It will cost Canadian taxpayers upwards of $6.5 billion to acquire six Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships for the navy and two additional similar vessels for the coast guard, according to newly tabled documents and a statement from the federal government.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) says a contract amendment has been signed with Irving Shipbuilding Inc. of Halifax, N.S. that allows for a top-up to the budget for the military ships and sets the contract price for the coast guard vessels.
The cost of the navy ships has now risen to $4.98 billion from an earlier projection of $4.3 billion. The contract for the coast guard vessels has been set at $1.6 billion — an increase of $100 million from the figures tabled before Parliament last spring. [...]
Both procurement services and the Department of National Defence blame the increases on the labour shortages and supply chain issues brought on by the pandemic — factors that PSPC said have, among other things, resulted in "higher shipping costs and higher costs for spare parts."
In a media statement, PSPC said it has undertaken a thorough review of the program's projected costs and has built a contingency fund into the planning process to cover "possible cost impacts due to higher than forecasted cost of materials."
But critics say the Liberal government has not provided much oversight of the shipbuilding program writ large and that costs continue to swell each year. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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nothingunrealistic · 1 year
What Character Would Make the Best Poker Player?
Costabile has played some classic characters over the years – including Daniel Hardman in Suits and managing Editor Thomas Klebanow on The Wire – so which one does he would make the best poker player in real life?
“Well, I do think Gale would probably, he was a great mathematician, so he would probably be a great tournament player,” said Costabile. “I think Wags would probably be a great high-stakes cash player.”
As for Costabile himself, he seems to be a little more like Wags than Gale, meaning he’s far from quiet and reserved, rather a bit more boisterous and engaging.
“I've got to go back to New York and shoot a scene on Friday and so maybe I was a little more like Wags in that tournament,” he admitted. “We're in the middle of shooting our seventh season of Billions and we'll be finished around the end of May, and then I don't know, I've got other things that I've just shot last year.”
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militaryleak · 3 months
Leonardo to Equip Canadian Armed Forces with Counter-Drone Technology
The Falcon Shield Counter-Uncrewed Aerial System (C-UAS) will safeguard Canadian airspace, installations, and people against the threat posed by rogue drones. Its acquisition by Canada follows Falcon Shield’s success in service with the UK Armed Forces, where it has ensured the protection of critical assets and national security. Leonardo’s counter-drone technology (ACUS-Enhanced System) is also in contract with the Italian Armed Forces, and its modular, scalable systems are readily exportable worldwide. Leonardo has been awarded a contract by Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) to provide its Falcon Shield C-UAS system for operation by the Canadian Armed Forces. The company will provide a number of systems and a 10-year sustainment package that includes options for additional equipment and the development of new capabilities. The first systems will be delivered later this year with the Canadian Armed Forces that will immediately deploy Falcon Shield to forward operating bases to protect deployed personnel.
The Falcon Shield Counter-Uncrewed Aerial System (C-UAS) will safeguard Canadian airspace, installations, and people against the threat posed by rogue drones. Its acquisition by Canada follows Falcon Shield’s success in service with the UK Armed Forces, where it has ensured the protection of critical assets and national security. Leonardo’s counter-drone technology (ACUS-Enhanced System) is also…
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Administrative Clerk Jobs in PSPC | You Can Make Almost $55,543 to $60,130 When You Get The Position! Apply Now -->> https://www.governmentofcanadajobs.com/administrative-clerk-jobs-pspc/?feed_id=3128&_unique_id=65a3ca7dce33c
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olifiasarifah · 6 months
Success behind innovation: Denny Ja and inspiration to improve the ability to think creatively in a professional manner
In the modern world that continues to develop, the ability to think creatively become increasingly important in various fields of life. With this ability, a person can produce new ideas, solve complex problems, and increase innovation at work and in everyday life. One of the figures who have been successful in inspiring and improving the ability to think creatively professionally is Denny JA.    Denny JA, or complete Denny JAnuar Ali, is an expert in communication, motivator, and also a famous writer in Indonesia. He is known as one of the people who is able to inspire many people with unique and creative communication style. In the course of his career, Denny JA has succeeded in creating various innovations that changed people’s views on the ability to think creatively.    One example of innovation that was coined by Denny Ja was the establishment of the Center for Smart Thought Studies (PSPC). PSPC is an institution that aims to improve the ability to think creatively professionally. In PSPC, Denny Ja held various training and workshops that teach creative thinking techniques to the participants. Denny Ja wants to ensure that every individual has the potential to be creative and innovative.    Not only that, Denny Ja also often encourages people to dare to think outofhebox or think outside of existing limits. He believes that only boldly stepping out of the comfort zone, a person can reach a higher level of creativity. In each lecture, Denny Ja gave a real example of how creative thinking has succeeded in bringing many benefits to individuals and society as a whole.    In addition, Denny Ja also often shares inspiration about how to improve the ability to think creatively at work. He stressed the importance of innovative thinking and finding new solutions in carrying out daily duties. Denny Ja believes that by thinking creatively, one can face challenges better and achieve greater success.    In his career and life, Denny Ja has received many awards and achievements. He has become a motivator and speaker who is in great demand in various events, seminars, and conferences in Indonesia. The essay poetry of the essay that he wrote has also become a bestseller and helps many people in improving their creative thinking skills.    Denny Ja’s success in inspiring and improving the ability to think creatively professionally cannot be underestimated. With his innovation, he has helped many individuals and society in dealing with this fast and complex changing times. Denny Ja proves that the ability to think creatively is the key to success in this modern era.    For that, let’s take inspiration from Denny Ja and start practicing our creative thinking skills professionally. Start by issuing new ideas, looking at problems from a different perspective, and daring to try an approach that has never been done before. Remember that creativity is a talent that can be trained and improved.    In this growing world, innovation is very necessary. Denny Ja has proven that through the ability to think creatively, anyone can produce new ideas that can change the world.
Check more: Success behind innovation: Denny Ja and inspiration to improve the ability to think creatively professionally
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rynn-1 · 9 months
Sukses di Balik Inovasi Denny JA dan Inspirasi Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif secara Profesional
Dalam dunia modern yang terus berkembang, kemampuan berpikir kreatif menjadi semakin penting dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan. Dengan kemampuan ini, seseorang dapat menghasilkan ideide baru, memecahkan masalah yang kompleks, dan meningkatkan inovasi di tempat kerja maupun dalam kehidupan seharihari. Salah satu tokoh yang telah sukses dalam menginspirasi dan meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif secara profesional adalah Denny JA. Denny ja, atau lengkapnya Denny Januar Ali, adalah seorang pakar komunikasi, motivator, dan juga penulis ternama di Indonesia. Ia dikenal sebagai salah satu orang yang mampu menginspirasi banyak orang dengan gaya komunikasinya yang unik dan kreatif. Dalam perjalanan kariernya, Denny JA telah berhasil menciptakan berbagai inovasi yang mengubah pandangan masyarakat terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif. Salah satu contoh inovasi yang dicetuskan oleh Denny ja adalah pendirian Pusat Studi Pemikiran Cerdas (PSPC). PSPC merupakan sebuah institusi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif secara profesional. Di dalam PSPC, Denny JA mengadakan berbagai pelatihan dan workshop yang mengajarkan teknikteknik berpikir kreatif kepada pesertanya. Denny JA ingin memastikan bahwa setiap individu memiliki potensi untuk menjadi kreatif dan inovatif. Tidak hanya itu, Denny JA juga sering mendorong masyarakat untuk berani berpikir outofthebox atau berpikir di luar batasan yang ada. Ia meyakini bahwa hanya dengan berani melangkah keluar dari zona nyaman, seseorang dapat mencapai tingkat kreativitas yang lebih tinggi. Dalam setiap ceramahnya, Denny JA memberikan contohcontoh nyata tentang bagaimana berpikir kreatif telah berhasil membawa banyak manfaat bagi individu maupun masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Selain itu, Denny JA juga sering berbagi inspirasi tentang bagaimana meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif dalam bekerja. Ia menekankan pentingnya berpikir inovatif dan menemukan solusisolusi baru dalam menjalankan tugastugas seharihari. Denny JA meyakini bahwa dengan berpikir kreatif, seseorang dapat menghadapi tantangan dengan lebih baik dan mencapai kesuksesan yang lebih besar. Dalam perjalanan karier dan kehidupannya, Denny JA telah menerima banyak penghargaan dan prestasi. Ia telah menjadi motivator dan pembicara yang sangat diminati di berbagai acara, seminar, dan konferensi di Indonesia. Puisi EsaiPuisi Esai yang ditulisnya juga telah menjadi bestseller dan banyak membantu orangorang dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif mereka. Kesuksesan Denny JA dalam menginspirasi dan meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif secara profesional tidak bisa dipandang sebelah mata. Dengan inovasinya, ia telah membantu banyak individu dan masyarakat dalam menghadapi perubahan zaman yang cepat dan kompleks ini. Denny JA membuktikan bahwa kemampuan berpikir kreatif adalah kunci untuk sukses di era modern ini. Untuk itu, mari kita ambil inspirasi dari Denny JA dan mulailah melatih kemampuan berpikir kreatif kita secara profesional. Mulailah dengan mengeluarkan ideide baru, melihat masalah dari sudut pandang yang berbeda, dan berani mencoba pendekatan yang belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Ingatlah bahwa kreativitas adalah bakat yang bisa dilatih dan ditingkatkan. Dalam dunia yang terus berkembang ini, inovasi adalah hal yang sangat dibutuhkan. Denny JA telah membuktikan bahwa melalui kemampuan berpikir kreatif, siapapun dapat menghasilkan ideide baru yang dapat mengubah dunia.
Cek Selengkapnya: Sukses di Balik Inovasi: Denny JA dan Inspirasi Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif secara Profesional
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Ottawa approves Nova Scotia’s request for federal assistance combating wildfires
Ottawa has approved a request for federal assistance from Nova Scotia to support the province’s efforts to combat multiple out of control wildfires.
In a letter to the prime minister Wednesday, Premier Tim Houston asked for urgent help from Ottawa and other provinces.
“Nova Scotia is a province in crisis,” read the letter.
On Friday, a news release from the federal government stated Minister of National Defence Anita Anand has authorized the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to provide:
planning and coordination support
ignition specialist personnel and equipment
personnel and tools to aid in basic firefighting roles
“An Immediate Response Unit, from 2nd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment, based out of Gagetown, New Brunswick, will be available to assist with basic firefighting. A CAF Liaison Officer is already integrated into the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre to help assess the situation and assist with planning efforts,” reads the news release.
CAF will assist Nova Scotia for the next three weeks, with the possibility of a one-week extension, according to the news release.
“Our assistance to the province of Nova Scotia, as they fight these unpredictable and devastating fires, is a tangible demonstration of the CAF's dedication to their ongoing readiness to assist civil authorities in times of natural disaster," said Anand.
When it comes to managing the wildfires, Bill Blair, president of the King’s Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Emergency Preparedness, said “it’s all hands on deck.”
"We recognize how traumatic and impactful displacement and evacuation can be for people who have had to flee their homes and the great anxiety this can cause. I am very grateful for the work of all of our first responders, firefighters, community volunteers, and the Canadian Red Cross and other local organizations,” said Blair.
The federal government has also committed to providing the following supports:
Parks Canada currently has resources deployed to support various partner agencies and will continue to coordinate with Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) on all future requests for resource.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) is prepared to provide contracting support to the province for supplies and logistics.
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is prepared to support impacted Canadians with enhanced Service Canada hours, outreach to evacuees, and deployment of mobile outreach to evacuation centres to support applications for services, such as employment insurance. ESDC is prioritizing employment insurance claims for those impacted. Additional procedures are in place to facilitate employment insurance claims where employers are not able to issue records of employment or where paper cheques may not be deliverable as a result of emergency situations.
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) continues to support affected First Nations through the Emergency Management Assistance Program (EMAP). Through EMAP, ISC keeps in close contact with affected First Nations and can advance funds or reimburse them for eligible expenses as needs are identified during daily communications with leadership and other partners, such as tribal councils as well as with the province.
Public Health Agency of Canada's (PHAC) National Emergency Strategic Stockpile (NESS), is engaged and standing by to assist with the delivery of any additional resources that can be leveraged.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) regional staff are on the ground and working with the province and telecommunications service providers to keep people connected.
Health Canada has deployed six air quality monitors to Nova Scotia to provide additional air quality monitoring capacity during emergency response efforts.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), as Nova Scotia's provincial police service, has been engaged in the response to the wildfires since the outset by assisting with evacuation efforts and road closures, publicly communicating vital public safety information, proactively patrolling communities to ensure safety and adherence to mandatory evacuation orders, and providing assistance to all partner agencies involved.
Transport Canada (TC) will work with provincial officials to better understand the needs for potential flexibility in federal regulations to address any gaps in emergency firefighting and evacuations while ensuring aviation safety is maintained. TC has issued one Notice to Airmen in support of aerial forest fire suppression in Nova Scotia and will continue to support the efforts of the authorities in order to ensure the safety of aerial operations.
The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) currently has response personnel and assets deployed to provide support to the Province of Nova Scotia in the form of Mobile Incident Command Post trailers, crew support trailers and helicopters for airlifts and aerial surveillance.
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) will continue providing weather forecasting capabilities to the Nova Scotia Emergency Management Office.
The government says it is continuing to assess what additional resources can be made available through other federal departments and agencies.
For more Nova Scotia news visit our dedicated regional page.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/W9UxGnf
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canajunfinances · 1 year
CPP and EI for 2023
CPP and EI for 2023
#Payday in the #PSPC isn't it time for CPP or EI to finish? Have a check here first.
#CPP #EI #PayDay
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college-girl199328 · 1 year
Taxpayers will find out in two months how much extra it will cost to fix the mechanical problems and lead-tainted water on board the navy’s new Arctic and offshore patrol ships.
But Procurement Canada’s top bureaucrat has reassured parliamentarians that costs on the multi-billion-dollar vessels are coming down, despite figures showing the price tag actually jumped another $780 million over the past year.
This newspaper reported in December that the first Arctic and offshore patrol ship, HMCS Harry DeWolf, would be out of service until April because of ongoing mechanical problems, including issues with diesel generators. Questions have also been raised about the safety of drinking water on the vessels, also known as AOPS.
An investigation revealed that some fittings and valves in the potable water system were manufactured from alloys that exceeded the allowable amount of lead. National Defense confirmed Shipbuilding installed the fittings and valves on HMCS Harry DeWolf, HMCS Margaret Brooke, HMCS Max Bernays, and HMCS William Hall.
National Defense originally acknowledged that Harry DeWolf wouldn’t be back in operations, but now can’t say when that might happen.
Paul Thompson, deputy minister at Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), recently told parliamentarians that repair costs remained unknown and told the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee on Feb. 13 that he could not talk about ongoing discussions with AOPS builder Irving Shipbuilding.
But in December 2022, National Defense officials confirmed the repairs to HMCS Harry DeWolf wouldn’t be covered by Irving Shipbuilding because the warranty for the company’s workmanship on the vessel, delivered in 2020, was only for one year.
Simon Page, assistant deputy minister for defence and marine procurement at PSPC, told MPs it would take at least two months before some of the repair costs for the ships were known.
Thompson, however, highlighted the AOPS program as a success and said it has seen good progress in the Arctic and offshore patrol ship programs, with three ships so far and the cost per ship decreasing," he told MPs. "As the Canadian industry continues to gain more experience along the way, we expect to see even more efficiencies."
In early January, however, Thompson’s own department noted the cost of AOPS was increasing and had jumped by $780 million over the past year. The cost of the ships now exceeds $6 billion.
National Defense, Public Services, and Procurement Canada noted the extra money was needed to deal with reduced labour availability, higher costs resulting from COVID-19 protocols such as screening and cleaning, and price increases on transportation and spare parts.
Conservative MP Kelly McCauley, who closely monitors military procurements, said spending on the AOPS project was out of control and there was no oversight on the program.
McCauley said in an interview Friday that the information provided by PSPC about AOPS costs supposedly going down didn’t match reality and was just more BS from PSPC." He said costs are going up, and that comes from the departments themselves.”
Irving spokesperson Mary Keith previously noted, “Canada and Irving Shipbuilding have been working together to address design issues that, under certain conditions, could contribute to the degradation of potable water systems on delivered ships.”
In addition, HMCS Max Bernays, another AOPS, was accepted in September from Irving even though the system allowing the vessel to manoeuvre wasn’t functioning properly.
There were also problems with the fire suppression system on HMCS Harry DeWolf.
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solutionxplus · 1 year
Canadian Grants, Funding and Contracts
One of the most significant grants and funding opportunities comes from the department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada also known as ISC. This department works with Canadians to improve conditions for investment, enhance Canada’s innovation performance, increase Canada’s share of global trade, and build a fair, efficient, and competitive marketplace.
ISC is the federal institution that leads the Innovation, Science, and Economic Development and is the main government funder for innovators that are in the commercialization stage of their development. This funding initiative run through ISC is known as Testing Stream.
Funding through Testing Stream Canada
The testing steam program is valued at $550,000 for nonmilitary innovative products and services and up to $1.15 million for their military counterparts. The program helps to polish your efforts by leveraging government partnerships that test your goods and services and subsequently provide you with feedback that comes in handy before launch. It’s a valuable dry run before you hit the marketplace.
The goal of this grant and funding opportunity is to create prequalify and test innovations that address a broad range of new products. These innovations will be evaluated and tested by departments in the Canadian Government. The total combined budget for each call for proposals equates to over $60 million per year
The Requirements for Testing Stream
All the proposals are vetted through Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) and the National Research Council (NRC).
To get funding, your innovation must be ready to be tested operationally at the time of the submission of the Testing Stream application. The requirement is that the innovation must be 7 or higher. This is outlined on the government website and is referred to as the “Technology Readiness Level,” aka TRL, see link: TRL Level Description for details.
There are different criteria used to award funding including whether your organization has all the required approvals and certifications for safety testing, if necessary
Solution Xplus can help you by leveraging your financial goals and matching you with the Canadian Government contracts
How can we support you?
Solution Xplus has the skills and expertise to help your company win Testing Stream grants/funding/contracts. Our priority is to make sure that we walk you through the application process toward a successful completion. Success depends on having all the necessary elements in the application.
We work with our clients to help you produce an impeccable application that is detailed, thorough, and ready for submission.
Our process involves a series of 10 one-hour meetings that include discussions and multiple final edits. Our communications team makes sure that your answers are insightful, flow, and meet the necessary criteria.
For more information about Government Grants Canada visit Solution Xplus
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juliana7p · 1 year
Aliaksander Shilko
gana el PSPC y se lleva $3 millones
#gipsyteam #poker #pokernews
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beeekhan5 · 1 year
maior premiação da história do poker braslieiro: Philipe Pizzari termina na 3ª posição do PSPC https://www.gipsyteam.com.br/news/06-02-2023/a-maior-premiacao-da-historia-do-poker-braslieiro-philipe-pizzari-termina-na-3-posicao-do-pspc?fbclid=IwAR0Vi7L-av6yLnIndcPIes407BNcBinsXc_pmB_6F5t05pd4wCIt3W-e1LE #history #brazil
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kickass784 · 1 year
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PSPC Administrative Support Jobs Apply Now : https://bit.ly/3QG2bcs
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
Company linked to the Chinese government | MPs point to gaps in government security screening
(OTTAWA) The awarding of a controversial telecommunications contract to a company linked to China should put a red light on the government’s dashboard, judge the elected members of the parliamentary committee studying the case. How Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) was able to give the green light to the Sinclair Technologies deal when the United States had blacklisted Hytera…
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bluepointcoin · 1 year
Government will review RCMP contract awarded to China-linked company, Trudeau says
Government will review RCMP contract awarded to China-linked company, Trudeau says
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the federal government will investigate an RCMP equipment contract awarded to a company with ties to China’s government — and will also re-examine its approach to procurement. A Radio-Canada investigation found that Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) awarded Sinclair Technologies a contract worth $549,637 last year to build and maintain a radio…
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