden child
got bumped from vocal line where she used to be bc shes a great dancer but that means she doesnt get the lines she deserves and she has a Beautiful voice and its on par with seolas at least
yeoreum (jinsook):
99 line, 18, capricorn
joy unit, i think shes a sub vocalist (?) 
big weird gay baby who learns from eunseo
her talent is an impression of cleaning camera lenses
kind of a sub rapper, has rapped on b-tracks before
keeps calling herself the maknae. is not the maknae
99 line, 17, taurus
wonder unit, vocal line
loudest member by far and just so Much
varitey queen of the group, the funniest member up there with eunseo
second Mom-Not-Mom of the group like eunseo bc she can cook and wakes the other members up but cant be part of the parent line bc shes a literal infant and also has the hyperactivity of a chicken on cocaine
99 line, 17, leo (represents that weird thirteenth sign ophiuchus)
so backstory time she was originally supposed to debut with the girls but got put on produce 101 about the same time they debuted so they just. didnt put her in the group
fast forward and she makes it into ioi cause shes crazy talented
she wants to leave starship and is just Upset in general but the girls b e g her to stay and just join wjsn instead
she does and becomes the new maknae and power vocal along side dawon 
since their concept is astrology they used the convenient thirteenth sign to represent her 
shes in the natural unit and vocal line 
all the girls love and adore her and supported her ioi promotions and concerts 
shes Loud but shes more of a follower as in she laughs at whatever dayoung does and goes along with her shenanigans 
popular ships:
bona/xuan yi: jeongcheol if they were healthy but still played games
eunseo/cheng xiao: just the most pure thing in the whole world and eunseo is so embarrassing 
eunseo/luda: tall gay small gay
eunseo/most of them
soobin/seola: scully mulder couple, seola is going to marry soobin so that she can annoy her for the rest of her life. soobin is going to die
OK SO those are the lovely wonderful members of wjsn so lets go on to videos and such:
they debuted with momomo (and also catch me) in february of 2016
they had an august comeback when yeonjung joined with secret
they had their second comeback with i wish in january of 2017 (performance version)
they havent gotten their first win yet :( BUT theyve promised when they do theyre gonna dance in space suits so lets get them that win
also between momomo and secret half of them did a collab with monsta x for a phone commercial i believe called do better which also has a dance practice
dawon was on girl spirit and performed yanghwa bridge, way to go, music is my life, and youre the best (with yeonjung real love and friendship)
theyve been on weekly idol twice
last summer they had a reality show called would you like girls (i would) and it was wonderful. im rewatchign that with emma soon and since i probably wont cry the whole time bc i love them so much ill chronicle it more closely and they have the uzzu tapes which are sort of a mini reality show for them that theyve had since debut which are super cute
they also have two versions of dance practices for every title track they have, one regular one and one closeup version which is a gift
the momomo dance practice is one of the most queer and iconic things theyve ever done along with its closeup version 
in the secret dance practice they have matching outfits and its really just an Experience (closeup)
i wish has three dance practices bc they shot and uploaded one while mei qi was gone but during one of her trips back they shot a Real one along with a closeup one 
there was also a robot self cam that saved my life
if youre one of those seventeen stans who DOESNT stan wjsn but talks about how synchronized 17 are you need to watch the dance practices right now 
im currently working on lists of best live performances (one list for each title track) and best b-tracks of wjsn so keep an eye out for those 
hit me up for any other questions u have abt my Girls or u can just look up wjsn on my blog and have a grand old time with that 
enjoy your time with the gay witch coven from outer space
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narcisbolgor-blog · 7 years
How to drink baijiu: Beijing’s pros share their tips
Beijing (CNN)It's the most widely drunk hard liquor in the world but it's rarely found on cocktail menus.
Baijiu, distilled from sorghum and rice, rules every festive occasion in China, where it's the tipple of choice for everything from wedding receptions to business banquets.
It's especially popular during celebrations for the Lunar New Year, which began Saturday, when shot glasses filled with the potent spirit are thrown back and slammed down on the table in endless rounds of toasts.
Baijiu 101
Isler's advice for baijiu newbies is this: "Don't drink with Chinese people."
He suggests people approach the drink "on their own first" instead of being thrown into a Chinese banquet and forced to ganbei -- bottom up -- round after round.
"By the time they drink with Chinese they should know what baijiu styles they prefer and how much they can drink," he says.
Capital Spirits, for example, offers baijiu flights -- four 10 milliliter mini shots of the basic baijiu styles, going from the mildest to strongest.
Baijius are mainly categorized by these four aroma profiles.
Rice aroma: Originating in southern Guangxi province, this is probably the lightest among the four types. Unlike other baijiu styles, it's made from rice, which gives it a sweet, floral tone. A fine example of this type of baijiu is Guilin Sanhua, made using water sourced from the picturesque local Li River.
Light aroma: This style dominates the north, especially around Beijing. Fermented solely from sorghum, the light aroma isn't matched by ABVs as high as 56%. The brand Erguotou, with its iconic square-shaped bottled, falls into this category. In terms of the taste, light aroma baijius are usually delicate and dry.
Strong aroma: China's most popular baijiu is produced with at least two different grains and fermented in mud pits, giving it a more complex and almost overripe flavor. A fine example is Luzhou Laojiao, a distillery that brews the spirit of the same name and is one of the oldest still in production (from 1573).
Sauce aroma: Some say this almost savory drink's flavor resembles soy sauce. The most popular brand, Moutai, produced using labor-intensive methods in Guizhou province, is the most expensive type of baijiu. A batch of Moutai has to go through rounds of subterranean fermentation so it usually takes a year to produce.
MORE: The world's best beer-brewing countries
"In terms of depth of flavor, vodka or gin drinkers may tend to the light aroma type, whereas whiskey or rum drinkers may prefer the strong aroma type," Isler says.
For non-purists, Isler also offers cocktails, among them are twists on classic cocktails like the Baijiu Sour, Crabs Island Ice Tea and Szechuan Sling.
There are also original baijiu recipes:
There's CS's house special -- mixed with cinnamon schnapps and rice aromatic baijiu.
Tinache, with sweet and mellow passion fruit and pineapple, perfectly balances out the dryness of Fenjiu (a light aroma baijiu from Shanxi).
Even the "unmixable" saucy Moutai is tamed by the silky coconut milk in the bar's best seller -- Coco Moutai Cream.
Is baijiu poised to take over the world?
There are signs that appreciation for baijiu is starting to spread.
Jim Boyce, a Canadian wine expert based in Beijing, is the founder of World Baijiu Day, aimed at promoting the best-selling yet little-known spirit.
He said 30 Baijiu Day events were held in 20 cities around the world last year.
Dedicated baijiu bars are now found in Liverpool and New York.
There are also a growing number of overseas baijiu brands. ByeJoe in the United States, Taizi in New Zealand and Dragon's Mist in Canada are milder versions of China's most eye-watering drink.
MORE: The Chinese dishes Chinese people love most
In China, people are experimenting with baijiu too.
Seminars are being held on how to pair it with food and some entrepreneurs have developed baijiu-infused ice cream, pizza and gummy bears. A chef in Beijing even created deep-fried baijiu cake.
The government is also promoting baijiu tourism, a Chinese version of a Bordeaux tour in Maotai, Guizhou province.
Boyce suggests first timers "compare and contrast" different baijiu styles side by side.
"Just as with a flight of wine or whiskey or tequila, a flight of baijiu is bound to make you think more deeply about smells, tastes and, ultimately, preferences," he says.
"Lots of people assume all baijiu is pretty much the same. Trying different styles side-by-side reveals a great deal of diversity."
MORE: And the world's best bar for 2016 is...
More From this publisher : HERE
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How to drink baijiu: Beijing’s pros share their tips was originally posted by 11 VA Viral News
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viralhottopics · 7 years
How to drink baijiu: Beijing’s pros share their tips
Beijing (CNN)It’s the most widely drunk hard liquor in the world but it’s rarely found on cocktail menus.
Baijiu, distilled from sorghum and rice, rules every festive occasion in China, where it’s the tipple of choice for everything from wedding receptions to business banquets.
It’s especially popular during celebrations for the Lunar New Year, which began Saturday, when shot glasses filled with the potent spirit are thrown back and slammed down on the table in endless rounds of toasts.
Baijiu 101
Isler’s advice for baijiu newbies is this: “Don’t drink with Chinese people.”
He suggests people approach the drink “on their own first” instead of being thrown into a Chinese banquet and forced to ganbei — bottom up — round after round.
“By the time they drink with Chinese they should know what baijiu styles they prefer and how much they can drink,” he says.
Capital Spirits, for example, offers baijiu flights — four 10 milliliter mini shots of the basic baijiu styles, going from the mildest to strongest.
Baijius are mainly categorized by these four aroma profiles.
Rice aroma: Originating in southern Guangxi province, this is probably the lightest among the four types. Unlike other baijiu styles, it’s made from rice, which gives it a sweet, floral tone. A fine example of this type of baijiu is Guilin Sanhua, made using water sourced from the picturesque local Li River.
Light aroma: This style dominates the north, especially around Beijing. Fermented solely from sorghum, the light aroma isn’t matched by ABVs as high as 56%. The brand Erguotou, with its iconic square-shaped bottled, falls into this category. In terms of the taste, light aroma baijius are usually delicate and dry.
Strong aroma: China’s most popular baijiu is produced with at least two different grains and fermented in mud pits, giving it a more complex and almost overripe flavor. A fine example is Luzhou Laojiao, a distillery that brews the spirit of the same name and is one of the oldest still in production (from 1573).
Sauce aroma: Some say this almost savory drink’s flavor resembles soy sauce. The most popular brand, Moutai, produced using labor-intensive methods in Guizhou province, is the most expensive type of baijiu. A batch of Moutai has to go through rounds of subterranean fermentation so it usually takes a year to produce.
MORE: The world’s best beer-brewing countries
“In terms of depth of flavor, vodka or gin drinkers may tend to the light aroma type, whereas whiskey or rum drinkers may prefer the strong aroma type,” Isler says.
For non-purists, Isler also offers cocktails, among them are twists on classic cocktails like the Baijiu Sour, Crabs Island Ice Tea and Szechuan Sling.
There are also original baijiu recipes:
There’s CS’s house special — mixed with cinnamon schnapps and rice aromatic baijiu.
Tinache, with sweet and mellow passion fruit and pineapple, perfectly balances out the dryness of Fenjiu (a light aroma baijiu from Shanxi).
Even the “unmixable” saucy Moutai is tamed by the silky coconut milk in the bar’s best seller — Coco Moutai Cream.
Is baijiu poised to take over the world?
There are signs that appreciation for baijiu is starting to spread.
Jim Boyce, a Canadian wine expert based in Beijing, is the founder of World Baijiu Day, aimed at promoting the best-selling yet little-known spirit.
He said 30 Baijiu Day events were held in 20 cities around the world last year.
Dedicated baijiu bars are now found in Liverpool and New York.
There are also a growing number of overseas baijiu brands. ByeJoe in the United States, Taizi in New Zealand and Dragon’s Mist in Canada are milder versions of China’s most eye-watering drink.
MORE: The Chinese dishes Chinese people love most
In China, people are experimenting with baijiu too.
Seminars are being held on how to pair it with food and some entrepreneurs have developed baijiu-infused ice cream, pizza and gummy bears. A chef in Beijing even created deep-fried baijiu cake.
The government is also promoting baijiu tourism, a Chinese version of a Bordeaux tour in Maotai, Guizhou province.
Boyce suggests first timers “compare and contrast” different baijiu styles side by side.
“Just as with a flight of wine or whiskey or tequila, a flight of baijiu is bound to make you think more deeply about smells, tastes and, ultimately, preferences,” he says.
“Lots of people assume all baijiu is pretty much the same. Trying different styles side-by-side reveals a great deal of diversity.”
MORE: And the world’s best bar for 2016 is…
Read more: http://ift.tt/2kDrX0d
from How to drink baijiu: Beijing’s pros share their tips
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