#prolly after i watch cherry which idk if im ready lol but we'll see
t-lostinworlds · 4 years
Lil Update
right, i don't think a lot would care (or even be interested anymore with how long this is taking me lol but i'm at a point where i love this series so much that i'm mostly writing it for me and finishing it for me [also for @badreputatiom because she's been the biggest fan of the series ever since it's only been an idea lol ily for keeping me sane tanvi AND @ the ones who listened to my rants and worries ahah u know who you are] so no matter the outcome if people would read it or not, but as long as i myself would reread over and over then that's all i need to keep going with it which i must say has been such a wonderful feeling and quite an improvement yay <3) but to those who do want to know, i felt like i needed to give a lil update on things aka this mob series i've been babbling about but anyway:
it's been going well, it's at 59k so far with it almost halfway through eheh (i know i'm taking my precious time lmao). what i can say is: Prologue, 15 Chapters, Epilogue--so 17 parts in total (prolly subject to change which i hope not cause it's already a lot help lol). BUT i am at the part of the series where it's all starting to go downhill i must say? lmao and it's getting difficult to write because my heart can only take so much angst and violence and nightmares and heartbreak and ugh so aha but we power through. plus the uphill again is soooo far away so i need to breathe for a bit anyways, yeah, just wanted to share that and to say that thanks everyone for being patient. but also...just wait a lil bit more alsklks after i've written all the difficult bits (which is whew) then i'll start posting because i can't deal with ALL these emotions (especially when i'm so invested in it pls i'm prolly gonna cry a couple times) and also have the pressure of updating weekly (which includes visuals aka chapter headers, songs for each part, moodboards, i'm being extra i know lol) so yeah. anyhow, that's all for today haha i'm going back to my hole.
lovelots and take care <3
tiff x
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