#pudu tries to art
the-mute-magician · 5 years
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tried posting this earlier and tumblr chose to screw me over.. rip. now I have to rewrite their entire bio ;; here’s my fan apprentice! I spent way, WAY too long drawing this. but i’m proud of how it came out, even though it’s not an exact replica of the arcana art style lmao. their full bio is under the cut!
Full Name: Ume Kanaan Nicknames: ‘Yam’, Ube Age: Young Adult, visually 23-25 Birthday: March 15th Height: 4’10 Gender: Nonbinary Pronouns: They/Them, occasionally he/him Alignment: Neutral Good Occupation: Magician, Exotic Dancer at night Physical health: Cataracts, Mutism Mental health PTSD, Gender Dysphoria 
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Ume is a kind, attentive person. They come off as rather gentle and laidback while at the same time being energetic and passionate about themself and the people around them. They’re pacifistic and avoid being violent when they can, generally believing that most situations can be resolved without violence.
Upon first meeting, it’s not very uncommon for people to assume that Ume is a bit clueless — childish even. Ume doesn’t mind this for the most part, but they can and will set the record straight real quick if someone assumes that this means they’re unintelligent or easy to take advantage of. They’re stronger willed than they let on and won’t hesitate to prove their maturity if they have to.
(to be extended/edited when i have more time lmao)
{Relationships/Ship Dynamics}
Wip, but their main love interest is Muriel!
They use a glamour to give their chest/torso a flat/more masculine appearance. They generally always keep the glamour on to keep their dysphoria in check, though they’ll take it off if it’s not as bad as usual or they’re with someone they truly trust.
Regarding their mutism, the exact cause of it isn’t really known. They can speak quietly or in short sentences, but it generally brings them pain or at the very least discomfort to do so. They prefer to communicate through noises and body language rather than their voice.
They’re very fond of floral based food and drinks, and because of this their breath often smells like flowers. Sometimes they eat flowers by themselves as a light snack! Their favorite flower flavors are rose, lavender, and amaranth.
They prefer to be barefoot when they’re not actively traveling. Especially at the palace and in the forest.
They usually tend to avoid exposing the fact that they’re a dancer — they won’t deny it if caught or confronted, but won’t go out of their way to tell people about it.
Their familiar is a pudu fawn named Inkosi!
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