#ps: i'll respond to the kiss meme prompts this week! :D
Autumn Fruit (Kazuki x Keita)
Here’s the translation I mentioned back on Kazuki’s birthday! A little late, but the story ended up being longer than we originally thought. And then, uh, I kept forgetting to edit it, haha... :3
This story was a bonus that came printed on inserts with the third Gakuen Heaven trading card set. Each main character has a story, and they all come in multiple parts, so collecting all of them was a difficult task. Fortunately, the full versions of each story could also be obtained as part of the mail-in bonus for the set, so as long as you collected enough points, you could get them all without buying a million packs. :D
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(this picture isn’t part of the story, but it’s nice so here it is)
Autumn Fruit
Sunday evening. Kazuki and I didn't have anything to do, and we had spent the day relaxing together.
I guess Kazuki had times when he wanted to be friends and when he didn't. There were times we chatted idly and laughed as we talked about silly things like normal friends. It was the same even when we were alone. At those times Kazuki wasn't the director of Bell Liberty School or the head of the Bell Research Lab, he appeared to simply be a normal student my age. In fact, he didn't even seem like my dearest lover, he really just seemed like were only friends.
But such times didn't last very long. Especially when we were alone together. Usually, it was like some switch got flipped... and his face became that of my lover. At those times, Kazuki wasn't my usual cheerful, friendly classmate. He had something like an adult aura, or like a sexiness that made me blush... Anyway, he oozed that, and seeing Kazuki like that made my heart pound. I was overwhelmed by his aura and felt like Kazuki could do anything he wanted to me while my mind went blank.
At the moment, the situation was definitely leading to a time like that.
I was sitting on the bed with my legs stretched out and my back leaning against the wall, and Kazuki was sprawled right next to me with his knees bent. We were both comfortably reading magazines.
I thought it was probably Kazuki who spoke first.
"This would look good on you, wouldn't it?"
Kazuki flopped over onto his stomach, pointing at a picture of a sweater. He repositioned himself and placed his head on my thigh.
The feeling of Kazuki's weight and warmth through my pants made my heart pound, but I pretended not to notice and took the magazine.
"Oh, that might be cool."
I gave a response, but I was paying attention to the feel of Kazuki on my thigh and wasn't really looking at the magazine. Right when I had managed to calm my breathing and keep myself from getting too excited, Kazuki suddenly wrapped his arms around my hips.
"It's so nice having my head in your lap."
I had the feeling Kazuki's voice was getting oddly seductive. With my hips being embraced like that, I was unable to move.
I gently petted his hair and Kazuki raised his head, turning to me with a gentle look. Slowly, Kazuki's hand reached toward my neck, and the moment we were in position for a kiss, two knocks came from the door.
Kazuki and I sprang up at the sound and stared at the door. The person who had knocked appeared at the opened door. It was Shinomiya-san.
"Ito, it seems there's a delivery for you. Come pick it up, it's in the lobby."
"R, right..." we both answered, and I thought there was no way we hadn't broken out in a strange sweat. Flusteredly, Kazuki sat on the floor right next to the bed and I could feel the extreme tension coming off him. But Shinomiya-san left without noticing any of that. Spirits utterly dampened, we headed to the lobby in silence.
There was a single cardboard box sitting in a corner of the lobby. It was about the size of a box of oranges. My mom was the sender, and the item description was written as 'fruit, etc.'
Anyway, I opened the box and it was packed with pears and apples. There was also a bag with five oranges and a new shirt tucked between layers of packing material.
"Hey, Kazuki. Do you want to eat these with me right now?"
"Right now?"
"It's almost time for dinner, but now that I see them, I want to eat these... Should we?"
And so we snuck into the cafeteria kitchen.
Since it was Sunday evening, of course the cafeteria was already closed. We quickly unlocked the door and went inside before any other students saw us. The normally bustling cafeteria was now deserted and was it kind of a little scary. But thinking that I had Kazuki with me drove away those feelings.
The kitchen used to make lunch for all the students at BL School was expansive, with rows of sparkling counters. Kazuki got out the knives while I took the fruit out of the box.
"Wow, so they even have stuff like this," Kazuki commented as he arranged the knives. "A paring knife, a melon baller. There's even a carving knife."
I didn't know the types of fruit knives at all, so I was honestly impressed by Kazuki's knowledge. I'd probably share with everyone later, but since it was fruit sent specially by my mother, I wanted Kazuki to eat it first. Eager for that, I picked up the paring knife, which looked the easiest to use.
But, it was pretty... tough. The knife was small and it took a long time to cut a pear in half, and when I tried to peel it, lots of the fruit came off too.
Kazuki couldn't just watch as I grappled with the fruit and reached out. "Give me that. You'll get hurt doing it like that."
I was frustrated I couldn't do it very well, but I handed the pear and the knife to Kazuki as I was told.
"This is how you use this knife," Kazuki said and deftly began to peel. I was surprised as I watched his hands.
Kazuki, being able to peel something that well is cheating...
He was done in a flash and the peels were thin and uniform, way more beautiful than what I had peeled. "Whaaa!? Kazuki, how'd you get so good at that!?"
Kazuki smiled a little proudly at my outburst. "I'm good with my hands, you should know that."
"I do know that, but... You're not just good at knitting, you're good at cooking too." I spoke, impressed, but he laughed and disagreed.
"That's not true. All I can do is peel fruit, I can't make elaborate meals."
Chatting happily, he peeled a nearby apple. He cut it into six equal slices and made rabbits, finishing them off by etching a leaf pattern along the edge of the red skin using the thin-edged knife he'd called a carving knife.
"Kazuki... Where did you learn to do something like that...?"
"I just learned by watching. Look, I can do this too."
This time I was even more surprised. That Kazuki... he even made a rose, using an entire red apple. "Uwah, I've never seen anything like that..."
"Really? I guess I've seen them as decorations a lot at parties and stuff."
While I was little shocked at how casually he said that, I popped a piece left over from carving the apple in my mouth.
"Hey now, Keita. Don't eat the waste. There's properly peeled pieces right here, eat them."
With a wry smile, he held out a piece of apple that was shaped like a leaf. It was right at my mouth. Did that mean... he wanted to feed it to me, I guessed?
"Keita, say ah."
Tempted by the apple right in front of my eyes, I decided to go for it and opened my mouth, biting into the offered apple. "Mmm, it's delicious!"
"I know, right?"
In return, I also offered Kazuki my badly peeled pear. "Then, here's from me. I suck, so I can't guarantee it tastes good."
"Mm. It's good," Kazuki said, beaming. But... after all, since I had been bad at peeling, a piece of peel was kind of stuck on the side of Kazuki's mouth.
"...Kazuki." I was going to tell him, but both of Kazuki's hands were occupied with the fruit and knife. So I gingerly reached out and plucked it off with my fingertips. Then...
"Oh, Keita. You're supposed to remove that sort of thing with your lips. And it was just feeling like a newlyweds' kitchen too."
"Kazuki! Idiot, what are you saying!!?" I automatically shouted to try and hide my embarrassment, but Kazuki smiled like nothing had happened and muttered.
"This is really nice."
For an instant, I didn't know how to respond to his sudden words. "Huh?"
"I mean, being like this, cooking with someone, eating together."
"That's normal, isn't it?" The words somehow popped out of my mouth, but I regretted it immediately and wished I hadn't said them. It must have shown on my face.
Kazuki smiled, looking a little upset, and turned back to the apples. In the quiet kitchen, the scraping sound of the apple being peeled sounded awfully loud. "I guess that's how it was at your house. But for me, how should I put it? There was always someone around, but it wasn't quite the same as the family all gathered in the kitchen making food..."
Kazuki didn't talk much about his home and parents. I talked about my family a lot, and he always just listened happily. I had become vaguely aware of why he did that. So until now, I had tried not to ask Kazuki about it.
Kazuki finished peeling a third apple and glanced at me as he put what had become the tenth rabbit on the plate. "When I was little, there were times I found that lonely, but of course I don't feel that way anymore."
"I... see..."
"And I have you with me now."
So saying, Kazuki smiled gently at me. Was... he trying to be nice to me? Kazuki was being considerate of me even while having a conversation like this and I felt that he really was an adult. I was still a kid compared to Kazuki.
"I can do this at least, anytime from now on."
Kazuki said, that's right, and smiled, holding out an apple rabbit in front of my eyes. "Say ah."
I reflexively bit into the tail of the apple rabbit and the sweet tart flavor spread in my mouth. Kazuki watched me as I chewed, making a crunching sound, and bit into the other end of the same piece of apple. With both of us biting the same slice of apple from both ends, when we both swallowed at the same time, Kazuki hugged me. He gently caught my chin with his fingers that still had apple juice on them, and pulling my face close, brought his lips to my ear and murmurmed sweetly.
"After the apples, I want to eat you..."
Murmuring something like that and in that voice, I... how should I respond!? Heat suddenly spread from my ears over my face and neck. As I stood, flustered and incoherent, Kazuki pressed his lips to mine. Kazuki's tongue wrapped around mine, which still had sweet pieces on it. He chased the fruit pressed between our tongues as if he wanted to sweep it away, delving gently inside my mouth.
The strength left my legs as the smacking sound of saliva rang out. Kazuki's hand supported my collapsing body. I also desperately supported my own body by grasping Kazuki's shirt with both hands, but I couldn't brace myself properly and nearly sank to the floor. His twining tongue exhaustively licked mine and finally Kazuki's lips moved away, taking with them the pieces sucked dry of fruit juice.
I finally sank to the floor, shoulders heaving with my breaths. Kazuki's hands enveloped my cheeks and he tilted my face up, pressing our lips together again. This time, it was a little rough as Kazuki licked around inside my mouth. There was still some sweetness from the apple left in his mouth and I savored that and the pleasure that almost made me shiver. It was too intense, I felt like Kazuki really might eat me up, but I didn't mind... uh-uh. I actually wanted him to do it.
When we reluctantly parted from the kiss, a thread of saliva stretching between us, I... was sure I had a really embarrassing expression. Kazuki peered at me close up, and this time kissed my cheeks and eyelids. For a while, he continued his kisses that were just touching and traced from my cheeks to my chin with his whole palms. The feel of his hands wet with fruit juice was nice and I kept meeting his kisses, entranced.
Kazuki... I love you. I really love you... I really love you, Kazuki, I repeated over and over in my heart...
When I came back to myself, my arms were wrapped around Kazuki's neck and I was lost in a deep kiss. The long, long kiss ended and Kazuki leaned my head against his chest and stroked my back while I stayed embracing Kazuki as I had the whole time. It was like that during our first kiss too, but this time, I was more out of breath and my heart more full of emotion. It was all I could do to calm my breathing while holding Kazuki.
Kazuki's lips touched my earlobe. He just touched and hot breath blew into my ear with a whisper.
"I love you, Keita..."
Wait... Uwah. That was no fair... I had wanted to say it, but Kazuki said it to me first.
"K, Kazuki..."
I... was really excited. I kissed him over and over and even if I hadn't, my pulse had sped up, enough that he could probably clearly hear the pounding of my heart. Kazuki looked down at me with a relaxed smile, as if he had expected my reaction, at a loss for words. It wasn't the face of a classmate, but an adult... a mature man's face.
Seeing that smile made me kind of irritated. But unable to think of any comeback at all, I wrapped both arms around Kazuki's back, burying my face in his chest as I muttered softly.
I love you, Keita, he whispered again, but I was already embarrassed and this time I lowered my eyes without saying anything.
~ The End ~
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