fmarkets · 7 months
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As expected a 3.366%, rise in revenue at Portsmouth Square Inc in the second quarter of 2024 https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=PRSI&date=2024-02-17180159&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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marwahstudios · 2 months
Public Relations Society of India (PRSI) and AAFT Forge Pioneering Partnership to Launch ‘Nalanda’ – A Revolutionary Student Forum
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Noida, India – June 20, 2024 – In a landmark initiative poised to reshape the landscape of public relations and communication education in India, the Public Relations Society of India (PRSI) and the Asian Academy of Film & Television (AAFT) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish ‘Nalanda – Student’s Forum of PRSI’. This strategic collaboration aims to create a robust industry-academia interface, nurturing the next generation of PR and communication professionals.
The MoU was signed by Dr. Ajit Pathak, National President of PRSI, and Dr. Sandeep Marwah, Chancellor of AAFT, a cultural ambassador to over 75 countries. The signing ceremony was attended by distinguished dignitaries including Dr. Charulata Singh (Chairperson), Shri Ajay Chaturvedi (Vice Chairman), Dr. Harsha Bhargavi (Treasurer), and Executive Members Shri Umesh Mishra and Shri Pankaj Saksena, marking a significant milestone in the journey of PRSI’s mission to empower the youth.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah, during his address, emphasized the transformative potential of public relations in shaping societal narratives. He highlighted the pivotal role of PRSI in uniting professionals from various sectors – government, private, NGOs, PR consultancies, and academia – to create a cohesive and powerful organization.
“Public Relations is a cornerstone for building public opinion on crucial national and social issues. The establishment of Nalanda will not only enhance the skills of young PR professionals but also instill in them the values and ethics necessary for responsible communication,” said Dr. Marwah.
Established in 1958, PRSI is the premier national body for PR professionals in India, boasting 25 chapters across the country. It has been instrumental in promoting transparency in media, ethical political communication, and public awareness campaigns such as the Unity India Drive, Anti-terrorism Movement, and the Swachh Bharat Mission. PRSI’s affiliation with the Global Alliance of Public Relations and Communication Management and the International Public Relations Association underscores its global outreach and influence.
Dr. Ajit Pathak remarked, “The collaboration with AAFT to launch Nalanda signifies a new era of educational excellence and practical exposure for students. It aligns with PRSI’s vision of nurturing future generations with knowledge and skills critical for global leadership in public relations.”
AAFT, a leading institution in media and arts education, has been a trailblazer in the field for over 30 years, offering over 90 professional courses. Under the visionary leadership of Dr. Sandeep Marwah, AAFT has set unparalleled standards in film making, fashion, and media management. The institution is renowned for its comprehensive programs in cinema, journalism, animation, music, hospitality, and more, providing diplomas, degrees, and postgraduate degrees across various disciplines.
The establishment of Nalanda – Student’s Forum of PRSI is anticipated to become a cornerstone for academic and professional growth, fostering a new wave of skilled and ethical public relations professionals ready to lead on the global stage.
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crowley1990 · 1 year
Ooh money tomorrow and I appear to be almost untaxed?
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osserviie · 1 year
Understanding PRSI & How to calculate PRSI
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Calculating PRSI contributions involves understanding the contribution classes, income thresholds, and applicable rates. While the calculations can vary based on individual circumstances, the following steps outline a general approach to calculating PRSI:
Step 1: Determine the Contribution Class: Identify the appropriate contribution class based on the employment type and circumstances. For example, Class A is typically applicable to most full-time employees, while Class S is for self-employed individuals without employees.
Step 2: Determine the Earnings: Determine the employee’s reckonable earnings. Reckonable earnings include regular wages, salary, bonuses, commissions, and other taxable income. Some types of income, such as reimbursements for expenses, may be exempt from PRSI.
Step 3: Apply the PRSI Rates: Refer to the PRSI rate tables provided by the Revenue Commissioners to determine the applicable rates for the specific contribution class and income thresholds. The rates are usually expressed as a percentage of reckonable earnings.
Step 4: Calculate the PRSI Contribution: Multiply the employee’s reckonable earnings by the applicable PRSI rate to calculate the PRSI contribution. For example, if the applicable rate is 4% and the reckonable earnings are €2,000, the PRSI contribution would be €80 (€2,000 x 4%).
Step 5: Consider any PRSI Exemptions or Allowances: Certain exemptions and allowances may apply to specific categories of employees. For instance, employees under the age of 16 might be exempt from PRSI. Consult the guidelines provided by the Revenue Commissioners to determine if any exemptions or allowances apply.
Step 6: Determine the Employer’s PRSI Contribution: Employers are responsible for contributing to PRSI on behalf of their employees. The employer’s PRSI contribution rate is separate from the employee’s rate and is calculated based on the employee’s reckonable earnings and the applicable employer PRSI rate.
Step 7: Total PRSI Deduction: Add the employee’s and employer’s PRSI contributions together to calculate the total PRSI deduction. This deduction should be subtracted from the employee’s gross pay to determine the net pay.
It is important to note that PRSI calculations can be complex, and individual circumstances may impact the specific calculations. For more precise calculations and to ensure compliance, employers and employees should consult the guidelines provided by the Revenue Commissioners or seek advice from a payroll professional or tax advisor.
Remember, accurate calculation and remittance of PRSI contributions are essential for meeting legal requirements and providing employees with access to social welfare benefits.
Understanding PRSI: Your Guide to Statutory Deductions and Contributions
Introduction: When it comes to managing payroll, understanding statutory deductions and contributions is crucial. One significant aspect of payroll management in Ireland is the Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) system. PRSI plays a vital role in funding Ireland’s social welfare system, providing various benefits to employees. In this guide, we will delve into the key concepts of PRSI, including its purpose, contribution classes, rates, and benefits. Whether you’re an employer or an employee, this comprehensive overview will equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the PRSI landscape effectively.
What is PRSI? PRSI, or Pay Related Social Insurance, is a social security system in Ireland that funds various social welfare benefits and pensions. It operates on a pay-as-you-earn basis, where both employees and employers contribute to the system based on the employee’s earnings.
Purpose of PRSI: PRSI serves several purposes, including providing financial support for employees during periods of illness, unemployment, retirement, and other contingencies. Additionally, it contributes to the funding of healthcare services, maternity benefits, and other social welfare programs.
PRSI Contribution Classes: PRSI contributions are divided into different classes based on employment type, earning thresholds, and entitlements. Some common contribution classes include: a. Class A: For employees earning above a specific threshold, including most full-time workers. b. Class J: For employees who are officeholders, such as company directors. c. Class S: For self-employed individuals who do not have any employees. d. Class M: For employees under 16 years of age.
PRSI Contribution Rates: PRSI contribution rates vary depending on the contribution class and the employee’s income. The rates are typically a percentage of the employee’s reckonable earnings. This section will provide an overview of the different contribution rates applicable to each class.
Benefits and Entitlements: PRSI contributions enable employees to access a range of social welfare benefits, including: a. Jobseeker’s Benefit: Provides financial support to individuals who become unemployed. b. Illness Benefit: Offers income support to employees who are unable to work due to illness or injury. c. Maternity Benefit: Aims to support women during their maternity leave. d. State Pension: Provides a pension to individuals who reach the statutory retirement age.
PRSI Compliance and Responsibilities: Employers have specific responsibilities when it comes to PRSI, such as deducting the employee’s contributions from their wages and remitting them to the Revenue Commissioners. This section will outline the obligations of both employers and employees to ensure compliance with PRSI regulations.
PRSI and Taxation: Understanding the relationship between PRSI and taxation is crucial for both employers and employees. This section will highlight the key points of intersection between PRSI contributions and the Irish tax system.
Conclusion: Mastering the concepts of PRSI is essential for employers and employees alike. This comprehensive guide has covered the fundamental aspects of PRSI, including its purpose, contribution classes, rates, benefits, compliance, and taxation. By familiarizing yourself with these concepts, you can ensure accurate payroll management while maximizing the benefits available to employees. Stay informed, stay compliant, and navigate the world of PRSI with confidence.
Resources URL: https://osservi.ie/understanding-prsi-how-to-calculate-prsi/
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trimmtrabbing · 2 years
trying to figure out if i qualify for tax reduced glasses is like analysing ancient texts
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borobudurnews · 2 years
Ratusan Peserta Ikuti Samapta Fun Swim Kid’s Competition di Kota Magelang
Ratusan Peserta Ikuti Samapta Fun Swim Kid’s Competition di Kota Magelang
BNews—MAGELANG— Ratusan peserta mengikuti kompetisi renang bertajuk Samapta Fun Swim Kid’s Competition yang diselenggarakan di Samapta Aquatic Stadium (SAS) kompleks Gelora Sanden, Minggu (6/11/2022). Mereka berasal dari berbagai daerah Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, dan DI Jogjakarta. Kompetisi yang diikuti sekitar 550 atlet renang ini diinisiasi oleh Persatuan Renang Seluruh Indonesia (PRSI) Kota…
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afaroffsong · 8 months
Phew, I just put my big-girl pants on and taught myself all about the tax system in Ireland (at least, the bits that are relevant to me). It was confusing and I had to wade through an endless amount of unnecessary information but I made myself a little refresher page in a new notebook that I can look at whenever I get confused about it. (I still need to learn about PRSI but I’m leaving that for another day. Too much info has gone into my head and I can no longer think.)
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balteus · 11 months
Šta si to reka o meni škovaco purgerska? Ne znan jesi čua, al završia san srednju pomorsku porid poljuda! Iman sve kadeture i prošlo san lito proša po svita i bia u 300 gradova i u svakon jeba minimalno dvi kurbe. Najjači san na mertojaku i u tropika uvik na stolu iman minimalno 4 boce džonija. Ti si najobičniji redikul, aj se ličit na psihijatriju 1950 gori sve. Puntat ću te maj gerijen u prsi neš ni trepnit retaju. Benti pašabrodu, pa jesi ti ikad popia kavu u st rive!? Dok ti doma drkaš ja svaku večer na baćama minimalno 6 fureškinji okrenen i najveći san galeb u splitu, nema ženske koju nisan deka. Sokole ispalit ću te iz gaća. Moli boga da te sad ne vidin u pikadilija za veliku gospu. Ne more ti crni đava pomoć koliko si retardiran, triba te izbost kacavidon. Prika da si zna da cila pomorska stoji iza mene ne bi laprda bezveze. Kad ti zalipin dvi triske gospa će ti se ukazat. Buden li mora zvat duju da mi posudi mašklin revat ćeš ka tovar. Ne tiraj me da skinen krunicu s vrata i zadavin te. Ala sad san se totalno snerva. Krepa dabogda!
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ingatlah · 6 days
Azzahra Permatahani Resmi Beralih ke Tim Sulawesi Tengah, PRSI Riau Kecewa
INGATLAH.COM – Atlet renang andalan Indonesia, Azzahra Permatahani, kini tidak lagi menjadi bagian dari kontingen Riau di ajang Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XXI Aceh-Sumut. Keputusan ini resmi diambil oleh Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) Pusat yang menetapkan Azzahra sebagai perwakilan Sulawesi Tengah. Padahal sebelumnya Dewan Hakim PB PON XXI telah menetapkan Azzahra sebagai atlet…
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2103210 · 4 months
prsi´ prsi´ prsi´ len sa leje
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novumtimes · 4 months
With AI we need to ensure ethical principles are applied and adhered to public sector workers vote to de-automate government services
Fórsa delegates at its conference in Killarney this morning narrowly voted in favour of a motion tabled by Department of Social Protection staff seeking a de-automation policy as fears were raised about the impact of AI. The motion said this would protect government service provision to the general public and enhance value for money services for the taxpayer. It was passed despite being opposed by the union’s national executive committee. However, public servants are committed to cooperate with the digitatisation of services under the latest public service agreement. Francis McHugh, who spoke on the de-automation motion, asked delegates if they want the robots to take over their jobs and pay more PRSI for less civil and public services. He said in-person human-led government services are better value for taxpayers. “We’re spiralling – headfirst – toward the destruction of humanity,” said delegate Ursula Cox, who spoke on a separate motion on AI tabled by the union’s executive committee. “Now, depending on which news stories you’ve been reading this week, you might take that comment to be about climate collapse, the increase in armed conflict across the globe or the amount of time we’re all spending on social media. “In actual fact, it’s none of those things.” She said Artificial Intelligence – or AI – has been likened to nuclear war and global pandemics in its capacity for harm, and those comparisons aren’t being made by conspiracy theorists or technophobes. “Much as Robert Oppenheimer agonised about his own destructive creation, the architects of AI have warned us that it could threaten our existence,” she said. “Others have been less fatalistic, but are, nevertheless, warning governments that regulation of this technology is absolutely necessary.” The motion, which was passed, directed the national executive committee to prepare for the changes to the world of work brought about by AI. Delegates arrive for the Fórsa conference in Killarney on Thursday. Photo: Domnick Walsh Ms Cox said many members are already engaged in the world of AI, from management information systems and the use of customer service chatbots, to Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa in their everyday lives. “We apply ethical principles in our working lives, and this is where AI poses a challenge. We need to ensure that when developing AI systems, ethical principles are applied and adhered to, in order to safeguard society.” She said there are concerns in relation to the impact of AI on the labour market and jobs being destroyed by automation, mentioning IMF research this year that indicated that 40pc of jobs globally, will be affected by AI. One delegate said that AI is often worse than useless and gives people the wrong information. Another asked if delegates remembered a grade of typist in the public service that no longer exists because of the introduction of computers. He said their jobs had become defunct and any change in technology will result in jobs being eroded. The delegate said he was at a loss why a member of the NEC wants to oppose the protection of workers by seeking the de-automation of services. However, the NEC opposed the motion on the basis that public servants are committed to cooperate with digitalisation under government agreements. Source link via The Novum Times
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cyclecentre · 6 months
Unlocking the Potential of Cycle Centre : Promoting Sustainable Transportation
In an era characterized by environmental consciousness and the pursuit of healthier lifestyles, cycle centre  emerge as pivotal hubs in promoting sustainable transportation. These centres serve as more than just parking spaces for bicycles; they embody a commitment to reducing carbon emissions, improving public health, and fostering community engagement. With the rise of initiatives like the Bike to Work Scheme in Ireland, cycle centres play a crucial role in encouraging individuals to embrace cycling as a viable mode of commuting. Let's delve deeper into the significance of cycle centres and how schemes like the Bike to Work Programme are shaping the landscape of transportation.
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Cycle Centres: The Heart of Sustainable Transportation
Cycle centres serve as focal points for promoting cycling culture within communities. Equipped with ample bicycle parking, repair stations, showers, and lockers, these centres cater to the needs of both seasoned cyclists and novices alike. By providing secure storage facilities and maintenance services, cycle centres alleviate concerns about Bike to Work theft and maintenance, thereby encouraging more individuals to opt for cycling as a mode of transportation.
Moreover, cycle centres serve as gathering spots for cyclists, fostering a sense of camaraderie and community spirit. They become hubs for organizing group rides, workshops on cycling safety, and other educational events aimed at promoting cycling culture.
The Bike to Work Scheme in Ireland: Empowering Commuters
The Bike to Work Scheme in Ireland stands as a flagship initiative in Ireland, designed to incentivize cycling among employees. Under this scheme, employers can provide bicycles and cycling equipment to their employees tax-free, thereby making cycling more accessible and affordable. This initiative not only promotes a healthier lifestyle but also contributes to reducing traffic congestion and carbon emissions.
Participating in the Bike to Work Scheme is straightforward. Employees can select a bicycle and equipment from registered suppliers, and the cost is deducted from their salary over a specified period, typically one year. Since the deduction is made before tax, participants can enjoy significant savings on the overall cost of the bicycle and equipment.
Cycle centres and initiatives like the Bike to Work Scheme are instrumental in promoting sustainable transportation practices and fostering a culture of cycling. By providing essential amenities and incentives, these initiatives empower individuals to embrace cycling as a viable and environmentally friendly mode of commuting. As we strive towards building greener and healthier communities, investing in cycle centres and supporting programmes like the Bike to Work Scheme is paramount. Through collective efforts, we can unlock the full potential of cycling and pave the way for a more sustainable future.
Who is eligible to participate in the Bike to Work Scheme?
Any employee whose employer is registered for the scheme can participate. Self-employed individuals are not eligible.
What expenses are covered under the scheme?
The scheme covers the purchase of bicycles and associated equipment, including helmets, locks, lights, and reflective clothing. Maintenance and repair costs are not covered.
What are the tax implications for employees?
Participating employees can avail of tax savings of up to 51% on the cost of the bicycle and equipment. The savings are achieved through reductions in income tax, PRSI (Pay Related Social Insurance), and USC (Universal Social Charge).
Can employees choose any bicycle and equipment?
Participants can select bicycles and equipment up to a maximum value of €1,500. Employers may choose to increase this limit at their discretion, but any amount exceeding the limit will be subject to income tax, PRSI, and USC.
Is there a minimum contract period for salary deductions?
Typically, the salary deduction period is one year. However, employers may offer longer contract periods if desired.
Can employees participate if they already own a bicycle?
Yes, employees who already own a bicycle can still participate in the scheme to purchase equipment or upgrade their existing bicycle. However, the total value of the bicycle and equipment cannot exceed the specified limit.
What happens if an employee leaves their job before completing the salary deduction period? If an employee leaves their job before completing the deduction period, the outstanding balance for the bicycle and equipment becomes payable immediately. The employer may arrange for the remaining balance to be deducted from the employee's final salary payment.
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marwahstudios · 24 days
PR Conclave Addresses Challenges in Stakeholder Engagement in the Digital Age
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Noida, July 26, 2024 – The Public Relations Society of India (PRSI), in collaboration with AAFT, hosted an influential PR conclave focused on the challenges of stakeholder engagement in the digital age. The event provided a platform for in-depth discussions on the evolving landscape of public relations and the critical role it plays in today’s interconnected world.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah, Chancellor of AAFT University, opened the conclave with a keynote address, highlighting the inevitability of change in the field of public relations. “If there is anything that is constant, it is change,” Dr. Marwah stated. “The style, equipment, and methods may have evolved, but the fundamental concept of building relationships remains unchanged. As the old proverb goes, your growth depends on the kind of people you know. Public relations has always played a crucial role in every field, adapting to new challenges and opportunities.”
The ceremony featured esteemed speakers who shared their insights and experiences: Mr. Vinit Kumar from the Ministry of Railways, Government of India, initiated the discussions with a focus on the integration of digital tools in stakeholder engagement. Prof. Dr. Charulata Singh, Chairperson of the Delhi Chapter PRSI, emphasized the importance of maintaining authenticity and transparency in digital communications.
Dr. Archana Kumari, Secretary of the Delhi Chapter PRSI, spoke about the evolving expectations of stakeholders in the digital era. Prof. Dr. Shuchi Yadav from Media Studies at JNU narrated examples of successful digital PR campaigns and their impact. Ms. Sumita Singh, Deputy General Manager of Corporate Communication at Indian Oil Corporation, expressed the need for agility and responsiveness in managing digital PR. Ms. Harsh Bhargavi Pandiri, Treasurer of the Delhi Chapter PRSI, added her perspective on the ethical considerations and challenges faced by PR professionals today.
In recognition of their contributions, Dr. Sandeep Marwah presented life membership of International Film and Television Club of AAFT to the speakers and membership of World Peace Development and Research Foundation to all the distinguished guests and gifted them his books on accolades and achievements.
The conclave underscored the importance of adapting to the digital age while preserving the core principles of public relations. It provided valuable insights and strategies for effective stakeholder engagement in a rapidly changing environment.
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detaxe · 6 months
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ked prsi cely den 🤦‍♀️
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frau-antjes · 7 months
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David Prsi - Iceland
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osserviie · 8 months
Where Do I Get My P60 Ireland – What Is A P60 Form
How do I get my P60
In Ireland, your P60 form is typically provided by your employer at the end of the tax year. The P60 is a statement of your annual pay and the tax deducted from it. It contains details of your total pay, deductions, and contributions for the tax year (January 1st to December 31st).
Your employer is responsible for generating and issuing the P60 form to you. They usually distribute P60s to their employees by the end of February following the end of the tax year. For instance, for the tax year ending on December 31st, 2022, your employer should provide your P60 by the end of February 2023.
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If you have not received your P60 from your employer by this time, you should contact them directly to request it. They are obliged to provide this document to you, as it’s important for various purposes, such as filing your tax return, applying for loans or mortgages, or verifying income for certain benefits or visas.
Remember that your P60 is a crucial document for verifying your earnings and tax contributions, so it’s advisable to keep it in a safe place for reference when needed.
Income Documentation: The P60 serves as an official record of your total income, including salary, bonuses, and other benefits, for the entire tax year.
Taxation Information: The P60 form provides details about the income tax, Universal Social Charge (USC), and Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) contributions deducted from your salary during the tax year. This information is essential for understanding your tax liabilities.
Tax Refunds: If you are entitled to a tax refund, the information on your P60 is crucial for calculating the amount you may be owed. This could be due to overpaid taxes or eligible tax credits.
Financial Planning: The P60 form is a valuable document for financial planning purposes. It helps you assess your annual income and tax contributions, aiding in budgeting and future financial planning.
Proof of Income: The P60 can serve as proof of income for various purposes, such as when applying for loans, mortgages, or other financial products. Lenders often request proof of income to assess your financial stability.
Social Welfare Entitlements: The P60 may be required when applying for certain social welfare benefits or allowances. It verifies your income and tax contributions, ensuring accurate assessment of your eligibility for specific benefits.
Employment Verification: The P60 form provides a summary of your employment details, including your employer’s name and registration number. This information can be useful for employment verification purposes.
Tax Compliance: Holding a P60 demonstrates that your employer has complied with tax regulations by providing you with a statement of your income and deductions.
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