#ps sending you lots of love πŸ’–πŸ«ΆπŸ»
jeonqkooks Β· 2 years
Honestly obsessed with the way you write and the way you give so much character insight. It definitely does remind me of the kdrama bc it usually always starts on more insight on the main characters and what happened while they were dating and during their breakup. Like this reminded me of one of the episodes where they took a bit of time in the beginning going through the male lead’s trauma and abandonment issues and comparing it to the fluffy white dog. Only this time we see oc dealing with nightmares of her love with jk.
I am so obsessed with this series and I hope you continue!!! And i hope you continue to enjoy writing this series as well. You seriously have a beautiful mind and so much talent! (PS this it the first time im writing an anon post - idk if you name ur anons but i would love to be called 🐢 anon bc of the abandoned white dog from the kdrama) much love 🫢🏻🫢🏻🫢🏻🫢🏻🫢🏻
this message is so cute πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­ this means a lot to me bc sometimes i get so self conscious about my writing like, is this too much, is that too boring, etc etc. you’re honestly so nice and i’m so happy that you’re enjoying obs. there was a lot going on in my life in the last couple of months so i was barely writing and i did feel like i’d fallen a little out of touch with obs, but i’m getting back into it now and the writing process is becoming more fun again <3
i really appreciate you taking the time to send me this and for reading obs. sending you lots of love from my side of the world πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’πŸ’ž
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