#ps: i'm @fyeahgerrikellman :D
internacionalista · 4 years
succ questionnaire
i was tagged by @onlydelly​ but decided not to play by the rules and made a new set of <SUCCESSION-related> questions? :)
three favorite main characters: gerri / kendall / tom wams
three favorite side characters: frank / cyd / carl
three favorite s1 episodes:  nobody is ever missing  / which side are you on / austerlitz
three favorite s2 episodes: tern haven  / safe room / argestes
three favorite gerri/roman scenes (you can replace with your suc ship): the notorious bathroom scene / buttons made of soap / dream ticket
rank the roys: 1. kendall 2. romulus 3. connor/shiv (depends on my mood) 4. logan
last succession ep i rewatched: dc.
dream succession guest star: olivia colman.
s3 wish: gerri gerri gerri gerri
i tag anyone who wants to do this :) THERE ARE NO RULES.
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