valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Alphabet of health.Answers on letters Doctor
 Hypothalamic  syndrome.
1.For me put this diagnosis as hypothalamic syndrome with vegeto -vessel destroys and hard depression, my doctors left town, maybe you can advise me a cure. 
Hypothalamic syndrome is characterizing with vegetative, endocrine, metabolism and trophic disorders. And his reasons are scull-brain injury, infection , stress, tumour process, mental over loading, and in result of alcohol poisoning.
And for success,  cure is importance to define a leading syndrome, method selecting individually.
And in acute, chronic infection a needing anti-inflammatory therapy, sucking out therapy.
In hypothalamic syndrome from injury displaying after decreasing, improving beginning after decreasing  cranial pressure with a tie using diuretics.
In destroying carbohydrate metabolism for patient enters insulin.
In endocrine destroys using stimulating, replacing, or inhibiting for hormones preparations , and prescribing diet with limiting carbohydrates and animal fats, remedies are overwhelming appetite. Gymnastic here too needing, but with dosing loads and control for arterial pressure.And importance here sleep regime right, wakefulness, destroys are leading to worsening condition, hypothalamic syndrome needing a constant doctor s checking.
2. Why in my sleep are teeth knocking.
And in my friend they are  involuntary, but very stronger are teeth knocking, and tongue bites.
Why are the reasons here, and which cure is?
A night gnashing with teeth or bruxism meeting in 15 percents of livers, and not a symptom for disease. Reasons here are not found, and often reasons here are stress, as in worry, anxiety inside, and  excitations before sleep. And stats are showing about a genetical predisposition on night teeth gnashing.
And how to fight it? And specialists here advising before sleep  lead to exhaustion chewing muscle with a good chewing and chopping apple, carrot or other hard products.
And muscle tension lowering a hot compress for t10-15 min apply on chewing muscles region and before sleep. And sometimes suck teeth knocks are having in organic  damaging for head brain or neurotic disorders, here needing investigation, and visit neurologist with apparatus testing   for head brain or MRT and EEG , and visit psychotherapeutist.
3. What is liver s haemangioma?
A how to cure her with official and alternative medicine.
Haemangioma is a benign forming, ball of blood vessels. And displaying without symptoms. And a most often they are unborn, of a birth liver injury and after injury concussions, and in women's they are meeting often,than  in males, as very spreading condition. And find for a first time on ultrasound liver testing . Haemangiomas for small sizes and not growing are not dangerous , just needing in checking. Haemangiomas on 5 cm and more and fast-growing, which affecting on discomfort, are needing in surgery.
4. On my 24 y.old am having pricking in heart,am smoking, maybe this is a reason.
Reasons here are much, and one is affecting of smoking addiction, are ability for rising frequently heart shortenings, and in result heart working intensively. Person smoking one box/day, that affecting doubly  risk for heart attack, smokers pulse are on  10-20  hits/ min often, than in not smokers , within a year heart make on 5-11 millions more shortening. And for avoiding infarcts are not allowing to deficit for proteins , decreasing containing animal fats in meal and avoid smoking. And for put right diagnosis you need to visit for doctor and check ECG test.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/adQjBv3 via https://ift.tt/TJNvXl2
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molnlycke · 3 years
As a disclaimer I want to say that I found the Youtube channel of Abbie Emmons by one of her ‘write with me’ videos. Following that I watched some of her WritersLifeWednesdays vlogs and thought, this woman has tremendous passion and work put into her craft. She actually gives valuable advice, and the themes of her videos are pretty good. So when I saw that she has a novel of her own published, I wanted to see how she incorporates the stuff she talks about into practical work. This is how I started reading her debut novel: 100 Days of Sunlight.
I was curious, okay?
But oh man, what is this?
This book… I’m sorry it’s just so bad. The mess of glaring problems, plotholes, the …characterisation. Abbie Emmons says every good story is character driven (which I wholeheartedly stand by if it is executed well!!!) but what should I get from this, honestly?
There are too many things screaming PROBLEMATIC here.
But let’s start at the beginning.
The exposition––the first chapter’s building don’t make no sense. It has a twist in it alright, but why start with something that turns out to be a dream (or a scrap of a memory in this case) of the actual past, only to get dumped with everything else that also happened following that scene? All of this is told from the protagonist’s reminiscing of said happening.
- To be clear the book starts with the scene of an accident–the accident in which the protagonist, Tessa loses her sight. A drunk driver with a pickup truck runs the red light crashing into the car Tessa and her grandmother are in. Soon it turns out that’s only a recurring nightmare and she’s been home for one or two weeks (maybe? I don’t remember precisely). By this time she has already lost her sight. Tessa runs the audience over all that happened after the accident (basically in those weeks she got discharged from the hospital etc. etc.) Now my question is why not start the book from the accident itself? It all gets narrated either way.
The next problem is the way first Tessa’s grandparents, and then the WHOLE BOOK just downplays consent. Why? Why would you do that?
- Tessa’s grandparents “know better what’s good for her than she does”–that’s an actual quote from the novel btw. Nothing glaringly alerting in that, I mean adults often have this way of thinking about children. Until… they try to arrange a stranger to help Tessa with transcribing her work. Tessa is a poet with a blog where she posts her work on schedule. Ever since the accident, she doesn’t feel like writing (or blogging for that matter). She’s shut herself off from the virtual world, doesn’t touch her laptop, nor speaks with her internet friends. (Because ofc she’s homeschooled, doesn’t like to go out at all and only has internet friends in the first place.) She’s in her room for most of the day, cries a lot and tries to cope. Whether her coping is good or bad I’m not qualified to say, but she thinks of herself as selfish, lazy, cynical, and depressed most of the time––everything she never wanted to be, things hates with every fibre of her being. She blames herself and basically detests life for beating her down to the ground. She feels she can’t get up even though she’s told, her blindness is a condition that can go away in ninety-something days’ time. I think feeling these emotions are pretty reasonable for a teenager. It’s been like three weeks since the accident, and her newfound blind perspective of life. That can’t be easy. BUT her grandparents know this isn’t healthy, Tessa needs to write. “I haven’t written one verse, one line, one word of poetry. I have no desire to. I have no inspiration, no joy. It’s all gone.” - Tessa from ch.1 So what do Granny and Gramps do following their infinite wisdom? Play the girl. And I’m like, sure dude, harass the child into doing what you want. Sure, don’t try to get her professional help or a psychotherapeutist or something if you think she’s faring so terribly. Sure, run an ad for hiring some part timer to transcribe for the poet who doesn’t want to write anymore. Sure, do it all behind her back. I mean she has PTSD and is blind for now, but yeah, this will most definitely help. Good job! For goodness’ sake they treat the girl like she’s been locked inside her room for months?!
When they share this brilliant plan with Tessa, she freaks out so much the elderly retract the ad. But not before the son of the newspaper’s owner gets a scrap of this new, possible past time activity and decides to be a creep and essentially stalk Tessa. But that’s for later.
Tessa explicitly tells her grandparents she doesn’t want to meet new people, doesn’t want to write, what she needs is time. So the next thing Granny does is pushes an unknown, teenage boy into her blind granddaughter’s room for a chat. Against Tessa’s repeated objections! There’s so much nonsense going on in the sequence of the story. Like one day there comes a boy–a stranger, knocking on the door, saying he’s this and this’ son and wants to help. And because, at a glance, he has prosthetic legs, you invite him first into the house then into your blind teenage granddaughter’s room? Without actually knowing if he is who he says he is? Without knowing the first thing about him? But even if that part is true, and he is who he says–the son of the newspaper’s owner, let’s not forget the mildly stalkerish way the guy’s been acting.
Granny shares a shit load about Tessa’s problems, then flat out tells her to meet Weston. “I told you I don’t want help. And I certainly don’t want anyone touching my laptop. I don’t want to write. I don’t want some stranger coming into my house and feeling sorry for me!” That’s Tessa speaking with Granny prior to the meeting. I mean it’s no biggie if she’s against the whole idea because he could help, right? Is this the American way of handling things? Someone give me a spoon that I can boink myself in the head with to get around this type of mentality.
At the first meeting Tessa has meltdown, screams at Weston and cries. Tells him she doesn’t need help. Tells him not to bother. Tells him she wants him OUT OF HER ROOM. Weston leaves before telling her he’ll be back the next day. And Granny and everyone else is fine with that. So in the following days the nuisance has the audacity to come over, small-talk the grandparents into loving him because he’s so charming everyone is in love with him a little. (That’s another thing from the book, I shit you not, the dude straight up thinks things like this. Yes, I know it’s self-deceit.) Weston forcibly takes over Tessa’s room which is basically the last place she feels comfortable at? Never mind, now someone’s popping in randomly when they think it’s cool, telling her what to do––“I know you don’t need me. But you need to write.” Bitch I think you need to fuck off from people’s lives who don’t want you in it. Just an advice.
One time Tessa wakes up to Weston barging into her room (“...he walks into my room without knocking, at 9.00 a.m., when I’m still in my pajamas”). Granny’s off to do her things leaving the boy to stay and make himself at home. Huh, quite reasonable.
Weston forces Tessa to accept there’s no fleeing this situation––one, the three of them (him and the oldies) constructed for her. Because it’s helping.
That’s basically the question of: where’s the line between wanting to help someone and pushing them even deeper when they’re already at a bad place. But since this is a YA romance everything is nice and good and sorted at the end so Tessa can thank her loving family for forcing their volition on her.
- Here’s another lovely example of consent portrayed in the novel: “I told you I don’t want to go outside.” Weston laughs. “You also told me to get out of your house and never come back.” “And you directly disobeyed my wishes.” “And you’ve been enjoying it...” Please tell me I’m not the only one seeing what’s wrong with this whole dialogue. It’s so disappointing and frankly, discouraging, to see an attitude like this written by a woman, targeted at a young, female audience.
- Oh, there’s their first kiss as well. It’s really really romantic. Weston asks for permission then doesn’t wait for the answer! “I’m gonna kiss you. Is that okay?” It’s not fair, because I don’t give her any time to reply. Instead, I press my lips against hers. Without permission.” ...So why did he even bother to ask? To seem nice? Well, as the saying goes it’s the thought that counts… So is this how consent works? NO! But consent never stood a chance in this book at the first place.
Next up; Characters.
*not @me side-eyeing Abbie’s video about how to craft a strong female protagonist* - I’m not gonna say a lot about Tessa. For me she falls flat like a cut-out. She’s paper thin, and dumb, although she’s the novel’s protagonist. Funny though, I feel she has less to give to the story than Weston, and it’s not just the length of their respective chapters. There’s like 600-700 words from Tessa’s POV (mainly about Weston 80% of the times), then we get a 4k word count chapter from Weston (mainly about his own journey and overcoming his struggles). Tessa’s chapters are either shallow or about her time spent with Weston. Opposed to this Weston has a full arc of him getting over the loss of his legs and standing up from it (quite literally). See what I’m talking about? All I get from Tessa before the accident is that she’s a writer, homeschooled, likes her colour coordinated books, and waffles (like Abbie ha!) (*whispers* and she wears her hair in a messy bun, ofc she does). Oh and she can’t live without WiFi. All I get after the accident is that she’s hurting, angry and blind. And now she has Weston. So her backstory is…..?
- Weston. Oh man where to start. Now he has a backstory. From it we can conclude how idiotic he is. That’s not recklessness or being a teenage boy. I’m sorry but his behaviour is simply idiotic. Sometimes he’s really grown up (taking care of his baby brothers and all) other times he has like 1 (one) braincell operating in his head. Bearing weeks of pain, and not saying anything about it to anyone because that’s not superhero like? WHAT??? He experienced, at the least, three weeks of torturous pain and several days of fever and dizziness, popping Advil like it’s candy. Still, the only one who realised this is his best friend at school and his 10 year old brother who was at the scene of Weston injuring his legs in the first place. What about the parents one might ask. Well Idk. Obviously a 13 year old is so good at deception and sneaking around that adults can’t catch on! On this note I want to gift Parents of the Year Award to Mamma and Pappa Ludovico. With parental supervision like that I’m baffled the child lived up to the age 13.
Weston is the nightmare male lead people usually salivate after in k-dramas stuffed into the body of a 16 year old American boy. Now I’ve never understood those people and their preferences of the bratty, entitled, but oh-so-handsome males and I still don’t understand to this day. Where’s the appeal? Don’t ask me.
I’ll just put down some quotes: “It’s the first time in three years anyone has ever met me without that look of pity on their face. The first time anyone has ever looked at me and not seen me. The first time anyone has stood before me—with perfectly normal legs—and complained about their own problem. The feeling is exhilarating.” So basically this is the so called ‘No one has ever treated me like this. Except this girl, my God, she’s intriguing’. Weston enjoys Tessa’s rude behaviour. “So she’s stubborn. She’s rude. She’s a spitfire wallflower who lost her sight and now hates anyone who tries to help her. Game on.” ...Are you five? “Tessa is the only Dickinson who doesn’t like me.” I have no idea why that could be. But, listen, listen: “I turn around in the desk chair, throwing her a hard look over my shoulder. She’s still sitting rigid and stoic on her bed, staring at nothing. She’s actually really pretty. Her eyes are bluer than mine—the enhanced kind of blue you see in contact lens commercials. She has freckles, too. Just a few, thrown across her nose and cheeks. Her hair is braided today, less messy. She looks so serious. I liked it better when she was screaming and crying.” Idk somehow this sounds like every badly composed romance I’ve ever seen. Let’s just say the progression of the relationship between Weston and Tessa infuriated me 90% of the story. You can help others without being an ass. You can also help others without being a horrible love interest, but that’s for another day. YA contemporaries don’t work like that.
Oh Weston, what a knight in shining armour. Three years prior, he had this thing with Clara Hernandez–a girl from school. It wasn’t real dating but they spent some time together (he walked her to class ooooh~~~) so she became “at the time, my unofficial girlfriend”. Things change after Weston’s accident, of course. He tells her he doesn’t want to continue their ambiguous relationship. And that’s alright, it’s his choice, BUT he then kind of passes the girl to his best friend, so she won’t annoy him anymore? The way he narrates the whole thing is...ugh. “But she wasn’t even dumping me, and we weren’t even dating. We were thirteen years old, for crying out loud.” See, this is Weston thinking about what happened. And this is him telling Rudy about it: “What were you talking to Clara about?” he (Rudy) asked. “I dumped her.” Following in another chapter they talk about how now that the coast is clear––Weston and Clara are through, Rudy should hit on Clara: “He wanted to resist the whole thing and deny his obvious crush on Clara Hernandez. But he couldn’t do anything except laugh and shake his head. He knew I was the best friend he could ever ask for.” Such a kind and caring person for handing out the girl he doesn’t really want to his best friend. Give him a medal for that one. Idk this whole business irked me to no end, like Clara was his possession or something. (Yeah, and the poor girl eventually ended up with Rudy, not like she had any other choice…)
- Downplaying female friendship. Yeah, that one happens as well. When Tessa talks with her friends (her blogging circle) the only thing we as readers can glimpse about their conversation is “Tell us more about the boy,” like... really? Because once again that’s the only thing a group of friends can talk about when one of them suffers an accident resulting in trauma. And Tessa’s answer? “At first, I didn’t like him. I thought he didn’t understand anything about me—even though he acted like he did. And I’m not sure that he understands much, even now. But he’s kind. And patient. And he kept coming back to type poetry for me, so I’ve kind of been forced to make friends with him.” The reply of her friends… “Aw ... He sounds really cute.” Yeah, really cute, forcing you to be friends with him. “How can you not be in love with a boy who makes you waffles?” Well, friend no.5, it’s not that hard… But there’s more. After Tessa gets her sight back the only thing we get from this supporting bubble of warm friends is as follows: “LIV: TESSA HOW ARE YOU FEELING ME: a lot better actually ME: my headache FINALLY went away MARIA: yayy!! ALLISON: PRAISE THE LORD ME: yeah fr KATE: So glad to hear you’re doing better, Tessa! It must be quite a transition omg… GRACIE: I can’t even imagine ME: it’s been pretty crazy ME: but good ME: I guess ME: ugh idk mixed emotions LIV: ???? LIV: TELL US EVERYTHING LIV: if u want to lol ME: ahhh well ME: Weston is kind of not talking to me anymore,” That is it my friends. Two to three sentences about her condition and it’s time to talk about the boy. Is this really how shallow anyone would want to describe the protagonist and her close-knit group of friends talking for the first time after one of them lost their sight? Then again, talking for the first time after she got her sight back? I’m disappointed to say the least.
- I didn’t care for any other character enough to jot down my observations. They were bland, they were there to help the main couple, nothing more, nothing less. Weston’s kid brothers were cute and Rudy seemed like a normal, sane character (I applaud him for that). All I can say is the families in this novel are something else.
The romance.
Okay, let me state before anything else: I like romance if there’s balance. I like romance when the people involved are equals. I believe a relationship, and a good one at that, should have cornerstones. One of them has to be that equality. It also doesn’t hurt if none of the involved parties are assholes. The romance can be of any trope as long as the happy ending is tied to said relationship being healthy. And I don’t mean sorely the end product; the way that relationship is constructed step by step should resemble these things. If not, at least call them out for it. I’m not the advocate of perfect characters or relationships (any kind, not just romance) because that would be really unrealistic. It can be bad, yeah, it can be toxic, or a little messed up in the middle. But for crying out loud reflect that in the storytelling! Do it especially if the story is planned for a younger audience! Now let me make another statement: What I don’t like is that in mostly American YA het-romances there are rarely any of these things.
- This one here is probably supposed to be the writer’s well liked trope of hate-to-love romance, but I feel the concept of kindergarteners is more fitting. The boy forces, the girl yields. But it’s okay because he likes her and wants to help.
There are some cases of harassment sprinkled in, as in one party objecting the other’s closeness or presence and the latter not giving a damn about this. Real respectful; but, hey, that’s part of consent too so I guess it simply flew over our heads in this particular story. A fresh and original concept on romance, wholesome and healthy. And the thing is, Weston actually knows these things. He literally says so in the book, “...until I intruded on Tessa’s life, however it happened.”
And of course Tessa is more pure than fresh snow on white lillies; she’s basically a lotus. Weston is the first boy stepping into her room. Give me a second to freak out about that. It’s so exciting! (Mostly by knowing the circumstances in which he did that.)
The other thing that annoyed me was Weston’s entitlement and holier-than-thou attitude. He knows everything better than Tessa. He knows Tessa better than she herself does WHEN HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW THE FIRST THING ABOUT HER. That’s the moral of the story. No, but I’m not kidding, some of his thoughts set me on fire. “She wrote about sunlight and oceans and falling in love, when I’m pretty sure she has no idea what it feels like to fall in love.” I’m sorry, but do you know Tessa? (besides stalking her via the grandparents)???? The audacity, I’m cackling.
- Can someone tell me why Tessa speaks with Weston if she doesn’t want to? I mean besides that this way the story can go on. She actually starts their conversation on the second day. Me, personally, don’t talk to people whose presence I can barely tolerate. How silly, I know.
- Weston annoys the shit put of Tessa for like five minutes but he talks to her, (for his own selfish reasons may I add––Weston, honey, if you want people not to pity you try helping blind little kids who actually want your help) and brings her flowers, and chocolate so I guess it’s reasonable that approximately four days later Tessa’s attitude shifts to comparing him to sunlight. “Weston is everything And all at once. Weston is gentle And harsh. Weston can be blindingly bright But then he can also be Delicately soft. Weston is a paradox.” – Oof girl.
- Let me tell you kids just because someone annoys or teases you and you tolerate it––that’s not the get-go to life changing love. Even though he’s the first real life boy whom you’ve ever spent casual time with. But he’s the first boy who ever showed you real attention, you say. Well then, that’s a grace girls have to accept. Or so this book and so many others try to make us believe. The sad thing is, there actually could’ve been a conflict––if one wants to write about opposites attracting each other so much––without making the story so cliched and weak.
- Maybe it’s nitpicking for some, BUT… why was Weston in his dad’s office in the first place? I never got around to the reason of that. He loiters around there once a week, that’s what the book states. Well, okay, he is there inspecting the motivational quotes collection on the wall while his father just works away. And am I supposed to believe the man is all cool with this? What is Weston doing there? For what reason? The answer is easy: he simply had to hear the phone call of Tessa’s grandfather retracting the ad.
- Now why does his father–the owner of the newspaper–accept calls regarding ads in the first place? Is this really how things work? Other employees do nothing? I’ve worked at a small printing company in the past. The management only accepted calls regarding ads if there wasn’t a single soul anywhere near the perimeter of the office. There’s a department for jobs like this. Bosses don’t qualify.
- About the already mentioned beautiful first meeting, where sparks fly, and the lovely couple can roll off a great start... If Tessa didn’t want to meet anyone why didn’t she lock her door? That’s a pretty easy task. At first I thought maybe there’s no lock on the door. But wait; after the disastrous meeting she locks herself away. “The door is locked, and Grandma has stopped trying to open it.” Sooo there was a lock after all…...okay…….
- Why is almost everyone in this book freckled with blonde hair and blue eyes? Okay, this really is just nitpicking, but like, is there some symbolism in that? *bounces eyebrows* Ehem, if you know what I mean.
- I’m not sure if this is an actual plot-hole but I was really surprised by the lack of anxiety Weston’s approach triggered in Tessa. Essentially, Weston is a stranger at the start of the book, with whom she gets locked into a room, without anyone else in there, when she’s still adjusting to the fact she can’t see. I especially looked out for it; Weston closes her door every time he’s over at their house to speak with her. I mean the first time she’s angry; but what about later? She doesn’t even seem nervous or affected by this at a time when her blindness is still fresh. Yet, when they go to Barnes & Noble, a public space with people around, Tessa is anxious the minute Weston leaves for a bathroom break. Like okay, some strange dude tries to pick her up and she’s rightfully terrified, but all she has to do is call out. Now both of these scenes are pressuring and scary, but where’s the difference? Tessa is nervous when the stranger approaches her in the book store, a big and open space with people around even before said stranger tries to initiate skinship. She tells him to leave her alone. But she did just that when Weston first went to see her. And Weston didn’t give a shit about it, much like the high schooler at the book store. And I’m supposed to believe with Weston she wasn’t apprehensive at all? Of course she wasn’t… he’s the love interest.
The whole book store scene makes me so uncomfortable and NOT because of what you’d think. It’s simply distasteful to create a scenario like that only to draw it back to… yes, you guessed it, Weston. He’s the saviour sweeping Tessa off her feet with “Get your hands off my girl” and chasing away that jerk. Why is it that still, in the year of *looks at smudged handwriting on hand* sometime past the 1890s there’s the need to use The Jerk™ hitting on the girl and The Nice Guy™ saving her by making her seem like his property? Oh did I forgot to mention the jerk smelled like cigarettes, and his pants were falling off his ass. I’m surprised he wasn’t wearing a leather jacket or had piercings just to fit the look to a T. That usage of my girl ...ugrghgh I can already feel white hairs sprouting from this. Look, I’m not against the idea of belonging to your beloved. If you want to say it, cool, do it. But when it’s not consensual, and you’re not a couple who already expressed to one another the wish to be viewed that way maybe DON’T FUCKING USE IT. Not to one up another guy trying scare the baddie away. Man, don’t do that. *channelling my inner LE to rap the last line really loud* What’s even better than this? Tessa’s reaction: “Despite the gravity of the situation, I can’t help but smile and get butterflies all over again.” REALLY???? Please donate braincells to this girl. She really needs it.
The dynamic of relationships.
- This is mind bogging for me. Almost all relations (excluding the most fundamental ones) serve a sole reason: cheer on and make the main couple happen. This book is promoted as a love story, one, not limited to romance. It’s a love story of family bonds, love between brothers, and grandparents, and friends. And that’s true for Weston… but for Tessa??? I don’t think so. But maybe that stems from how underdeveloped Tessa’s character is.
- The main couple’s dynamic is so stilted. Weston basically caused the state he is in, Tessa suffered an accident caused by outer circumstances. She’s the victim of a drunk driver, while quite frankly, Weston’s the victim of his own stupidity. And yet, since Weston decided to fight for himself he expects Tessa to do the same. Now that’s a nice thought, even if it’s about someone you barely know and met maybe two times in your life. Is that a reason to harass the other and tell them what to do, not taking no for an answer? I highly doubt it. Weston wanted to get better so he pressed himself, but he made that choice himself. It’s beautifully written down not once, not twice, but multiple times; how hard it was for him to choose between 1, the easy way––the flat grounded desert and 2, the hard scaling and rocky mountain range. He chose the mountain range and that’s admirable. What’s not admirable is, that from what I get from this book, Tessa never had the luxury of a choice. Because other’s never gave her time or let her decide for herself. Tessa says Weston is stubborn and obnoxiously optimistic. I think he’s just obnoxious, period.
- At the end of the book Tessa narrates how ashamed she feels and how her heart is breaking “Because of what Life has done to Weston.” For one, is Life responsible for what happened to Weston? I’d liked to read about how Weston tells the story of losing his legs to Tessa with a straight face, because all thorough the book he never once did that. To anyone. If that happened, he ought to admit how incredibly stupid he had been. As well as the consequences of his own decisions, every time he went on without saying a word or asking for help. That stubbornness is his character trait. Yes, it is, but we never get to see how that affected his family, there wasn’t one paragraph about his parents talking about it with him.
- On this note why is Tessa always so ashamed, feeling like she’s the brute, saying sorry to everyone at every chance? It’s not like others apologised to her once. This character trait only perpetuates the notion how everything others impose on her is fair trade because they only want to help. And either way, she only feels apologetic about standing up for herself.
Mentions of notable things that annoyed me.
- The judgement if a girl need makeup or not, because *banging pots and pans* she’s beautiful no matter what in the boy’s eyes. And he tells her just that. “Are you wearing makeup?” I ask, without thinking. Tessa smiles just a little. “Yeah,” she says. “Grandma helped me with it. This feels like… a special occasion.” “You don’t need it, you know. You look beautiful without it. But you look beautiful with it, too. You always look beautiful. Even when you’re crying.” Tessa really needed to know your opinion about her wearing makeup Weston. Kudos for you for telling her she doesn’t need it because she looks beautiful without it, but it’s okay to wear it as she looks beautiful with it too. Great input man!
- At this point I’m not even surprised, but there really was the girl staring at something, asking if it’s pretty. (Okay, Tessa couldn’t stare but she was probably imagining––here it’s the sundown, bc of the whole sunlight theme). Then the boy answering, “Yeah, it’s pretty.” Not as pretty as you, he thinks while staring straight at her. Hello, is this a Disney production?
All in all is this the worst book ever? No. Are there unforgivable problems with it? Not explicitly.
My biggest problem is what message it sends about relationship patterns, patterns I hate with a fiery passion. It’s the same old shit I grew up with, and it’s the same old shit that doesn’t seem to change after twenty years. Not even now when,––with the help of the era of internet––everyone is suddenly so woke. But are they, really? All I saw about this novel is the raving reviews praising it to heavens. And there are themes in it that deserve praise––the acceptance of one’s self, the loss, the forgiveness, the overcoming of hardships of life––but what about all that’s left? What about the execution?
Bottom line is, because this is a book, everything gets resolved and all is happy and fine at the end. However in real life, coercing others to do things against their will isn’t a glorious idea. Disregarding consent isn’t acceptable. Helping with the stubbornness of a mule isn’t really helping. And last but not least, perpetuating a mindset and a budding relationship like the one presented in this book––for a young audience shouldn’t be okay.
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leminchi · 8 years
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The Sixth Sense AU I was thinking about this for a while ... The Sixth Sense is my favorite movie) In this AU Mob can see the ghosts, and Reigen is a psychotherapeutist for the children, but he doesn't know that he is dead. At the begining everything is like in the movie. Reigen wants to help Mob, but in the end they will help each other) I still thinking about the other characters)
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
This is disease,which is not having.
 Lots of peoples having VVD /vegetative  -vessel dystonia/, that as effective and right cure not having, but in right approach is ability fight attacks, which a life complicating.
Vegetative-vessel dystonia, neurocirculation  dystonia, dysfunction are wrongs in work for nerve system, rergulating  activity and functions for inside organs, inside glands and external, lymphatic and blood vessels. And later specialists shared as disease, today is functional destroys, as attaching a psychic. And symptoms here are different, and not putting a picture for famous diseases a stomach, heart, lungs. And not finds organic damaging other organs, and pathology finding on childhood, but symptoms peak on 20-40 y.old.
Reasons are intrauterine hypoxia, anomaly   births, and infections on the childhood.
Stress, neurosis, strong physical overloading.
Scull-brain injures and neuroinfections .
Hormonal wrongs in pregnancy and on teenagers.
Genetical and constitution peculiarities.
Chronic pathologies in inside organs.
A few types for VVD.
Or classifications.
By cardiovascular system with cardial, hypertensive and hypotensive types are often meeting as mixed with cardial-hypotensive, cardial-hypertensive.
By a classification for heaviness are easy, middle for VVD forms.
By a course are hide, attacks, or constant.
Different symptoms with attaching lots of systems and organs, when patients are sure in serious pathology, as for diagnosis finding using lots of tests ,   and visiting lots of specialists.
Base signs.
Hard breath, dyspnoe,  failure in breath, hard of often breath, dizziness, headaches, fast tiredness, weakness, lowering work capacity, heart aches, pressure changing till rising and lowering, fast or low heart beating, heart fading, high sweating, insomnia, cold, numbness extremities, disordering gastrointestinal till diarrhoea, nausea heartburn, hard stool, appetite lost, often urination and itch, aches in sex organs , non motivating panic attacks, worry ness, depending on from weather conditions, meteo -addiction. Red skin, ears noises, sense loosing.
And in VVD you must visit neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, psychotherapeutist.
A cure here is needing ,that if not, he is not improving your life quality , as loosing work capacity, exhausting CNS, and leading till hard depression, suicide and asthenia.   And often hypertonic crisis leading to organic destroys in heart, hypertrophia, cardiosclerosis,  ishemia, hypertension. In timely and right correction for symptoms a VVD  a feeling in patient improving, restoring your life rhythm, work and social activity.
A specifical  cure for VVD is not having , therapy depending  from symptoms, level for destroying a life activity in patient. Complex approach needing, as in changing life method, correction for meal s  behaviour, control for emotions.In using these methods  you can get cure effect and fight pathology. 
Use health life mode, avoid bad habits as smoking addiction, alcohol.
Use right regime for day, rest good and full till 6-9 hours, healthy sleep calms cns, and give a ability restoring, and before sleep add walks for 20 min on the fresh air.
Add exercises, physical activity normalizing tone for vegetative nerve system , as importance with regular exercises.Spa procedure also benefit with contrast shower, pour over with cool water, swim at pool, sea, water strengthen muscles and fight stress. And for the cure are matching exercises on the fresh air, plays, walks as on an everyday.
Care for nerves, protect from stress, nervousness, fight from emotional overloads, as less watch tv, and less use computer.
Eat right, correct ration, avoid eat a lots spicy, fat meal, caffeine drink, strong tea ,fast food, and other meal negatively affecting on the nerve system.
In menu add chicken and quail eggs, vegetables, all fruits kinds, greens of basil, dill, salads, cilantro, berries, dried fruits, meat, fish, milk products. Compotes, water, infusion of berries, herbs are calming you, vitamininizing , tone, and enter in menu  everyday. Eat on a same time, for 5-6 times/day on a small portions, before sleep not eat till 2-3 to sleep, stomach is seat all meal.
Lots of peoples with VVD are not needing using remedies, that they are needing in hard cases  as in strong anxiety, worry, panic attacks, neurosis, which doctor prescribes you. And base groups for cure are calming remedies : valeriana, leonurus, novopassit, anti depressants as cipralex, paroxetine, amitriptyline, tranquillizers as seduxen, elenium, tazepam, grandaxine.
And in hypertension, heart beating using anaprilin and other beta blockers as atenolol, egiloc , inhibitors for APF. The  heart fighting with calming remedies as seduxen, valocordin, corvalol , bradicarditis as on less ,than 50 hits/minute use atropine as remedies of belladonna.
Improving condition with a physioprocedures  , as acupuncture, massage, magnet therapy, electer phoresis with mg, in depending from pathology forms, and useful visiting for Spa procedures.
And herbs using by a type for VVD pathology  , a few herbs are affecting on pressure stats, thus doctor need to select theirs for you, usually using valeriana, leonurus, crataegus, peony, mint, Melissa . Herbal therapy is success using with remedies for curing.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/THpGyFV via https://ift.tt/1v8cGmn
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
This is disease,which is not having.
 Lots of peoples having VVD /vegetative  -vessel dystonia/, that as effective and right cure not having, but in right approach is ability fight attacks, which a life complicating.
Vegetative-vessel dystonia, neurocirculation  dystonia, dysfunction are wrongs in work for nerve system, rergulating  activity and functions for inside organs, inside glands and external, lymphatic and blood vessels. And later specialists shared as disease, today is functional destroys, as attaching a psychic. And symptoms here are different, and not putting a picture for famous diseases a stomach, heart, lungs. And not finds organic damaging other organs, and pathology finding on childhood, but symptoms peak on 20-40 y.old.
Reasons are intrauterine hypoxia, anomaly   births, and infections on the childhood.
Stress, neurosis, strong physical overloading.
Scull-brain injures and neuroinfections .
Hormonal wrongs in pregnancy and on teenagers.
Genetical and constitution peculiarities.
Chronic pathologies in inside organs.
A few types for VVD.
Or classifications.
By cardiovascular system with cardial, hypertensive and hypotensive types are often meeting as mixed with cardial-hypotensive, cardial-hypertensive.
By a classification for heaviness are easy, middle for VVD forms.
By a course are hide, attacks, or constant.
Different symptoms with attaching lots of systems and organs, when patients are sure in serious pathology, as for diagnosis finding using lots of tests ,   and visiting lots of specialists.
Base signs.
Hard breath, dyspnoe,  failure in breath, hard of often breath, dizziness, headaches, fast tiredness, weakness, lowering work capacity, heart aches, pressure changing till rising and lowering, fast or low heart beating, heart fading, high sweating, insomnia, cold, numbness extremities, disordering gastrointestinal till diarrhoea, nausea heartburn, hard stool, appetite lost, often urination and itch, aches in sex organs , non motivating panic attacks, worry ness, depending on from weather conditions, meteo -addiction. Red skin, ears noises, sense loosing.
And in VVD you must visit neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, psychotherapeutist.
A cure here is needing ,that if not, he is not improving your life quality , as loosing work capacity, exhausting CNS, and leading till hard depression, suicide and asthenia.   And often hypertonic crisis leading to organic destroys in heart, hypertrophia, cardiosclerosis,  ishemia, hypertension. In timely and right correction for symptoms a VVD  a feeling in patient improving, restoring your life rhythm, work and social activity.
A specifical  cure for VVD is not having , therapy depending  from symptoms, level for destroying a life activity in patient. Complex approach needing, as in changing life method, correction for meal s  behaviour, control for emotions.In using these methods  you can get cure effect and fight pathology. 
Use health life mode, avoid bad habits as smoking addiction, alcohol.
Use right regime for day, rest good and full till 6-9 hours, healthy sleep calms cns, and give a ability restoring, and before sleep add walks for 20 min on the fresh air.
Add exercises, physical activity normalizing tone for vegetative nerve system , as importance with regular exercises.Spa procedure also benefit with contrast shower, pour over with cool water, swim at pool, sea, water strengthen muscles and fight stress. And for the cure are matching exercises on the fresh air, plays, walks as on an everyday.
Care for nerves, protect from stress, nervousness, fight from emotional overloads, as less watch tv, and less use computer.
Eat right, correct ration, avoid eat a lots spicy, fat meal, caffeine drink, strong tea ,fast food, and other meal negatively affecting on the nerve system.
In menu add chicken and quail eggs, vegetables, all fruits kinds, greens of basil, dill, salads, cilantro, berries, dried fruits, meat, fish, milk products. Compotes, water, infusion of berries, herbs are calming you, vitamininizing , tone, and enter in menu  everyday. Eat on a same time, for 5-6 times/day on a small portions, before sleep not eat till 2-3 to sleep, stomach is seat all meal.
Lots of peoples with VVD are not needing using remedies, that they are needing in hard cases  as in strong anxiety, worry, panic attacks, neurosis, which doctor prescribes you. And base groups for cure are calming remedies : valeriana, leonurus, novopassit, anti depressants as cipralex, paroxetine, amitriptyline, tranquillizers as seduxen, elenium, tazepam, grandaxine.
And in hypertension, heart beating using anaprilin and other beta blockers as atenolol, egiloc , inhibitors for APF. The  heart fighting with calming remedies as seduxen, valocordin, corvalol , bradicarditis as on less ,than 50 hits/minute use atropine as remedies of belladonna.
Improving condition with a physioprocedures  , as acupuncture, massage, magnet therapy, electer phoresis with mg, in depending from pathology forms, and useful visiting for Spa procedures.
And herbs using by a type for VVD pathology  , a few herbs are affecting on pressure stats, thus doctor need to select theirs for you, usually using valeriana, leonurus, crataegus, peony, mint, Melissa . Herbal therapy is success using with remedies for curing.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/THpGyFV via https://ift.tt/1v8cGmn
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valgasnewsthings · 2 years
Night fear you can to fight.
 On my granddaughter 9 .old as clever girl, communicative, good teaching, but this is on daily time.. On the nighttime since 3.5 y.old are having nightmares, as in 40 min after sleeping, she's staying in bed, cry, and not recognizes relatives, and something say ,than we are not understood it. Within 4 times these are repeating for night. After attack, sleeping faster, and on the morning she is energy. And we are tests done as MRT, somnologist , psychotherapeutist visited, and diagnosis is parasomnia, night fears, and remedies prescribed. Sleeping calmer, but these are remedies having lots of chemistry, and am fear for her . And if she's stopping taking remedies, she is again having these symptoms.
And remember  , that what is happened with her on 3.5 y.old, when attacks begun? Asked neurologist Antonovskaja, and probably here is strong stress endured, what she fears in life? Dogs, bugs, injections, boys, teachers, or something unexpected. If are words affected on fears, sounds, meal smell, thus on the nighttime a control for  conscious   is weak and fears ,like outside moving as with fears, cries, conscious  this pushes in a sphere for without a sense , after she is, nothing remembers, this is protection psychical mechanism.
Any emotions as with feelings and fear are old method for news giving, info from organism about a situation, in which he is finding.In positive emotions,thus in our organism is all ok. Negative emotions talk about , that girl s organism reacts on an incident, these are dissonance, as very tight staying in her subconscious ,  cries, and muscles tensions are say, that organism must to do effort,that  to get our from this situation. Psychologists are good working with this, psychotherapeutist. Without remedies, through tests, plays, pictures, they are revealing a root of evil, which a reason for affecting these disturbing conditions. And with patient this situation as repeatedly to feel in a playing form, but with a positive final, thus fears and nightmares will leave you forever.
And remedies, which you are shared, as atarax, teralingen are antianxiety, which are good controlling fears. If right dosages keeping, and not rise a course continue  treating and in children not having side effects, thus cure doing right. And you can ask in a doctor about a remedy encephabol , as he is improving ties between nerve cells , and between conscious and subconscious.And  importance to find a good psychotherapeutist or psychologist, that  he is ability to decide your problem.
The best cure for children is art therapy and items with favourite heroes.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/kgPGbme via https://ift.tt/RXF1m49
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valgasnewsthings · 2 years
Chapter 8. Dizzying mandalas, within ten min.
 Secrets for freaky patterns by Buddhists.
And on the sunscreens translation, mandala means a wheel, circle, turning,rotation. This is schematic graphic sketch, but on the antiquity relation to her has been  trembling, as to sacral item, so as in her we can to see reflection a human s soul. And famous psychotherapeutist, follower a Freud, Is Carl Jung, studied a unconscious and detailed studied mandalas.And given for patients to draw theirs, or same schematic picture, and he saw,that they are not repeated never , changes a time after time and reflects inside emotional condition a person on a certain moment .Mandala is inside whole,which lead to harmony and not enjoys self-deception -he wrote.
Thanks for research this scientist a same practise using in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.And therefore for an opening an own me a work with mandalas matches is better. And especially on the morning. Traditionally, her paining in a full silence, this a need for concentration. A select for mandalas paints is a first step on a way to itself is an importance to select ,what is matches for you on this moment a time, that what is like, attracts the eye, what is want to see detailed, and paint. And in importance to see in itself this consonance  picture,which you are selecting. And rules, canons in paints are not having, just begin from a centre, or from edge, or paint all picture, or leave a few places not painting, or chaotically apply colour, or to think an definite order for painting.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/1tbnLIP
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valgasnewsthings · 3 years
Paradoxical syndrome.
 Belly aches, heartburn, icterus,swelling, and with these complex of problems every fourth patient visiting hospital, and on testing not serious sound, just found pathology in one from fourth, and for other put diagnosis as irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. 
IBS  is paradoxical appearance, as not a diseases,just symptoms lists as on unknown reason having, but these symptoms lowering life quality,as affecting on patients staying in discomfort condition,and not with gastrointestinal disease tied , just with nerve activity,and this is psychosomatic condition.
And base symptoms here are heartburn, icterus, stomach heaviness, nausea, belly spasms, aches, meteorism, hard stool, or diarrhoea or theirs alternating, and a feeling a not full stomach emptying , and not typical complaints with throat in lump, in swallowing, headaches, frequently urination, coldness legs, hands,worry, insomnia, as this belly concert having on the evening as after gas drinks, meals causing gases and to the morning symptoms are calming.
And IBS is functional problem  ,and in a base of her not lie as inflammation process, just a destroy for shortening activity bowel, and same conditions not leading to serious damage for health, but creating big discomfort and lots of uncomfortableness as for many patients as they are staying within many times  and staying all life ,and what is reason here?
As same destroy  explain as interaction between a digestion and nerve systems.As bowel work is manage a brain,as he sending signs for emptying ,and bowel doing this right. And in stress from brain go are false signals,thus as on the end time confusing bowel answers a hurt and bad symptoms. And not wonder,that belly problems having peoples as emotional, with a high worry ness and low stress stability,and in women's IBS having often,than in males,that weak sex are sharper perceived all happening.
And a importance provoking factor here is stress,as to acuting syndrome leading are stressed situations, as nervousness time are belly problems as on non matching place as on work, lectures, trips, and this is affecting more nervousness on.
As second spreading reason are meal products as wrong meal, these are lists for products you are needing avoiding eating in IBS.
Fermenting meal are yeast meal, bean, grape, baked,sweet, cabbage, bananas, cucumbers,gas drinks, whole milk, stimulants for stomach secretions, urination, as radish, celery, sorrel, turnip, mushrooms, caffeine as tea, cacao, coffee, chocolate, fat meal, vegetable, animal origin by, alcohol, and sometimes and benefit products as vegetables,fruits is avoiding,as bean, which having benefit protein, apples as fibers sources, as clean kind, milk products as causing gases and acuting symptoms provoking.
As IBS  is an not threaten life for , but cure his needing, thus pathology staying a chronic and provoking different diseases for gastrointestinal.And therefore in suspicion on IBS  as importance doctor s goal avoid a serious are diseases excepting,as having a same symptomatic and here are adding tests , diagnosis investigations as whole blood test, stool test, gastroscopy, colonoscopy and importance is psycho emotional condition,as by stats till 60 perc. patients having high worry ness,depression, fatigue, asthenic and neurotic conditions, thus a success cure  with combination are both efforts as gastroenterologist with psychotherapeutist.
And importance point here is diet as you need to star meal s diary as to find timely which products are negatively affecting on the digestion process and avoid a meal,which fermenting affecting on, remove diarrhoea and hard stool. As from an everyday menu avoiding fried, fat, smoked, spicy dishes,as better cooking stewed meal, or bake in oven with minimal quantity a fat, and eating on small portions as with intervals for 3 hours, and good chewing meal. And drink regime use and drink water for 1.5/2 l. a day.
A remedy cure prescribes a doctor as he is directing on stopping bad symptoms,which are much, thus are entering different remedies lists as spasmolitics duspatalin, trimedad, dicetel, naspanum.
Defoamers espumisan.
Ferments are mezym forte, pancreatin, creon, festal.
Against diarrheas are dufalac, mucofalc, phytomucil, normaze.
Probiotics are bififorms, bifidumbacterin, bificol, linex, bac set.
And in infection nature of pathology adding antibiotics and in psychogenic as anti depressants and good additional to the base cure are plants infusions of chamomile, mint, Melissa, oregano, tilia,dill, fennel, as one tea.sp. of plant in glass for the hot water, use on 1/4 glass for 3 times a day before meal, and better use mixture of 2/3 kinds of plants.
And importance preventing methods are moderate physical activity, as walk, press strengthening for exercises, belly massage, and less stress and timely diagnose and cure symptoms tie with gastrointestinal work.
By Osadchuk, professor, M.D.
  via Blogger https://ift.tt/3nYtLBW
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valgasnewsthings · 4 years
Bowel depends from the nerves.
 As a diagnosis in my son as 44 y.old is irritable bowel syndrome, as bowel hurt, diarrhea, doctor prescribed meteospasmil, creon, enterogermin,and they are not helped,a how to help for him?
As today IBS  answers doctor Nazarov are suffering 40 percent patients,as recently symptoms with as meteorism, belly sounds, aches, diarrhea are put diagnosis colitis, but in a base IBS is not lies inflammation,as non organic damage for thick bowel, as and reason in ulcers, polyps , chronic inflammation, but in destroy shortening activity a bowel. As lots of gastroenterologists are sure that he is treating to the psychosomatic disease as a base reason are nerves, thus am add,that he is success cure if gastroenterologist and psychotherapeutist enter in help. And not means,that is something bad with you head, that means as deeply in your subconscious lie are fears, which he is not to suspects,and they are having as launcher trigger for IBS display. As normalizes and meal regime, avoid are spicy meal, spirit drinks, caffeine, rice, nuts, animals fats change on sunflower, olive, or nut oil, cold pressing by. As improve digestion eat often, small portions by, and in diarrhea avoid sweets, fat meal. And effective plants recipes also helping in IBS.
Weak for walls muscles bowel and meteorism fight use one tea.sp. dried mint piperine in glass for the hot water, infuse 15 min, use one glass for 2 times a day in 2 hours after meal.
And in meteorism, diarrhoea with as chop and mix 20 gr of yarrow herb, shoots of horsetail field, ten gr of wormwood bitter, one tbl.sp. mass add in glass of hot water, infuse are 2 hours, use warm 0.5 glass for 4 times a day before meal.
As in peritoneum  spasms, improve digestion use one tbl.sp. fruits or herb dill add in 2 glasses of the hot water, infuse for 2 hours, use warm 0.5 glass for 3 times a day before meal.
And psychoemotional condition improve a recipe.
Chop and mix 4 parts of calluna, 3 parts leonurus, cudweed, part of roots valeriana, and one tbl.sp. mass add in glass for the hot water, infuse hour, use one tbl.sp. for 4 times a day as in not depending from a meal time.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3c7C0qU
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